Progress Report

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Sep 20, 2013 ... Samudrapur, Dist. Wardha. 98 ...... ¼vkjksX;kckcr xkokrhy fLFkrh& 'kkSpky;] Lukux `g] ey@fo”Bk foYgsokV O;oLFkk½. 2. Total Sanitation ...

Progress Report July - September 2013

M S Swaminathan Research Foundation III Cross Road, Taramani Institutional Area Chennai – 600113, INDIA

Quarterly Report (July-September 2013)

Project Title: Towards Empowerment of Women Farmers in Vidarbha

PIA: M S Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai Following is a brief account of the work done in the project during the quarter, JulySeptember 2013, on various thematic areas:

1. Institution Building: 1) Formation of new women farmers groups: During July- September 2013, a total of 25 women farmers groups have been formed bringing 310 women farmers under the programme fold. The programme covers 3265 members in the districts of Wardha and Yavatmal as on September 2013. The target that has been set for group formation in the project has been achieved by September 2013. Therefore, henceforth no efforts shall be made towards formation of new women farmers’ group in the project.

Table 1. Total Membership Under the Programme till September 2013 Blocks

No. of Villages

No. of

Women No.

Farmers’ Groups






















Wardha Hinganghat


2) Capacity Building of Women Farmers: Grassroots Institution Building Activity

Sessions Women Farmers’ Groups covered Training on Interface skills 07 60 Training on record keeping 06 39 Awareness on local self-governance 12 32 Awareness and orientation on the importance of federation 79 200 Awareness Creation on Women Rights 01 05 Sustainable Agriculture Activity Training on soil and water conservation practices Demonstration on integrated pest management (yellow sticky traps/pheromone traps/Bird stands) Demonstration on plant extract preparation Knowledge connectivity through voice message/ phone-in programme/helpline Field day Training cum Exposure visit KVK, Shelsura, Wardha APMC, Deoli Magan Sangralay Center Girad, Tq. Samudrapur, Dist. Wardha Cattle vaccination camp

Women Farmers covered 216 109 256 1426 49

Women farmers covered 1214 1762 1827 150 72 98

03 camps

3) Household food and nutrition security Activity Women farmers covered Awareness programmes on food security issues 1437 Health camps 481 Demonstrations on sarai cooker 318 Demonstrations on water filter 258 Demonstrations on kitchen garden layout 312 Awareness on CHF Program (soak pit, garbage management, 30 sanitation and de-worming) Three of our team members participated and benefited by attending the residential training on Sustainable Agriculture organised by SERP, Andhra Pradesh in Hyderabad.

We are happy to record that DRDA Wardha has recognised the contributions made by the MKSP programme and makes it a point to include MSSRF-MKSP villages in their itinerary whenever they have visitors from the State/Centre/World Bank/etc. Officials from MSRLM have visited our project villages during this quarter. 2   

The third meeting of the programme advisory committee was held on July 10, 2013 at Nagpur under the chairmanship of Prof. M. S. Swaminathan. While the progress of the programme was well appreciated by the members of the PAC, they also provided critical inputs for strengthening the programme. Following the PAC meeting a field visit was organised for the MoRD representative, Mr. Alok De. He visited three villages and had detailed interaction with the members of women farmers’ groups. On the basis of his visit, Mr. Alok De provided very useful suggestions to take the programme forward. The third Common Facility Centre in this project has been set up in village Vihirgaon in Yavatmal District. This was inaugurated on the 12th of July 2013 in the presence of Mr. Alok De, MoRD.

Dr. Chhaya Datar, from Mumbai undertook a mid-term evaluation of the project and submitted a detailed report on the following: 1. The nature and extent of empowerment experienced by women farmers in MKSP. a) The attitudinal and behavioural changes pertaining to self esteem, self confidence, decision making, clarity in thinking, transfer of knowledge into action (adoption practices) etc. of women farmers. b) How far MKSP has helped in minimizing risks in their livelihood and enhancing their economic condition.

2. Guidelines on steps needed for improving and strengthening MKSP, in consonance with the programme’s goal and objectives.

3. Gender indicators to be used in the programme She sums up the report with a succinct comment which goes as follows - “Sashaktikaran is progressing in Wardha and one can see hope springing up in the life of women farmers. The widowed farmers too are no more distressed. They have found friends in Jagrit Shetkari Mahila Samiti”. She has noted that the programme is extremely popular among samiti members in particular the activities relating to Sustainable Agriculture, Kitchen Garden and common facility centre where farmers can rent agricultural implements. She suggested that the programme should promote collective purchase of inputs and sale of output on a larger 3   

scale. She also indicated the need to device activities to address the specific needs of the landless.

Community Hunger Fighters An integrated community centred approach to address malnutrition related issues through volunteers from within the village community designated as Community Hunger Fighters (CHFs) has been initiated in the three MKSP model villages – Lonsawali, Sonagaon Bai and Vihirgaon - during this quarter. The goal of the CHF programme is to bring about an impact on the health and nutritional status of the children, women and men of the selected villages. The programme shall work with the following objectives: •

impart nutrition literacy to the community;

educate and promote health and hygiene practices;

advocate simple and doable measures largely based on local grains and vegetables to address malnutrition related issues;

facilitate better access to the existing government entitlements related to nutrition, health, and education.


Initial Phase of Community Hunger Fighter Programme June, 2013 To access need and prevailing village conditions along with present government policies to address the malnutrition and health issues, the meeting focusing on proper formulation of CHF project was organized on 2nd February 2012 in the premises of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Rural Industrialization, Wardha. Total 20 participants representing government departments, hospitals, colleges and NGOs actively participated in the meeting. The meeting was carried out in the presence of Dr. Rukmani, Programme Director, Food Security,M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) Chennai. The points discussed in the meeting were criteria for selection of CHFs, role of CHFs and subjects to be focused under the activity. The goal of the Community Hunger Fighters (CHF) programme is to bring about an impact on the health and nutritional status of the children, women and men of the selected villages. For achieving this goal, it was decided that village level volunteers- the CHFs, will be engaged in two major activities 

Creating awareness on issues pertaining to food and nutrition security

Facilitating entitlements pertaining to food and nutrition security

It was decided that Community Hunger Fighters would be chosen through Gram Sabha or the Village Council, so that they derive their authority from the people of that area and CHFs would comprise of women and men from Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes and Other Castes in order to ensure social inclusiveness in the programme with a ratio of one CHF per 50 households. Criteria decided for selection of CHF was as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

She/He should be resident of the particular village She/He should be above 30 yrs of age She/He should be at least 10th passed There should be wiliness from her /his family to let her/him work as a CHF. She/He should possess good communication capacity She should not be a CRP or VRP in MKSP

Three villages which are considered to be developed as model villages by MSSRF were selected for carrying out CHF activities. Two villages are in Wardha district i.e. Lonsavali of Wardha taluk and Sonegaon (Bai) of Deoli taluk. One village is from Ralegaon taluk of Yawatmal district i.e. Vihirgaon. In the month of June the concern of work was to create awareness in these villages selected for running pilot activities under CHF programme. For this village level meeting were organized for all samiti members in all villages on following dates.

15.06.2013 20.06.2013 21.06.2013

Lonsavali Vihirgaon Sonegaon (Bai)

In these meetings Mr. Kishor Jagtap, Project Co-ordinator, discussed about activities to be carried out under CHF programme and process to be followed for selection of CHFs. He also requested the participants to get actively involved in the proper nomination of CHFs. Sonali Phate gave information about CHF programme, role of CHFs, their selection criteria and discussed about the actions to be taken for reducing malnutrition among women and children. Mr. Prabhakar Pusadkar, Training Co-ordinator, enriched participants with the prevailing issues pertaining to food security, malnutrition and effect of dirty surrounding on health. Beside these meeting the discussion on the initializing CHF programme in these villages was vigorously carried out in samiti meeting and village level events under MKSP project. After this round of awareness creation meetings of nomination of CHFs. 27.06.2013 28.06.2013 29.06.2013

village council were conducted on following dates for Vihirgaon Lonsavali Sonegaon (Bai)

Meetings of Vihirgaon was the special Gram Sabhas. Mr. Kishor Jagtap, Sonali Phate and Mr. Prabhakar Pusadkar discussed on importance of the programme, need of proper identification of village volunteers i.e. CHFs and finally asked for their consent to carry forward this programme in their respective villages. In all three villages after understanding the importance and objectives of CHF programme villagers raised their positive consent that this programme should be run for their village. They actively participated in nomination of the CHFs and list of nominees was obtained as 10 per village. In these Gram Sabhas staff and volunteers of other working organizations were also present. In Sonegaon (bai) there was a staff of organization from Ahmadabad. They all appreciated the way of identification of village volunteers. They said that this was for the first time they were noticing election of volunteers through Gram Sabha. The members of village council were also happy that they were given respect and chance to act in the selection of CHFs. All the nominated persons were called for an interview in the office. First they faced written interviews and then they were interviewed personally. The interviews were designed and carried out by Mr. Kishor Jagtap, Mr. Prabhakar Pusadkar and Sonali Phate. Out of total nominees 6 persons from each village were selected to work as CHFs considering their subject understanding along with skills of communication and writing. List of selected CHFs is enclosed in annexure (Table no. 1)

Activity Photographs Photographs of Samiti Meetings Meeting of Vihirgaon

Meeting of Sonegaon (Bai)

Meeting of Lonsavli

Photographs of Village Council Meetings Meeting of Vihirgaon

Meeting of Sonegaon (Bai)

Meeting of Lonsavli

Photographs of Interviews Written Interviews

Personal Interviews

Village Activities and Trainings Carried Out During July - August, 2013 Orientation training was organized for CHFs, VRPs, CRPs, ASHA workers and Aganwadi workers on 4 th of July, 2013. Along with Sonali Phate, Prabhakar Pusadkar and Shri. Pramod Bahulekar, Senior Social Scientist and Joint Director of Department of Community Medicine of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sewagram participated in the training. Discussion on the concept of CHF programme and responsibilities of CHFs was carried out by Sonali Phate. Shri. Pramod Bahulekar discussed the gaps in awareness creation among the villagers and negative attitude of people regarding the aspects of health and nutrition. He also guided the participants how they can make way out of the difficulties they might face while implementing the programme and bring out the expected change in their respective villages. He assured the participants that he will be helping them whenever they need help. Shri. Prabhakar Pusadkar discussed the formats of baseline survey. The formats designed for collection of baseline information is enclosed in the annexure (Table no. 2 & 3). This central level orientation training was followed by village level orientations in all three villages. In these village orientations there was a discussion on concept of the programme and field testing of baseline formats. Besides filling baseline formats focus group discussion was carried out in all villages according to finalized guidelines. These FGDs were carried out by Shri. Prabhakar Pusadkar. The main points came out from the FGDs were as follows Extract of FGD in Lonsavali 1. Total number of household in the village is 268. Out of which only 40 families have latrines and are using . There are 50 latrines which are partially constructed under government schemes. Only 15 % population is using latrines and rest is using open space besides the farms and road sides. 2. There are 135 soak pits constructed by Gram Panchayat still we find house waste water running on the roads. 3. There are 80 % of total population of women are anemic. The problem is also noticeably high in children. 4. As a result of increased use of weedicide the availability and consumption of nutritious wild vegetables is reduced considerably. 5. There are gaps in receiving services of health department in the village. 6. The women are not happy with the food provided in the Aganwadi and school. They say that there are no vegetables and many times the food (Khichadi) is half cooked. 7. There is serious irregularity in receiving entitled grains through village Rashan shop. 8. The villagers availed health insurance of Sevagram hospital through the intervention of MSSRF. Extract of FGD in Sonegaon (Bai) 1. Total number of households in village is 319. There is construction of 150 latrines. Out of which only 100 are in use. Rest of population is using space on road sides. Only 70 families have well covered bathrooms. 2. There are only 2 soak pits in the village. There are nearly 300 garbage heaps along the road sides of the village.

3. The percentage of anaemic women in the village is between 60 % to 70 %. The prevalence of anaemia is also high in children. 4. The Take Home Ration provided by Aganwadi is of expired date so the villagers don’t consume them. This is used for feeding live stocks. 5. The villagers don’t consume cucumber and radish for 4 months of years because of misconceptions. 6. Occurrence of malaria and diarrhoea is high in June, July and August. 9. As a result of increased use of weedicide the availability and consumption of nutritious wild vegetables is reduced considerably. 7. PHC is in another village that is at 15 km distance from Sonegaon (Bai). So villagers are facing difficulties in accessing the services of health department. 8. The villagers are not satisfied with the food provided in the school. 9. Distribution of Rashan is biased and the villagers from neighbouring village (Adegaon) use to take most of the Rashan stock. 10. The villagers availed health insurance of Sevagram hospital through the intervention of MSSRF. Extract of FGD in Vihirgaon 1. Out of total 283 household only 2 families have latrines and using it. Others are using open space for defecation. There are only 5 bathrooms which are well covered from all sides. 2. There are 25 newly constructed soak pits. The drainage lines are choked and Gram Panchayat is saying that the availability of funds is too low to maintain the systems. 3. 80 % of women and children are anaemic in the village. 4. Occurrence of Malaria and Flu is more in the months of June, July and August. 5. There is no frequent transport service working for the village. Villagers have to walk about 6 km to get the vehicle. 6. As a result of increased use of weedicide the availability and consumption of nutritious wild vegetables is reduced considerably. 7. The villagers are not satisfied with food provided in schools and Aganwadi. 8. No one is under BPL in the village. The villagers were complaining about performance of the Rashan shop of the village. 9. The villagers availed health insurance of Sevagram hospital through the intervention of MSSRF. The first task carried out by CHFs was the household survey and classification of village households as 50 families per CHFs. For this village level meetings for conduction field testing of baseline forms were organized in all three villages. On 17th – 18th July, 2013 there was a organization of training at central level on Importance of Deworming and Concept of Kitchen Gardening for Improving HB level in blood. CHFs, VRPs, CRPs and Asha workers of three villages participated in the training. Sonali Phate, Shri. Prabhakar Pusadkar and Ms. Suchita Ingole acted as resource persons in this training programme. During the training with the help of slide show it was explained that worm manifestation makes us sick and have long term effect on reduction of level of Hb in the blood. Along with this there was discussion on consumption of green leafy vegetables

and growing kitchen garden in backyard for improvement in health status. A practical demonstration was organized in Sevagram Ashram for lay-outing kitchen garden and proper method of sowing seeds or planting seedlings. There was demonstration of measuring of Hb level, height and weight of a person in the training with the help of simple instruments. This was followed by organization of village level orientations for awareness creation regarding importance of deworming. Health workers of the village i.e. Asha and ANM were invited for participation in these orientations. The posters prepared by MSSRF for creating awareness about deworming were exhibited in different areas of the village during whole month. Similarly pamphlets of information were also distributed on the day of these orientations. There was distribution of deworming tables in the villages. MSSRF shared 300 deworming tables which were distributed in presence of health worker of the respective villages. In Vihirgaon 100 % population was covered by distributing deworming tablets which were availed from health department. The total number of tablets availed from health department were 1000. In Sonegaon (bai) 650 tables were availed from health department and all children up to 6 years of age received tablets through Aganwadi thus covering 100 % population of the village. But in Lonsavali the health department did not co-operated. To resolve this, Shri. Kishor Jagtap and Sonali Phate discussed the issue with taluka health officer, district health officer and deputy director of health to get their help. As a result Taluka health officer promised to help for making sufficient tables available to achieve deworming of 100 % population. During orientation at Vihirgaon one child raised his hand and asked for help to construct latrines in the village. Villagers decided in the meeting to submit the proposal to BDO of the area for latrine construction. They prepared the proposal in the Gram Sabha and submitted to BDO. Block development officer now sanctioned the proposal for construction of latrines for every household. This is the outstanding achievement of the activity carried out and level of awareness achieved in the village.

Activity Photographs Orientation on 4th July, 2013

Focused Group Discussion Lonsavali


Central Level Training On Deworming and Kitchen Gardening 17th – 18th July, 2013 Classroom Session on Kitchen Gardening

Classroom Session on Kitchen Gardening

Demonstration of Height – Weight Machine

Practical of Land Preparation for Kitchen Gardening

Demonstration of HB testing Instrument

Practical of Lay – Outing for Kitchen Gardening

View of Participants

Classroom Session on Deworming

Practical of Mulching and Sowing seeds

View of Participants

Village level Orientation On Deworming and Kitchen Gardening Orientation in Lonsavli

Orientation in Sonegaon (Bai)

Orientation in Vihirgaon

Exhibition of Posters in Lonsavli

Exhibition of Posters in Sonegaon (Bai)

Exhibition of Posters in Vihirgaon

Distribution of Tablets in Lonsavli

Distribution of Tablets in Sonegaon (Bai)

Distribution of Pamphlets

Activities of August - September, 2013 In the month of August on 22nd and 23rd, training on Garbage management was organized at central level. Participants were CHFs from three villages. With the help of power point presentation Sonali Phate explained the importance of garbage management and discussed the various ways to manage the solid waste generated in the village. Then the participants were divided into three groups and given a task to identify the sanitation problem in their village and think of solution to it. After discussion for about one hour the participants presented their views in front of the others. The group discussion helped the participants understand the subject more clearly and realize the importance of garbage management in the village. They decided to create awareness on following points. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Cutting the nails regularly Wearing foot wears on roads Using latrines for defecation Preparing soak pits Installing separate collection units for non degradable material and degradable material in each household Stop washing the clothes, cleaning domestic animals and vehicles in the rivers or streams Discussing with villages disadvantages of immersion of Ganpati and Durga in the rivers or streams Washing hands carefully with soap or ash after defecation Using household waste water in kitchen gardens for irrigation Painting messages on walls to culture good habits. Eg. ‘ Do not Spit here’ or ‘ Urination is prohibited here’ or ‘Do not pollute the water source’ etc. Always cover your food

During the course of training an exposure visit to Centre of Science for Villages was organized. Participants visualized different economic models of latrines, soak pits and composting units during this visit. They also visited various departments of organization like bee management, handmade paper making, preparation of water filters and making of bullock car with valve bearing to reduce the drudgery of oxen. After this exposure visit Shri. Prabhakar Pusadkar explained the engineering of soak pit and latrine construction. Along with this he also discussed the importance of having a soak pit in the house to recharge water into the soil. He also guided the participants that they can grow fruit trees along the sides of soak pits. He also discussed that we can organize training for the interested persons who can work as mesons for latrine construction in the village. Many of the participants showed interest in undergoing this type of training. The participants demanded organization of village level training on construction of separate units for collection of non degradable material and degradable material which will help them create awareness among the villagers. For effective extension of this activity village level trainings were organized in all three villages. For creating awareness practical demonstrations were done in the villages with the help of villagers for installing simple garbage separation unit. Along with this posters prepared by MSSRF were exhibited in

different areas of the village. After these village level trainings CHFs decided that they will cover almost all household for installation of these garbage separation units within three months. They were also provided with the survey forms for counting number of latrine, bathrooms and soak pits in their respective villages. In the month of September training on entitlement schemes and communication skills was organized on 20thand 21st for all CRPs, VRPs, CHFs and staff of MKSP. The participants were CHFs and CRPs, VRPs from all 60 villages. In the introductory session Sonali Phate briefly discussed about working criteria and work carried out till August in Community Hunger Fighter Programme Schemes of four government departments were discussed during the training. Shri. Rajendra Bhelawe from social welfare department illustrated the schemes of the department. He discussed the schemes of student scholarships for backward classes of society. He also discussed the schemes of residential hostels and Ashram schools for backward classes of society. Then he illustrated the schemes of Ramai Awas Yojana, Schemes for socially exploited class of society and event of Common marriage. Shri. K. V. Gokhale, Project officer from Integrated Child Development Schemes (ICDS) discussed the level of malnutrition among the villages of Wardha district, criteria of classification of underweight children into different categories. He also discussed working of Aganwadi and details of scheme run by the department. Dr. Sunatkari, Taluka Health Officer, illustrated the different schemes of health department like Janani Suraksha Yojana, HB testing, help to the patients suffering from chronic diseases, etc. Mrs. Manda Bhondawe, M S Swaminathan Research Foundation discussed schemes run by Tahasil office like Aam Admi Vima Yojana, National family welfare schemes and Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana. These sessions were conducted through interactions between government officers and participants. As all CRPs and VRPs working under MKSP project were participating in the training, review of the working structure as expected under project and existing realities at the level of CRPs and VRPs was carried out by Project Co-ordinator, Shri. Kishor Jaktap. Shri. Prashant Deokar shared the best practices adopted by some women farmers in agriculture and benefits they received through adoption of these practices. Shri. Ketan Mendhule, Senior Technical Assistant illustrated the process to be followed for identification and process of building farm based enterprises in the villages. The sessions on communication skills were handled by Shri. Prabhakar Pusadkar. He introduced the participants with the help of power point presentation to importance of communication skill, need of developing communication skill to spread the message effectively, qualities to be inculcated in an individual to be a good communicator, problems in better communication and effective ways of communication with the society as a social worker, A small exercise was given to the participants in which they were asked to write about their ideas of village development keeping in mind their responsibilities as CRPs, VRPs and CHFs. This 10 minutes exercise was used to identify the working areas for creating awareness in the villages. Based on this they were given subjects for preparing and presenting street plays in front of other participants. Participants were divided into group of 10 and subjects like gram sabha, interaction with panchayat members for availing entitlements, liquor prohibition, spreading message of sanitation through common village programmes, etc. A group of CRPs was given an exercise to find answer to one common question. Each of them was provided a different clue to get the answer. This exercise helped to understand

the importance of working as a team for achieving outstanding results. From these exercises all participants learnt about various ways to spread a specific message in the village effectively. Besides this they all enjoyed preparing street plays and work with co-ordination. As they were given only 30 minutes for preparing street play they learnt how to act when there is an urgency of the situation. Superintendent of Police was in the premises of venue (Yatri Niwas, Sevagram) for inspection of place and managing security for the planned visit of Mr. Rahul Gandhi. The participants were playing street plays in the hall on ‘ Liquor Prohibition’. He was listening to the voice and dialogues of the street play. After he finished his work, he called out the representatives of MSSRF and appreciated the activity and enthusiasm of the participants as they were together speaking out slogans loudly with all of their spirit. He discussed and requested project coordinator that MSSRF should organize such type of orientation for them also. This evidence raised confidence of staff and all participants felt happy that their efforts were noticed with appreciation from D.S.P.

Activity Photographs Central Level Training On Garbage Management 22nd – 23rd August, 2013

Group Discussion

Exposure Visit To CSV (Model of Soak pit)

Group Discussion

Exposure Visit To CSV (Model of latrine)

Presentation By Participant

Exposure Visit To CSV (Model of compost pit)

Village level Orientation On Deworming and Kitchen Gardening

Demonstration in Vihirgaon

Demonstration in Sonegaon (Bai)

Exposure Visit To CSV (Model of Soak pit)

Poster exhibition in Sonegaon (bai)

Poster exhibition in Lonsavli

Central Level Training On Entitlement Schemes and Communication Skills 20th – 21st September, 2013

Rajendra Bhelave from Social Welfare Department

K. V. Gokhale from ICDS

Dr. Sunatkari from Health Department

Manda Bhondawe’s Presentation

Session of Shri. Kishor Jagtap

Session of Shri. Prabhakar Pusadkar

Presentation of Street Play

Presentation of Street Play

Presentation of Street Play

Participants View

Participants View

Participants View

Annexure Table 1 : List of CHFs selected Name of Village: Vihirgaon Ta. Ralegaon, Dist. Yavatmal Age in Name of CHF Education Years

Caste Category


Mrs. Chhabu R. Raut





Mrs. Manisha M. Yerkade





Mrs. Manda Shelwate





Mr. Ranchandra S Gedam





Mr. Pramod Chandrabhanji Nehare





Mr. Rama Vithal Chandekar




Name of Village: Lonsawali,Ta. Wardha, Dist. Wardha Age in Name of CHF Education Yrs

Caste Category

Experience and skill Farming & Writing Farming, Active in Samiti Member in school committee Farming Active in Samiti Nursery, labor Socially active Farm Labor, ITI-welding, Acted as chairperson of Tanta Mukti (Dispute free village campaign) Nursery, trading-glassware Socially active, communication skill Experience and skill

Contact Number 9158372106 7507116975 9822431638 8390075716 7507116975 7798465737 9158857184 7507116974 9158158971 9673499980 9371075917 Contact Number


Mrs. Suchita Namdeo Landge




Work in project CSA and Active, communication, Divorcee



Mrs. Vasudeo Madhukar Kale





9970882631 9637904715


Mrs. Savita Vijayrao Kumare





Mrs. Maya Rashtrapal Patil





Mrs. Vanita Ramesh Yesansure





Mr. Vinod Vasanrao Punwatkar




Hotel Management & Farming

Caste Category SC

Experience and skill

Name of Village: Sonegaon (Bai), Ta. Deoli, Dist. Wardha Age in Name of CHF Education Yrs 1. Mrs. Maya Naresh Patil 35 10th 2.

Mrs. Shalini Prakash Gaikawad





Mrs. Rasika Shalikrao Gawande





Mrs. Sandhya Khaparede





Mrs. Rekha Sunilrao Padine





Mr. Sunil Mahadeorao Uikey




Farming, Active in samiti, Understanding level is good Farming and Member of Village Education Committee Farming and Live in Kolam hamlet, Active in samiti

Active in Social work Some experience with project on Adolescent girls (UNICEF) Deserted living with Mother. Farming and Active in samiti Handy craft-ITI and Active in samiti Farming & Farm labour, Active Samiti member Farming & Sport Active in Social work

7709301567 7507556107 9960042982 9527307157 9960042982 7507556107 Contact Number 9049728415 9764274873 9011533990 7709586134 7350830609 9527279320

Survey Code No. -------------------------------Address .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contact No.----------------------------------------

Table no. 2 : Baseline Survey Formats

,e-,l-LokfeukFku fjlpZ QkÅUMs’ku

jkeuxj] o/kkZ&442001 vk/kkjHkwr losZ{k.k (Base line Survey) v-

xkolaca/kh (Village information) 1 xkao (Village)---------------xzkeiapk;r(Gram Panchyat)--------------rkyqdk(Block)-----------------ftYgk(District)------------------


dqVqcklaca/kh ekfgrh% izeq[kkps uko (Head of the family)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1




fyax (Gender )

oSokfgd fLFkrh (Marital status)

‘kS{kf.kd Lrj (Education)

/keZ (Religion)

1. iq#"k Mal e 2. L=h Fem ale

1. vfookfgr Unmarried 2. fookfgr Married 3. fo/kok Widow 4. foÒDr Separated 5. ifjrDR;k Desert

1. fuj{kj Illiterate 2. izkFkfed Primary Edu 3. 10 oh SSC 4. 12 oh HSC 5. inoh Graduate 6. inO;qRrj Postgraduate

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

fgUnq Hindu eqLyhe Muslim ckS) Boudh f[kz’pu Christian tSu Jain

5 LkoxZ (Category)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


6 Tkkrh@ Tkekrh (Caste & tribe) Actual





O;olk; (Profession)

tksM O;olk; (Additiona l activities)

nkfjæÓ js”kk (Poverty line)

Ekkr` Hkk”kk (Mother tongue)

1. ’ksrh Farming 2. ’ksrh o etwjh Farming &Labour 3. ’ksretwjh Farm lbour 4. etwjh brj Lobour general 5. Lo;ajkstxkj@ Dkjkxhjh Self employment/Artis an 6. Ukksdjh Service 7. O;kikj@/kank Business


1. BPL 2. APL

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


ejkBh Marathi fgUnh Hindi rsyxw Telgu dUuM Kannad vkfnoklh Tribal (Kolami, Gondi)

11 dqVqac izdkj (Family type)

1. la;qDr Joint 2. foHkDr Separate

12 ,dw.k mIiUUk okf”kZd (Annual Income) 1. 24000 i;Zar Up to 2. 48000 i;Zar Up to 3. 72000 i;Zar Up to 4. 108000 i;Zar Up to 5. 108000 P;k oj above



dekoR;k O;Drh (Earner members)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

lnL; lnL; lnL; lnL; lnL; lnL;

1No 2 No 3 No 4 No 5 No 6 No


?kjkpk izdkj (Type of House)

Ekkydh ?kjkph (Ownership of house)

1. iDds ¼flesVa ++foVk ½ RCC/Ce ment 2. dPps ¼ekrh+foVk++nx M½ Mud House 3. >ksiMh ¼xor+iky++rjV½ Hut

1. Lor%ps Own 2. fdjk;kps Hire 3. rkRiwjrs Temporary


lks;h lqfo/kk

(Infrastructural Facilities)

16 fi.;kps miyC/krk

17 O;oLFkk

18 dpÚ;kph foYgsokV

(Drinking water)

(Waste water arrangement)

(Garbage management)

1. foghj Wells 1. Ekkssjh Drain 2. uG 2. ‘kks”k[kM~Mk Soak Pit ¼O;fDrxr 3. Ukkyh ¼xzk½ Tap (Personal) ia½ DrainsVillage 3. uG Council/GP ¼lkoZtfu 4. jLrk Road d½ Tap 5. Mcds (Public) Small pond 4. dwiufydk Hand pump

19 ‘kkSpky;

20 ukyh O;oLFkk


(Drainage system)

21 jLR;kaph lks;

fo|qr O;oLFkk


1. vkgs o 1. ;ksX; vkgs 1. ?kjki;Zar Proper okijkr iDdk Up 2. iMhr tkxk to home 2. Ukknq # Lr Not vkgs Yes, in cement Waste land well use Road 3. ukyhr In 3. xkG o 2. nq l Ú;kpk 2. dPpk drain dpjk ?kjpk jLrk 4. daiksLV lkpysyk Track okij Vkds dump Neighbour Compost Pit 3. ekrhpk use jLrk 5. iMoh@jLrk 3. m?kMÓkoj A dirt road Road/Backsid 1. mfdjMk

Rubbisg heap



4. cka/kdke In construction


Okkgu O;oLFkk

24 oS|dh; lqfo/kk

25 oS|dh; foek


(Transport system)

(Medical facility)

(Medical insurance)

1. Lor%ps feVj vkgs

1. lkoZtfud 1. midsUæ

Own meter



Sub Centre

2. [kktxh

2. izkFk-vkdsUæ PHC 3. Lkeq-vkdsUæ CHC 4. [kktxh MkWDVj

2. nqlÚ;kdMwu 3. O;fDrxr lks; Private

from neighbour

3. ukgh

No connection

4. izfØ;k lq# In process


Private Doctor

5. oSnw@Òxr Quak

1. nok[kuk Hospital

2. vkjksX;

foek daiuh Health insurance co.

3. laLFkk Institution

4. vU; Other

M- vkjksX; fo”k;d dqVqackph ekfgrh

(Health status of the family)

BMI= Wt/H2

Hb (Age) (Family Members)


(Gender) (PD)

(Education) )

(Weigh t)


fgekXyks fcu (Blood Group)



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

çfrlkndkps uko o lgh izx.kd@losZ{kd

(Respondent Name & Signature)

(Surveyor Name& Signature)



% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Supervisor Name & signature)



Q- xkokrhy okf”kZd vkjksX; nf’kZdk Matrix Ranking of Health in vkjksX; eqn~nk Health issue & Problem in the villages




Tkkusokjh Qjojh ekpZ January February March

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

‘ksjk Remark

ekSleh o ekgokj Seasonal/Month wise 4









,fizy April

es May

twu June

tqyS July

vkWxLV lIVsacj vkWDVkscj uksOgscj fMlsacj August September October November December

Hk- vkgkj fo”k;d leh{k.k (Nutrition Data)& vUu inkFkkZpk okij o R;kaph okjaokfjrk Food used in family & its frequency xko

(Village) %---------------------------

Ø fooj.k (Particular)

Non Vegetarian

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

ekal Meat/ fpdu Chicken Ekkls Fish vaMh Eggs


6. v[[ks /kkU;&rkanwG] Cereal-Rice nGysys /kkU;&xgw] Wheat cktjh] edk]Tokjh Millet- Maize, Jowar, Bajara nq/k Milk nqX/ktU; inkFkZ&ngh] rkd Curds, Butter milk vk;ksfMu;qDr ehB Iodized salt 7. pgk@dkWQh Tea/Coffee ukLrk&iksgs] miek Snacks-Poha, Upama 8. [kwi rGysys inkFkZ Fried food 9. xksM inkFkZ&xqG] lk[kj Sweet-Jaggery, Sugar xksM inkFkZ&r;kj dsysys oMÓk] ykMw Sweet-comfit, Laddu 10. MkG&rwj] puk Pulses-pigeon peas, Gram


vkBoMÓkyk ia/kjokMk



fdrh osGk*

fdrh osGk* fdrh osGk*


(Fortnightly) (Monthly)

fdrh osGk*



(Occasionally) (Remark)

fdrh osGk*

dM/kkU;&ewx] mMhn] elwj Legume-Green gram, Blackgram, lentil 11. mlG&eksV] eVdh] oVk.ks] pus Moth, Mataki, green pea, gram 12. Lkq[koysY;k HkkT;k&vackMh] xokj Dry Vegetable Lkq[koysyh QGs fdaok [kqyk&okaxh] vkacs Dry fruit & pieces vegetable fruit brinjal, mango

eqxoMÓk]ikiM]dqjMÓk]& Mugvadi, Papad, Kurdya 13. fgjO;k ikysHkkT;k Green Vegetables QGHkkT;k&okaxh] VekVs] Vegetable-Brinjal, Tomato brj dPP;k ÒkT;k&lkackj] fejph Green VegetableCoriander, chilli

dPPks dan&xktj] jrkGh Tuber-Carrot, sugarbit 14. QGs&æk{ks] dsGh] flrkQG]is# Fruits-Grapes, Banana, Custard apple, Guava, Papaya

15. rsyfc;k &’ksaxnk.ks]rhG]tol

Oilseed&Nuts- Groundnut, sesame,


16. rsy&tol] lks;kfcu] ‘ksaxnk.kk Oil-Linseed, Soybean,Groundnut, 17. lq[kk esok&dktw] cknke Dryfruits-Cashewnut,Almond 18. rqi] [kok] Ghee, Khawa * Time interval/times

Table 3 :Guideline or schedule for FGD of Samiti, various Mandal & different age groups On Nutrition, Sanitation, Health & hygiene 1.

Health Status of the village- Toilet condition, Bathroom, sewerage system

¼vkjksX;kckcr xkokrhy fLFkrh& ‘kkSpky;] Lukux`g] ey@fo”Bk foYgsokV O;oLFkk½ 2.

Total Sanitation, Drainage system & garbage management

¼laiw.kZ LoPNrk] ukyhaph O;oLFkk] dpjk foYgsokV o O;oLFkkiu½ 3.

Women health aspect- Anaemia, Malnutrition, pregnancy care, new born child care ¼efgyk vkjksX;kckcr& jDr{k;] dqiks”k.k] xHkkZji.kkrhy dkGth] uotkr ckG

n{krk½ 4.

Children aspect- Deficiencies, malnutrition, diseases, major infection

¼ckydkaP;k vkjksX;kckcr &vHkkoxzLrrk] dqiks”k.k] jksxxzLrrk] lkekU; laØ vktkj½ 5.

Seasonal Health problem in village ¼ekSleh vkjksX;kps xkokrhy iz’u½


Nutrition, nutritional value, food habits, special food, variety of GLVs

¼vkgkj] iks”k.k rRo] Hkkstu&[kk| lo;h] fo’ks”k [kk|] fofo/k izdkjP;k ikysHkkT;k½ 7.

Need of awareness, training, nutrition literacy, facilities ¼tkx`rhph xjt]

izf’k{k.k] iks”k.k lk{kjrk o enr½ 8.

Availability of health services- sub centre, PHC, Anganwadi, private

¼vkjksX; lsokaph miyC/krk & midsUæ] izkFk-vk-dsUæ] vkax.kokMh] [kktxh½ 9.

Heath insurance- mediclaim, hospital ¼vkjksX; foek& esMhDyse] gkfLiVy O;oLFkk½


Any other health & Nutrition related problem in the villages - Sickle cell, Diabetes, Hypertension, scabies, worming etc. ¼xkokrhy

vU; vkjksX; o

iks”k.kklacaf/kr leL;k & fldylsy] e/kqesg] g`nÓfodkj] peZjksx fdaok [k#t] tar vkfn½ 11.

Mid Day Meal & Kitchen gardening in school e/;kUg Hkkstu o ‘kkGse/;s ijlckx


Public Distribution System- Availability of food grains & its quality lkoZtfud

forj.k ;a=.kk& /kkU; miyC/krk vkf.k /kkU;kph xq.koRrk

MSSRF‐MKSP activities July – September 2013

MSSRF‐MKSP activities  July – September 2013