equally, regardless of gender, in outsourcing translation services and in the project management team. ... 18. http://ww
Final Report Cover Page Project title:
River Basin Management in Lithuania
Recipient NGO:
Zvejone Environmental Club/Lithuanian Green Movement
Taiko ave. 42-3, Klaipėda, Lithuania
tel. no:
+370 685 72505
fax no: e-mail address:
[email protected]
Project Leader:
Jūratė Morkvėnaitė-Paulauskienė
Taiko ave. 42-3, Klaipėda, Lithuania
tel. no:
+370 685 72505
fax no: e-mail address:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Time frame:
Start: 1 July, 2016 End: 31 December, 2016
Date and Place:
27 January, 2017
Authorised signature: Title & Name in block letters: Jūratė Morkvėnaitė-Paulauskienė
Project Year 2016CCB 16: 3050-6/ ROC/ZvejoneAgr3050-6 (
Final Report Cover Page
Project Report Project title:
River Basin Management in
Recipient NGO:
Zvejone Environmental Club/Lithuanian Green Movement
Objectives: Describe if the objectives of the project have been achieved. Comment on the main reasons for divergences, if there are any. - Updating and transferring the methodology for the research on streams “The Nearby Rivers”; - - Organizing the environmental summer camp including training for RW leaders, and testing the upcoming River Watch Manual “The Nearby Rivers”; - - Organizing a seminar-discussion for teachers in order to present the methodology “The Nearby Rivers”, and to listen to their comments and proposals; - Support the goal to reach a good ecological water status (Overall objective). -
Target groups: describe what kind of people that have been influenced by the project and in what way. How were women affected? Were some groups influenced in a negative way? Was the target group involved in the project work - if not, why? Comment on divergences from the plan. How many people have been involved in the project? How many people have been reached by the project?
Biology and chemistry teachers, students and everyone who is interested in research on streams and water quality. The implementation of the project involved both women and men. During the implementation of the project, equal opportunities were ensured to all entities, participating in the project, in all project activities. Both men and women were treated equally, regardless of gender, in outsourcing translation services and in the project management team. Co-operation between the fund-raising and your own organisation: Describe how this cooperation has worked out. Have there been any problems or divergences? Cooperation with CCB was smooth, no problems have emerged.
Activities: Describe the activities of the project and their present condition. Comment on important divergences from the original plan. Include copies of materials produced during the implementation phase. 1. “The Nearby Rivers” publication has been revised and supplemented; the publication was supplemented by Dr. Tomas Ruginis, the Associate Professor at the University of Klaipeda.
2. The environmental sciences camp "Our Green Summer” was organized on June 28 to July 4, 2016 in Karklė, Klaipeda district. The camp was attended by 100 participants including teachers and students, list of participants Annex 2; the camp was financed by The Ministry of Environment and Coalition Clean Baltic. “River Watch” training was conducted during the camp, and the practical use of the methodology took place. The following trainings were conducted during the camp: “River Watch”, "The Baltic Sea Ecology", "Coastal Birds", and “Coexistence with Nature”. Summer camp program, Annex 1. The summer camp received great publicity on the national and regional press on the participants’ own initiative: There are nine articles in newspapers was published by participants about the camp in the press, Annex No.3 Articles on the Internet:
1. http://www.regionunaujienos.lt/zalioji-musu-vasara-sukviete-aktyviausius-jaunuosius-misko-biciulius/ 2. http://www.anyksta.lt/naujienos/naujienos/46324-sugrizus-is-stovyklos-mus-zaliojivasara
5. 6.
http://aina.lt/kaip-vasara-leido-azuolo-progimnazijos-jaunieji-misko-biciuliai-nuotraukos/ 7. 8. http://www.panrs.lt/go.php/lit/Zalioji-musu-vasara-sukviete-aktyviausius-jaunuosius--miskobiciulius 9. http://www.regionunaujienos.lt/zalioji-musu-vasara-sukviete-aktyviausius-jaunuosius-miskobiciulius/ 10. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.294489880901695&type=1 11. https://www.facebook.com/V%C4%AE-Panev%C4%97%C5%BEio-mi%C5%A1k%C5%B3ur%C4%97dija-560363090805084/photos/?tab=album&album_id=616095491898510 12. http://www.panmu.lt/lt/naujienos/naujienos/jmb_stovykla_zalioji_musu_vasara_.html 13. http://www.panmu.lt/lt/naujienos/jmb_naujienos/ 14. http://krastonaujienos.lt/2016/07/neuzmirstama-patirtis-jaunuju-misko-biciuliu-stovykloje/ 15. http://www.kaunoaleja.lt/nepamirstama-jaunuju-misko-biciuliu-stovykla/ 16. https://www.facebook.com/musulaikas/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1210990212266597 17. http://krasto.info/2016/07/16/zalioji-musu-vasara-sukviete-aktyviausius-jaunuosius-misko-biciulius/ 18. http://www.kaunmu.lt/index.php?id=1531
Photos form the camp, folder “camp’.
3. Teachers’ seminar, which included discussion and presentation of the publication “The Nearby Rivers”; prior to the seminar, all teachers had access to the publication, and could express their suggestions, remarks and praise for the developed methodology. Teachers were also introduced to the Russian translation of the methodology of the Research on Streams. The seminar was conducted on December 29, 2016. Photos from the teachers seminar.
4. Layout and design was prepared for the publication “The Nearby Rivers”; the publication is printed in 300 copies, and it can be found online in PDF format:
and in the webpager http://www.zvejone.lt/ Annex 4
Timetable: Describe if the project has been implemented according to the original timetable. Comment on important divergences. The project was completed on time; no deviations from the original schedule, i.e. 27 December 2016.
Budget and financing: Comment on if there have been any divergences and/or problems. Budgetary deviations include up to 10 percent between the lines. Gender – Present the goal for the work with gender in your organisation. Describe in what way the project has contributed to reach this goal, including the development of equality of opportunity between women and men. Present how many women as well as how many men that have been involved in the project. The implementation of the project involved both women and men. During the implementation of the project, equal opportunities were ensured to all entities, participating in the project, in all project activities. Both men and women were treated equally, regardless of gender, in outsourcing translation services and in the project management team. The project activities involved ten people, i. e. six women and four men. Local take-over: Outline also a plan for how your project as well as your organisation will continue to survive when the financial support from CCB/SSNC/SIDA will end What steps have been taken to finance the running expenses in the long run? Project continuity does not require a lot of funds; activities were carried out on a voluntary basis, thus volunteers will ensure the continuity of the project. Without the financial support, the project will be implemented in a smaller extent, on the spot. Evaluation: Comment on the outcome of the project in quantitative as well as qualitative terms compared with the goals and objectives set up. To measure the progress/success of the project, compare the goals and objectives set up beforehand with the outcome/results of the project. Project promoters have achieved the set objectives and results.
Immediate results: -
We have developed and released the methodology for the research on streams “The Nearby Rivers”;
The methodology was tested;
We have organized the environmental sciences camp "Our Green Summer”, during which we delivered lectures on environmental science and Research on Streams. We tested the methodology in practice during the camp.
We trained the "River Watch" youth leaders on the methodology of biological and chemical research;
We organized a seminar for teachers, and listened to professionals including teachers' views on the preparation of the methodology, and consequently made some adjustments;
The activity received great publicity in the press: nine articles in the press, and 18 articles on the web portals;
Follow-up- report on the activities which have been animated by the project in present and for the future. Proposals for future It would be effective to continue the activities in future, and to work closely with the Environmental Protection Agency and the civil society.
It is planned to present the methodology in the fourth National Conference for teachers and students "Research Activity in the Natural Sciences Education 2017”. In the future, it is planned to organize a national competition for students “Research on Rivers and Streams”. The main task of the research competition would be to test the quality of water - bodies of surface water (lakes, ponds, rivers). Various methods can be chosen for the research: the biological method (e.g. to test water samples under the microscope, etc.); the chemical method (e.g. to test the elements of the polluted water sample, etc.); determining physical properties of water (e.g. determining water temperature, colour, smell, transparency, etc.), or other methods, which reflect the water quality. To organize the Environmental Science Camp in 2017. Funding has already been received from the Ministry of Environment.
Authorised signature: Title & Name in block letters: Jūratė Morkvėnaitė-Paulauskienė
Project Year 2016CCB 16: 3050-6/ ROC/ZvejoneAgr3050-6
Financial Report Project title:
River Basin Management in
Recipient NGO:
Zvejone Environmental Club/Lithuanian Green Movement
Salaries Publishing Seminar for teachers Equipments, instruments and reagents for water analysis Overhead Total:
Amount Approved in Budget 0 1700,00
Actual cost (local currency)
Actual cost (EUR/other)
0 1700,00
1000,00 500,00 400,00
1000,00 500,00 400,00
947,00 473,00 360,00
200,00 3800,00
200,00 3800,00
220,00 3800,00
Signature of auditor/controller: Title & Name in block letters: Vitalija Ališauskiatė Authorised signature: Title & Name in block letters: Jūratė Morkvėnaitė-Paulauskienė
Project Year 2016CCB 16: 3050-6/ ROC/ZvejoneAgr3050-6
Report Summary Project title:
River Basin Management in
Recipient NGO:
Zvejone Environmental Club/Lithuanian Green Movement
Summarise the final results of the project - in the form of an article. It should be ready for publication in the CCB Newsletter or similar periodical without further processing.
The implementation of the project was smooth. The Environmental Science Camp was organized, during which we delivered lectures on the environmental science and Research on Streams. We tested the methodology in practice during the camp. We organized the seminar for teachers, and also prepared, supplemented and published the methodology of The Nearby Rivers. The long term objective Reduction of the nutrient load to rivers and the Baltic Sea. Stronger voluntary NGO monitoring to improve River Basin Management in Lithuania.