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Oct 26, 2016 - Lesvos, Greece - February 2016. Photo: Getty images, 17.2.2016 – The Independent, 18.4.2016. Page 12. Discourse on migration. D. Cover- ...
On the Move Global migrations, challenges & responses Oslo, Norway - October 26th 2016 International Social Science Council Oslo & Akershus University College of Applied Sciences

PROJECTING THE CAUSE OVER THE EFFECT: MIGRATION FLOWS IN THE 2010s & THE REVERSAL OF GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY Irene Sotiropoulou Centre for Agroecology, Water & Resilience [email protected]

Forced migration War


Internal conflicts

Adverse conditions economic



Discourse on migration A. Who Controlled by - governments - mass media - intergovernmental organisations - academics & experts What about migrants & refugees themselves? Disruptive approaches: marginalised/silenced

Discourse on migration B. About whom & what Mass movement of populations as a problem of - refugees & migrants themselves - the host countries Phenomenon without active agents?

Discourse on migration C. About why

ERASED Structural causes Specific policies Entities: states inter-/trans/supra-national organisations corporations

Discourse on migration D. Cover-ups I. Fear of racism rising in Europe

Covers the

colonial racist male-dominated class-based


of European identity & civilisation

Discourse on migration D. Cover-ups II. Target only racist & xenophobic practices of host populations Covers the

existing/implemented official & unofficial

Policies of European countries & the EU

Hungary, July 2015

Photo: 3.7.2015

Amygdaleza, Greece – September 2016

Photo: Sofia Kouvelaki, The Guardian 10.9.2016

Calais, France – October 2016

Photo at 23.10.2016

Lesvos, Greece - February 2016

Photo: Getty images, 17.2.2016 – The Independent, 18.4.2016

Discourse on migration D. Cover-ups III. Under such conditions: celebrating migration as root of enrichment & cultural exchange Utilitarian/capitalist perception of human beings Decent living linked to one’s usefulness to the more powerful than her/him

Discourse on migration D. Cover-ups IV. Under such conditions: celebrating grassroots solidarity Dismisses responsibilities of European states to Refugees – Migrants – Locals

Discourse on migration D. Cover-ups V. Silence about International Law & Human Rights Normalises breach of local/national & international laws Avoids discussion of state & inter/supra-national responsibilities

Discourse on migration Latest versions: Arose while migrations flows were too large to ignore Cannot change realities nor transfer responsibilities to the victims

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