The cues are based on linguistic theory and are logical and easy and fun to learn
. ... Teachers who teach pronunciation to those who have English as a second.
Pronunciation 2013 2013
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Cued Articulation Coming soon. What is Cued Articulation?
The idea of CA is to simplify what is very difficult to some people ie the organization and pronunciation of spoken English. All of the 49 sounds, or phonemes, which make up the English phonological system have a separate hand sign which is related to where and how in the mouth the sounds are made. The consonant sounds are colour coded for written work which helps decipher words with tricky spelling. The cues are based on linguistic theory and are logical and easy and fun to learn. CA is not a sign language where whole words and finger spelling are used, nor should it be confused with Cued Speech which is a totally different scheme used specifically with the severely hearing impaired. The scheme was originally devised to help speech and language handicapped children to see a sound and hear a letter by the use of easy and logical hand cues, but is also extremely valuable in ESL.
The Cued Articulation system has proven to be an invaluable teaching tool. This series covers consonants, vowels and demonstrative images and has full colour coding throughout. Its potential and practicality is widespread and utilized by speech pathologists, speech and language therapists, remedial and reading recovery teachers who find the approach helpful in showing phonemegrapheme relationships and teachers who use it in the classroom to teach the sounds of speech. Teachers who teach pronunciation to those who have English as a second language also find it extremely useful, as do teachers of the hearing impaired who want their students to see the sounds they cannot hear. Also available to compliment the book is an instructional, interactive DVD which includes demonstrations of the cues and sounds. Each of the 49 sounds which make up the English phonological system has a separate hand sign related to where and how, in the mouth, the sound is made. The signs are logical, based on sound linguistic theory. The consonant sounds are colour-coded as an extra visual cue when doing written work.. Cued Articulation: Consonants and Vowels book $34.95 Cued Articulation: Consonants and Vowels dvd $69.96 Cued Articulation: Consonants and Vowels Loose Leaf. 154mm x 235mm x. Contains sketches, logical hand cues, examples, Set of 45 cards $39.95 Cued Articulation: Vowels Posters $39.95 Cued Vowels Book $16.95 Cued Articulation: Consonants Posters $39.95 Jane Passy Cued Articulation (2).avi - YouTube
See prices at left
The Book of Pronunciation
The Book of Pronunciation is a definitive account of the key role pronunciation plays in teaching and learning, providing a highly authoritative but hugely accessible overview of the essential elements of English pronunciation as well as a wide range of classroom practice. The Book of Pronunciation is accompanied by a CD, which provides models for the teacher and practice for the learners. This book is the definitive resource for language teachers: • looking for ways to incorporate pronunciation into their teaching $49.95 • wishing to expand their range of pronunciation activities • wanting their learners to use language confidently and intelligibly
The Book of Pronunciation contains three distinctive parts which focus in turn on theory, practice and development: Part A answers frequently asked questions, reassures teachers on why, when and how teaching pronunciation can be both necessary and beneficial, and gives a comprehensive account of all the elements a successful teacher should know. The CD illustrates the explanations. Part B provides classroom practice through a range of activities spread over six chapters, introducing pronunciation and covering Sounds, Symbols and Spelling, Stress and Connected Speech, Rhythm and Intonation. The CD enhances the procedures. Part C offers more to the teacher who wants more – in the form of quizzes and questionnaires, tasks and checklists – and fascinating further knowledge. For the teacher who wants to go further, The Book of Pronunciation offers the opportunity. Work on your accent ( clearer pronunciation for better communication) book & DVD--Rom DVD If your English is letting you down, this is the perfect book for you. You will see and hear how to soften the influence of your mother tongue and speak clear English that everyone will understand. Professional accent coaches Helen and Sarah show you how to pronounce each sound and when to use them. They will help you recognise why your native language makes you mispronounce certain sounds which sound you therefore need to focus on. This book features: 36 units on the main consonant and vowel sounds in English; advice on rhythm, stress and pitch; Video, illustrations and photos demonstrating the correct positions to produce accurate sounds; A DVD-ROM with video and audio clips providing clear native speaker model pronunciation; Extra Practice Sections. Work on your accent is suitable for both self study and classroom use.
English for Academic Academic Study (EAS): (EAS): Pronunciation with 2 CDs CDs This book is for students who need to communicate clearly and effectively in an academic environment in the medium of English. The aim of the course is to help students develop their pronunciation in English to a level that enables the listener to understand them with ease. The course provides students with structured patterns of English that will lead them step-by-step towards this goal. During the course, students will also learn the phonemic alphabet; this will remain a useful aid to accurate pronunciation throughout their studies. Care has been taken to ensure that the vocabulary focused on in this course is relevant to both academic study and the general needs of the student. This book can also be used in conjunction with the following books in the English for academic study series: EAS Reading, EAS Writing, EAS Extended Writing & Research Skills, EAS Listening, EAS Speaking and EAS Vocabulary. Key Features * Pronunciation of individual sounds * Syllables and word stress * Understanding word stress patterns * Sentence stress and speaker choice * Sounds in connected speech $45.00 A Handbook of English Pronunciation (for Persian speakers) A fabulous resource to learn the English pronunciation using Persian explanation with notes and with a mini dictionary at the back of the book for all the terms that are used in the book.
Limited stock available
Into Speech, BilinguallyBilingually- Teacher’s Book An Individual Pronunciation Course for Vietnamese Learners. The material is in Vietnamese and English. Each pair of facing pages has the English on the left and Vietnamese on the right. Each unit contains Practice Exercises, all of which are on right-hand pages. For corrections on the Practice Exercises, the answers are on the facing left-hand pages
Special $25.25 $18.15
Limited stock available. Into Speech, Bilingually Audiocassette
Limited stock available. Longman Pronunciation Dictionary Based on Professor Wells' Pronunciation Preference Internet Poll, this authoritative reference shows *over 135,000 different pronunciations from British and American English, including technical vocabulary and proper names. * over 200 graphs showing pronunciation preferences of British & American speakers * stress patterns for thousands of compounds & idioms * more than 50 Spelling-to-sound boxes and 35 Language Panels * thousands of proper names
Special $50.00
New Headway Pronunciation Course With CD New Headway English Pronunciation Course can be used alongside New Headway or any other course or is ideal for self study. Key Features: • helps students to express themselves clearly and confidently by training them in the key areas of pronunciation. • practice of individual sounds, with a guide to suitable exercises for speakers of particular languages. • a focus on lexical sets. • Training is given in stress and intonation patterns for accurate, functional use. • Help is provided with the features of connected speech. • Is at elementary, pre intermediate, intermediate and upper-intermediate level. • Ideal for use in class or for self-study. • Comes in Elementary, pre pre--intermediate, intermediate and upper
intermediate levels
Perfect Pronunciation - A guide for trainers and selfself-help students This tome (620 pages) offers an entirely fresh approach on how to improve the clarity and quality of English pronunciation. Written by a speech pathologist, rather than a language specialist, it provides a quite different perspective to any other book on the market. Plain English has been used throughout so that both trainers and self-help students will find it simple to use. The book outlines a total training model based on principles and techniques developed by the author over many years. The approach is holistic, or multi-sensory, in nature. The ClearSpeak Model of Pronunciation Change © covers all stages of the training process from the assessment of sounds that require change, to the drawing up of a training plan, to a series of 33 Sound Guides for training each $89.95 sound (a total of 620 pages with over 240 illustrations). Around 85 detailed
techniques are provided. Background information on phonetics and speech melody has been deliberately simplified for non-expert readers. The layout is clear with many headings, illustrations and short paragraphs. Each Sound Guide includes TROUBLE SHOOTER tips on how to fix the most common problems. You simply identify the nature of the error and follow the corrective instructions. There are shaded boxes called TECHNICAL TALK spread throughout the text, targeted mainly at trainers. All training techniques are aimed at producing Standard Neutral English which, as the name implies, does not represent any particular, identifiable accent. At the same time, guidance is provided on the major English varieties of ‘Queen’s English’, General American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, and South African English. Who it is for • Anyone wishing to improve their own English pronunciation, in particularly ESL speakers. • ESL language and pronunciation teachers as well as teachers of the severely hearing impaired. • Speech trainers, drama specialists, and speech pathologists. The book includes an Audio DVD of ‘listen and repeat’ exercises for every English sound. Each set of exercises includes the sound within words, phrases, and sentences.
The Pronunciation of English This revised edition incorporates the final results of Daniel Jones' lifelong study of English pronunciation usage. It is the standard work on English phonetics. The Pronunciation of English was written originally as a detailed description of the phonetics of English, presented from the point of view of the native Englishspeaking student. Since the book provided key information needed by foreign students, it soon established itself as a standard textbook in universities where English was spoken as a foreign language. Most of the book is devoted to a descriptive account of English pronunciation. This is followed by illustrative texts in phonetic transcription of Received Pronunciation and several regional varieties, Scottish and American pronunciation and reconstructions of Shakespearian and Chaucerian speech.
Pronunciation (Language Teaching: A Scheme for Teacher Education) The basic principles and terminology of this important, but sometimes neglected, area are explained in this book. Pronunciation helps teachers to understand and evaluate the materials available to them, and so approach the teaching of pronunciation with more confidence. The book includes over 120 classroom projects which readers can use to develop their pronunciation teaching.
Special $55.00
Spelling and Pronunciation for English Language Learners This resource uses interesting and varied activates as a basis for the introduction, practice and revision of English spelling conventions. The material is suitable for adolescent and adult learners of English from an intermediate level upwards and presents learning activities and exercises through a variety of interesting formats. It is recommended for self-access study (as the answers to all exercises are included) or as supplementary material for classroom use. The material can also be used as a companion workbook to ‘Understanding English Pronunciation an Integrated Practice Course’. $19.95
Sound Foundations Foundations Chart and Guide LIMITED STOCK AVAILABLE The Sound Foundations Chart has become a popular teaching aid. It can help make the learning of phonology, visual, physical, auditory and creative.
course-- 3e 3ed Ship or Sheep? An intermediate pronunciation course d This is a revised and updated edition of the classic pronunciation title Ship or Sheep? This new edition , an accessible intermediate-level pronunciation course in full colour for students of English, provides systematic practice of English pronunciation, with an emphasis on minimal pairs, through a wide variety of interesting exercises and activities. The course is suitable for classroom use or for self-study. This pack contains Book and 4 audio cds
Tips for Teaching Pronunciation A Practical Ap Approach proach Book & CD pack This practical reference book provides practical tips, clear explanations, diagrams, and sample classroom activities. Each chapter covers one of the five main areas of pronunciation -- vowels, consonants, stress, rhythm, and intonation. The companion audio CD in the text provides listening material for select activities.
Tree or Three? An elementary pronunciation coursecourse-2ed Do you have trouble with your pronunciation? The new edition has been rewritten to make it suitable for either self-study or classroom use. Enjoyable pronunciation practice of English sounds, word stress and intonation for beginner-level students. Now in full colour and with updated artwork, this revised edition of Tree or Three? retains its simplicity and straightforward syllabus. The emphasis on minimal pairs, which made the original edition so popular, makes pronunciation practice light-hearted and accessible. • Clear rubrics for exercises with answer key and improved navigation make the material even more user-friendly. • Each unit offers comprehensive practice of sounds, with additional work on stress and intonation. • The accompanying audio CDs give lots of listening and pronunciation practice. This pack contains book and 3 audio cds
Teaching Pronunciation Pronunciation A Reference of Teachers of English to Speakers of
Other Languages.
This thorough book, drawing on theory and practice, offers a comprehensive treatment of pronunciation pedagogy. Teaching Pronunciation offers current and prospective teachers of English a comprehensive treatment of pronunciation pedagogy, drawing on current theory and practice. An overview of teaching issues from the perspective of different methodologies and second language acquisition research is provided. It contains insights into how this sound system intersects with listening, morphology, and spelling. It also contains diagnostic tools, assessment measures, and suggestions for syllabus design. Follow-up exercises guide teachers in developing a range of classroom activities within a communicative framework. Cassettes
Special $55.00 $31.00
Understanding English Pronunciation Student book UNDERSTANDING English Pronunciation uses an easy-to-follow format to introduce and practise the features of pronunciation that are important for intelligible communication in Australian English. The material is suitable for adolescent and adult learners of English as it presents learning activities and
exercises through a variety of interesting topics. Each unit examines and provides practices with a particular feature of English pronunciation, such as • word stress, • stress within sentences, • pausing, • linking and • intonation. It is recommended for private study (as the answers to all exercises are included) or as a class course book for pronunciation analysis and practice. Needs to be used with CDs to get best benefit. Teachers, see information on teacher’s book below. UNDERSTANDING English PronunciationPronunciation- Teacher’s Book Each unit contains easy to follow teaching notes, suitable even for beginner teachers. The material has been designed for adolescents as well as adult learners and is adaptable to a wide range of levels- from pre-intermediate to advance. Many activities raise awareness of the link between spelling and pronunciation. The teaching notes and activities have been developed by an experience English language teacher to save you hours of preparations time. Photocopiable material includes • Interactive crosswords • Cultural awareness activities • Discussion topics • Information gap activities • Questionnaires and surveys • Problem solving activities • Vocabulary revision activities
UNDERSTANDING English Pronunciation Audio CDs CD One 1. Introduction to English Pronunciation 2. Language Study 3. Other Cultures 4. City Living CD Two 5. National Parks 6. Books and Computers 7. Health and Happiness 8. Medical Miracles CD Three 9. Festivals & Celebrations 10. Time and Change 11. The World of sport 12. Options and Goals
Timesaver pronunciation activities Book & 2CD Elementary to Intermediate Intermediate PHOTO COPIABLE Understanding real English and being able to communicate is key to students' success. There is a need for an up-to-date photocopiable resource which tackles pronunciation and listening comprehension issues in a realistic, noncontrived context. This book provides students with the skills they need to understand others and be understood. This essential resource is full of fun pronunciation activities aiming to improve students’ fluency and confidence and to equip them with skills they need to understand and be understood in the world of today.
The activities are divided into five sections: Pronunciation puzzles, fun with phonetics, speak out, listen In and linking and accents. The levels and timings for each activity are indicated. The fun and motivating activities are directly relevant to teenagers with an emphasis on practical usage. An A1 colour poster of the phonemic chart is included along with exploitation exercises. The detailed introduction provides useful suggestions on how to use the material and two CDs accompany the book.
Pronunciation of the Order of Mass: A coaching guide to improve diction and clarity The product is a training resource for priests in the Catholic Church seeking to improve their diction when conducting the mass. It consists of a workbook and three compact disks. It will be of special help to priests, and those studying for Contact us for the priesthood, who speak English as a second language. It will be equally more info valuable for English speakers with rushed or indistinct delivery. and pricing.
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