Omtentamen I Vuxentiden och Livscykeln (PS3121 :0800). Note to examiner: Students are allowed to bring in a Swedish-Engl
Psykologprogrammet, termin 2, HT15, 2016-01-11 Omtentamen I Vuxentiden och Livscykeln (PS3121 :0800)
Note to examiner: Students are allowed to bring in a Swedish-English dictionary (transtation lexicon) or a device that provides transtations (as Iong as it has been checked by the examiner).
Answer all of the question belo w. On your answer sheets, clearly indicate the number of the question you are answering.
Note: ~
Because you're writing in English, don 't worry about grammar and spelling. I'm not grading the quality ofwriting in English- I'm grading your ability to recall, integrate, and apply information from the course. Remember, this is an empirically based course, so your answers must be supported by research findings, not your opinions, personal experiences, or conjecture (speculation). Each answer should be a maximum of 3 pages (only the first three pages will be read and graded). Think about how to structure your response before writing (a quick outline will help you organize your thoughts). Remember, this is an essay exam (do not use lists or bullet points - write sentences).
QUESTIONS (answer all): l) Describe Baltes' SOC model - what are each element and how do the y work together to support successful aging? 2) Scholars have argued that Piaget was wrong, and thatthere are forms of post-formal operational thought. Describe three proposed forms of cognitive development that goes beyond formal operational thought. 3) Describe how changes in the auditory and visual sensory systems affect older adults, including the way that they are able to take care ofthemselves and how they interact with others. 4) \\'hat evidence isthere to support or refute Erikson's ideasabout how and when people experience an existential crisis that is resolved with the development of ego integrity or despair? 5) A middle-aged woman is concerned that she does not have the "right" relationship with her grandchildren. What would you tell her about research that might relieve her concerns?