ii) Registered with the Punjab Medical Councilor with any other duly constituted. 'Medical Council in India; and iii) Kn
PUBLIC NOTICE Applications are invited for recru~ment on regular basis to following 147 posts of Medical Officers (Specialist) in various specia~ies which are lying vacant in the insmutions of Hea~h Oepartment Punjab. The special~-wise number of vacancies is as follows:Sr. ND. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Sr. ND. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.1 12 13
Name of SDecialitv Gynecology Pediatric Radiology Medicine Blood Transfusion officer Psychiatry Anesthesia TDtal
ND. Df vacant DDSts 40 40 29 20 10 6 2 147
CateoDIV General Category General Category Freedom Fighter Pb. General category Handicapped Punjab General Category Sports person Punjab General category E.S.MJD.E.S.M. Punjab Scheduled Caste Others Punjab Scheduled Caste DESM/ESM Punjab Scheduied Caste Sports Person Pb. Scheduled Caste Balmiki/ mazhbisikh Punjab Scheduled Caste Balmiki/mazhbisikh ESM/DESM Punjab Scheduled Caste Balmiki/mazhbisikh Sports Person Punjab Backward Ciass Punjab Backward Class ESM/DESM Punjab TDtal PDStS
TDtal 73 1 4 3 12 15 3 1 14 3 1 14 3 147
1. Pay Scale: Rs. 7880-13500 w~h a start of Rs. 8000/- Plus Allowances as per Punjab Government Rules. 2. EducatiDnal and Dther QualificatiDns: No Person shall be appointed to the service by direct recruitment, unless he passes the following educationai qualifications and experience:i) M.B.B.S. Oegree and Holding a Post Graduate degree in (MS/MD) of requis~e speciality, recognised by the Medicai Council of India, who shall be appointed as Medical officer (Specialist) in that particular speciality. ii) Registered with the Punjab Medical Councilor with any other duly constituted 'Medical Council in India; and iii) Knowledge of Punjabi language upto Matriculation Standard. Candidates who do not possess the qualrtication shall have to acquire this qualification w~hin six month of their joining the service failing which their services shall be terminated. 3. AGE L1MIT:1. Medical Officer (Specialist) is 21 to 36 years on 1-9-2008. NOTE:i) The upper age limit for Punjab State, other States or Central Government Employees is relaxable upto 45 years. ii) The upper age lim~ prescribed above is relaxable upto a maximum of five years for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes of all Backward Classes of Punjab. iii) The upper age limit for widows and certain other categories of women of Punjab is relaxable upto 40 years. iv) An ex-serviceman of Punjab domicile shall be allowed to deduct the period of his service in the Armed Forces of the Union from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for direct appointment to such a vacancy in the service Rules concerned by more than three years, he shall be deemed to satisfy the cond~ion regarding age limit.
4. Other Terms and ConditiDns: 1. Candidates will be considered in the category in which they are applying on mer~ i.e. General Category & Reserve Category. 2. Reservation Policy will be applicable as per instructions of the State Government. Candidates who have applied against Scheduled Caste Category but if he/she comes in merit at par with General category will be selected against the General category seats. 3. Application should be submitted by posV by hand as per the format along with the attested copies of testimonials/ Degrees etc. addressed to Dr.J.P.Singh Joint Director, Hea~h & Family Welfare, Punjab on behalf of Department of Health and Family Welfare Gov!. of Punjab, Room No. 219, 1stFloor, Parivar Kalyan Bhawan, Sector-34, Chandigarh, Pin Code 160022. (Tel. 0172-2620925, Mobile 9872074403) 4. The application forms complete in all respects, must reach before 5 p.m. on or before dated 12.9.2008. The applications received later than the prescribed date shall be summarily rejected. Wrongly filled or incomplete application shall also be summarily rejected and the candidature cancelled. Principal Secretary to GDv!. of Punjab. Department Df Health and Family Welfare.
APPLICATIONĀ· FORM Affix recent Photograph (attested) 1. Name of post applied forMedical Officer (Specialist) (Indicate Speciality) 2. Name (in Block letters) 3. Father's Name (in Block letters) 4. Address for correspondence (In Block letters) 5. Permanent Address (In Block letters) 6. Contact No. (Tel. No. Mobile E-mail) 7. Date of Birth 8. Whether belongs to Reserve Category, if so specify and attach certificate copy. 9. Under Which Category applied for (Gen. SC BC ESM DESM Sports SC Balmiki Mazhbi Sikh etc. 10. Nationality 11. Marital Status (MarriedlUnmarried) 12. Sex (Male/Female) 13. Have you passed Punjabi of matric or its equivalent standard 14. Qualification: SUbject Percentage Sr. ExaminatiDn BDard/ University MDnth & year Dt passing passed of Marks ND. passed 4 5 6 1 2 3 15. Experience: If any (Attach Certificate) DECLARATION: I, hereby declare that:1 (a) All statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect or ineligibil~ being detected before or after the selection, action can be taken against me by the Government. (b) I fulfill all conditions of eligibility as given in the advertisement and other relevant instructions. II) I have informed my head of Office/ Department in writing that I am applying for this post. (Score out II, if not applicable) Signature Df applicant Place: Date: Enclosures: 1. 2. 3. OPR.Pb.2134.0 4. 5. 6.