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Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya. Center for Studies on Language and Culture. Writing is the breath of academic life. Publish or perish is not an unfamiliar ...
Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya Center for Studies on Language and Culture

Writing is the breath of academic life. Publish or perish is not an unfamiliar expression for those who are in academic communities. Yet, many have troubles communicating thoughts through academic writing. We have questions like  What d o es a go o d ab st r ac t lo o k l ike ?  What sho uld I i nc lude in an ab st rac t ?  Ho w do I w r ite a go o d p aper fo r a c o n fe renc e ?  What i s the o r gani zat io n o f a pape r fo r a c o n fe renc e ? and many other questions related to academic writing. To find the answers to those kinds of questions, the Center for Studies on Language and Culture (PKBB) at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, in collaboration with the American Institute for Indonesian Studies (AIFIS), is offering a workshop on A B ST RA CT & A RT ICL E WR IT I NG F OR C O N F ER E NC E S Wednesday, November 6, 2013 (08:30-12:00) th Yustinus Bld., 14 Fl. Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 51, Jakarta The worskhop will be guided by two faculty members at the university who have presented their works at various conferences and pusblished a number of journal articles: D r . Lu ci a na , M . E d. English Department, Faculty of Education Yas si r N as an ius , P h . D . Applied English Linguistics Program, Graduate School Participants are suggested to send a copy of their abstract sample in English (with keywords) to [email protected] before October 25, 2013. Registration fee: Rp 100.000,- (Bachelor Students) Rp 125.000,- (Graduate students and Professionals) (registration fee includes: handouts, snacks, lunch, and certificate) Payment is made via transfer account number 440-01-00477-00-8 name Yayasan Atma Jaya (NUSA) beneficiary’s bank CIMB Niaga, Atma Jaya Branch message "your name for workshop November 6, 2013" To confirm your registration and participation, kindly complete the registration form. Please send the form and a copy of your bank transfer receipt via email to [email protected] no later than October 25, 2013. Seats are limited!!!

CONEST 10 The Tenth Conference on English Studies

The organizing committee invites linguists, researchers, and scholars to present their papers in the conference. CONEST 10 is intended to serve as a forum for the discussion of theoretical and practical issues in relation to English studies.

REGISTRATION FEE (non-refundable)  

Magister/Doctoral Students and Professionals: 400.000 IDR (before Oct 28) and 450.000 IDR (Oct 28 or after) Bachelor Students: 250.000 IDR (before Oct 28) and 300.000 IDR (Oct 28 or after)

Registration fee includes a conference kit, snacks and lunches, and a certificate which will be given at the end of the conference. DATE AND VENUE

November 7-8, 2013 (08:00-16:00) Hosted by: Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya Center for Studies on Language and Culture

INTRODUCTION The Tenth Conference on English Studies (CONEST 10), organized by Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya (Center for Studies on Language and Culture), Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, builds on connections between the theory of English studies and their application. The aim is to encourage researchers and practitioners to share research works or information about ideas and experiences of current methods of language analysis and proficiency building. CONEST focuses on studies about English, which include: a) English phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, discourse b) Cross-cultural communication c) Varieties of English d) Material development e) Proficiency development f) Learner language analysis However, CONEST will also accept papers related to English language teaching.

November 7-8, 2013 (08:00-16:00) Yustinus Building. 14th floor Unika Atma Jaya Jenderal Sudirman Street 51 Jakarta 12930

METHOD OF PAYMENT  cash  bank transfer to CIMB Niaga, Atma Jaya Branch, to Yayasan Atma Jaya (NUSA) A/C No. 440-01-00477-00-8; write "your name for CONEST 10". To confirm your registration as paper presenter, kindly send us the registration form together with a copy of the bank receipt by email to [email protected] or by facsimile to 021 – 571 9560 no later than October 8, 2013. Note that the committee does not arrange accommodation, so participants and paper presenters should book the accommodation by themselves. However, if you need information about hotels around Atma Jaya, do not hesitate to contact us: