e-business applications at low cost. Our work aims to ... mapping between each abstract Web service of a business process and a Web service which .... small and medium enterprises which share their computing resources for the execution of an ...... Managing energy and server resources in hosting centers. In SOSP 2001 ...
QoS-driven Web Services Selection in Autonomic Grid Environments Danilo Ardagna1 , Gabriele Giunta2 , Nunzio Ingraffia2 , Raffaela Mirandola1 , Barbara Pernici1 1
Dipartimento Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano,Italy 2 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A, R&D Lab, Italy
Abstract. In the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) complex applications can be described as business processes from independently developed services that can be selected at run time on the basis of the provided Quality of Service (QoS). However, QoS requirements are difficult to satisfy especially for the high variability of Internet application workloads. Autonomic grid architectures, which provide basic mechanisms to dynamically re-configure service center infrastructures, can be be exploited to fullfill varying QoS requirements. We tackle the problem of selection of Web services that assure the optimum mapping between each abstract Web service of a business process and a Web service which implements the abstract description, such that the overall quality of service perceived by the user is maximized. The proposed solution guarantees the fulfillment of global constraints, considers variable quality of service profile of component Web services and the long term process execution. The soundness of the proposed solution is shown trough the results obtained on an industrial application example. Furthermore, preliminary computational experiments show that the identified solution has a gap of few percentage units to the global optimum of the problem.
The recent trend towards shorter business cycles encourages the use of the emergent grid technologies and of the flexible service oriented development paradigm to meet the goal of construction and management of reliable and adaptable e-business applications at low cost. Our work aims to meet the requirements and the challenges posed by e-business applications by using the new emerging technological trends. Specifically, we intend to pursue the QoS-driven selection and composition of Web services for e-business applications in autonomic grid environments. SOA paradigm foresees the creation of complex applications, described as business processes, from independently developed services that can be selected at run time. Usually, a set of functionally equivalent services exist, that is, services which implement the same functionality, but differ for non-functional characteristics, i.e., QoS properties. In this context, our goal is to discover the optimum mapping between each abstract Web service of a business process and a Web service which implements the abstract description.
However, QoS requirements are difficult to satisfy especially due to the high variability of Internet application workloads. Internet workloads can vary by orders of magnitude within the same business day [9]. Such variations cannot be accommodated with traditional allocation practices, but require autonomic computing self-managing techniques [12], which dynamically allocate resources among different services on the basis of short-term demand estimates. This dynamic fulfillment of varying QoS requirements can be enhanced by grid computing. Grid middleware provides basic mechanisms to manage the overall infrastructure of a service center, implementing service differentiation and performance isolation for multiple Web services sharing the same physical resources and simplifying the re-configuration of the physical infrastructure. In the literature, resource allocation in scientific grid workflows has been analyzed in depth [20, 25]. However scientific workflows and composed e-business processes have different computing requirements, which pose diverse constraints on the re-configuration of the infrastructure. Indeed, in scientific grid, each task is computation intensive and is executed by a single computing resource. Vice versa, in e-business applications, the execution of a single Web service operation requires few CPU seconds and the high computation requirements are due to the high incoming workload. Furthermore, grid workflow and composed Web services have different characteristics: scientific grids introduce many tasks, generally in the order of thousands (the higher is the number the higher is the parallelism level of the workflow). Vice versa, e-business composed processes introduce a lower number of tasks since they correspond to high level application operations [7, 22]; also the number of candidate resources for each task is very high (since correspond to available computing and storage resources) for scientific grids and moderate for e-business grids where resources are Web services candidate for the execution of high level operations. For this reasons resource allocation in scientific and e-business grids requires different approaches. In this paper we present a reference framework to support the execution of Web services based e-business applications in autonomic grid environments. The problem of selection of Web services in composed services such that the QoS for the end user is maximized is formulated as a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model. The formulation guarantees the fulfillment of global constraints and extends the work in [3] allowing the execution of stateful Web services. The devised solution is then applied to a case study derived from an industrial settings and the results obtained so far show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly reviews related works. Section 3 describes the adopted case study. In Section 4 we describe the composed Web service specification and the quality model adopted. Section 5 is devoted to the description of the problem of resource allocation in grid environments, while Section 6 presents the numerical results obtained in the considered example application. Finally, conclusions are drawn in Section 7.
Related Work
Grid computing is proposed as an infrastructure providing transparent resource sharing between collaborating organizations [11]. Resource allocation and scheduling represents a key issue to deal with in grid environment. Several papers have been presented in the literature on this topic with a special emphasis on scientific computing applications. Resource management spans task-based algorithms that greedly allocate tasks to resources and workflow-based algorithms that search for an efficient allocation for the entire workflow [8]. Another aspect/dimension that distinguishes the various approaches concerns the type of resource manager considered: centralized or distributed [20] . A comprehensive survey of different workflow management systems and grid ongoing research projects is presented in [4]. Recently, QoS issues in Web services selection and composition have obtained great interest in the Web services research community. Different approaches have been followed so far, spanning the use of QoS ontologies [14], the definition of ad-hoc methods in QoS-aware framework [18, 21], and the application of optimization algorithms [22, 3, 7]. As already discussed in the introduction, the adoption of grid infrastructure for the execution of e-business composed processes introduces different computing requirements and goals. These different requirements lead to diverse optimization objectives: in scientific grid several heuristics, such as genetic algorithms, GRASP, simulated annealing and tabu search, have been proposed to identify the optimum mapping between tasks and computing resources in order to minimize the workflow total execution time. Vice versa, in the Web service composition literature MILP models, and genetic algorithms [6] are applied. Furthermore, in this case, the optimization problem is multi-objective since several QoS parameters are considered. In this paper the problem of selection of Web services in composed services will be formulated as a MILP problem. We extend the work in [3] by considering varying Web services QoS profiles, long term composed services execution, and by allowing the execution of stateful Web services. We extend our previous work [?] by providing computational experiment results to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
A Case study: the cost allocation process
The reference scenario is a Virtual Organization (VO) composed by a set of small and medium enterprises which share their computing resources for the execution of an ERP software. The software adopted is AgileERP3 3 , an opensource ERP platform which introduces ISO compliant workflow processes and can use basic functionalities as lightweight Web services access. In this scenario, we restrict our attention to the area of the cost accounting functions whose goal 3
is the computation of product costs. The followed costs accounting procedure is based on Cost Center (CC), i.e., on the computation of the product costs and on their attribution to the center(s) incurring these costs. Specifically, we focus on one of these functions, namely, the Indirect Costs Allocation Process (ICAP). This process assigns indirect costs to individual CCs. Indirect costs are costs that are associated with or caused jointly by two or more CCs, but that can not be directly assigned to each one of them individually. The main purpose of ICAP is to share the indirect costs charged to a single CC, called Transfer Cost Center (TCC), with different CC(s), called Receiver Cost Center (RCC). The relationship among different CCs is represented by an allocation cost hierarchy, where each CC is defined as transfer or receiver, as it can transfer or receive costs from other CCs. The relationships defined by the allocation hierarchy can change during the time for economical reasons. A TCC uses the allocation rate to calculate the percentage of indirect costs given to RCCs. Each TCC can allocate all or part of its own costs. In order to evaluate the percentage of costs charged to each RCC, a TCC can use one or more cost drivers or allocation bases to charge its own costs. Figure 1 shows an example of allocation hierarchy composed by a set of CCs (Cn.1 , Cn.2 , and Cn.3 ) that, at the same time, receive costs from the root (Cn ) and transfer costs to the leaves (Cn.2.1 , Cn.3.1 ). As an example, let us consider the cost allocation of an electrical bill assigned to Cn with total value e1,500. The ICAP establishes that: (a) the electrical bill can be allocated from Cn (TCC) to Cn.1 , Cn.2 , Cn.3 (RCCs) according to the allocation hierarchy shown in Figure 1, (b) the costs percentage that TCC allocates to RCCs is determined by using the allocation rate as follows. If we assume that the allocation rate is equal to 1, then all the amount of the bill is transferred to the RCCs. For example, if Cn.1 cost driver is 0.1, Cn.2 cost driver is 0.2 and Cn.3 cost driver is 0.7, the cost allocated to each RCC is given by the amount received from TCC times each RCC cost drivers, i.e., costn.1 = e150, costn.2 = e300, and costn.3 = e1050. Since other RCCs exist, (Cn.2.1 and Cn.3.1 ), the ICAP repeats the steps described above by considering Cn.1 , Cn.2 , Cn.3 as TCCs and Cn.2.1 , Cn.3.1 as RCCs. ICAP steps are modeled by the UML activity diagram shown in Figure 1. The BalanceVerification task checks the balance for every CC in input. In case of error, the NotificationError task sends an error message to the end user. Otherwise, the ICAP starts and evaluates the cost allocation for every CC. The Calculate Charge Balance task, determines the amount of cost to be charged to a CC by the following equation: Charge Balance = (Accounting Balance + Total Cost Received) · (1 − Allocation Rate) As shown by the formula above, if the allocation rate is zero, the TCC cannot share costs with the RCCs, as all the costs are charged to it. In this case, the next CC of the allocation hierarachy is determined by a hierarchical navigation
algorithm. On the contrary, the CalculateTotalCostTransferred task evaluates the total cost by the following equation: Accounting Balance + Total Cost Received = = Charge Balance + Total Cost Transferred The Allocate Costs task evaluates the rate of total cost transferred to each RCC according to the cost drivers. A cost allocation ends when the navigation of the hierarchy terminates. A cost center allocation ends when the navigation of the hierarchy terminates. The ICAP stops when all cost centers have been considered. The composed process will generate also a PDF and an Excel report file and the Consolidate Costs task will consolidate the balance. As already stated, each of these functionalities is realized as a Web service and can be executed in each VO. The adoption of grid computing in this scenario is very promising since the re-configuration overhead is limited (the ERP software is available in every local grid). Furthermore, VOs can access computing resources of cooperating sites in order to manage peaks of loads obtained when the ICAP process is performed on a large number of CCs.
Business Process Specification and Quality Model
In our framework, a composite service is specified as a high-level business process in BPEL language in which the composed Web service is specified at an abstract level. In the following we refer to an abstract Web service as a task ti , while Web services selected to be executed are called concrete Web services. Concrete Web services are registered with associated keywords and their WSDL specification in a service registry [5]. We assume that the registry stores also for each operation n (t) o of a concrete Web service j, the values of the n-th quality dimension qj,o and the number of instances that can be executed during a specific time interval. Some annotations are added to the BPEL specification in order to identify: – – – –
global and local constraints on quality dimensions; the maximum number of iterations for cycles; the expected frequency of execution of conditional branches; N user preferences, a set of normalized weights {ω1 , ω2 , . . . , ωN }, n=1 ωn = 1, indicating the user preferences with respect to n-th quality dimension; – Web service dependency constraints. Global constraints specify requirements at process level, while local constraints define quality of Web services to be invoked for a given task in the process. The optimization problem will consider statistically all of the possible execution scenarios of the composite service according to their probability of execution. The maximum number of iterations and frequency of execution of conditional branches can be evaluated from past executions by inspecting system logs or can be specified by the composite service designer. If an upper bound for
Fig. 1. The Indirect Costs Allocation Process
cycles execution cannot be determined, then the optimization could not guarantee that global constraints are satisfied [22]. At compilation time, cycles are unfolded according to the maximum number of iterations. Finally, Web service dependency constraints impose that a given set of tasks in the process is executed by the same Web service. This type of constraints allows considering both stateless and stateful Web services in composed services execution. Constraints and BPEL annotations are specified by WS-Policy (see [?]). In the reference example reported in Figure 1 the end user poses as global constraints that the ICAP process is executed within two days and, in case of error, the notification message is sent within 5 minutes. Furthermore, cycles number of iteration can be determined deterministically at invocation time. A dependency constraint imposes that the balance verification and notification error are performed by the same concrete Web service (for performance issues the notification error task can exploit the results of the balance verification). QoS profiles follow a discrete stepwise function, that is periodic with period T (see Figure 2). As it will be discussed in Section 5.1, QoS profiles are obtained as result of local grids resource allocation. In the following the continuous time will be denoted by t, while the discrete time interval will be denoted by u. The discretization interval will be denoted by and we assume that the QoS profile is constant in every interval of length . In autonomic systems is about half an hour [2], while, if we assume that the incoming workload has a daily seasonal component, T is 24 hours.
Fig. 2. Example of Periodic QoS Profile
In Figure 2, the time interval u = 13 and u = 28 are highligted, where T = 24 · and = 1 hour. The index u can range in [1, U ], where U = E/ and E indicates the execution time global constraint for the composed process. For the periodicity we have: n n (t) = qj,o (t + uT ) u ∈ [1, U ] qj,o
n n qj,o,u = qj,o,umod(T /)
u ∈ [1, U ]
The problem of maximization of QoS is multi-objective since several quality criteria can be associated with each operation o of a Web service j in the time interval u. We focus on Web services execution time, availability, price, and reputation. This set of quality dimensions have been the basis for QoS consideration also in other approaches both in the Web service and grid community [22, 17, 16]. Quality dimensions can be also classified as positive and negative criteria. A quality attribute is positive (negative) if a higher value corresponds to a higher (lower) quality. In the following N will indicate the number of quality dimensions of interest for the end user, the value of the quality dimensions of task ti and of each n , respectively. Finally, the operation invocation will be denoted by qin and qj,o,u execution time will be indexed by n = 1. Note that, if the same service is accessible from the same provider, but with different quality characteristics (e.g. quality level), then multiple copies of the same service will be stored in the registry, each copy being characterized by its quality profile. Finally we denote with Nj,o,u the number of instances of operation o of Web service j which can be executed in the time interval u; we assume that the Web services execution is supported by limited resources.
The Reference Grid Environment
In our framework, VOs’ resources are represented by concrete Web services which are physically deployed and executed by multiple Local Grids. A VO can use concrete Web services that are located in different VO sites, to execute a particular abstract composed service. Local Grid includes also: a Service Registry, a Local Resource Allocation module and a Broker (see Figure 3). The registry stores the WSDL specification, the QoS profile and the number of instances which can be executed in the time interval u for every operation. The broker receives composed Web service execution requests from VO members and external users, consults the local and remote registries and determines the execution plan (i.e. abstract to concrete Web service assignment) for the composed service execution. Local grid resources are reserved according to the execution plan identified by the broker. VOs and the end user establish Service Level Agreement (SLA) contracts for the service provisioning and Nj,o,u is updated accordingly. Resource management introduces two different optimization problems which corresponds to the VOs (providers) and users perspectives: (i) each VO would like to maximize the SLA revenues and the use of physical resources, (ii) the end user is interested in the maximization of the QoS of the composed service execution. SLA revenues maximization is performed locally by the local resource allocation modules, while QoS maximization is evaluated by brokers. Note that brokers of
different local grids can collaborate to identify the optimum abstract to concrete Web service mapping and a composed service can be executed by concrete Web services located in different local grids. Virtual Organization Local Resource Allocator
Virtual Organization
Service Registry
Service Registry
Grid Physical Web resources Services
Local Resource Allocator
Grid Physical resources
Local Grid
Web Services
Local Grid WAN
Local Resource Allocator
Service Registry
Service Registry
Grid Physical Web resources Services
Local Resource Allocator
Grid Physical resources
Web Services
Local Grid
Local Grid
Virtual Organization
Virtual Organization
Fig. 3. Grid Reference Framework
This paper focuses on the maximization of the QoS for the end user which will be discussed in depth in Section 5.2. Local grid resource management has been presented in previous works [23, 2] and will be briefly summarized in Section 5.1. 5.1
Local Resource Allocation
Each VO needs to allocate local grid physical resources to different Web service operation invocations in order to maximize the revenues from SLA, while minimizing resource management costs. One of the main issues is the high variability of the incoming request workload which can vary by orders of magnitude within the same business day [9]. It is difficult to estimate workload requirements in advance, and planning the capacity for the worst-case scenario is either infeasible or extremely inefficient. In order to handle workload variations, many service centers have started employing autonomic techniques [13], that allow the dynamic allocation of physical resources among different Web services invocations on the basis of short-term demand estimates. The goal is to meet the application requirements while adapting the physical infrastructure. The adoption of grid
computing is very promising in this application area, since basic mechanisms to provide resource virtualization, service differentiation, performance isolation, and dynamic re-configuration of the physical infrastructure are implemented by the grid middleware layer [11, 1]. The local resource allocation is performed periodically with period (e.g., 10-30 minutes [24, 2]) on the basis of a short-term workload prediction (see Figure 4a). Note that is lower than , the discretization time interval adopted to model the QoS in the service registry. The short term predictor forecasts the number of Web services invocations for the next control interval denoted ˆj,o (t). The local resource allocator uses also some low level information as N provided by the grid monitoring infrastructure in order to identify requests of different Web services operations and to estimate requests service times (i.e., the CPU and disk time required by the physical infrastructure to execute each operation).
Short-term workload predictor ^ Nj,o(t)
Long-term workload predictor
Grid Monitor Workload statistics
Local Resource Allocator
Historical workload statistics
Nj,o(t) qj,o(t) fj,o(t)
Local Resource Allocator
ǻ T (a)
Fig. 4. Local Resource Allocation
In order to maximize revenues from SLA, the local resource allocator determines the fraction of capacity assigned to each Web service invocation fj,o (t), relying on the virtualization mechanism and performance isolation provided by the grid infrastructure. The local resource allocator employs also an admission control scheme [19] that may reject requests in order to guarantee that the QoS requirements are met, or to avoid service instability caused by capacity restrictions. Overall, the local resource allocator determines the number of Web service ˆj,o (t) allowed for the next control interval, its operation invocations Nj,o (t) ≤ N n corresponding QoS profile qj,o (t), and the fraction of capacity of the physical grid infrastructure fj,o (t) devoted to its execution. As we discussed in [2], the local resource allocator algorithm can be used with a long-term workload predictor and historical workload statistics from systems log (see Figure 4b) in a simulation environment in order to determine Nj,o (t) and the quality profile on the long term. If we assume that the incoming workload has a daily periodic component, as frequently happens in practice [15], Nj,o (t)
n and qj,o (t) are also periodic and can be described with granularity > in a service registry. Note that, resource allocation is performed at local grid level since a global n (t) for the whole grid resource allocation scheme which determines Nj,o (t) and qj,o infrastructure introduces a high overhead [10]. Furthermore, by implementing a local resource allocation policy VOs have a greater control of their own physical infrastructure.
QoS maximization for the end-user
Requests of execution of composed Web service from VOs or external users are submitted to grid brokers specifying the preferences (weights) and the set of local and global constraints. A broker solves the Web Service Selection (WSC) problem which consists in finding the optimal mapping between process tasks and Web service operations. Composite Service
Execution Path ep1
Probability=0.8 Cond
Execution Path ep2
Probability=0.2 not(Cond) t4
Fig. 5. Execution Paths.
In the following, Web services will be indexed by j while operations will be indexed by o. We will indicate with W Si the set of indexes of Web services wsj candidate for the execution of task ti ; with OPj the set of indexes of operations implemented by Web service wsj , and with wsj,o the invocation of operation o ∈ OPj of Web service wsj . Let be I the number of tasks of the composed service specification and J the number of candidate Web services. We assume that cycles are unfolded according to the maximum number of iterations. For the sake of simplicity in the following definitions we assume that a composite service is characterized by a single initial task t1 and a single end task tI :
– Execution Path. A set of tasks {t1 , . . . , ti , . . . , tI } such that t1 is the initial task, tI is the final task and no tia , tib belong to alternative branches. Execution paths will be indexed by k and denoted by epk . We will indicate with Ak the set of indexes of tasks included in the execution path and with K the number of different execution paths arising from the composed service specification. Note that an execution path can include parallel sequences (see Figure 5, where the ICAP process cycles are unfolded by assuming that only one CC is considered and the hierarchy is navigated in one step). The evaluation of the n-th quality dimension along the k-th execution path will be denoted as q n (k). – Global Plan. The global plan is a set of ordered triples {(ti , wsi,o , xi )}, which associates every task ti to a given Web service operation invocation wsj,o at time instant xi and satisfies local and global constraints for all execution paths.
Note that, the set of execution paths of an activity diagram identifies all the possible execution scenarios of the composite service. The optimization problem will consider all of the possible execution scenarios according to their probability of execution, which can be evaluated by the product of the frequency of execution of branch conditions included in execution paths and annotated in the BPEL specification. Under these definitions, a local constraint can predicate only on properties of a single task. Vice versa, global constraints can predicate on quality attributes of an execution path or on a subset of tasks of the activity diagram, for example a set of subsequent tasks. The WSC problem is formulated as a mixed integer linear programming problem. The decision variables of our model are the followings:
– yi,j,o,u ∈ {0, 1} is equal to 1 if the task ti is executed by Web service j ∈ W Si with the operation o ∈ OPj during the time interval u, 0 otherwise; – wi,u ∈ {0, 1} is equal to 1 if the task ti is executed during time interval u, 0 otherwise; – xi ∈ R+ indicates the time instant in which task ti is executed.
The goal of the WSC problem is to maximize the average aggregated value of QoS. The average is obtained by considering all of the possible execution scenarios, i.e., all of the execution paths arising from the composed service specification, and their probability of execution f reqk . As we have discussed in [3] the aggregated value of QoS can be obtained by applying the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) technique, one of the most widely used techniques to obtain a score from a list of dimensions. The WSC problem can be formulated as:
i=1 j∈W Si o∈OPj u=1
i = 1, . . . , I
wi,u (u − 1) ≤ xi
i = 1, . . . , I; u = 1, . . . , U
uwi,u + E(1 − wi,u ) ≥ xi P P wi,u = yi,j,o,u
i = 1, . . . , I; u = 1, . . . , U
i = 1, . . . , I; u = 1, . . . , U
i = 1, . . . , I; ∀j ∈ W Si
j∈W Si o∈OPj u=1
yi,j,o,u = 1
γi,j,o,u · yi,j,o,u
j∈W Si o∈OPj
yi,j,o,u ≤ Nj,o,u
∀o ∈ OPj ; u = 1, . . . , U qin =
j∈W Si o∈OPj u=1
n qj,o,umod(T /Δ) · yi,j,o,u i = 1, . . . , I; n = 1, . . . , N
xib − (qi1a + xia ) ≥ 0 q n (k) =
P i∈Ak
∀tia → tib
(9) (10)
γ˜in (k) · qin
k = 1, . . . , K; n = 1, . . . , N
xI + qI1 ≤ E n
q (k) [≥ | ≤] Qn xi ∈ R+ q (k) ∈
(11) (12)
k = 1, . . . , K; n = 2, . . . , N i = 1, . . . , I;
qin ∈ + n
i = 1, . . . , I; n = 1, . . . N, +
yi,j,o,u , wi,u ∈ [0, 1]
k = 1, . . . , K; n = 1, . . . N ∀i, j, o, u
The objective function is a linear combination of the decision variables yi,j,o,u , where the coefficients γi,j,o,u depend on execution paths frequency of execution (f reqk ), end user preferences ({ωn }) and are obtained by the normalization process. Constraints family (3) garantees that each task ti is assigned to only one concrete wsj,o and its execution can start in a specific time interval u. Constraints families (4) and (5) relate variable xi and variable wi,u . If wi,u is set to 1 then xi value belongs to u interval, otherwise xi can assume any value in the range [0,E]. For example if wi,5 = 1 then we can obtain from constraint (4) xi ≥ 4 and from constraint (5) xi ≤ 5; on the other hand if wi,5 = 0 we obtain xi ≥ 0 and xi ≤ E. Constraints family (6) relates variables wi,u and yi,j,o,u , indeed if the task ti is executed by invoking in interval u the operation o of Web service j, i.e. yi,j,o,u = 1, then wi,u is raised to 1. Constraints family (7) guarantees that the number of parallel Web service invocation operations that can be executed in the same interval u must be lower or equal to the number of available invocation instances. Constraints family (8) expresses the quality of every task in term of the quality of the selected service. Note that for constraints (3) and (6) there is only one operation invocation in a specific interval and hence a task quality value is given by the quality value of the selected Web service operation. Constraint family (9) represents precedence constraints
for subsequent tasks in the activity diagram. If a task tib is a direct successor of task tia (indicated as tia → tib ), then the execution of task tib starts after task tia termination. Constraints family (11) evaluates the quality value of the composed service along the k-th execution path. Coefficients γ˜in (k) depend on the composition rule of the quality parameter. For example the price of the composed service is given by the sum of the prices of the Web service operation invocations, i.e. γ˜in (k) = 1. Vice versa (see [22]), the reputation is evaluated as the average of the reputation of the Web service operation invocations, i.e. γ˜in (k) = 1/|Ak |. Constraint (12) guarantees that the execution time of the composed process is less or equal to the execution time global constraint E (from Section 4 we assume that the composed process has a single start and a single end task, hence the execution time of the composed process is given by the sum of the starting time of the last task tI and its corresponding execution time). Finally, constraints familiy (13) represents the global constraints to be fulfilled for the remainder quality dimensions, the inequality is ≥ (≤) for positive (negative) quality parameters.
Problem P1) can include Web service dependency constraints which can be formulated as follows. If two task tia , tib must be executed by the same Web service, then the following constraint families are introduced: U X X
yia ,j,o,u =
o∈OPj u=1
yib ,j,o,u
∀j ∈ W Sia ∩ W Sib ;
o∈OPj u=1 U X X
yia ,j,o,u = 0, ∀j ∈ W Sia \ W Sib ;
o∈OPj u=1
yib ,j,o,u = 0, ∀j ∈ W Sib \ W Sia .
Local constraints can predicate on properties of a single task and can be included in the model as follows. For example if the designer requires that the execution time of task tia has to be less or equal than a given value E a , then the following constraint is introduced: X
1 qj,o,u yia ,j,o,u ≤ E a
j∈WS ia o∈OP j u=1
Problem P1) has integer variables and linear constraints. In [3] we have shown that the problem of selection of Web services when the quality profile is constant with respect to the time variable, is equivalent to a Multiple choice Multiple dimension Knapsack Problem which is NP-hard, hence P1) is NP-hard.
Experimental Results
Experimental analyses have been conducted by implementing a prototype optimization tool based on CPLEX, a state of the art integer linear programming solver. The approach has been tested on a wide set of randomly generated instances considering the ICAP composed process described in Section 3. The number of iterations of the inner cycle has been varied between 0 and 16 with step 2. Hence, the number of tasks has been varied between 5 and 69 with step 8. The number of candidates Web services operations per task has been varied between 5 and 20 with step 5. The execution time global constraints has been varied between 24 and 72 with step 24 hours and has been set equal to one hour. Quality of services values of candidate Web services have been randomly generated according to the values reported in the literature (see [3]). Availability values were randomly generated assuming a uniform distribution in the interval 0.95 and 0.99999. Reputation was determined in the same way but considering the range [0.8, 0.99]. As in [?], we assume that the execution time have a Gaussian distribution. We assumed that the price of each service invocation was proportional to service reputation and availability and inverselly proportional to
the execution time (i.e., the higher is the execution time of a Web service operation invocation, the lower is the price). Finally, the set of weights ωi was random generated and weights were adjusted to sum 1. Analyses have been performed on a 3 GHz Intel Pentium IV Workstation. The optimization execution time varies with the size of the problem instance. Since the broker has to solve the WSC problem efficiently, CPLEX execution time is limited to one minute. CPLEX can find the global optimum of the WSC problem within one minute for small problem size instances. For other instances anyway the gap between the approximate solution obtained in one minute and the global optimum, which can be obtained by CPLEX sometimes in several hours, is few percentage points. Table 1 reports, as an example, the gap between the (approximate) solution obtained in one minute and the global optimum for 108 random generated problem instances of different size. In this case the maximum gap is 8.3% while on average the gap is 1.5%. E=24h E=48h E=72h Num. of candid. Num. of candid. Num. of candid. WS operations WS operations WS operations of 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
Num. tasks 5 13 21 29 37 45 53 61 69 Table 1.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.7 0 2.1 1.2 1.8 0 3.2 2.1 2.9 0.7 1.5 1.8 0.8 3.9 1.6 2.9 1.2 1.5 0.8 1.6 2.3 2.9 2.7 1.5 2.0 1.3 2.1 5.1 3.2 1.4 3.3 2.9 1.7 2.1 2.3 1.6 1.7 2.1 3.2 2.6 2.8 1.1 3.1 2.2 2.3 0.6 0.7 0.5 1.9 2.1 1.6 1.9 1.6 2.0 2.3 1.6 1.8 3.3 0 8.3 1.9 0.9 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.8 2.1 1.4 0.9 3.1 1.4 2.4 2.3 2.7 1.9 2.1 0.9 1.4 1.7 1.3 2.9 Percentage gap between the approximate and global optimum solutions
This paper presents a framework for the development of e-business applications built on autonomic grid computing infrastructure where the service selection and composition is performed to guarantee that the overall quality perceived by the user is maximized. Results has shown that the MILP model formulation can be solved efficiently by a state of the art linear solver which can obtain in a limited time an approximate solution within few percentage point units of the global optimum. Our short/medium term goal includes the implementation of the proposed case study to validate the proposed approach on a real environment setting. The long term goal is the realization of a framework where different kind of selection and composition methods are provided; in such a way the user can
choose the methods best suited for his application and quality requirements.
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