Subjects' Q-angle (measured in supine lying), hip rotation. (measured in ... individual grows from pre-puberty to adulthood stages of life. ... Participants actively internally rotated their hips to its end point by ... at the hip; the range of motion was taken in both directions ..... Journal of Orthopaedics and Sports Physical. Therapy ...
Medicina Sportiva (2012), vol VIII, no 4, 1997-2002 Romanian Sports Medicine Society
Quadriceps angle and its relation with hip rotation measured in two starting positions
Oladapo M. Olagbegi1 Abideen A. Akinloye2 Olutola O. Olufiade1 Joseph A. Jegede1 Morohunkola O. Ojeyinka1 1 Department of Physiotherapy, Federal Medical Centre, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria 2 Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Abstract. Introduction. The knowledge and measurement of Q-angle is highly important in clinical evaluation of knee function. The study was designed to investigate the relationship between quadriceps angle and hip rotation and to determine the influence of age on Q-angle values of a selected healthy Nigerian population. Material and Method. Four hundred, apparently healthy volunteers (200 males, 200 females) within the age range 9-50 years, were divided into prepuberty, adolescent, young adult and adult age groups. Subjects’ Q-angle (measured in supine lying), hip rotation (measured in prone lying and sitting positions) were measured using standardized procedures. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics of mean, range, standard deviation and inferential statistics of correlation matrix. Results. No significant correlations (r