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Jun 24, 2013 ... QUAID-I-AZAM UNIVERSITY. ISLAMABAD. B.A./B.Sc. Annual Examinations – 2013. (PART – I). Subject: Islamic Education. Time Allowed: 2 ...
QUAID-I-AZAM UNIVERSITY ISLAMABAD B.A./B.Sc. Annual Examinations – 2013 (PART – I) Subject:

Islamic Education



Roll No: ____________ Time Allowed: 2 Hours

June 24, 2013

Max Marks:


Note: Attempt all questions; do as required. Q. No1. Translate any TWO of the following Quranic verses and explain them:

Q. No2. Translate and explain any ONE of the following Ahadith:



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Q.No3. Highlight the importance of study of Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) Seerah.



What steps were taken by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to establish a well organize Society?

Q.No4. Write a note on the characteristics of ‘Islamic Civilization’.



Give a critical analysis of the theory of ‘Clash of Civilization’.

Q.No5. Attempt any FIVE of the following:


i. Who will be the poorest person according to Hadith?

ii. What qualities of the companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) are described in Surat-ulFatha?

iii. According to Hadith which five questions will be asked to man on the Day of Judgment?

iv. In which Hijrah year the Hudabia agreement took place? Give two important clauses of the agreement.

v. To which wife of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) the title of Umm-ul-Masakeen was given? vi. Give one quality of the ‘Educational Movement of Islam’. vii. Which is the famous book of Medicine by Zikria Razi?