Quality Management Practices: An Empirical Investigation of Associated Constructs in Two Kuwaiti Industries
M. Tawfik Mady Kuwait University – College of Business Administration Dept. of Quantitative Methods and Information Systems P.O.Box: 5486 – Safat 13055 – Kuwait Tel. Home: (965) 482-0714, Mbl. (965) 958-3775
[email protected]
December 2004
Quality Management Practices: An Empirical Investigation of Associated Constructs in Two Kuwaiti Industries ABSTRACT: This study surveys and contrasts quality management practices in two industrial sectors in the state of Kuwait. It provides reliable and valid constructs for measuring quality management and tests the effect of type of industry and plant size on the implementation level of these practices. Confirmatory factor analysis and internal consistency test results revealed four reliable and valid constructs: customer focus, human recourses quality practices, process quality and quality measurements. The findings show that type of industry has no significant effect on the level of implementation of the four quality management constructs. Kruskal-Wallis test results revealed, however, that plant size is a determinant of the level of implementation of customer focus, core process quality practices and the use of accurate quality measurements in the Kuwaiti manufacturing units. On the contrary, the human-resource practices construct shows no significant differences among the three size groups. The pair-wise size comparisons show that means are significantly different between large and small and between medium and small plants for all the three constructs for which Kruskal-Wallis tests were significant. Between large and medium plants, no significant differences were detected. INTRODUCTION The last decade has witnessed a considerable body of research surveying manufacturing quality practices in several individual countries or regions. Documenting quality practices and TQM implementation in USA (Benson et al., 1991; Richardson, 1993), India (Motwani et al, 1994; Jain and Tabak, 2002, Mahadevappa and Kotreshwar, 2004), China (Tuan and Ng., 1997; Yu et al., 1998; Li et al., 2003), Australia (Sohal et al., 1991; Mandal et al., 1999; Terziovski, et al., 1999), Singapore (Ghosh, 1996; Yong and Wilkinson, 2001), Taiwan (Chang and LU, 1995), Malaysia (Eng and Yusof 2003); Scotland (Witcher, 1994; Masson and Raeside, 1999), Germany (Zink and Shildknecht, 1990) and Spain (Martinez-Lorente et al, (1998), represents some efforts in this direction. Some other studies, however, examined differences between organizations and nations in terms of specific quality management practices. In particular, quality practices in several countries were benchmarked against those of the US. Comparisons of TQM practices in US and Mexico (Knotts and Tomlin, 1994; Solis et al., 2000), US and Russia (Pooely and Welsh, 1994), US and Taiwan (Madu et al., 1995) are some examples. Similarly, Zhao et al, (1995) benchmarked quality practices in India, China and Mexico and Raghunathan et al. (1997) compared the quality management practices in USA, India, and China. Along the same line, the differences in quality management between Shanghai and Norweg
(Sun, 2000), USA, India, China, Mexico and Taiwan (Solis et al., 2001) and between Hong Kong and Shanghai (Chin et al., 2002) were investigated. Obviously, most of this literature has been based on the experience of developed economies in western and southeast Asian nations. Other newly industrializing countries, especially those in the Middle East and Arab nations, remain under-researched. Mink (1992) indicated the difficulties of translating quality management concepts into different cultures. Raghunathan et al (1997) also stressed the need for understanding the status, commonalties and differences of quality practices in developed and developing countries to facilitate insights into quality practices in an international context. Accordingly, the first contribution of the current study is to provide reliable and valid constructs for measuring quality management practices in the developing Kuwaiti industry. The need for the development and validation of such research instrument was frequently called for in quality management research (see for example, Anderson et al., 1995; Grandzol and Gershon, 1998; Rao et al., 1999; Zhang et al, 2000 and Jain and Tabak, 2002). With the use of these specially developed constructs, the study also surveys quality practices of different-sized plants in two Kuwaiti manufacturing sectors, Food processing and Refractors. Therefore, testing the effect of type of industry and plant size on the implementation level of different quality practices represents the second contribution of the current study. Research Objectives: The main trust of this research is to provide insights about quality practices in a developing manufacturing sector in one of the newly industrializing Gulf State, Kuwait. In particular, this study seeks to: 1. Develop valid and reliable scales for measuring quality practices in the Kuwaiti industry; 2. Compare the differences in quality practices in the two industrial sectors; 3. Study the effect of plant size on quality practices in the Kuwaiti manufacturing units. The paper is organized as follows. The next section includes the literature review and the related research hypotheses. The research methodology utilized in the paper is then provided. This includes sampling and data collection, research variables and how they were operationalized, and the statistical analysis used to test for the research hypotheses. Finally, the research results and discussion are presented along with the major conclusions and managerial remarks.
LITERATURE REVIEW AND RESEARCH HYPOTHESES Since this research aims at testing the effect of type of industry and plant size on plant quality practices, the literature related to these prepositions and the formulated hypotheses are presented in this section.
Industry effect: The operations management literature suggests the existence of different practice in different industries because of the unique business environment they face and the need for fit (Reed et al., 1996 and Corbett and Rastrick, 2000). This uniqueness in each industry business environment, in terms of customer expectations, competition, and technology change is expected to create different opportunities and threats for each industry. Therefore, different corporate and manufacturing strategies among industrial sectors should be expected. Curkovic et al., (2000) argue that the dimensions of quality may differ in number or identity from one industry to another. Understanding these differences in different industries could help managers in each industry to adopt suitable approaches to the implementation of quality practices. Due to the exploratory nature of this study, the first two null hypotheses were formulated as follows: H1: The two industrial sectors do not differ significantly in the level of use of quality management practices Plant Size effect: Investigating the effect of company size on quality management implementation was subject to several empirical studies (Dale and Duncalf, 1984, Benson et al, 1991; Luzon, 1993; Goh and Ridgway, 1994; Martinez-Lorente et al, 1998). While Benson et al (1991) failed to find any relationship between company size and the application of TQM; some other studies were able to confirm this relationship. Dale and Duncalf (1984) showed that the application of TQM is more affected by number of employees than by annual sales. They argued that the larger the organization’s number of employees is, the more complex it is in terms of organizational structure and relationships. Martinez-Lorente et al, (1998) were able to find a positive and significant correlation between size of the organization and quality management implementation. Yong and Wilkinson (2001) also showed that larger companies in Singapore, in terms of number of employees, were better acquainted with some quality practices than the small ones. They argued that large companies tend to have more resources for management innovations that affect the use of some practices. By assigning a special award for smallsized companies, the Baldrige Quality Award implicitly assumes the effect of size on quality practices. Accordingly, the second hypothesis proposed in this study is as follows: H2: Plant size has significant effect on quality management practices implemented by Kuwaiti Manufacturers RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The data base used in this study is part of a large-scale research project which aimed at documenting and assessing the manufacturing practices in two of the largest manufacturing sectors in the state of Kuwait: Food processing and Refractors. The project was financed and administrated by the Kuwaiti Public Authority for Industry
(PAFI). Only the information related to quality strategy and practices is reported and analyzed in this paper. Because the plant is where quality practices are implemented, the unit of analysis in this study is the plant. A corporate level sample with several plants does not allow accurate assessment of the implementation level of different quality practices. In the current study, almost all of the companies making up the sample have only one single plant, only two in the food-processing sector posses between two and four plants. The sampling frame consisted of all manufacturing companies in the Food processing (96) and Refractors (198) industries working in Kuwait. According to the PAFI classification, the food processing industry comprises seven different divisions while the refractory-products industry includes eight. The food-processing industry comprises dairy products, meat processing, juice and soft drinks, bread and bakery, seafood processing, chattels & chickens food, and no-classified products. The refractors industry produces most of the construction materials used in the country. It includes, concrete mix, glass, marble and granite, ceramic & tile, cement, gypsy, and other products. Its sub-divisions stratified each industry and a proportionate number of plants were selected from each division. Therefore, a relative representation of each division within the same industry was secured in the sample. Table 1 Sampling frame and Response Rate ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Food Refractors industry industry Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total number of plants in Kuwait 96 198 294 Sample size (plants) 55 50 105 Response rate 54.5% 62% 58.1% Number of valid respondents 30 32 62 Plant size (employment) Small (35 employees or less) 8 (26.7%) 15 (46.9%) 23 (37.1%) Medium (36 to 70 employees) 10 (33.3%) 9 (28.1%) 19 (30.6%) Large (more than 70 employees) 12 (40.0%) 8 (25.0%) 20 (32.3%) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The data collection method used is that of the questionnaire, which was delivered by hand to the plant manager, after an introductory telephone call with the general manager of the sampled plant. The Kuwaiti Public Authority for Industry (PAFI) also sent a formal letter to the plants asking them for full cooperation with the research group. Another covering letter, from the research project director, was also attached with the questionnaire. It includes a brief description of the research project and a full assurance that the information obtained from participating plants will be considered as strictly confidential. Moreover, an appointment was scheduled in some cases for the
researcher to help explain the questions to the plant manager before filling the questionnaire. This contact strategy was successful since the response rate was about 58 percent for a total of 62 plants. In order to check the suitability of the questionnaire design, the initial design of the questionnaire was pre-tested on a pilot sample of few plants in both sectors. Returned questionnaires underwent strict checks to insure completeness and consistency. In some cases, plants re-contact was necessary. Only valid and complete questionnaires are used in the analysis Table 1 provides a general profile of the responses. Although the original questionnaire that was developed for the large research project comprised more than 400 questions, the current study focuses on only two sets of these questions. This includes a profile of the plant and the key quality practices being pursued by the plant during the past three years. The plant’s profile section includes type of industry and number of employees. In developing measures for quality variables, perceptual questions were used. Since the use of manufacturing practices is not a dichotomous (use, do not use) variable, as was empirically documented by Morita and Flynn (1997), questions about the level of implementation of quality practices were used. The answer to each of the quality practices questions has been measured on a five-point Likert scale, with 5 representing “fully implemented” and 1 representing “rarely implemented”. Based on the comprehensive review of the quality management literature, only three constructs are of interest in the current study: customer focus, human resources quality practices and core quality practices. These concepts are frequently mentioned as part of the main TQM implementation scales. Appendix 1 illustrates the three selected scales and the corresponding concepts for each. These selected twenty-one quality management concepts were drawn from previous conceptual and empirical quality management and TQM studies (for example: Dean and Bowen, 1994; Anderson et al., 1995; Flynn et al.,1995; Madue et al, 1995; Morita and Flynn, 1997; Solis et al., 2000; Zhang, 2000; Sun, 2000; Young and Wilkinson, 2001; and Huarng and Chen, 2002). Different firm and plant size measures such as annual revenue, total investments, and number of employees are usually used in several operations management empirical studies. Although respondents in the current studies were asked to provide information about the three measurements, most of them were very reluctant to reveal any information about sales and investments. In addition, size, in terms of employment, of only a number of large plants was known in advance of defining the sample. This is due to inaccurate and outdated employment records in most small plants. This is especially true in the Refractors industry. In order to encourage respondents to provide employment data, the employment size question was in an interval form. Based on the experience of PAFI classification, three employment size brackets were defined in the questionnaire: small (35 employees or fewer), medium (from 36 to 70 employees), and large (71 employees or higher). Each plant manager was asked to classify his plant as small, medium or large according to these intervals. The sizes of the responded plants for the entire sample were distributed as follows: 37.1 percent small; 30.6 medium; 32.3 percent large.
Statistical Analysis: As shown above, three different multi-item quality-practice scales are used in this study, therefore scale’s construct validity and reliability tests were calculated. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the construct validity for each scale. This was done to verify that items that are supposed to measure a given factor actually loaded together. The principle component analysis with varimax rotation was used to extract factors using a minimum scale factor loading of 0.50 as criteria. Reliability is the degree to which measures are free from errors and thus yield consistent results. Cronbach’s standardized alpha was selected to measure each construct reliability level with minimum value of 0.60. It is a measure of internal consistency based on the average inter-item correlation and is the most commonly used reliability test in survey research. Constructs validety and reliability will be presented later in a separate section of this paper. Due to the fact that ordinal scale is used in measuring the level of implementation of different quality practices and because of the relatively low sample size in the current study, selecting the appropriate statistical techniques for comparing group means is considered very crucial. Most of the available parametric inferential statistics depends on certain assumptions (Danial, 1990). Of interest, both Student’s t and F tests in analysis of variance assume that samples have been drawn from normally distributed populations with equal variance. Therefore, testing the collected data for the satisfaction of these two assumption were carried out using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Levene tests respectively. Table (2) Normality and Homogeneity of variance tests ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kolmogorov-Smirov Levene test for Levene test for Test Results Diff. Industry Groups Diff. Size Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quality Practices K-S Z Sig. Levene St. Sig. Levene St. Sig. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Customer Focus .878 .424 1.524 .226 1.555 .217 Human Resources .860 .451 1.775 .179 2.098 .153 Process Quality 1.157 .137 7.599 .001 .007 .934 Quality Measures 1.857 .002 .515 .600 3.362 .072 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Normality and homoeneity of variance test results, as reported in table 2, indicate that the average scores of each of the first three quality-practice constructs are normally distributed with only one exception. “Quality measures” variable does not seem to satisfy the assumption of normality. On the other hand, Levene’s test results did not support the rejection of the null hypothesis that the two industry group variances are equal for three of the four quality-practices variables. Also, the homogeneity of variances of the three size groups was confirmed for all quality-practice variables.
Because only two of the four constructs satisfy both the normality and homogeneity of variance conditions, a less demanding nonparametric statistics were used in the current study. Mann-Whitney test, the equivalent of the t-test parametric test, was used to compare quality practices of the two manufacturing sectors. Similarly, KruskalWallis k-independent samples test was used to test for the difference between quality practices across the three plant-size groups.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Part I: Scales and Constructs: Tables 3 through 5 include the confirmatory factor analysis and internal consistency test results of the three quality-practice dimensions. Table (3) Factor Analysis and Internal Consistency Test Results of the “Customer Focus” Variables -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Factor Analysis Internal Consistency Results Results -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variables One Item Item Alpha if Factor Mean S.D. item deleted ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Customer needs are thoroughly analyzed .665 4.022 .7450 .6746 Internal customer consideration .633 3.174 1.4500 .6977 Feedback about customer satisfaction .609 4.109 .9244 .6821 Customer service system .751 3.544 1.1674 .6418 Taking customer complaints serious .790 3.717 1.1674 .6000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cumulative Explained Variance Initial Eigenvalue
48.020 2.401
The Standardized Cronbach Alpha of the construct 0.7086
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The results confirm the uni-dimensionality of the measurement statements that were included for both "Customer focus" and "Workforce involvement" constructs. The five statements of "customer focus" were loaded on one factor with an initial Eigenvalue of 2.401. Together they were able to explain 48.02 percent of the variance of the related construct. With a Conbach's standardized alpha of 0.7086, this construct was considered reliable. Similarly, all "Human resources quality practices” concepts were loaded on one factor with only exception. “Employee suggestions system” was deleted because of the low level of loading on the construct. The loaded items, however explained about 65.854 percent of the variance with a relatively high reliability level of 0.8125. Table (4)
Factor Analysis and Internal Consistency Test Results of the “Human Resources Quality Practices” Variables -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Factor Analysis Internal Consistency Results Results -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variables One Item Item Alpha if Factor Mean S.D. item deleted -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Teamwork for solving problems .789 4.2545 .7750 .7970 Shared vision .869 4.1818 .8626 .7454 Employees participation programs .790 2.8727 1.2027 .7583 Employees training programs .795 3.3455 1.1741 .7507 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cumulative Explained Variance Initial Eigenvalue
65.854 2.634
The Standardized Cronbach Alpha of the Construct 0.8125
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Table (5) Factor Analysis and Internal Consistency Test Results of the “Core Quality practices” Variables -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Factor Analysis Internal Consistency Results Results -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variables Factor Factor Item Item Alpha if One Two Mean S.D. item deleted -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Process improvement programs .653 4.111 .6635 .7588 Data-driven decisions .779 3.926 .9081 .7371 Continuous improvement .677 4.148 .7373 .7685 Benchmarking .754 3.444 1.2539 .7198 SPC use .746 3.889 1.1103 .7052 Using computer in Q.C. .579 2.241 1.4133 .7865 Input quality measurements .918 4.000 .9723 .9262 Process quality measurements .951 3.946 .9802 .8814 Final product quality measurement .920 4.018 .9242 .9127 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cronbach Alpha of the two factors Cumulative Explained Variance Initial Eigenvalue
.7803 65.854 2.634
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Principle Component Analysis and Varimax Rotation were used * The given names of the two factors are “Process quality” and “Quality measurements accuracy” respectively.
On the contrary and as shown in table 5, only nine of the eleven "Core Quality practices" statements were loaded on two separate factors, with reliability levels
of 0.7803 and 0.9362 respectively. Based on the nature of the loaded concepts, the first construct was coined as "Process quality” while the second was named “Quality measures accuracy”. Neither "the existence of accurate customer satisfaction measurements" nor "using computer in quality control" was loaded on any of these two factors. Both statements were deleted accordingly. According to these scale verification results, each of the four qualitypractices groups was treated as a different construct. Hence, the mean value of the items measuring a particular construct was taken as the value of that construct for a given respondent.
Part II: Quality practices in the Two Industries: The mean and standard deviation values for the four constructs in the two industrial sectors, along with Mann-Whitney test results, are reported in Table (6). The results show that the ranks of the mean values for the four quality practices in the two industries are almost identical. While “using accurate quality measurements” was reported to have the highest implementation level, “process quality practices” (such as process improvement; benchmarking and SPC) was the least used quality procedures in both sectors. On the other hand, the ranks of “customer focus” and “human resources quality practices” in the two sectors are a bit different. In general, quality practices in terms of the four constructs scored above average implementation level in the two sectors. Table (6) Quality practices in the two industries (Mean, S.D. and Mann-Whitney test results) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Food Refractors Entire Mann-Whitney test (n=30) (n=32) Sample (n=62) Results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quality Practices Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. M-W U Sig. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Customer Focus 3.649 .7871 3.668 .6656 3.658 .7221 493.000 0.967 Human Resources 3.613 .7440 3.724 .9866 3.669 .8704 422.000 0.306 Process Quality 3.570 .7426 3.599 .8381 3.586 .7863 458.500 0.604 Quality Measures 3.931 .9935 4.030 .9013 3.980 .8976 398.500 0.902 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------While refractors industry exhibits slightly higher implementation level for the four quality-practices dimensions, the M-W test results, as shown in table 6, do not confirm any significant differences between the two industrial sectors. Therefore, null hypothesis number one was not rejected (p< .05). Type of industry has no significant effect on the level of implementation of quality practices
Part III: Plant Size and Quality Practices: 10
Table (7) Quality Practices by Plant Size (Mean, S.D., and the F-test results) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Small Medium Large Kruskal-Wallis test (n=23) (n=19) (n=20) Results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Chi-square Sig. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Customer Focus 3.31 .667 3.81 .789 3.94 .725 8.641 0.013* Human Resources 3.50 .883 3.58 1.003 3.93 .612 2.220 0.330 Process Quality 3.16 .580 3.63 1.024 4.03 .453 15.047 0.001** Quality Measures 3.68 .774 4.13 1.066 4.13 .847 6,144 0.046* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Small (35 employees or less), Medium (36 to 70 employees), and Large (more than 70 employees) - * p < 0.05
The significance values of the K-W test statistics for “Customer Focus” and “Process Quality” and “Quality Measures” practices in Table 7 support the rejection of the hypothesis that these practices are equal across the three plant size groups. Thus, null hypothesis number two was rejected for these three practices. Plant size is a determinant of the level of implementation of customer focus, core process quality practices and the use of accurate quality measurements in the Kuwaiti manufacturing units. The initial investigation of the reported results shows also that the extent of implementation has been greater with large companies while the adoption by small plants has been minimal. On the contrary, the implementation level of human resources quality management practices do not differ significantly among the three size groups. Accordingly, null hypothesis number two was not rejected for this construct. Small, medium, and large Kuwaiti plants are alike in their usage of human resources quality management practices such as utilizing teamwork for solving problems, securing a shared quality vision between management and employees, initiating employees participation programs and encouraging employees training programs. In order to investigate the pairwise differences between the three size groups for the three construct for which the Kruskal-Wallis tests were significant, posthoc Mann-Whitney U-test procedures were utilized. Table 8 presents the results of all pairwise comparisons between the three size groups. It shows statistically significant differences between small and large and between small and medium plants in customer focus, process quality and quality measurements. Similarly medium sized plants outperformed significantly small plants in adopting the same quality-management constructs. Table (8) Pairwise comparisons between different size groups 11
(Mann-Whitney test results) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Difference between Difference between Difference between Small and Large Medium and Large Small and Medium ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------M-W U Sign. M-W U Sign. M-W U Sign. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Customer Focus 104.5 0.003** 176.5 0.704 133.0 0.046* Process Quality 54.5 0.000** 163.5 0.449 130.5 0.040* Quality Measures 119.5 0.047* 163.0 0.828 93.0 0.024* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Small (35 employees or less), Medium (36 to 70 employees), and Large (more than 70 employees) - * p < 0.05
CONCLUSION The current study provides four reliable and valid multi-items constructs for measuring quality management practices in the developing Kuwaiti industry. These constructs are customer focus, human resources, process quality and quality measures. These construct were therefore used to survey quality practices of different-sized plants in two different manufacturing sectors, Food processing and Refractors. The food processing and refractors sectors were selected because they represent two extremes as regard to their managerial practices. Because of its highly competitive environment in the Kuwaiti local market and in the gulf area, the food processing industry has been known for its relatively sophisticated management practices. On the other hand, because refractors are by nature bulky and locally produced items, its producers tend to face less foreign competition and therefore follow traditional management practices. Therefore, a great deal of variability in quality management practices between the two industries was expected to exist. The findings of the current study however showed no significant differences between the two sectors in terms of their quality management practices. The implementation of quality practices seems to be essential across all manufacturing sectors in the highly competitive Kuwaiti environment. Under such environment, the implementation of customer-focus concept, workforce enhancement, continuous process improvement, and quality measures practices are basic requirements for any plant to be an order-qualifier. Quality practices in Kuwait are not an industry-related issue. This is due to the very competitive Kuwaiti market, which is almost open to all international producers. As for the plant size effect, the study revealed that size is a determinant of the implementation level of customer focus, process quality and quality measures practices. Kuwaiti large and medium plants tend to exhibit a higher implementation level of these constructs than their smaller counterparts. These findings are consistant with similar conclusions that were reported by Lee and Oakes (1995), Haksever (1996), Elmati
and Kathawala (1999) and Yong (2001). Several researchers argue that there are fundamental differences between large and small firms that may significantly affect a small firms’s ability to implement a successful quality management system. The current study seems to support this argument. The findings of the current study could have several managerial implections for Kuwaiti manufacturers and governmental decision makers. The continous enhancement of quality management implementation in all manufacturing units seems very essential. This is specially true during the upcomming globalization era. On the other hand, the Kuwaiti Public Authority for Industry (PAFI) must provide help and support to small and mid-sized plants to enhance their ability to implement effective quality management system. Encoureging them to seek ISO-9000 certification, apply for quality awards and certificats, attend local and international quality management workshops represent some possible actions in this direction.
Appendix 1: Quality Practices' Concepts used in the study
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On a scale from 1 to 5, please indicate the level of implementation of each of the following qualitypractices concepts in your plant.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Customer Focus 1. Customer needs and requirements are thoroughly analyzed 2. Each department is considered an internal customer to other department 3. The plant has customer feedback on quality and delivery measurements 4. A formal customer service system 5. Taking customer complaints serious Human Resources Quality Practices 1. Forming teams to solve problems and develop teamwork 2. Shared vision between management and employees 3. Employee participation programs 4. Employee training programs 5. Employee suggestions system Core Quality Practices 1. Process improvement programs 2. Data-driven decisions 3. Continuous improvement 4. Benchmarking practices and performance 5. Supplier partnership programs 6. The use of Statistical Process Control 7. The existence of accurate input(s) quality measurements 8. The existence of accurate process quality measurements 9. The existence of accurate final product(s) quality measurements 10. The existence of accurate customer satisfaction measurements 11. Using computer in quality control -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level of implementation (1) rarely implemented; (2) slightly implemented; (3) average implementation; (4) frequanttly implemented; (5) fully implemented.
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