Dr. Amany Youssef Sharaf, Dr. Alyaa Farouk Abd El-Fattah Ibrahim ... Health Nursing, College of Nursing, King Saud bin Abdul-Aziz University for ...... El-Moselhy E, Atlam S, Mohammed A, Hassan H, Ebrahim A. Psychosocial Impact and ... Khawaja A, Bokhari S, Rasheed T, Shahzad A, Hanif M, Qadeer F, Jafferany M.
IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS e-ISSN: 2320–1959.p- ISSN: 2320–1940 Volume 6, Issue 1 Ver. VI (Jan. - Feb. 2017), PP 17-29 www.iosrjournals.org
Quality of life of patients with Psoriasis in Alexandria- Egypt Dr. Amany Youssef Sharaf, Dr. Alyaa Farouk Abd El-Fattah Ibrahim Lecturer of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University. Egypt Lecturer of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University. Egypt Assistant Professor of Community Health Nursing, College of Nursing, King Saud bin Abdul-Aziz University for Health Sciences. KSA Abstract: Background: Psoriasis is an obvious systemic problem that affects somatic, psychologic and social aspects of life. Therefore, quality of life (QoL) of psoriasis patients is often significantly impaired. Objectives: The present study aimed to assess the quality of life of patients with psoriasis and to compare the impact of different grades of disease severity on patients’ quality of life domains. Setting: Dermatology Outpatient Clinic of Alexandria Main University Hospital. Patients and Methods: This is a descriptive study. Data were collected from 110 patients attending the prementioned health setting. A socio demographic, clinical characteristics structured questionnaire, and the Dermatological Quality of Life Scale DQOLS, were utilized for data collection. Each patient was interviewed individually after brief explanation of the aims of the study. The interview took about 30 minutes for each patient. Results: Significant relationships were noted between quality of life of patients' activities of daily living and physical activities percent scores and severity of psoriasis (χ2 = 68.723 & P 40 40>50 50 – 60 Min-Max (Age) Mean ± SD Median Sex Male Female Education level Illiterate Read and write High school or less University education or more Occupation Clerical/Technical Manual Unemployed Retired Social status Single Married Widow Family type Nuclear Extended Monthly income (EGP per month) < 1000 1000- 2000 >2000 Severity of psoriasis Mild Moderate Severe Psoriasis area Covered Exposed (visible) Covered (not visible) History of psoriasis 1year
Percent (%)
83 27
75.5 24.5
22 17 71 30.0 – 60.0 51.43 ± 8.57 55.0
20.0 15.5 64.5
61 49
55.5 44.5
60 19 24 7
54.5 17.3 21.8 6.4
9 49 50 2
8.2 44.5 45.5 1.8
3 95 12
2.7 86.4 10.9
98 12
89.1 10.9
69 38 3
62.7 34.5 2.7
34 43 33
30.9 39.1 30.0
48 62
43.6 56.4
54 56
49.1 50.9
Figure (1) illustrates that the majority of the studied patients had poor QoL in relation to physical activity, social relationships, working conditions, and financial status (62.7%, 56.4%, 52.7% & 99.1%, respectively), while more than three quarters (75.5%) of the participants had fair QoL in relation to activities of daily livings as eating and sleeping. On the other hand, the figure shows that slightly less than half (48.2%) of the studied patients had good QoL in relation to psychosocial and sexual status.
DOI: 10.9790/1959-0601061729
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Quality of life of patients with Psoriasis in Alexandria- Egypt
100 90 75.5
52.7 48.2
50 40
24.5 18.2
10 0.9
0 Affected activities of daily livings
Affected physical activity items
Social relationships items
Psychological and sexual feeling items
Affected Working items
Affected financial items
Overall Quality of life
Figure (1): Distribution of the studied patients according to their percent score of psoriasis Quality of life Domains (n=110) Table (2) Strong statistically significant relationships were detected between Psoriasis severity and patient's education, social status, family type and having the disease for more than one year χ2 =13.148 & P = 0.030, χ2 =14.577 & P = 0.001, χ2 =8.801 & P = 0.008 & χ2 =67.195 & P 40 40>50 50 – 60 Min. – Max. Mean ± SD. Median Sex Male Female Education level Illiterate Read and write High school or less University education Occupation Clerical/Technical Manual Unemployed Retired Social status Single Married Widow Family type
DOI: 10.9790/1959-0601061729
Mild (n= 34) No
Severity Of Psoriasis Moderate (n= 43) % No %
Severe (n= 33) No
25 9
73.5 26.5
30 13
28 5
84.8 15.2
7 6 21 28.0 – 67.0 51.85 ± 10.96 57.50
20.6 17.6 61.8
6 14.0 6 14.0 31 72.1 35.0 – 63.0 53.28 ± 7.38 54.0
9 27.3 5 15.2 19 57.6 38.0 – 63.0 49.48 ± 8.39 53.0
16 18
47.1 52.9
24 19
55.8 44.2
21 12
63.6 36.4
21 7 5 1
61.8 20.6 14.7 2.9
28 7 7 1
65.1 16.3 16.3 2.3
11 5 12 5
33.3 15.2 36.4 15.2
MC p= 0.030*
5 15 14 0
14.7 44.1 41.2 0.0
4 17 22 0
9.3 39.5 51.2 0.0
0 17 14 2
0.0 51.5 42.4 6.1
0 31 3
0.0 91.2 8.8
0 42 1
0.0 97.7 2.3
3 22 8
9.1 66.7 24.2
69.8 30.2
Test of Sig.
MC p= 0.116
MC p= 0.001*
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Quality of life of patients with Psoriasis in Alexandria- Egypt Nuclear Extended Monthly income < 1000 1000- 2000 >2000 History of Psoriasis 1year
: Chi square test F: F test (ANOVA)
MC p= 0.008*
31 3
91.2 8.8
34 9
79.1 20.9
33 0
100.0 0.0
22 10 2
64.7 29.4 5.9
31 11 1
72.1 25.6 2.3
16 17 0
48.5 51.5 0.0
34 0
100 0.0
20 23
46.5 53.5
0 33
0.0 100