CONCENTRATION. The following course requirements are organized by ...
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE MAJOR PROGRAM COURSE REQUIREMENTS QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES FOR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CONCENTRATION The following course requirements are organized by year to suggest a sequence for timely completion of the program: Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four BISC 101‐4 BISC 204‐3 BISC 304‐3 BISC 407‐3 102 ‐4 ECON 105‐41 MACM 316‐3 EVSC 401‐1 CHEM 120‐3 260‐3 MATH 308‐3 MATH 309‐3 122‐2 EVSC 200‐3 310‐3 STAT 402‐3 ECON 103‐41 GEOG 111‐3 PHYS 346‐3 410‐3 MATH 232‐3 STAT 285‐3 430‐3 REM 100‐3 251‐3 350‐3 STAT 270‐3 and one of: MATH 151‐3 and one of: 154‐3 CMPT 102‐3 157‐3 120‐3 and one of: and one of: MATH 152‐3 PHYS 102‐3 155‐3 121‐3 158‐3 and one of: PHYS 101‐3 120‐3 And at least four courses from the following to be completed in years three and four. Note that some courses require lower division pre‐requisites. BISC 300‐3 2 ECON 261‐3 EVSC 491W‐3 GEOG 354‐4 REM 311‐3 305‐33 356‐3 412‐3 445‐3 471‐3
Students are advised to check the Environmental Science website for Faculty of Environment “ENV” Special Topics courses that can be applied to the program as electives.
The calendar has suggested groupings of courses for different foci (i.e. Fisheries, Economics, Forestry).
Additional electives are required to meet the total graduation requirement of 120 units, including at least 44 units at the upper division level. Program and University CGPA required for continuance and graduation: 2.50.
Students admitted to SFU in the Fall of 2006 or later must also meet the Writing, Quantitative, and Breadth (WQB) requirements. See the calendar or http://www.sfu.ca/ugcr for details. A grade of C‐ or better is required to earn W, Q or B credit.
An Honours Program is available. See the SFU Calendar for details.
All substitutes below must be approved by the Environmental Science Advisor. 1. One of ECON 103 or 105 can be substituted with ENV 399‐3, Special Topics: Ecological Economics ‐ Spring 2011. 2. ECON 261 is no longer offered. ECON 301 is an acceptable substitute. 3. MBB 201 is no longer accepted as a prerequisite for BISC 305. Prerequisites for BISC 305 are: MBB 231 and PHYS 102 (or PHYS 121 or 126 or 141). MBB 231 prerequisites are: MBB 222 and BISC 101. MBB 222 prerequisites are: CHEM 281 and prerequisite/co‐requisite CHEM 282. BISC 305 is preferred, but to complete the requirements in a timely manner, BISC 316 can be substituted. BISC 316 prerequisites are: BISC 101 and 102