Aug 10, 2014 - Genesis 1:1 plainly states that behind the entire creative order of the universe is. God's divine .... Th
Questions About Creation vs. Evolution
Questions About Creation vs. Evolution Dr. Brandon Park | August 10, 2014
A recent Gallop poll found that 47% of Americans believe in strict c reationism. Some 30% believe in some combination of evolution and creationism, where God was involved. Only 9% of Americans believe in strict evolution. Is evolution fact or fiction? Is man in the image of God or is God the imagination of man? Genesis 1:1 plainly states that behind the entire creative order of the universe is God’s divine hand. This message will examine six k ey questions that will help us understand the revolution against evolution.
I. What is the _______________ of the Theory of Evolution?
Depending on the definition, there may or may not be a problem with the word “evolution.” Certain kinds of limited change do happen in nature. There are really 2 meanings to the word “evolution:” • _______________-‐Evolution — simply states that change does take place within certain kinds of plants and animals and that there are certain varieties within different s pecies. (See Genesis 1:24-‐25—”Every kind of animal…”) Micro-‐evolution acknowledges limited variation within an existing species (which nobody denies). • _______________-‐Evolution — (Charles Darwin) It teaches that living matter evolved from dead matter through a random process plus time and that all living things evolved from a common ancestor through a random process of natural selection that ensures the survival of the fittest. This is unlimited change leading to the existence of an entirely new species from a previously existing species. THE BOTTOM LINE: The Creation vs. Evolution debate is over macro not micro evolution.
II. Why is the _________ of the Theory of Evolution so Important? One of the greatest myths regarding the creation vs. evolution debate is that evolution is scientific whereas creationism is nothing more than religious belief. This debate is not an issue between two different subjects. It is not science vs. religion. They’re both trying to give an answer to the same question: how did we get here? This is not a debate between fact vs. faith but rather between the faith of evolutionists and the faith of creationists. Hugh Ross, an Christian astrophysicist, who earned his Ph.D in astronomy, wrote "The work of secular scientists is the friend, not the foe, of Christians. Their efforts have given us some of the strongest evidences for our Creator, God, and Savior." It takes far more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in Divine design. Astrophysicists have found that there are over 60 criteria that are necessary for life on earth. Life could not exist if any one of these c riterion were not in place. Whether you were created for a purpose or you have no purpose; whether there is a plan for your life or no plan for your life all depends upon this debate!
III. What is the ___________________ of the Theory of Evolution?
DID EVOLUTION HAPPEN? Here are 2 major flaws to this theory: • PROBLEM #1 – The ____________ Flaw — If evolution were true, then you would expect to find an overwhelming abundance of transitional or intermediate forms. For example, if lizards eventually turned into birds, then you would find a multitude of half lizard/half bird fossils. The Father of Evolution, Charles Darwin, said, “Innumerable transitional forms must have existed, but why we do not find them imbedded in countless numbers of the crust of the earth?” Darwin was hoping that in time, these fossils would be found. • Problem #2 – The Life from _______-‐__________ Delimma — No scientific proof that life can evolve into existence from non-‐living matter. All modern day evidence points to the fact that “spontaneous generation” is impossible. COULD EVOLUTION HAPPEN? Within each cell in your body y ou have a super-‐molecule called DNA. The DNA of 1 human being stores enough informational code to fill 1,000 books, each with 500 pages of very small, closely printed type. The information inside of each c ell is far more s ophisticated than any computer. Sir Fred Hoyle, a B ritish scientist and mathematician, said that the chance of life
coming from non-‐life is about 10 to the 160th power (that’s 10 with 160 zero’s following it). Anything beyond 10 to the 50th power is essentially impossible or absurd!
IV. Why Do Scientists Have Such______ to the Theory of Evolution?
Since evolution is scientifically impossible, why do so many defend it? The faith of the evolutionists gets in the way of the facts of science. Evolutionist Richard Dawkins said, “Even if there were no actual evidence in favor of the Darwinian theory, we would still be justified in preferring it over all rival theories.” Dr. George Wald (Professor Emeritus of B iology at Harvard University, and the Nobel prize winner in biology in 1971) said, “There are only two possibilities as to how life arose: one is spontaneous generation arising to evolution. The other is a supernatural creative act of God. There is no third possibility. Spontaneous generation, the belief that life comes from non-‐living matter was scientifically disproved a hundred and twenty years ago by Louis Pasteur and others. That just leaves us with one other possibility—that life arose as a creative act of God. But, I will not accept that philosophy, because I do not want to believe in God, therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible, spontaneous generation leading to evolution.”
V. What is the __________ of Believing in the Theory of Evolution?
Either we are the accidental by-‐product of a random, purposeless process or we have been created in God’s image with a purpose, by His design. Your _____________ point will determine your _________________ point. The root problem of our culture today has been caused by the teaching of evolution. Slavery was justified in early America by using the theory of evolution. Evolutionist William Povine of Cornell said that if evolution is true, there are 5 inescapable conclusions: 1.) There is no evidence for God, 2.) There is no life after death, 3.) There is no right or wrong, 4.) Your life has ultimate meaning, 5.) People don’t have a free will. Evolutionary theory is like a cancer in the bloodstream that will affect every vital organ of the culture.
VI. What Does ____________ Do To the Theory of Evolution?
Psalm 19:1, “The heavens a re telling of the glory of G od; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.” Are we supposed to believe that all of creation happened by chance? One man said, “If you came into the kitchen and saw the alphabet cereal spilled on the table and it spelled out your name and address, would you think the cat knocked the cereal box over?” Anthony Flew (British Philosopher and champion for atheism) at the age of 81 said that he had changed his mind and has now stated that based on scientific evidence, “there had to be a super-‐ intelligence, a first cause, as the only good explanation for the origin of life and the complexity of nature.” Divine design destroys the theory of evolution. Only when you understand ______ you got here, will you ever understand _______ you are here. FURTHER NOTES: _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
Questions About Creation vs. Evolution
Questions About Creation vs. Evolution Dr. Brandon Park | August 10, 2014
A recent Gallop poll found that 47% of Americans believe in strict c reationism. Some 30% believe in some combination of evolution and creationism, where God was involved. Only 9% of Americans believe in strict evolution. Is evolution fact or fiction? Is man in the image of God or is God the imagination of man? Genesis 1:1 plainly states that behind the entire creative order of the universe is God’s divine hand. This message will examine six k ey questions that will help us understand the revolution against evolution.
I. What is the _______________ of the Theory of Evolution? definition
Depending on the definition, there may or may not be a problem with the word “evolution.” Certain kinds of limited change do happen in nature. There are really 2 meanings to the word “evolution:” • _______________-‐ Evolution — simply states that change does take place within certain Micro kinds of plants and animals and that there are certain varieties within different s pecies. (See Genesis 1:24-‐25—”Every kind of animal…”) Micro-‐evolution acknowledges limited variation within an existing species (which nobody denies). • _______________-‐ Evolution — (Charles Darwin) It teaches that living matter evolved from Macro dead matter through a random process plus time and that all living things evolved from a common ancestor through a random process of natural selection that ensures the survival of the fittest. This is unlimited change leading to the existence of an entirely new species from a previously existing species. THE BOTTOM LINE: The Creation vs. Evolution debate is over macro not micro evolution.
II. Why is the _________ debate of the Theory of Evolution so Important? One of the greatest myths regarding the creation vs. evolution debate is that evolution is scientific whereas creationism is nothing more than religious belief. This debate is not an issue between two different subjects. It is not science vs. religion. They’re both trying to give an answer to the same question: how did we get here? This is not a debate between fact vs. faith but rather between the faith of evolutionists and the faith of creationists. Hugh Ross, an Christian astrophysicist, who earned his Ph.D in astronomy, wrote "The work of secular scientists is the friend, not the foe, of Christians. Their efforts have given us some of the strongest evidences for our Creator, God, and Savior." It takes far more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in Divine design. Astrophysicists have found that there are over 60 criteria that are necessary for life on earth. Life could not exist if any one of these c riterion were not in place. Whether you were created for a purpose or you have no purpose; whether there is a plan for your life or no plan for your life all depends upon this debate!
III. What is the ___________________ of the Theory of Evolution? deficiency
DID EVOLUTION HAPPEN? Here are 2 major flaws to this theory: • PROBLEM #1 – The ____________ Fossil Flaw — If evolution were true, then you would expect to find an overwhelming abundance of transitional or intermediate forms. For example, if lizards eventually turned into birds, then you would find a multitude of half lizard/half bird fossils. The Father of Evolution, Charles Darwin, said, “Innumerable transitional forms must have existed, but why we do not find them imbedded in countless numbers of the crust of the earth?” Darwin was hoping that in time, these fossils would be found. • Problem #2 – The Life from _______-‐ Delimma — No scientific proof that life can evolve Non __________ Life into existence from non-‐living matter. All modern day evidence points to the fact that “spontaneous generation” is impossible. COULD EVOLUTION HAPPEN? Within each cell in your body y ou have a super-‐molecule called DNA. The DNA of 1 human being stores enough informational code to fill 1,000 books, each with 500 pages of very small, closely printed type. The information inside of each c ell is far more s ophisticated than any computer. Sir Fred Hoyle, a B ritish scientist and mathematician, said that the chance of life
coming from non-‐life is about 10 to the 160th power (that’s 10 with 160 zero’s following it). Anything beyond 10 to the 50th power is essentially impossible or absurd!
devotion to the Theory of Evolution? IV. Why Do Scientists Have Such______
Since evolution is scientifically impossible, why do so many defend it? The faith of the evolutionists gets in the way of the facts of science. Evolutionist Richard Dawkins said, “Even if there were no actual evidence in favor of the Darwinian theory, we would still be justified in preferring it over all rival theories.” Dr. George Wald (Professor Emeritus of B iology at Harvard University, and the Nobel prize winner in biology in 1971) said, “There are only two possibilities as to how life arose: one is spontaneous generation arising to evolution. The other is a supernatural creative act of God. There is no third possibility. Spontaneous generation, the belief that life comes from non-‐living matter was scientifically disproved a hundred and twenty years ago by Louis Pasteur and others. That just leaves us with one other possibility—that life arose as a creative act of God. But, I will not accept that philosophy, because I do not want to believe in God, therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible, spontaneous generation leading to evolution.”
V. What is the __________ of Believing in the Theory of Evolution? danger
Either we are the accidental by-‐product of a random, purposeless process or we have been created in God’s image with a purpose, by His design. Your _____________ starting point will determine your _________________ concluding point. The root problem of our culture today has been caused by the teaching of evolution. Slavery was justified in early America by using the theory of evolution. Evolutionist William Povine of Cornell said that if evolution is true, there are 5 inescapable conclusions: 1.) There is no evidence for God, 2.) There is no life after death, 3.) There is no right or wrong, 4.) Your life has ultimate meaning, 5.) People don’t have a free will. Evolutionary theory is like a cancer in the bloodstream that will affect every vital organ of the culture.
design VI. What Does ____________ Do To the Theory of Evolution?
Psalm 19:1, “The heavens a re telling of the glory of G od; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.” Are we supposed to believe that all of creation happened by chance? One man said, “If you came into the kitchen and saw the alphabet cereal spilled on the table and it spelled out your name and address, would you think the cat knocked the cereal box over?” Anthony Flew (British Philosopher and champion for atheism) at the age of 81 said that he had changed his mind and has now stated that based on scientific evidence, “there had to be a super-‐ intelligence, a first cause, as the only good explanation for the origin of life and the complexity of nature.” Divine design destroys the theory of evolution. Only when you understand _how _____ you got why you are here. here, will you ever understand _______ FURTHER NOTES: _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________