Apr 9, 2015 - the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) on changes to the Application for. Benefit
Questions and Answers from Starting Strong April 9, 2015 ABE Webinar The questions below were asked by participants in a April 2015 Starting Strong webinar presented by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) on changes to the Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE). The answers below are written by HFS, and provide additional clarification on topics covered during the webinar, including a new ABE “Manage My Case” Function. To download the webinar slides, please visit: http://everthriveil.org/sites/default/files/docs/webinars/Star tingStrongPresentation-ABEChanges201504.pdf.
Q: Will we be able to request to add members to an open case on line? A: Yes, through the Manage My Case (MMC) functionality, a member can be added to an open case through the “Report My Changes” option. Q: If you are currently receiving Medicaid and are enrolled in the Pay-in Spend-down program, can you create an account now? A: No, the Manage My Case (MMC) functionality will not be implemented until the Phase 2 Release in the fall. At that time, people will be able to create a MMC account. Q: Will people with Medicaid spend-down be able to view the amount of the spend-down (how much is remaining) on the Manage My Case ABE portal? A: Yes, remaining spend-down amount will be displayed on the healthcare coverage – Benefit Details Page. Q: On the uploaded documents screen, will that include documents that local offices have uploaded such as documents sent to meet their spend-down? A: No, documents uploaded in IES by the DHS office will not be visible in Manage My Case. Q: Will this be available in multiple languages? A: All of the new ABE screens that are part of the Usability updates and the Phase 2 functionality, including MMC and Appeals, will be translated into Spanish. Q: Will clients be able to access their Managed Care plan information through their accounts? A: Through a MMC account, clients will be able to see what Managed Care Plan they are currently enrolled in along with contact information for that plan. Q: Would this self-service [MMC] feature replace the need for an agency to get PACIS access in order to check benefit status for clients?
Questions and Answers from Starting Strong April 9, 2015 ABE Webinar A: It depends on the reason why someone accesses PACIS now. The Manage My Case portal will provide current case information on all benefits as well as health plan information. If agencies need more extensive information, or want agency access to this information, they will need to apply for access to IES (limited view) as a provider. See http://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=76484 for more information. Q: Has the income page been updated? It can be very confusing as to what information is really needed. A: Through the Usability project, the state has attempted to clarify the application by revising wording and adding Hover Help text to indicate clearly what income needs to be included and how it should be put into the application. Q: Will there be a mobile version or app for Manage My Case? A: Clients will be able to access their MMC account through any device with an internet connection. The development of a mobile app is under consideration but wouldn’t take place until at least 2016. Q: Will the process time for applications or changes be changed? How long before consumers receive a response from DHS? A: Delays in processing applications can be the result of different factors, including incomplete applications or applications with information that can’t be verified electronically and therefore, additional documents must be submitted to the State. The ability to do much more online, including changing an address, adding someone to the case, renewing the case, checking benefits and more, will lead to less burden on the client and the caseworker. Q: Will any Medicaid recipient also be able to receive electronic copies of notifications sent by the state (i.e. redeterminations), or only the recipients who applied through ABE? A: Anyone receiving benefits, regardless of how they applied, will be encouraged to set up a Manage My Case account. Q: Will clients only be able to renew online or will the phone system redetermination and paper options still be available? A: Online and paper options will continue to be available, but not the phone option. Q: In the past, once a client's application was being processed at the local office they had no need to log into their account because they could not do anything. Many of those clients have disregarded their login information. Will they be able to create a new account and access their case information, or will they need to go through a process to unlock their accounts? A: Clients setting up an ABE Manage My Case account will be able to link that MMC account to their case information by using their case number or RIN or other identifying information. It does not matter
Questions and Answers from Starting Strong April 9, 2015 ABE Webinar if they applied through ABE. With a MMC account, they can access their case information. In addition, clients will be able to recover user IDs and passwords after Phase 2 is implemented this fall. Q: Can you report income change online as well? Or does the client still have to go to local DHS to bring proof of income (pay stubs)? A: Yes, clients will be able to report income changes online in their MMC account. They can also submit proof of that income through the MMC account. They will continue to be able to upload, mail or fax supporting documentation as they can do today. Q: Can you submit more than one application within 30 days with "Apply for Additional Benefits" option? A: The limitation to submit only one application within 30 days from the same user ID and password is specific to submitting applications through ABE. There are no such limitations in the “Apply for Additional Benefits” functionality in the client’s Manage My Case account. Q: Will clients be able to transfer the case electronically through the portal? Or will they still need to go into the office? A: Case transfers can be requested in Manage My Case (MMC) through Report My Change by selecting the “Other Changes” option. Q: On the final steps page (slide 15), will the name of the applicant be included with the tracking number?” A: There are no plans to add the name to the final steps page, but individual pages of an application can also be printed. Q: How can a person get a replacement card for benefits? A: To get a replacement Medicaid card, clients can call the DHS helpline at 1-800-843-6154 and request one. To get a replacement card from a managed care plan, the client must contact their health plan directly. Q: What is Disaster SNAP? A: With approval from the federal government, the state may operate a Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) when the President declares a major disaster in affected areas. People who might not ordinarily qualify for SNAP benefits may be eligible for DSNAP, if they have disaster related expenses, such as loss of income, damage to property and relocation expenses. D-SNAP benefits are provided through an electronic benefit transfer card that can be used at authorized food retailers to buy food. People who are already participating in the regular SNAP may be eligible for additional benefits under the D-SNAP.