. Questions: Management What is the best way to turn our words into actions? Grain. It se
QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK April 30, 2018 Submit answers to the Participation Activity Module in Intelex or send directly to
[email protected] or
[email protected]. Questions: Management Grain Energy Agronomy Food / Feed
What is the best way to turn our words into actions? It seems we need a crisis to motivate us to do what it takes to prevent a crisis. What can we do to prevent the crisis before one occurs? Possibility Thinking – List at least 3 Ideas to help our delivery vehicles stop hitting things? What will it take to get past talking about how much we care about safety to the point where our actions actually demonstrate it? What level of effort are you putting towards changing a culture? Explain
(Check off the question or questions you are answering below)
Answer also be submitted directly to: https://goo.gl/9ZuDrQ.