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This report is dedicated to those who have been searching for legitimate ways to make extra money and to those who are not afraid to put their fears aside, take action and venture towards financial freedom. Author: Martin Buckley Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2016 Marketing Advantage All Rights Reserved No part of this report may be reproduced, transmitted or copied in any form without written permission from the publisher. THIS IS MY BEST MONEY MAKING IDEA AND HOTTEST SELLER (click image below for complete details)

Money Making Idea #1

Touch Up $25 An Hour Providing A Unique Used Vehicle Service How many of you own a vehicle that the door handles, bumper or mirrors are faded or turning white? My guess is many of you own a vehicle with these issues. How many of you think that used car lot dealers have these same issues with the cars they are trying to sell? That's right, a lot of them. What I'm about to teach you is how to get used car lot dealers to gladly pay you to fix those issues. The rest of this report is going to give you the steps needed on how to run this very easy unique service business that anyone can do and how to do it without doing any hard selling and earn $50 per hour. Please don't let the simplicity of this service business fool you, because if you follow the steps outlined in this report you will make money, so let's get started. STEP ONE: Take a trip to a local used car lot and walk around and notice how many vehicles you see that the door handles, bumpers, or mirrors are faded or tuning white. The reason I tell you to do this is so that I can prove to you that this is an issue and a needed service. STEP TWO: Order a bottle of the special black dye called Bumper & Trim Black. You can order it online at: http://www.autogeek.net/forblacbumtr.html or you might be able to find it at a local auto supply store. The price for one bottle of Bumper & Trim Black will cost you between $10 and $15 depending on where you buy it.

STEP THREE: Once you have your bottle of Bumper & Trim Black, practice on your own vehicle or a family or friends vehicle. All you have to do is rub it on like polishing your shoes, it's really that simple. After you rub it on wait about 10 to 20 minutes and then check and make sure it's dry. Bumper & Trim Black is a dye and will penetrate into the plastic very fast. After you have done a few vehicles you will be a pro. NOTE: If you get the Bumper & Trim Black dye on the painted surface of the vehicle, simply use some rubbing alcohol on a white rag and wipe it off.

STEP FOUR: Now your ready to make some money. Go to any used car lot and look for the worst faded black bumper. Now go inside and ask to speak with the owner or general manger. When the owner or general manager comes your goal is to get him/her to agree to watch a quick demonstration. To help you achieve this use the following script: Hello, my name is (your name) I provide a unique vehicle service that to my knowledge no one else offers. You know how on many used vehicles the black bumpers, mirrors and door handles are faded or turning white, well I restore them to look like new and I would like to restore one bumper for you FREE to prove this to you. Is this OK with you? Most owners or general managers are going to say sure, go ahead. Now that you got the OK go outside back to the bumper you found that was the worst and restore one half and leave the other half the way it was.

Once your done go back inside and get the owner or general manager and show him/her the bad side compared to the side you just restored. They will see the big difference and love it. When you know the owner or general manager likes what you have done tell them the following: If you like I could come by once a week and restore any vehicles that need the bumpers, mirrors or door handles fixed. If the owner or general manager is interested they will ask you at this point how much you charge for your services, so let him/her know you charge the following: Door Handles - $5 each Mirrors - $10 each Bumpers - $25 each STEP FIVE: Buy a 3 part carbon-less invoice book at any office supply store. You are going to have to bill the car lot dealer, so you will need the invoice book to write out what services you have provided. Make sure your name and phone number are on the invoice, so they can call you if they have any questions regarding your bill. Here is how you should fill out your invoices. Where it says quantity write the year of the vehicle. Where it says description write the make of the vehicle and the VIN #. All this info. can be found on the vehicles front window sticker. Where it says price write what you restored. Where it says amount write the total amount due for that vehicle. Once your all done with all vehicle for that day add up all the amounts and place the total at the bottom of the invoice and circle it. On the first of each month you will mail a bill to each car lot you work for with copies of the their invoices and they will then mail you a check shortly after they get your bill. Well, I have given you a unique money making idea with little to no competition, so give it a try and make some money. To your success! Martin

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Money Making Idea #2

Drive In $4,800 Profit With Auto Discount Cards WHAT IS IT: A double sided discount card 4”x 5” in size that offers free and discounted automobile services, such as a free oil change, a free battery charge, 50% off an inspection, etc.

HOW IT WORKS: Contact in person a local neighborhood auto repair service station and offer the owner to help them increase their business at no cost to them. Get the service station owner to agree to honor 20 specific free or discounted services. You only need one auto repair service station to agree to work with you and your in business. WHY IT WORKS: In order for the consumers to take advantage of all the free or discounted services, they have to visit the service station many times and this gives the service the ability to build a relationship with the consumers and keep a good percentage of them as life long customers even after they have used up all of the free or discounted services on their auto discount card.

HOW TO MAKE THEM: Using a computer with a basic desktop publishing program such as Print Shop, just copy the design of the example auto discount card shown above or create your own design and then using color card stock print the auto discount cards 4 to a page, then cut them out using a paper cutter. If you don't want to design and print out your own auto discount cards just make a mock-up design of how you want your discount to look or use the example shown above and take it to a local printer and have them design it, print it and cut them out for you. HOW TO SELL THEM: There are a number of ways to sell the auto discount cards. Here are 2 suggested ways to sell them. OPTION 1: Sell them door to door yourself or hire sales people on a commission basis. Here is an example script to use: How are you today? I'm (your name) from (service station name your working with) Do you or a member of your family own a vehicle? (this question will almost guarantee the desired yes answer) Great! (hand them the auto discount card to look at) As you can see there is a free (pick any free service and explain it) all together there are 20 free or discounted vehicle services a total of ( figure out the total amount of savings the auto discount card your selling has and tell the customer this amount) , but today If your interested I can sell it to you for just $10. Would you like to buy one now? OPTION 2: Work with a nonprofit organization, church, youth group, etc. that needs to raise funds. Offer to let them sell the auto discount cards at say $20 to consumers and for each auto discount card the sell the get to keep $10. You will need to up a contract outlining all of the details of your agreement. This protects both you and the group your working with should any misunderstanding occur. PROFIT POTENTIAL: 500 auto discount cards sold at $10 each by yourself grosses $5,000 less estimated expenses of $200 for printing, gas, etc. leaves a net profit of $4,800. 500 auto discount cards sold sold at $10 by a sales person or group grosses $5,000 less 50% or $2,500 is paid to the sales person or group, plus minus $100 for printing leaves a net profit of $2,400 for you. To your success! Martin

Money Making Idea #3

BUILD $315 A WEEK SELLING SIMPLE A-FRAME SIDEWALK SIGNS WHAT IS IT: A homemade 2' x 4' white freestanding wood A-Frame sidewalk sign board.

HOW TO MAKE THEM: Simply go to Lowe’s or The Home Depot and buy one piece of 4' x 8' plywood and I have them cut it for you into four 2’ x 4’ pieces, so that you can make two signs from one piece of plywood. Then look for and buy 4 cheap hinges and a can of the cheapest white indoor outdoor paint. Now using a saw you will need to cut out an arch at the bottom of each 2' x 4' piece of plywood to create the legs for your A-Frame signs (see picture above for example) Then simply screw two hinges at the top inside of the two 2' x 4' boards and then paint the whole A-Frame sign white. HOW TO SELL THEM: There are two ways I sell my A-Frame signs. The first way is I place an ad in the business section on Craigslist that looks like this:

HEADLINE: 2' x 4' A-Frame Sidewalk Sign - $60 AD: I have for sale a freestanding white 2' x 4' solid wood A-Frame sidewalk sign board. Simply attach your sign, vinyl lettering or paint your message to each side and display it outside your business. An A-Frame sign is an affordable and effective way to bring customers into your business. If you do a search online for a 2' x 4' wood A-Frame sign you will see them selling from $80 to over $100, so save yourself some money and buy this one for only $60 Call Martin at (585) 284-0000 PROFIT POTENTIAL: 7 A-Frame signs sold every week at $60 each grosses $420 less estimated expenses of $105 or around $15 per sign for plywood, hinges and paint leaves a net profit of $315 a week or $45 per sign sold. Well, I have given you a unique money making idea with little to no competition, so give it a try and make some money. To your success! Martin

Money Making Idea # 4

Curb Up Big Profits Painting House Numbers

Painting curb numbers is a proven way to make money, it cost less than $20 to get started and you can make over a hundred dollars on your very first day, how many other businesses do you know about that can be started for $20 or less that you can you say that about? Address curb painting is one of the easiest business I have ever done and started! I can pretty much guarantee that you will make money with it if you take action and try it and I know because I have done it and I've had days where I've made over $300 painting address numbers on curbs. If you have even tried to find an address in a strange neighborhood, you have undoubtedly experienced the frustration of looking for a house number where there are none displayed or the numbers are hard to see from the street. Most people understand this frustration as they have experienced it, which is why it's not really difficult to make money solving this problem.

Here is a list of the basic supplies you will need: Number Stencils: You will need a package of 4" number stencils which are available at most hardware stores and typically cost less than $10. (see picture below)

Spray Paint: To get started you will need 2 cans of reflective black and white spray paint, which are the most commonly used colors for painting house numbers on curbs and so that the numbers can be seen in the dark.

Duct Tape or Masking Take: You will need a roll of 2" duct tape or masking tape, which can be purchased at most hardware store or you can even find it sometimes at dollar stores. (see picture below)

Dust Brush: You will need a plastic or wood dust brush to brush away any sand, dirt, leaves, grass, etc. that is in the way of where you will be painting the curb house number. (see picture below)

Below are the basic step-by-step instructions with photo examples on how to paint a house number on a curb: STEP 1: Gather all your supplies together: your number stencils, masking/duck tape, brush and your cans of black and white spray paint.

STEP 2: Pick a noticeable location on the curb in front of the house where you want the address to be displayed. Now, place 2" masking/duct tape around the perimeter of the background template as an over spray guard. (see picture below)

STEP 3: Spray your background using the black spray paint. (see picture below)

STEP 4: Align and tape the desired house number stencils together, making sure they cover and fit within the background template you just painted. (see picture below)

STEP 5: Spray your numbers using the white spray paint and allow a few minutes for the paint to dry before you remove the numbers stencils and the background template tape, to reveal the finished product. (see picture below)

That's all there is to it to paint an attractive, noticeable professional looking curb address. Now, there are many ways you can advertise and sell your curb painting service, but I'm just going to share with you the 3 most used ways that have been proven to work. OPTION 1: Paint the house number on the curb first, then go up to the house and knock on the door or ring the door bell, explain to the home owner what you just did for free and ask if they would care to contribute a donation towards your expenses and labor. Since you are not charging for your service (only accepting donations), you will seldom if ever, need a license or permit, but if in doubt, check with city hall or the county clerk's office. Now, yes doing things this way may result in you doing work for no pay, but it's a numbers game and some people will give you more than the $10 or $20 you would normally charge, but even if you don't get paid for a job you did a good deed and well you are painting a house number on a curb another home owner may see what you are doing and ask you to do one for them and in this case you would tell them it cost $20 or what ever you were planing on charging for the area you are in.

OPTION 2: Design, print out and distribute door-to-door sales flyers promoting your service and that you will be in the area painting curb numbers. (see 2 sample sales flyer below)

Sample Curb Painting Sales Flyer

ATTENTION NOTICE Tomorrow we will be painting curb address numbers on the curbs along your street.

Having Your Address Number Painted On Your Curb Is Highly Recommended, So That The Police, Fire Department, Ambulance and Other Vehicles Can Find Your House Easily In An Emergency. Your Address Number Will Be Painted With 4” Black Numbers With A Bright White Rectangular Background, Which Is Visible Both Day And Night. If You Would Like To Have Your Address Number Painted On Your Curb For...

Only $20 Simply Fill In Your Name, Address and Phone # Below And Tape This Flyer On Your Front Door By 9 AM And Payment Will Be Collected After Work Has Been Completed.

NAME: ___________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________ PHONE #: _________________________________

Thank You! Questions Call (585) 000-000

OPTION 3: The easiest and quickest way to get started is to just go knocking door-to-door and show the home owner a sample picture of what a painted curb address number looks like and ask them if they would like to have theirs done now for just $10 or $20, again it's a numbers game, they will say yes or they will say no, if they say yes, then great and if they say no, oh well go to the next house and keep going till you get a yes. Well this is how to make money painting curb numbers in a nutshell, so take action on it and go out and make some money! To your success, Martin

My Emergency Cash System (click image below to watch video now)

Money Making Idea # 5

FLUSH OUT $1,200 PER MONTH WITH RESTROOM AD MINI-BILLBOARDS WHAT IS IT: A Black 24" x 36" poster frame with four different, 8 1/2 by 11 full color local business ads displayed inside and hung above restroom urinals or inside restroom stalls in restaurants, bars, clubs, etc. (example restroom mini-billboards)

HOW IT WORKS: All you have to do is simply walk into a local restaurant, bar, club, etc. and ask to speak to the owner. Once your in contact with the owner keep it simple and just show the owner a sample of an ad mini-billboard looks like and explain to them that you will place their 8 ½ x 11 ad flyer in 4 other local businesses restrooms for free in exchange for allowing you to place ad mini-billboards in their restroom.

HOW TO GET ADVERTISERS: Method 1: (Best Method) Ask the owner or manager that you will be placing ad mini-billboards for if they are willing to give you the names and phone numbers of companies they have done business with, such as their plumber, carpenter, lawyer, etc. then call those hot leads and talk to the owner and tell them you where referred to them by the owner of said restaurant, bar or club and that your working for them and that you will be hanging mini-billboards in their restrooms and you wanted to know if they would be interested in having one of their 8 ½ x 11 business ad on one of the ad mini-billboards for just $20 per month. Most businesses will be happy to advertise as it's a very unique and creative way of advertising. Method 2: Simple walk into local businesses within a 5 mile radius of where you will be hanging your mini-billboards and show the owner a sample of what a ad mini-billboard looks like and ask them if they would be interested in advertising their 8 ½ x 11 business ad in one of the min-billboards for only $20 per month.

Method 3: Place ads on www.Craigslist.org with all the details and a picture of a sample ad mini-billboard and provide your contact information, so anyone interested in advertising will contact you. HOW TO MAKE THEM: To make each ad mini-billboard you will need to buy a black 24" x 36" poster frame, which you can get at Walmart offline for under $10 each or you can buy a 2 pack online for only $16.97 at: www.walmart.com/ip/2pk-24x36-Basic-Black-Poster-Frame/15778124 Then you will simply remove the back from each poster frame and insert and tape into place four 8 ½ x 11 ad flyers and then reattach the back, it's that simple. PROFIT POTENTIAL: Average of 3 ad mini-billboards per restroom is 12 ads total per restroom, so at $20 each ad that equals $240 per month per restroom, so if you manage ad mini-billboards for 5 restrooms, that would be a profit of $1,200 per month. To your success, Martin

Money Making Idea #6

How To Make $584 A Week Selling LED Signs Last month I got a wholesale novelty catalog in the mail from a company called Rhode Island Novelty. You can order their catalog by calling them at: 1-800-528-5599 or you can request one online at: http://www.rinovelty.com In their catalog they sell 10" x 19" LED open signs for $10.80 each or you can order a case of 20 for $216.

I did a search online for the exact same 10" x 19" LED open sign selling at the retail price of between $49 to $99 per sign. So, I ordered a case of 20 and figured I would sell the LED open signs to local businesses, such as corner stores door to door for $40 each. All I did to sell my LED open signs was I walked into a store I noticed didn't have an LED open sign or I thought could use another one and ask if the owner or manager was in and then I simply showed them the LED open sign and asked if they would like to buy one for just $40. I did this for 5 days, Monday - Friday working only 2 hours a day and I made 1-3 sales each day and ended up selling all 20 of my LED open signs at $40 each, for a profit of $584 for just 10 hours of work.

Now, that is great, but what I figured out while I was selling the LED open signs was that almost every corner store I went into had an ATM machine, but they didn't have a lighted ATM sign, only a sticker or paper sign on their door or in their window, but that doesn't catch a customers attention as much a lighted ATM sign, so I did some searching online for a wholesale supplier of LED lighted ATM signs and I found a company called Alibaba, their website address is at: http://www.alibabe.com and they sell LED lighted ATM signs for $10 each when you buy them in cases of 10 or 20.

So, I ordered a case of 20 for $200 and I did the same thing I did with the LED open signs and sold them door to door to corner stores for $40 each. Now, unlike to LED open signs that took me 5 days to sell working only 2 hours a day, the LED lighted ATM signs sold like hot cakes in 2 days, so I worked just 4 hours and sold all 20 lighted ATM signs at $40 each for a profit of $600. Now, sense the first 20 lighted ATM signs sold so fast and easy, I decided to order another 40 and I sold all 40 of them in 7 days for a profit of $1,600. This is a very simple money making idea that anyone can do to make some great extra money, so give it a try and let me know how things turn out? To your success, Martin Buckley

Money Making Idea #7

Win $700 Distributing Business Card Contest Flyer WHAT IS IT: An 8.5” x 11” double sided flyer with 8 business card advertisements and a word scramble and word find contest. (see sample biz card contest flyer below)

HOW IT WORKS: You will work with a high traffic mom and pop grocery store or corner store and have them distribute 2,000 of your business card contest flyer into the bags of each customer in exchange for you awarding two $50 gift certificate only valid at their grocery store to two of their customers who hands in the contest entry form. Have the

business collect the entry forms and then you can pick them up on the last day of the contest to pick and notify a winner and pay the grocery store owner for the gift certificate that will be awarded to the two winning customers. WHY IT WORKS: Because the word scramble and word find contest and the writing down of the businesses names on the entry form forces the customers to look at and read all of the business card ads on the flyer and that will convert some of them into customers if they need the services being offered by the businesses advertising on the contest flyer. HOW TO MAKE THEM: By using a basic desktop publishing program such as PrintShop, just copy the basic design of the sample business card contest flyer above or come up with your own design and then print one out as a master copy and take it to a local copy shop and have them print 2,000 copies. PROFIT POTENTIAL: 8 business card ads sold at $125 each grosses $1,000, minus $200 for estimated printing costs and $100 for the cost 2 gift certificates leaves a net profit of $700. To your success, Martin

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Money Making Idea # 8

Bag up Big Profits Distributing Flyers

The best part about running a flyer distribution business is that it can be started even if you’re flat broke and it's a pretty easy business to start and earn money quick. The flyer distribution business does involve some foot work and some basic sales skills, but the money that can be made makes it well worth it. The flyer distribution business is one of my favorite businesses because, first flyers work and that’s why pizza shops and other businesses get them distributed so often. I’m sure you have gotten a Pizza flyer and other sales flyers placed on your door knob and if your anything like me you've ordered a pizza just because you found a pizza flyer on your door and all the sudden you wanted pizza and this is why pizza shops for example use them, because their proven to generate customers. The flyer distribution business will work in any area, a big city or in a small town, because business owners are always looking to get more customers in the door and flyers are a great marketing method to let potential customers know about a new sale or special offer. To get your flyer distribution business start on a very basic level all you will need is some basic sales skills, plastic flyer bags to place all your

advertisers flyers in and to easily hang on door knobs, a simple straight to the point sales approach or sales pitch to offer your flyer service to businesses. That's pretty much it. Here Are The Basic Steps: * Come up with a price that you will charge the business to get 500-1000 flyers distributed door-to-door in a 5 mile radius of their business. I suggest that you not work with less than 5 business and to not accept less than $25 per 500 flyers, but if your area allows for you to make more than by all means get your areas going rate. * Simply walk into local businesses in your area and ask to speak with the owner and let them know about your flyer distribution business. Share with them your pricing per 500-1000 pre-printed flyers to be distributed within a 5 mile radius of their business and if the business owner is interested they will let you know and then you just have to work out all the details.

* Pass out flyers door-to-door to homes and apartments in a 5 mile radius of all your advertisers businesses, that's it! Now, understand that almost every business in your area is a potential customer, so don't pass up any business, as you will be surprised at who will say yes to your flyer service. This report shared just the basics in a nutshell on how to start a flyer distribution business, but I'm going to provide you now with a link below to a website where you can download a FREE ebook titled … “Start Your Own Door-To-Door Flyer Distribution Business” Here is the link: http://www.usd2d.com/free-download/ So, if your looking for a way to make some money pretty quick in your spare time, then the flyer distribution business is a great option. To your success, Martin

Money Making Idea # 9

MUG $2,400 IN PROFITS FROM BARS WHAT IS IT: A beer mug personalized with the bars name and logo around the top and twelve small ads from local business around the bottom of the beer mug.

HOW IT WORKS: In a nutshell what you will be doing is offering local bars free personalized full color ad mugs in exchange for letting you sell twelve small local business ads around the bottom of the mug, which will pay for the cost to get the beer mugs printed and enough left over for you to make a very nice profit. HOW AND WHERE TO SELL AD SPOTS: Approach a variety of local businesses and show them a sample of an ad beer mug and sell them an ad spot for between $189-$289. Here is a sample list of some of the businesses that would be good for you to try and sell ad spots to: Pizza Parlors

Car Dealers Insurance Agents Plumbers Computer Repair Shops Landscapers Realtors Grocery Stores Flower Shops Mechanics Car Washes Coffee Shops WHERE TO GET THEM MADE AND PRINTED: The number one best place I recommend you to get your beer mugs printed is with a company called Mugs Across America, which offers a great dealer program with protected territory and training. You can check out their website at: www.MugsAcrossAmerica.com to get complete details on how to start your own ad mugs business in your area. PROFIT POTENTIAL: 12 ad spots sold at $289 each equals $3,468, minus estimated printing cost of $1,068 equals a net profit of $2,400. To your success, Martin RECOMMENDED MONEY MAKING PRODUCT (click image below for details)

Money Making Idea # 10

PASS OUT $800 PER MONTH WITH AFFILIATE DROP CARDS WHAT IS IT: A business card with eye catching ad copy that promotes a www.Clickbank.com or www.PaySpree.com affiliate product for sale. (example affiliate drop card)

WHERE TO GET AFFILIATE PRODUCTS: The 2 best and simplest places to sign-up for free and to find affiliate products to promote are at: www.ClickBank.com and www.PaySpree.com and you want to choose a product to promote that has a wide appeal to most people, such as making money, weight loss or gambling, etc. Note: Once you pick and sign-up to promote an a product you will be given an affiliate link that is very long, such as this: http://www.payspreesniper.com/pro/?psa=142816

and that link won't fit easily onto your drop card, so what you will want to do is one of two options to turn that long affiliate link into a shorter link. First option is you can use for free www.TinyUrl.com and turn your long affiliate link above into a shorter personalized link, such as this: www.tinyurl.com/payspreeprofits which will now fit easily onto your drop card and make it simple for people to type out and get to your affiliate product sales page. Second option which is the best choice as it will look more professional is to buy a domain name, such as a .com or .info at: www.CheapDomain.com that is personalized to the affiliate product your promoting and then have it forwarded for free to your affiliate link, which will take people to your affiliate sales page. HOW TO MAKE THEM: By using a basic desktop publishing program such as PrintShop or OpenOffice, just copy the basic design of the sample drop card above or come up with your own design and then on card stock paper print out 10 drop cards to a page and print out 50 pages to give you 500 drop cards, which is the least amount I recommend to print out and distribute and once you have them printed out simply using a paper cutter cut out your drop cards to the size of a regular business card. WHERE TO DISTRIBUTE THEM: The success of this idea will depend on the amount of drop cards you get out into the public and seen, so here is a short brief list of places to leave your drop cards: Shopping Malls, Bulletin Boards, Sporting Events, Gas Stations, Flea Markets, Restrooms, Etc. Everywhere you go carry drop cards with you and leave them where ever you can and you can also get more drop cards out to the public if you just hand them out to people as you see them, as I said this ideas success is a numbers game, so the more drop cards you hand out the more people will see them and the more you can earn.

PROFIT POTENTIAL: If you pass out 500-1000 drop cards a week you should average 20+ sales a week, so if your affiliate commission per sale is $10, then you will earn $200 a week or $800 a month. To your success, Martin THIS IS MY BEST MONEY MAKING IDEA AND HOTTEST SELLER (click image below for complete details)