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Page 1 of 3. Page | 1. Image 1: Pick the Right Doors and Windows for Shipping Container Modifications. The versatility o
April 24, 2017

Quirky Shipping Container Modifications You Should Try

Image 1: Pick the Right Doors and Windows for Shipping Container Modifications

The versatility of shipping containers is quickly becoming known by the general population. They can be used for homes, offices, shelters and everything in between, due to their strength and durability.

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To create a building made of shipping containers, you’ll need to have a few modifications made to turn them into functional spaces. Here are some of the best modifications you can make to your shipping containers. Add Doors and Windows No one wants to sit inside a dark container, so it makes sense to add various doors and windows to your designs. A reputable shipping container company can do this for you according to your specifications. Not just any door or window will do. Consider what you want to use your shipping container for, and choose doors and windows accordingly. If you’re developing a pop-up shop, sliding windows may be useful to serve customers. If your shipping container is going to be part of your home, a set of patio doors along a long edge will make the most of natural light in your backyard. Think About Heat and the Cold Shipping containers can be useful for storing and transporting food products, though you may need to have modifications made to keep these items cool, or purchase an already refrigerated container. Alternatively, some people choose to turn their shipping containers into saunas, so a reputable container supplier can discuss with you how a safe heating system can be installed inside. Your preferences regarding dry sauna heat or an infrared system can be taken into account, and lights and seating incorporated into a design as well. Multiple Shelving Options People always think of shipping containers as overgrown storage boxes, but they don’t need to just be one large box. You can have many types of shelving installed to store your items in an efficient and orderly manner. Storage containers used for shops can be modified to include display units for products. You could create wardrobes or kitchen cabinets as part of a family home. If you need the ability to move shelving around, installing fixed bracket shelves is a great idea. Alternatively, you could have storage units attached permanently to the interior of a shipping container.

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Add a Dash of Green For shipping containers modified as homes or public spaces, adding a garden or greenery feature can make them more aesthetically pleasing. The flat roof of a container is perfect for a vegetable or flower garden. You can also consider adding climbers and creepers to the walls of your container for added interest. There are many interesting modifications that you, along with a trusted company, can make to shipping containers. If don’t know how to modify a container to suit your needs, seek advice from a shipping container company. About Equipment Management Services: Are you interested in doing some shipping container modifications? Contact us at EMS for advice! Not only can we help you source suitable containers, but we will modify them to your exact specifications too. Our friendly and experienced team are happy to turn your shipping container plans to reality.

Sources: Shipping Containers, Pinterest.com 6 Different Types of Shelving Systems, DoItYourself.com

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