Rakhine State, MYANMAR Monthly Camp Report: Oh Taw ... - ReliefWeb

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... in the camp, including basic demographic data, infrastructures and access to ... CDN. - Training scheduled for the c
Rakhine State, MYANMAR Monthly Camp Report: Oh Taw Chay

Reporting Period: 10-2015

The report presents an overview of the situation in the camp, including basic demographic data, infrastructures and access to services as of October 2015. Information has been compiled based on various data sources, monitoring exercise and formal/informal interview with camp residents. Additional information on camp information can be made available upon request to: Veronica [email protected]

Monthly Highlights

 

Demographic Snapshot*

Shelter and Population

IOM CCCM: training on Psychosocial First Aid for Camp Settings on the 8th and 9th October. CCCM coordination meeting was canceled in September due to Eid celebration.


Occupied Shelter units

Total # of Household /individual

Total Male Population/%

Total Female Population/%

80 (Plus 48 tents)

640 (Not including tents)




Age and Gender breakdown

*Updated as of April 2015 Source: HH survey done by CCCM

< 5 Yrs M F 352 415 45,9 54,1 % %

6 to 11 Yrs M F 429 365 54,0 46,0 % %

12 to 17 Yrs M F 259 224 53,6 46,4 % %

18-25 Yrs M F 243 291 45,5 54,5 % %

26 to 59 Yrs M F 364 375 49,2 50,7 % %

> 59 Yrs M F 45 27 62,5 37,5 % %

Persons with Specific Needs** CR 100

SC 21

UC 1

SP 82

WR 26

ER 12

DS 32

SM 49

Mortality Rate Birth M 0

Death< 5 Yrs F 0

M 0

F 1

Death > 5 Yrs M F 0 1

**CR-(Child at Risk - all categories), SC-(Separated Child), UC-(Unaccompanied Child), SP-(Single Parent - males & females), WR-(Women at Risk, including SGBV), ER-(Elderly at risk - all categories), DS-(Disabilities - all categories), SM-(Serious Medical conditions - all chronic conditions)

Camp Level Update Field camp coordination meeting held in September: Camp o The meeting did not take place as several service providers and field based staff were on Manageme leave due to Eid celebration. nt Support  

Next Camp Coordination meeting at field level is scheduled on October21st at 10:30. Next meeting with CMC members is scheduled on the7th of October.


Rakhine State, MYANMAR Other updates


Recreational activities: o 06.10 Caneball Competition for Adult Men and Youth Boys; o 13.10 Focus group discussion with youth female; o 13.10 Focus group discussion women and elderly women; o 15.10 Focus group discussion with youth male group; o 15.10 Focus group discussion with men and elderly; o 15.10 Fairytale writing competition for youth at OTC Library;


Monitoring and referral: o Wash Infrastructure monitoring on the 4th week of the month. o CRM on-going

Camp Sectoral Update Shelter DRC-UNHCR


Warehouse is damaged. The shelter renovation in OTC has not started yet.

Non Items


No distribution is scheduled for this month;


Training scheduled for the current month for CDN volunteers on: o Hand-washing o Waste management o Food sanitation o Safe water and water storage


Planned activities -

DRC is assessing the damages of the warehouse.


Volunteer performance survey on the 13th and GAP survey on the 6th. Celebration of Hand Washing Day on the 15th Food distribution monitoring.



Health IRC



Food loading and distribution.


Planning to provide basic health care training for CHWs(Community Health Workers).

MHCP activities (Mental Health and Care Practices) - Psychosocial Counseling, Support Group, Home Visits are on-going at OTP center. Support group for women, men, mother in law and tba/th;


Regular activities on-going.


Nothing was reported.


Nothing was reported.


Protection Team will continue working with PSNs in the camps and following up on them and identification of PSNs for IPAs and distribution. Identification of protection concerns.


Regular protection activities on-going. On-going FGD with elderly and psychosocial support training for the elderly. Monthly meeting with the women’s group facilitators and regular



Protection DRC


Health profiling data-collection ongoing; Regular activities on-going.








Rakhine State, MYANMAR FGDwith the women.

Child Protection

Awareness session to parenting groups on the 5th and 21st at the Youth Centre; Awareness raising event for Youth Groups on the 8th at the Youth Centre;


Regular activities on-going;

Security and Safety

Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.

Community Participation &Social Cohesion

IOM provided CCCM training to FOAs and incentive workers in September in OTG-north.


IOM: 2-day training focusing on Psychosocial support as First Aid in Camp Settings to be held on October 8th and 9th.


