Rakhine State, MYANMAR Monthly Camp Report - UNHCR

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IDPs have been complaining about the lack of health services in the camp. ▫ General updates from different actors;. -.
Rakhine State, MYANMAR Monthly Camp Report: Baw Du Pha 2

Reporting Period: 09-2015

The report presents an overview of the situation in the camp, including basic demographic data, infrastructures and access to services as of September 2015. Information has been compiled based on various data sources, monitoring exercise and formal/informal interview with camp residents. Additional information on camp information can be made available upon request to: Veronica Costarelli [email protected]

Monthly Highlights

 

Demographi c Snapshot*

Shelter and Population

Rapid shelter assessment was carried out by DRC in response to the cyclone Komen; Identification of vulnerable HHs effected by the cyclone is on-going;


Occupied Shelter units

Total # of Household /individual

Total Male Population/%

Total Female Population/%



1,301/ 6,988

3,410/ 49.3%

3,508/ 50.7%

12 to 17 Yrs M F 504 498

18-25 Yrs M F 631 766

Age and Gender breakdown < 5 Yrs M F 669 686

6 to 11 Yrs M F 655 614

26 to 59 Yrs M F 843 838

> 59 Yrs M F 103 110

Persons with Specific Needs** *Updated as of April 2015 Source: HH survey done by CCCM

CR 39

SC 13

UC 34

SP 185

WR 21

ER 26

DS 43

SM 55

Mortality Rate Birth M 0

Death< 5 Yrs F 0

M 0

F 0

Death > 5 Yrs M F 2 1

**CR-(Child at Risk - all categories), SC-(Separated Child), UC-(Unaccompanied Child), SP-(Single Parent - males & females), WR-(Women at Risk, including SGBV), ER-(Elderly at risk - all categories), DS-(Disabilities - all categories), SM-(Serious Medical conditions - all chronic conditions)

Camp Level Update Field camp coordination meeting held in August: Camp Agencies Present: DRC (CCCM), DRC (Protection), Plan International (Food), Mercy Malaysia Management (Health), ACF (Nutrition), IRC (WPE): Support   

DRC CCCM: reported that the clinic of Mercy Malaysia usually closes before 2 pm. IDPs have been complaining about the lack of health services in the camp. General updates from different actors;

Next Camp Coordination meeting at field level is scheduled on the 23rd of September at 10:30. Next meeting with CMC members is scheduled on the 8th of September (time to be confirmed). Committees meeting:


Rakhine State, MYANMAR

Other updates


o Women group during the 1st week; o Elderly group during the 1st week;; o Youth group female during the 1st week; o Youth group male during the 1st week; Recreational activities o Snack making competition with women group on the 4th week. Monitoring and referral: o Wash Infrastructure monitoring on the 4th week of the month. o Hygiene Kit distribution monitoring (depending on distribution’ schedule). o Food distribution (depending on distribution ‘schedule). o CRM on-going.

Camp Sectoral Update Due to the cyclone Komen, several shelters have Shelter DRC-UNHCR

Non Items


been partially or totally damaged in the camp. DRC conducted a rapid shelter assessment the week after the cyclone. The results of the assessment have been shared with CCCM and Shelter Cluster.

Plan International


Health Mercy Malaysia


RSG has currently committed to respond to the shelter needs in the camps, especially in the camps covered by DRC CCCM. Although the renovation and repair of the partially damaged shelters have been undertaken by the CMCs, the totally damaged shelter are not been prioritized, therefore some IDPs are currently occupying TLSs, community buildings and communal kitchen as refuge.


UNHCR is planning to distribute NFIs to those HHs who have been affected by the cyclone.


Plan informs that they are waiting the WFP distribution schedule for the month of September.



Latrine desludging is running normally. Hygiene kits refilling on the 10th of August.

- Weekly mass cleaning campaign and waste management on-going; - Regular hygiene promotion sessions at HH level and at TLSs; - Regular borehole maintenance; - On-going drainage cleaning campaigns.


Although Mercy Malaysia informed the CCCM team that the clinic is running regularly from Monday to Friday, from 9am. to 2pm, our monitoring activities showed that the clinic closes before 1 pm. Several IDPs have been complaining on the lack of medical services during the CCCM field meeting.


Distribution of Dignity kit; Psychosocial support, case management, referral and counseling will be available upon IDPs’ request.



Planned activities



Post-distribution monitoring is on-going.

Nothing was reported.

A long-term behavior change intervention through group discussions with the community, called “Coffee and Tea session”, every Wednesdays/Thursdays at


Rakhine State, MYANMAR -


After two weeks from the cyclone Komen, IRC in collaboration with Radio Rakhine shared awareness messaging on psychosocial support and prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse across Rakhine state.



2-4pm. Recreational activities like (sewing, embroidery, beading, math, literacy, painting/art, girls game time} take place at the centers each week. General information sessions, focus group discussions and all other activities are ongoing.

MHCP activities (Mental Health and Care Practices) - (psychosocial support for caretakers, Pregnant and lactating women, Breastfeeding counseling) in all ACF OTPs.


Regular activities on-going.


Nothing was reported.


Nothing was reported.




Protection Team will continue working with PSNs in the camps and following up on them and identification of PSNs for IPAs and distribution. Identification of protection concerns.

Regular protection activities on-going. On-going FGD with elderly and psychosocial support training for the elderly. Monthly meeting with the women group facilitators and regular FGD with the women.


Nothing was reported.


Nothing was reported.

Security and Safety

Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.

Community Participation &Social Cohesion

CCCM is planning to conduct a training on DRR in collaboration with IOM and Cluster lead to field based staff and community.


IOM: Training on DRR for CCCM field assistants will take place on the 2nd week at OCHA.



Education SCI

Protection DRC

Child Protection


