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reason for John's absence. He then welcomed all members to the meeting together with. Karen Manley, a new member and Mau
MINUTES OF THE RUSHDEN BRANCH OF THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION HELD ON MONDAY 12th DECEMBER 2016 AT THE RUSHDEN & HIGHAM FERRERS SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB AT 19.30 Management Committee Members Present: Harry Graham (Vice-President). Paul Mills (Chairman), Phil Blanchard (Vice-Chairman), Alan Clark (Secretary), Irene Curtis (Treasurer), Barbara Clark (Poppy Co-ordinator), Jake Baker (Media and Membership Secretary), Lynn Baker (Schools Liaison), Emma Conner (Welfare Secretary). The meeting began with Exhortation presented by Harry Graham with special remembrance of the late Christine Tye, wife of the Rev John Tye. The Chairman began the meeting by announcing the sad news that Christine Tye, the wife of Rev John Tye had passed away and her funeral had been held that afternoon, hence the reason for John’s absence. He then welcomed all members to the meeting together with Karen Manley, a new member and Maurice Weight the speaker for the evening. Following their attendance at the Remembrance Day parade the 7th Rushden Beavers had made cards for all the veterans thanking them for all they had done. Paul stated these cards were on display on the back table and urged the members to look at them as they made “fantastic reading” APOLOGIES were received from David Hawker, David Pickles, Beryl Shadryl, Rev John Tye, Brian Spencer, Walter Lyman, Doreen Lyman, Ken Smith, George Varley, Bill Habergaum, Alan Smith, Tom Milligan, Bob Bryant. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The Minutes of the meeting held on 13th November 2016, having previously been circulated, were taken as read and passed as correct. Proposed by Lui De Monte. Seconded by Maurice Morby. MATTERS ARISING – as David Hawker was unable to attend the meeting, the Swearing In ceremony for the Standard Bearer would have to be postponed until further notice. Boer War Memorial / Burma Star – following a discussion concerning these two items, to clear up the confusion, Paul stated that the names of those who died in the Burma campaign are on the town war memorial. The two names on the memorial at the cemetery were involved in the Boer War and not the Burma campaign. CHAIRMANS REPORT – the Chairman stated that it had been a busy month. The end of the Somme Sunset Ceremony had been very emotional and he thanked Bob for his excellent bugle playing. He then commented on the Band Concert, Christmas Lights and the Santa collection with the Round Table, all of which had been very successful. Paul thanked everyone who had been involved in these events. CORRESPONDENCE – the following had been received: 1. Letter from RBL regarding the Annual Conference giving details of timetable, etc. This would be passed to David Hawker. 2. Letter from East Northants Council regarding their new purchasing procedure. 3. Letter from Abbotts offering donations to the RBL via Golden Charter. 4. Christmas card from Ann Kadiri. MEMBERSHIP REPORT – 31 present at the meeting – 29 members plus Harry and Lucy. Membership total now 124. 13 apologies. TREASURERS REPORT General Fund £1032.55. Social Fund £2196.98. BFI Fund £29,413.06.

The Treasurer thanked Bob Crick for his continued donations the latest one being from Friends of Welford Ceremony. Irene also stated that we had been presented earlier in the evening with a cheque for £1000 by the Swivel Club. POPPY APPEAL REPORT – Barbara announced that the total so far was £45,705.01, which compared to £39,580 raised at the same stage in 2015. She was delighted and thanked all those that had helped to achieve this total. WELFARE REPORT - The Welfare Secretary reported that the telephone buddies scheme was back on schedule. She stated the time of the Christmas lunch as 12.30 pm for 1.00 pm. Outreach at ASDA is on Thursday 15th December and the next Companionship meeting is 5th January 2017. SCHOOLS LIASON REPORT – Lynn Baker reported that the first winner of the Poppy Cup was Whitefriars Junior School. Not only had they raised a total of £1.66 per pupil but they had also contributed to the act of remembrance throughout the year. She would be taking certificates showing their poppy collection totals into the various schools. Lynn stated it had been a very successful campaign and hopefully this would continue next year. ANY OTHER BUSINESS War Memorial – Lui reported that he had been advised that contrary to expectations, a group of youngsters had been seen tidying up the leaves at the War Memorial. St John Ambulance -Jake proposed that the RBL donate the sum £25 to St John Ambulance for their attendance at the Remembrance Parade. Approved unanimously. Korean Veterans Association – Maurice stated that he would be taking 5 books and 1 video to the school library. Christmas Dinner - Jake reminded everyone of the Christmas Dinner on Wednesday at Stanwick at 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm. There being no further matters arising, Paul introduced Maurice Weight who following a short break. gave a presentation regarding the 2017 Armed Forces Day. During the break members enjoyed mince pies and Christmas cake donated by Paul. The raffle was then drawn by Lui and Margaret. The date of the next meeting is Monday 9th January at 19.30 hours. The Chairman then wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Meeting closed at 9.00 pm GOD SAVE THE QUEEN