Reaching Out - St Wilfrid's Hospice

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you all did to make my father's last days as comfortable as .... look on our website for details. ...



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Please contact us 01323 434200 /



Meet one of our team

The power in aid of St Wilfrid’s Hospice

of a kiss

A letter, recently received by the hospice, gave praise to one of our student nurses and led to a royal donation These words are from that letter: ‘From the moment my father met your Hospice at Home team, he knew the hospice was the place he wanted to spend his last few, precious days. ‘He was absolutely delighted when we told him a bed had become available and he was truly settled from that point. In the beautiful surroundings of his room he was absolutely reassured and comforted by all of your staff.

We will never forget what you all did to make my father’s last days as comfortable as possible

Visit these beautiful gardens in East Sussex Various dates until 13th August We’re delighted to be running our Open Gardens season again this year. Owners of some very special gardens have agreed to open them to raise money for the hospice. There is no entry fee, but we do ask for a donation. Find out more at:, pick up a leaflet at one of our shops or call 01323 434241.

‘A really special moment that my father recalled was when Megan (a student nurse) came to say goodnight at the end of her shift. They had talked throughout the day and when leaving, Megan gave him a gentle kiss on the top of his head. He was tearful in the morning when he recalled the story, overwhelmed by the compassion she showed. My father lived a full and rewarding life, meeting many wonderful people including world leaders,

Thank you!

Your c onti allows nued suppo rt us to s up more patien port their fa ts and milies

and in telling the stories I have never seen him more grateful than he was that morning. Would you please pass our sincerest thanks to Megan? ‘It is safe to say you have created a wonderful team of dedicated staff, all of whom went the extra mile to ensure every need of my father and our family was taken care of. We will never forget what you all did to make my father’s last days as comfortable as possible. Thank you.’

The royal connection The patient was a former member of the Royal Protection Squad and we were delighted to receive a donation recently from the Royal Family in his memory. We were certainly intrigued to see a letter with the royal frank printed on it.

Reaching Out Spring / Summer 2016

Donating to St Wilfrid’s

‘I’m delighted to donate my wedding dress to St Wilfrid’s’

‘Like facebo ’ us on out mook to find r what we about e do!



When Tony and Sheila Ward got married 50 years ago, little did they know where her wedding dress would end up. ‘I don’t know why I held onto it for so long,’ says Sheila, ‘it wasn’t even mine!’ Sheila and Tony met in 1963 in Grantham, Lincolnshire, where they were both at teacher training college. It was just one week after Sheila graduated that the couple got married. ‘Tony was already working and I had a job to go to,’ she says, ‘so it was a hastily arranged affair. It was a small wedding in the village where I grew up; in fact my family home was the cottage next to the church. The reception was in a pub down the road and while everyone else walked, we had the luxury of being driven in a beribboned Ford Consul.’

I really hope whoever buys the dress loves it as much as I did


Reaching Out Spring / Summer 2016

All about the dress Sheila says she would have been happy to get married in her jeans, but her mother was having none of it and sorted out her dress for her. Sheila’s cousin had married two years earlier and with a quiet word and a bit of negotiation, the dress was hers. It is a beautiful lace dress that fitted perfectly, so I was more than happy to wear it. I felt a million dollars on the day.’

Deciding to donate A few months ago Tony was clearing out the loft and came across the dress. ‘Sheila thought it was daft to keep holding onto it – after all, it’s our golden wedding anniversary this year,’ says Tony. ‘We’ve had close links to hospices in the past and Sheila is a member of the Eastbourne group of the Wives Fellowship who do fundraising for hospice care, so it seemed appropriate that we should donate the dress to St Wilfrid’s.’ Sheila adds: ‘It was a very happy wedding and I really hope whoever buys the dress loves it as much as I did.’

Could you donate to our shops? Have you sorted out your loft, garage or wardrobe lately? St Wilfrid’s has six shops and is always in need of good quality donations – clothes, homeware or furniture; vintage or relatively new, upcycled or homemade, we don’t mind. Donations can be taken to the shops, dropped off at the hospice or our Donation Centre in Moy Avenue, Eastbourne. If you can’t bring it, we can collect, just call 01323 418424.

Reaching Out Spring / Summer 2016 05

Stories from St Wilfrid’s

Look what we’re up to online Illustration by Sophie Barber

You couldn’t make it up! It’s lovely to be able to see the funny side of things and Billie-Jo Anderson, one of our night sitting nurses, told us a story about a job she did recently


‘I went out to night sit for a patient a few weeks ago so that his wife could have an unbroken night’s sleep. I hadn’t visited them before and it was quite a way out in the country; in fact, I got a bit lost which was made worse by the bad weather. Worried about the time, I stopped off at a local pub to ask if they could help. Fortunately, they knew the house I wanted and gave me directions, so I arrived just a few minutes later. It did mean I was a bit late though, which I felt really bad about as the patient’s wife had had to wait up for me. We had a quick chat and she showed me where things were and then went to bed, telling me to simply let myself out in the morning.

terrible as he had probably got out when I’d arrived the night before and we just hadn’t noticed. I brought him in and found a couple of towels to dry him off with and then put them in the washing machine. I was just trying to settle him down when the lady called down “Are you still here?” I explained that I was just on my way out and found the dog on the doorstep, so I was just drying him off. She called back: “What do you mean, we don’t have a dog!”

‘I soon settled in and it was an uneventful night but to my dismay, when I opened the door to leave in the morning, there was the family dog sat on the doorstep. He was very wet and bedraggled and looking very sorry for himself. I felt

Thank you!

Reaching Out Spring / Summer 2016

When I opened the door, there was the family dog sat on the doorstep ‘It was all slightly embarrassing, but I’m pleased to report that the lady called me later that day to say that the dog’s owner, who lived in the next village, had tracked her lost dog down and had just collected him. That dog’s sense Due to yo suppo ur continue of direction was rt, we’r d ea to em as bad as mine!’ ploy o ble w u ful nu r rses


Are you going to be doing your Starlight Stroll again this year? If so, what’s the date for it? (Yes we are! Please see the back page for more details)

We’re building up our digital presence and now have over 6,000 followers on Facebook and nearly 3,000 on Twitter. Why not join them and interact with all our latest news? Here are some of the most recent messages

Thanks everyone for coming along and supporting the Swoove Ignite dance class tonight; you were all brilliant and we raised £200 for St Wilfrid’s Hospice.

I can’t thank all the staff and nurses enough for the support and help you gave me and my family, but mainly for the love you gave my beautiful mum. I know she truly loved every single one of you.

Today I got my first donation for my 52 challenges in 52 weeks to raise £1000 for St Wilfrid’s. I’m on Day 7 of Week 1 and off to a good start.

Billie-Jo was amazing when my dad needed a few hours sleep. I didn’t even know such roles existed before we needed it and thank goodness she was there. You do an amazing job.

Three weeks until my husband runs the London Marathon for St Wilfrid’s Hospice.

I dropped Gary and Anna off at Heathrow Airport this morning at 4am, so now they are on their way to do the coast-to-coast cycle across America.

Firewalkers… you’ve raised over £16,000. Thank you!

Keep in touch… Do you want to join in online? Visit our website, find us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter. Remember to like us or follow us so you’re kept up to date with all that we’re doing.

The whole place is amazing, so comfy and very welcoming: hospices really aren’t awful places. I love it there and often visit just for a coffee.

Where to find us search for St Wilfrid’s Hospice


Reaching Out Spring / Summer 2016 07

The last 10 years

It’s been

As Kara Bishop gets set to retire, she looks back over the 10 years she’s been Chief Executive at St Wilfrid’s…

quite a journey! It has been my absolute honour to lead St Wilfrid’s Hospice as Chief Executive for the last decade. During this time St Wilfrid’s has supported nearly 10,000 local families, we built and moved into the wonderful new building on Broadwater Way and our care was rated Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission. It has been an inspirational and fulfilling role that I have absolutely loved.

ess of Cornwall HRH The Duch rid’s the new St Wilf officially opened March 2014. Hospice on 26th

I was delighted and so proud when the Care Quality Commission rated the care provided by the hospice as ‘Outstanding’!

ouse tiful old h ilfrid’s u a e b is h T W me of St was the ho nearly 30 years. r Hospice fo It was so exciting watching the building emerging.


Reaching Out Spring / Summer 2016

Hundreds of people joined our search to find a home for the new St Wilfrid’s Hospice. This site on Broadwater Way is close to the hospital and easily accessible and has proven to be just perfect!

The Street Café at the heart of St Wilfrid’s is open every day between 9am and 5pm and hundreds of local people come in every week and enjoy tasty food and a friendly relaxed welcome.

It was a very special day receiving the keys for the new building from architect, Nick Hoar.

The new Chief Executive will be David Scott-Ralphs. For the past 13 years, David has been Chief Executive of SeeAbility, a national charity enriching the lives of people who have sight loss and other disabilities. He lives in Eastbourne. I am delighted to be handing St Wilfrid’s into such capable and sensitive hands! Reaching Out Spring / Summer 2016 09

Volunteers’ Week

e t a r b e l e C olunteers our v

in ers’ Week, te Volunte d n a ch a To celebra e ank anted to th – rs e te n June, we w lu ur 512 vo o f o e n u o o every out y ! do it with ’t n ld u o c we

What better

‘The exp

time to join!


I’ve gaine

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been so v


The hospice lottery gives you a great chance of winning a prize and is an easy way to support our work

‘It’s a wonderfully

work’ uplifting place to

Organised by a company called Local Hospice Lottery, the hospice raised over a quarter of a million from the lottery last year, and we expect to raise at least £1 million over the next four years.

‘I love

Please contact the Local Hospice Lottery for more information on Freephone 0800 3160645 or go to


new p eeting


It’s a great time to join the lottery as the prize fund has just gone up. There is now a top weekly prize of £2,000, the second prize is £1,000, which rolls over to a maximum of £25,000, then a £100 prize and 150 £10 prizes. There are also two annual Super Draws, offering £10,000.

‘We have fun, ’ ke family it feels li

Just some of our recent winners!

Canvassers in our area We have six lottery canvassers out and about in our catchment area. They’re a friendly lot, headed up by Nick Hodge, who says: ‘I find my job hugely satisfying; it’s great to be able to see how much of a contribution is made, just by people signing up and playing the weekly draw. My team are a great bunch, too, all really warm, friendly people.’

Mr H decided to join St Wilfrid’s Hospice lottery after his brother signed up at Waitrose and won £500. Soon after joining Mr H won £4000.

‘It’s great to be e dif ferenc making a

Want to join us? ‘I so look forward

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Reaching Out Spring / Summer 2016

ur out o Check for all the e websitt news and s lates ising idea a fundr stwh

We’re always on the look out for new people to join our team, so if you have a few hours to spare and think you might like to help out, do phone 01323 434212 or look on our website for details.

Mrs R was a volunteer at the hospice and joined the lottery after picking up a flyer. Her aim was not to win but to support the work of the hospice because of the support, care and attention that the hospice gave to its patients, their families and friends. She won £1,500 last year. Mrs T has had a number of friends and neighbours who have been supported by the hospice movement and she was so impressed with the new building and what St Wilfrid’s is doing that she was more than happy to sign up, though she actually lives in Bexhill. Reaching Out Spring / Summer 2016 11

Come and join us!

Coming up! Here are just some of the highlights for this summer. We would love to see you, so hope you, your family and friends can join us

What: Dirty Great Mud Run Where: Henfold Lakes, Dorking When: Saturday 28th May from midday

What: Crafty Friday Where: In the hospice When: Every Friday, from 10.30am to 2.30pm Come along to one – or more – of our free drop-in arts and crafts session. All materials are provided and you can enjoy fabulous refreshments from the Street Café while you’re there.

Jog, climb and clamber your way over 60 obstacles to super-muddy glory! The first time we’ve put on a sponsored mud run event, this 5k course looks good for all levels of fitness. Registration is £40 – call 01323 434221 and we’ll set you up.

What: Free Wills Month Where: Various solicitors in the hospice catchment area When: Throughout the month of June Find out which solicitors will be taking part in this annual event, by checking out the website or calling us on 01323 434200. Make or amend your will for free and leave a legacy or make a donation to the hospice.


Reaching Out Spring / Summer 2016

Foll Twit ow us on out mter to fin d w ore ab @stwhat we d out o ilfrid stwe ! et

What: Summer Fête Where: In the hospice gardens When: Saturday 16th July, from 11am We’re so looking forward to recreating a traditional summer fête in the beautiful hospice gardens. There will be stalls, food and all sorts of activities.

What: Family Story-Telling Day Where: In the hospice building and gardens When: Saturday 18th June, from 10am to 4pm A treat of a day for all the family: art and drama activities and a host of story telling inside the hospice and out in the gardens.

Want to know more?

Other events St Wilfrid’s Hospice Film Nights The first film night was held at the hospice in April with a full house attending to see The Moo Man, a funny, moving film about local dairy farmer, Steve Hook and his herd of Friesian cows. The next night will be in August – details to be confirmed.

Find further details and updates about all of our events on our website – or like us on stwhospice to keep up to date with news and activities.

Running throughout the summer, visit some of the loveliest gardens in East Sussex – more information on page 2.

St Wilfrid’s Hospice is at 1 Broadwater Way, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN22 9PZ

The second sponsored Starlight Stroll will be taking place along Eastbourne’s iconic seafront on Saturday 17th September. Save the date and keep an eye out for more information on our website.

Open Gardens

Starlight Stroll

Reaching Out Spring / Summer 2016 13

Amazing people

‘I will be forever indebted to Jo’

SECTION 4 Tick for Gift Aid – Please treat all donations I make or have made to St Wilfrid’s Hospice (Eastbourne) in the last four years as Gift Aid donations, until I notify you otherwise. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in each tax year that is at least equal to the tax that Charities & CASCs I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify and that St Wilfrid’s will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give. Signature _________________________________

‘What a wonderful place!’ As Dr Jo Shawcross prepares to retire, she tells us about her career, while a patient’s wife, Eileen Lucas, tells how Jo touched her life

Jo’s Story ‘I grew up in the country in Sussex and initially wanted to be a journalist. I started reading International Relations at Sussex University before deciding to switch to medicine at Bart’s,’ says Jo. ‘I felt I’d be more useful following this path.

I feel so blessed to have been able to work in a community of people who are all in this together

‘I was a GP in Tower Hamlets in London for 13 years, which I loved, but moved south to be near my 95 year old father and to bring up my two children in the country. I reassessed what I wanted to do and as I’d always loved palliative care in general practice – how wonderful to have time to be able to look after the patient and their families in totality – I changed course and started working at St Wilfrid’s and have been here for nearly 20 years. ‘After my family, St Wilfrid’s has been the most important thing in my life and it’s going to be hard to give it up – it’s such a great place. I feel so blessed to have been

Thank you!

Your c onti allows nued suppo rt us to s up more patien port ts and their fa milies

After my family, St Wilfrid’s is my life and it’s going to be hard to give up able to work in a community of people who are all in this together and who have the same goals. I will miss it all very much though expect – and hope – that our paths will continue to cross. ‘So what next? During each of the last few years, I’ve had a month’s sabbatical and have been going to teach palliative care abroad, mainly in Africa and I will spend more time there. I also want to work with refugees, either in the medical capacity or teaching English. And there is so much to read and learn and do and see – so I’m not heading into a quiet retirement!’

Eileen’s Story ‘An illustration of how Jo was with us came at the very end of my husband Len’s life,’ says Eileen Lucas. ‘He was in a nursing home for the last two weeks and although she was just about to go on holiday, Jo made the journey out to see us in Uckfield the day before he died. That was how much she cared – she didn’t need to do that, but she did and it meant so much to me. Len was deeply unconscious at that point, but Jo stayed and talked to both of us – it was so wonderful to see her. ‘Jo first got involved with us by driving out to see us in Waldron when Len was having complications with his illness – she arranged for him to be admitted to the District General Hospital in Eastbourne the very next day. From that very first meeting we both felt listened to, we never felt patronised and she answered all of our questions honestly and clearly. In the long dark tunnel of Len’s illness, here was someone we could trust. ‘Then, Len was admitted to the hospice for 10 days. We were bowled over by the place and the wonderful compassionate people, but Jo continued to be our star; she carried us through the dreadful year of Len’s illness and I will be forever indebted to her.’

Date _____________________________________

SECTION 5 REGULAR GIVING Please pay to Barclays Bank plc, sort code: 20-27-91; account no: 90450839 for credit of St Wilfrid’s Hospice (Eastbourne) a regular monthly gift of: £5




Other £ ________

Please debit from my account on or around the 1st 15th 25th (please select one) of of each monthand on the same day of each subsequent month until further notice (please allow one month’s leeway). Please debit my account as follows: Bank name and address_____________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Account name _____________________________ Sort code Account number Note to bank

Office use only – Ref No:

Signature _________________________________ Print name ________________________________ Date _____________________________________


Reaching Out Spring / Summer 2016

Reaching Out Spring / Summer 2016 15


Please make a donation Fill in section 1, then section 3 for a one-off donation OR section 5 for regular giving. The fill in sections 2 and 4 if relevant. Then tear off the form, pop it in an envelope with your payment and send to: St Wilfrid’s Hospice, 1 Broadwater Way, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN22 9PZ SECTION 1 Title ____ Name ____________________________ Address ___________________________________ __________________________________________ _______________________ Postcode ___________ Telephone _________________________________ Email _____________________________________

SECTION 2 I’m donating in memory of (their name) __________________________________________ Their relationship to me __________________________________________

SECTION 3 ONE-OFF DONATION I enclose a donation of £10


Other £ ________

Please make cheques payable to St Wilfrid’s Hospice (Eastbourne) OR debit my credit/debit card Type of card _______________________________ Name on card ______________________________ Card number Valid from

Expiry date

Issue number (Switch/ Maestro only)

Security number Signature _________________________________ Date _____________________________________ We would like to keep you up to date with news from St Wilfrid’s; if you would like to receive this information, please tick the box (we will never sell or pass on your details) Registered Charity Number: 283686

It’s back! Last September our new walk, Starlight Stroll, turned out to be the biggest event we’ve ever held. It’s returning this year with the beautiful Eastbourne seafront creating a stage for the brightest stars of all – you! Last year, over 750 wonderful supporters walked from the Redoubt Fortress along to Holywell Gardens, where they laid their beautifully decorated lanterns in memory of loved ones, before returning back to the fortress. As the sun set, the illuminated lanterns created a stunning and moving scene.

‘It was the most amazing, uplifting and moving event I have ever been to. The garden took my breath away’ News about how to sign up will be on our website – – and on our Facebook page very soon, but for now, do save the date: Saturday 17th September at 6pm