Recombination in Tula Hantavirus Evolution - Journal of Virology

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SEO and HTN, are thought to be associated with the bank vole. (Clethrionomys ...... mischen Industrie, Germany; Slovak grant agency (VEGA 95/5305/.
JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, Jan. 1999, p. 667–675 0022-538X/99/$04.0010 Copyright © 1999, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

Vol. 73, No. 1

Recombination in Tula Hantavirus Evolution: Analysis of Genetic Lineages from Slovakia ¨ GER,1* MILAN LABUDA,2 JAN LYSY,2 CLAUS SIBOLD,1 HELGA MEISEL,1 DETLEV H. KRU OTO KOZUCH,3 MILAN PEJCOCH,4 ANTTI VAHERI,5 AND ALEXANDER PLYUSNIN5 Institute of Medical Virology, Charite´ School of Medicine, Humboldt University, D-10098 Berlin, Germany1; Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 842 06 Bratislava,2 and Institute of Virology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 842 46 Bratislava,3 Slovak Republic; Regional Hygienic Institute of South Moravia, Brno, Czech Republic4; and Haartman Institute, Department of Virology, University of Helsinki, FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finland5 Received 11 August 1998/Accepted 18 September 1998

To examine the evolution of Tula hantavirus (TUL), carried by the European common vole (Microtus arvalis and M. rossiaemeridionalis), we have analyzed genetic variants from Slovakia, the country where the virus is endemic. Phylogenetic analysis (PHYLIP) based on either partial (nucleotides [nt] 441 to 898) or complete N-protein-encoding sequences divided Slovakian TUL variants into two main lineages: (i) strains from eastern Slovakia, which clustered with Russian strains, and (ii) strains from western Slovakia situated closer to those from the Czech Republic. We found genetic diversity of 19% between the two groups and 4% within the western Slovakian TUL strains. Phylogenetic analysis of the 3* noncoding region (3*-NCR), however, placed the eastern Slovakian strains closer to those from western Slovakia and the Czech Republic, with a greater distance to the Russian strains, suggesting a recombinant nature of the S segment in the eastern Slovakian TUL lineage. A bootscan search of the S-segment sequences of TUL strains revealed at least two recombination points in the S sequences of eastern Slovakian TUL strains (nt 400 to 415 and around 1200) which agreed well with the pattern of amino acid substitutions in the N protein and deletions/insertions in the 3*-NCR of the S segment. These data suggest that homologous recombination events occurred in the evolution of hantaviruses. Hantaviruses (genus Hantavirus, family Bunyaviridae) are enveloped viruses with a tripartite, negative-sense RNA genome, consisting of S, M, and L segments, which encode the nucleocapsid (N) protein, the surface glycoproteins (G1 and G2), and the polymerase of the virus (11). Currently at least 16 hantavirus types have been described (45). Some of the virus types (Hantaan [HTN], Dobrava [DOB], Seoul [SEO], and Puumala [PUU]) are the etiologic agents of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), whereas others (Sin Nombre, Bayou, Black Creek Canal, and the recently described Andes [30]) are the causative agents of human pulmonary syndrome (HPS), which was demonstrated for the first time in 1993 in North America (35). Each of the hantavirus serotypes is primarily associated with a single rodent host species (27, 45). Transmission of the virus to humans is assumed to occur via aerosolized excreta of persistently infected rodents (26). The virus types most relevant for Europe, PUU, DOB, and perhaps SEO and HTN, are thought to be associated with the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus), the yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis), rats (Rattus norvegicus and R. rattus), and the striped field mouse (A. agrarius), respectively (45). Another serotype present in Europe, Tula (TUL), was found by screening of lung tissues from rodent species present in regions where HFRS is known to be endemic: new viral nucleic acid sequences could be detected in European common voles (Microtus arvalis and M. rossiaemeridionalis) in Russia (Tula region) (41), Slovakia (Malacky region) (57), and the Czech Republic (southern Moravia) (40). Recently TUL was isolated in cell culture from voles trapped in Moravia (64). The patho-

genicity of TUL for humans is not known; however, hantavirusspecific antibodies preferentially reacting with TUL antigen were found in the serum of a healthy forest worker (64). The territory of Slovakia is one of the geographic centers of TUL distribution identified so far. In addition, this is a region where hantaviruses carried by members of the Muridae subfamilies Arvicolinae (PUU-TUL-like viruses) and Murinae (HTN-like viruses) cocirculate and where HFRS is endemic (13, 39, 55). In the present study, we addressed the genetic variability of members of the TUL genetic group found in Slovakia and their phylogenetic clustering relative to other known TUL strains in Europe. Tissue samples of small rodents, trapped in various geographical regions in central Europe, were examined for hantavirus antibodies and antigen and subsequently subjected to reverse transcription-PCR (RTPCR) and sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis divided all currently known TUL strains into two main branches. Analysis of either partial or complete N-protein-encoding sequences or 39 noncoding region (39-NCR) sequences, as well as bootscanning revealed that the TUL lineage from eastern Slovakia has characteristics of a recombinant hantavirus. MATERIALS AND METHODS Rodents. In 1995, rodents were trapped by using bridge-type metal traps in selected areas of Slovakia, regularly throughout the year at three localities in the west (Malacky region and Danube lowland) and once in the fall at eight localities in the east (Kosice region). The trapping sites were selected on the basis of reported human cases of suspected HFRS, where exposure to rodents was considered likely. For serological analysis, the blood was taken from the sinus orbitalis of deeply anesthesized rodents; then the animals were sacrificed and dissected for lung and liver tissues. Tissue samples for antigen detection were stored at 270°C; samples designated for RNA extraction were stored in 4 M guanidinium thiocyanate buffer at the same temperature. Antibody screening. The rodent sera were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the presence of hantavirus antibodies. For the detection of hantavirus-specific mouse immunoglobulin G antibodies, an anti-

* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Institute of Virology, Charite´ School of Medicine, Humboldt University, Schumannstr. 20/ 21, D-10117 Berlin, Germany. Phone: 49-30-2802 2387. Fax: 49-302802 2180. E-mail: [email protected]. 667




TABLE 1. TUL strains detected by antibody or antigen screening and RT-PCR in European common voles (M. arvalis) trapped in Slovakia Region of Slovakia

Eastern (near Kosice)

Western (near Malacky)

a b c

Trapping locality

Virus strain isolated


Antibody (ELISA)

Antigen (immunoblot)

nt 376–1245

nt 441–898

Opinia Botany Botany

K144 K667 K676

NAa 1 1

1 1 1

1 2 2

1 1 1

Zahorska Ves Zahorska Ves Zahorska Ves Baka Baka

Ma714 Ma32b Ma370b D539 D540

1 NA NA 1 1

1 1c 1c 1 1

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1

NA, no serum available. Specimen from voles trapped in 1994 (57). Antigen detected by ELISA (61).

globulin ELISA was established (7). Briefly, microtiter plates (Nunc, Roskilde, Denmark) were coated overnight at 4°C with N antigen (Vranica-Ha ¨llna¨s strain, amino acids 1 to 213; 100 ml/well) in 0.05 M sodium carbonate buffer, pH 9.0. The optimal antigen concentration was determined to be 20 ng/well. The plates were washed five times after each step. Following postcoating with blocking buffer (0.5% Tween 20–1% bovine serum albumin in phosphate-buffered saline [PBS]) at room temperature for 1 h, rodent serum samples, diluted 1:200 in PBS with 1% bovine serum albumin, were incubated for 1 h at room temperature and then for 1 h at 37°C with peroxidase-labeled anti-mouse antibody (DAKO Diagnostica, Hamburg, Germany) diluted 1:1,000 in 5% calf/sheep serum. Staining was performed according to standard procedures (0.8 mg of 3,39,5,59-tetramethylbenzidine hydrochloride/ml of substrate buffer; Sigma, Munich, Germany). The reaction was stopped by addition of 2 M sulfuric acid, and optical densities of the reaction products were measured at 450 and 620 nm. Cutoff values were calculated as the mean optical density value plus 3 standard deviations for values of negative controls. Immunoblotting for antigen detection. Rodent lung tissue samples (2 to 3 mm3) were homogenized by sonification in 500 ml of Laemmli loading buffer; after denaturation, 15 ml of the homogenate was loaded on a sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)–12% polyacrylamide gel and separated by electrophoresis. After transfer of the proteins, the membranes were preadsorbed in 4% nonfat dry milk and subsequently incubated with rabbit polyclonal antibodies (raised against TUL/Malacky recombinant N antigen expressed as a His-tagged protein [55]) diluted in PBS–0.05% Tween 20. The indicator antibody was a swine anti-rabbit horseradish peroxidase conjugate used at 1:1,000 dilution at 37°C for 1 h. Membranes were washed in PBS–0.05% Tween 20, and the bands were stained with o-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride. PCR and sequencing. RNA of samples hantavirus-positive by ELISA or immunoblotting was extracted from homogenized lung tissues by the acid guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform method (6, 56). Hantavirus RNA was detected by RT-PCR with a genus-reactive S-segment primer pair (S1-S2) as described earlier (57). For nested PCR, the primers MaS4F (59-CAT CAC AGG SYT TGC ACT TGC AAT) and MaS5C (59-TCC TGA GGC TGC AAG GTC AA), specific for all known TUL sequences, were used to amplify a 0.5-kb product. Amplification of the whole S segment was performed either by use of a single genus-specific primer, complementary to 39 and 59 termini of the S segment, as described earlier (43) or in two steps by a combination of this primer with either primer SNMa1 (59-ATGAGCCAACTCAAAGAAATA; amplifying a 1.8-kb product lacking 63 terminal nucleotides [nt]) or primer MaS4C (59CAAGATTATTGCAAT; amplifying a 448-bp 59-terminal S-segment region). The amplified products were cloned into pCRII (TA cloning kit; Invitrogen, Leek, The Netherlands). Dideoxy sequencing (53) was performed with an ALFExpress sequencer and Autoread kit (Pharmacia-Biotech, Freiburg, Germany) as described by the manufacturer. TUL S-segment sequences from voles trapped in 1995 in the Czech Republic (Moravia region near the town of Koziky) were also included in the analysis. Antigen screening and RT-PCR were performed as described earlier (40). Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analysis. Nucleotide and amino acid comparisons were calculated by use of DNAsis 2.1 (Hitachi Software). Sequence alignments for phylogenetic analysis were generated with PILEUP from the Genetics Computer Group software package (10). The following programs from the PHYLIP program package (12) were used to construct phylogenetic trees. Two hundred bootstrap replicates of the aligned sequences were generated by SEQBOOT, distance matrixes were computed by DNADIST using Kimura’s two-parameter model (transition/transversion ratio of 2.0), and phylogenetic trees were calculated by using the additive tree model of the Fitch-Margoliash (FM) algorithm by FITCH with the global rearrangement option set. From the obtained data, consensus trees were constructed by CONSENSE, giving the

occurrence ratios at particular branchings. Bootscanning (51) of the full-length S-segment nucleotide sequences was done by using the FM algorithm. One hundred bootstrap replicates were calculated for 300-nt-long regions from the S segment, with 150-nt overlap. The S-segment sequence of Isla Vista virus (ILV) was used as an outgroup. Resulting bootstrap probabilities of joining the Kosice sublineage with one of the other genetic TUL sublineages (or with the outgroup) were obtained from CONSENSE. Nucleotide sequence accession numbers. The sequences of the complete S segments of TUL strains Kosice/144Ma/95, Kosice/667Ma/95, Moravia/Koziky/ 5247Ma/94, and Moravia/Koziky/5276Ma/94 have been assigned EMBL accession no. Y13979, Y13980, AJ223600, and AJ223601, respectively. The 458/455-nt partial S-segment sequences of TUL strains Kosice/676Ma/95, Malacky/715Ma/ 95, Danube lowland/539Ma/95, and Danube lowland/540Ma/95 were deposited under EMBL accession no. Y13981, Y13982, Y13983, and Y13984, respectively.

RESULTS Rodent screening for hantavirus antibodies, antigens, and RNA. Out of a larger collection of rodents (n 5 580) captured in 1995 regularly throughout the year in western Slovakia and once in the fall in eastern Slovakia, 106 animals were identified as European common voles of the species M. arvalis. The proportion of animals of this species among all rodents trapped was found to be higher in eastern (65/147 [38%]) than western (50/433 [12%]) regions of Slovakia; however, the selected trapping sites had a profound influence on the rodent species composition. The numbers of M. arvalis are known to fluctuate drastically from year to year (24). Thus, not surprisingly, the frequency of M. arvalis in 1995 was twice as high as found in a previous study, performed in 1991 to 1992 in the same region in western Slovakia, where about 6% of all rodents trapped were common voles (23). All M. arvalis specimens from which sera were available (n 5 62) were tested by ELISA for hantavirus antibodies; the remaining samples (n 5 44) were tested for hantavirus antigen by immunoblotting. A total of seven specimens were found to be hantavirus antibody (n 5 6) or antigen (n 5 1) positive. In six of the seven antibody- or antigen-positive samples, hantavirus genomes could be detected by RT-PCR: four samples were positive after first-round PCR, amplifying an 890-bp product (nt 376 to 1265), and two additional RNA-positive samples were detected by the use of nested PCR primers (Table 1). Three of the six RNA-positive samples originated from voles trapped at two localities (Malacky region and Danube lowland; distance of about 70 km) in western Slovakia, while the three others originated from voles collected at two localities (Kosice region) in eastern Slovakia (about 50 km away). The distance between trapping localities in western and eastern Slovakia was about 350 km (Fig. 1).

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FIG. 1. Map of Slovakia and neighboring countries in central Europe. The trapping places of TUL-positive M. arvalis, including two distinct localities each in Moravia (Tv, Tvrdonice; Ko, Koziky) and near Kosice (Op, Opinia; Bo, Botany), are marked.

The trapping site in western Slovakia near Malacky was identical with the previous one, where two antigen-positive voles (Ma32 and Ma370) were collected in the spring and late fall of 1994 and identified to carry TUL/Malacky sequences (57). Sequence analysis of the partial S segment (nt 441 to 898). The nucleotide sequence of the partial S segment was analyzed to evaluate whether this genomic region could be representative for the whole N-protein-encoding sequence, which would facilitate primary characterization of wild TUL strains. For this purpose, we determined the sequences of the nested PCR products of the six hantavirus RNA-positive specimens. The analyzed S-segment region comprises sequences that encode conserved N protein regions (amino acids [aa] 134 to 210), as well as a variable region (aa 244 to 273) that was found to be most divergent in all hantavirus serotypes (41). As shown in Fig. 2, the aligned TUL N-protein sequences display a gap of three amino acids (boxed in the sequence alignment in Fig. 2) compared with the most closely related virus types Prospect Hill (PH), ILV, and PUU. Moreover, four amino acids from the same region are deleted in HTN and SEO, and five are deleted in SN, as described earlier (41). Within the genetic group TUL, strains from central Europe (Slovakia and Czech Republic) can be usually distinguished from Russian strains by an additionally deleted nucleotide triplet, leading to deletion of Ser-252 (see also references 40 and 57). At position 252 the N protein of the eastern Slovakian virus variants (TUL/Kosice) is not deleted; however, there is an amino acid exchange of Ser-252 to Ala. Interestingly, this substitution is also found in one of the currently known Russian TUL strains (Fig. 2). Comparisons of paired partial S-segment nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of hantavirus RNA-positive strains from Slovakia and all other known TUL strains (40, 41, 57) were performed. Sequence alignments of partial S segments of TUL strains from local rodent populations in western Slovakia and the Czech Republic show nucleotide and deduced

amino acid divergences of 0 to 2.4% and 0 to 1.3%, respectively. Sequence comparisons between two strains from a local rodent population in the Kosice region show a nucleotide divergence of 7% (all reflecting silent mutations), which is as high as the divergence found between Russian TUL strains, all originating from the same local population (1.8 to 8.1%). However, compared to TUL/Kosice, TUL/Tula strains display a higher variability in this N-protein region (amino acid differences 0 to 3.3%), probably due to the greater number of strains analyzed and the larger trapping area (41). Although the Kosice region is geographically closer to western Slovakia and the Czech Republic than to Russia, the nucleotide divergences between TUL/Kosice on the one hand and strains from western Slovakia (TUL/Malacky and TUL/ Danube lowland) and the Czech Republic (TUL/Moravia) on the other were in ranges (18.1 to 19.4% and 18.1 to 19.6%, respectively) similar to that of the nucleotide divergence between TUL/Kosice and TUL/Tula strains (17.0 to 18.8%). The corresponding amino acid differences between TUL/Kosice and TUL/Tula as well as between TUL/Kosice and strains from western Slovakia and Moravia range from 2.0 to 3.3%. The highest amino acid divergence (4.6 to 6.0%) was observed between strains from Russia on the one side and those from western Slovakia and Moravia on the other. Analysis of the complete S segment of TUL strains. Total S-segment sequences amplified from voles from the two locations in eastern Slovakia (K144 and K667) were determined to enable comparisons of the whole N-protein-encoding sequence, as well as of 39-NCR sequences (see below). The S segment of each strain from eastern Slovakia has a total length of 1,833 nt, including 42 nt of 59-NCR, an open reading frame (ORF1) encoding an N protein of 430 aa, a second, internally overlapping ORF2 (11 frame) encoding a hypothetical 90-aa nonstructural protein (41), and a 501-nt-long 39-NCR. By comparison of nucleotide and amino acid divergences of the N gene and N protein, respectively, three groups of TUL




FIG. 2. Schematic representation of the hantavirus S segment. The N-protein-encoding sequence (ORF1) and the hypothetical ORF2 are marked. Black boxes, 59and 39-NCRs; gray box, region of S segment selected for partial sequence analysis (Table 2; Fig. 3); p, Russian strains T76, T249, and T175; †, eastern Slovakian strains K144, K667, and K676; ‡, western Slovakian strains Ma32, Ma370, and Ma715; §, Czech Republic strains M86, M93, M94, M02, and Mko76.

strains could be distinguished: (i) strains from eastern Slovakia (2.2% nucleotide and no amino acid differences), (ii) strains from the Malacky region in western Slovakia, including those from Moravia in the Czech Republic (0.3 to 4.6% nucleotide and 0 to 1.0% amino acid diversities), and (iii) strains from the Tula region in Russia (1.5 to 5.6% nucleotide and 0.5 to 1.4% amino acid diversities). The differences between the first and second groups are in the ranges of 14.6 to 15.7% (nucleotide) and 1.4 to 2.2% (amino acid); the differences between the first and third groups are in the same ranges (14.4 to 15.0% and 1.7 to 2.4%, respectively). The second and third groups differ 15.5 to 16.5% in nucleotide and 2.9 to 4.3% in amino acid sequences. Phylogenetic analysis based on N-protein-encoding sequences. We have constructed a phylogenetic tree by using partial Ssegment sequences (nt 441 to 898) comprising all known strains of the TUL genetic group and selected hantaviruses of other genetic groups (Fig. 3). TUL strains cluster into two main branches: strains from Russia and eastern Slovakia (branch I) and strains from western Slovakia and eastern Czech Republic (branch II). Within branch I, eastern Slovakian strains are well separated from Russian strains (bootstrap probability of 74%). Within branch II, strains from the Danube lowland are located closer to strains from Moravia (Czech Republic) than to those from the Malacky region; the latter form a well-supported sublineage (bootstrap probability of 100%). The phylogenetic tree based on complete N-proteinencoding S-segment sequences (not shown) essentially display the same branching order for TUL strains as computed for the tree based on the partial S-segment sequences. The closest relatives of TUL strains are PH and ILV; both viruses occur in Microtus species in North America (28, 58). Analysis of TUL 3*-NCR sequences. Comparison of 39-NCR sequences of the eastern Slovakian strains with those of other TUL strains yielded nucleotide identity of about 87 to 94%, which is even higher than the values for these strains in the coding region (about 85%). In the TUL sequences, only a few

deletions had to be introduced for complete alignment (Fig. 4), and a consensus sequence was easily derived for the entire 39-NCR. The genetic stability of the 39-NCR within the TUL group is remarkable, since, for example, the genetic diversity of the 39-NCR sequences of the PUU type is as high as 30% (33). Surprisingly, the 39-NCR of eastern Slovakian strains exhibit a higher nucleotide homology to western Slovakian and Czech strains (;94%) than to the Russian strains (;89%). Moreover, according to the pattern of deletions and insertions in the 39-NCR, strains from eastern Slovakia are closer to those from western Slovakia and Moravia than to strains from Russia (Fig. 4). For example, the longest deletion of 16 to 18 nt occurs in all strains from central Europe but not in Russian strains. These findings agree with the results of the phylogenetic analysis of the 39-NCR sequences. On the related tree, Kosice strains cluster with strains from Moravia and western Slovakia (bootstrap values of 95% at the corresponding node) and have a common ancestor (Fig. 5). It should be mentioned that ILV was chosen as the outgroup for the phylogenetic analysis of the 39-NCR, because the S-segment 39-NCRs of different hantavirus types are so highly diverged that they cannot be reliably aligned (45). Thus, the phylogenetic position of the eastern Slovakian (Kosice) lineage depends on which part of the S segment is selected for the analysis. On closer scrutiny, the S sequences from Kosice strains possess a combination of markers from both genetically distinct TUL lineages: the triplet encoding aa 252 is present as in all strains from the Russian lineage (Fig. 2), and the deletion of nt 1595 to 1610 within the 39-NCR conforms to all strains from Moravia and western Slovakia (Fig. 4). S segments of Kosice strains could therefore be considered recombinant. Search for recombination sites within the S segment by bootscanning. To identify possible recombination sites with higher accuracy, bootscan analysis (51, 52) of TUL S-segment sequences was performed. Phylogenetic trees were calculated for 300-nt regions with 150-nt overlap, using the FM algorithm.

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FIG. 3. Phylogenetic consensus trees based on partial (nt 441 to 898) N-protein-encoding sequences. Numbers indicate bootstrap values at the nodes. HTN, Hantaan virus, strain 76-118 (accession no. M14626) (54); SEO, Seoul virus, strain SR-11 (M34882) (1); DOB, Dobrava virus (L41916) (2); BCC, Black Creek Canal virus (L39943) (47); BAY, Bayoo virus (L36929) (34); SNcc, Sin Nombre virus, strain Convict Creek 107 (L33683) (29); ELMC, El Moro Canyon virus, strain RM-97 (U11427) (17); KBR, Khabarovsk virus, strain MF-43 (U35255) (20); PUU/bash, Puumala virus, strain Bashkiria/CG1820 (M32750) (60); PUU/vind, Puumala virus, strain Vindeln/L20Cg/83 (Z48586) (19); PUU/vran, Puumala virus, strain Vranica/Ha¨llna¨s (U14137) (48); PUU/sot, Puumala virus, strain Sotkamo (X61035) (62); PUU/9013, Puumala virus, strain Paris-9013 (U22423) (18); ILV, Isla Vista virus, strain MC-SB-1 (U31534) (58); PH, Prospect Hill virus (M34011) (38); TUL/T249, Tula virus, strain Tula/249Mr/87 (Z30944), (41); TUL/T76, Tula virus, strain Tula/76Ma/87 (Z30941) (41); TUL/175, Tula virus, strain Tula/175Ma/87 (Z30943) (41); TUL/T23, Tula virus, strain Tula/23Ma/87 (Z30945) (41); TUL/T53, Tula virus, strain Tula/53Ma/87 (Z30942) (41); TUL/K667, Tula virus, strain Kosice/667Ma/95 (this paper); TUL/K144, Tula virus, strain Kosice/144Ma/95 (this paper); TUL/K676, Tula virus, strain Kosice/676Ma/95 (this paper); TUL/Ma32, Tula virus, strain Malacky/Ma32/94 (Z48234) (57); TUL/Ma370, Tula virus, strain Malacky/Ma370/94 (U31534) (57); TUL/Ma715, Tula virus, strain Malacky/715Ma/95 (this paper); TUL/D539, Tula virus, strain Danube lowland/539/Ma/95 (this paper); TUL/D540, Tula virus, strain Danube lowland/540/Ma/95 (this paper); TUL/M02, Tula virus, strain Moravia/5302Ma/94 (Z49915) (40); TUL/M94, Tula virus, strain Moravia/5294Ma/94 (Z48741) (40); TUL/M93, Tula virus, strain Moravia/5393Ma/94 (Z48574) (40); TUL/M86, Tula virus, strain Moravia/5286Ma/94 (Z48573) (40); TUL/MKo47, Tula virus, strain Moravia/Koziky47/Ma/95 (this paper); TUL/MKo76, Tula virus, strain Moravia/Koziky76/Ma/95 (this paper).

The resulting bootstrap probabilities for placing the Kosice sequences with either of the two genetic lineages (or with the outgroup, ILV) are shown in Fig. 6a. Three peaks exceed the 70% FM bootstrap value defined as the cutoff level (15, 52). This suggests at least two recombination points in the S se-

quences of Kosice strains. The first point is located around nt 350 to 400 between peak 1 (Malacky/Moravia-like S-segment region) and peak 2 (Tula-like). Since the region between nt 650 and 1200 is less well resolved, the localization of corresponding recombination points is more difficult. However, since the third

FIG. 4. Properties of the 39-NCR of TUL S segment. Positions of small deletions/insertions (1 to 3 nt) are shown by vertical lines; the longest deletion (16 to 18 nt) is shown by a gray rectangle. Black squares, strains T23, T53, T76, T175, and T249; white squares, strains T23 and T175; black triangles, TUL/Moravia and TUL/Malacky strains; diamonds, TUL/Moravia, TUL/Malacky and TUL/Kosice strains; white triangles, sites of 1-nt insertion/deletion of either T249, T175, T76, K144, or M86. The bottom part represent a blowup of the longest deletion. The alignment of nucleotide sequences (minus sense) of all presently known TUL strains is shown.




FIG. 5. Phylogram showing FITCH consensus tree based on TUL 39-NCR sequences, using ILV as the outgroup. ILV was chosen as the outgroup because the S-segment 39-NCRs of different hantavirus types are so highly diverged that they cannot be reliably aligned. Bootstrap values are indicated at the nodes. For abbreviations of strain designations, see the legend to Fig. 3.

peak above the FM cutoff level groups Kosice with Malacky/ Moravia-like sequences with high bootstrap values (nt 1200, 72%; nt 1350, 96%; nt 1500, 90%), at least one other recombination point should be located before nt 1200. Within the less resolved region, two peaks are under the FM bootstrap cutoff level, the first (Malacky/Moravia-like) located between nt 670 and 770 and the second (Tula-like) located around nt 860. Bootstrap probabilities calculated by using a neighborjoining algorithm (PHYLIP) are slightly lower but result in the same pattern (data not shown). These observations are in good correlation with the pattern of amino acid substitutions in the N protein (Fig. 6b), which are also consistent with multiple recombination events. Based on this pattern, the first recombination point may be placed between codons 121 and 127 (nt 406 to 421), i.e., close to the region selected by bootscanning. The central part of the sequence is again less resolved, while the end of the coding region and the 39-NCR (nt 1200 until the end) obviously belong to the Moravia sublineage, suggesting at least one more recombination event. Although the central region was not well resolved by bootscanning, within the highly variable N-protein region of Kosice strains, the Tula-like amino acids (codons 250 to 254; nt 790 to 804) are immediately followed by Malacky/ Moravia-like residues (codons 258 to 268; nt 814 to 846), indicating the existence of a third putative recombination point. Taken together, these data are consistent with a mosaiclike structure of Kosice S-segment sequences due to several recombination events (Fig. 6c). DISCUSSION Genetic diversity of TUL strains. This study was performed to characterize the biodiversity of TUL nucleotide and amino acid sequences in Slovakia as a defined geographical region. For the surveillance in such regions, it is useful to monitor wild-type hantaviruses as potential human pathogens. We have

FIG. 6. Results of bootscanning of the S segments of Kosice strains and schematic representation of TUL N-protein sequence variation. (a) Bootscan searches of 300-nt S-segment regions with 150-nt overlap, using the FM algorithm. Bootstrap probabilities of joining Kosice strains with the Malacky/Moravia lineage, the Tula lineage, or the outgroup (ILV) are represented by a solid line, dots, and a dashed line, respectively. The 70% bootstrap cutoff level (15, 52) is indicated by a thin dashed line. (b) Amino acid sequence variation of N proteins of all TUL strains. Sites where TUL strains differ in the N-protein sequence are indicated under the black bar, representing the N-protein-encoding sequence in the center of the figure; vertical numbers denote codon positions. Amino acid residues identical in Kosice and other TUL strains are boxed; horizontally hatched rectangles mark residues identical in the N proteins of Malacky/Moravia and Kosice strains, vertically hatched rectangles indicate residues identical in N proteins of Tula and Kosice strains. (c) Locations of Malacky/Moravia-like (horizontally hatched) and Tula-like (vertically hatched) parts in the TUL/Kosice S segment. Recombination points identified by bootscanning (above 70% FM values) are indicated by black arrows; the recombination point deduced from aa pattern is indicated by a white arrow.

concentrated our efforts on TUL strains which have recently been shown to circulate in eastern and central Europe (40, 41, 57). Although a definite proof of their pathogenicity for humans is lacking, there is some serological evidence that TUL strains can infect humans (64). In addition, we were interested in the molecular biodiversity and evolutionary links between TUL strains as an example of an RNA virus dependent on a specific animal reservoir. In search of animals carrying hantavirus sequences, we used antibody detection in sera and antigen verification in lung

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tissues for the screening of voles. Subsequently hantavirus genomes were detected by RT-PCR specific for a 455- to 458-bp TUL S-segment region suitable for fast sequence characterization. Hantavirus genomes were detected in 84% of the antibody-positive samples. However, serological screening of rodent specimens remains the method of choice to screen for hantavirus in rodent populations (21, 37). The analyzed partial S-segment sequence (nt 441 to 889) comprises a highly variable N-protein sequence (aa 245 to 284) flanked by highly conserved regions. Serological results support the inclusion of the variable part of the sequence into this analysis, since it carries important markers. The corresponding region in PUU was shown to carry B-cell epitopes recognized by antibodies from bank voles and humans (31, 63). Moreover, two TUL-specific monoclonal antibodies (3D3 and 3F10) raised against baculovirus-expressed TUL N protein were recently described; the epitopes of both antibodies were mapped within aa 226 to 293 (32). Analysis of both partial and complete N-protein-encoding S-segment sequences disclosed an inverse correlation between genetic similarity and geographical distance of virus detection, as previously demonstrated for other hantavirus types (22, 42, 43, 59). Essentially three groups of TUL strains could be identified by sequence comparisons: (i) the originally described strains from the Tula region in the European part of Russia; (ii) strains from western Slovakia (Malacky and Danube lowland) and the Czech Republic (Moravia), and (iii) Kosice strains from eastern Slovakia. The genetic differences found between these groups are in the same range as those between PUU strains originating from Finland, Sweden, and France. Using sequence data reported by Vapalahti et al. (62), Stohwasser et al. (60), Reip et al. (48), Ho ¨rling et al. (19), and Bowen et al. (5), we calculated nucleotide divergences of 14.1 to 22.9% by paired comparisons of partial S-segment (nt 441 to 898) and 14.4 to 17.3% for complete N-protein-encoding sequences between the PUU strains Sotkamo, Bashkiria, Vranica-Ha¨llna¨s, Vindeln, and Paris 90-13. Phylogenetic analyses of the partial S-segment (Fig. 3) and complete N-protein-encoding (not shown) sequences demonstrate a clear change within the TUL genotype from east to west: virus strains from Russia and eastern Slovakia form TUL branch I on the phylogenetic tree, whereas strains from western Slovakia and the Czech Republic are present on TUL branch II. The bootstrap values for placing Kosice strains on TUL branch I are 73 and 69% for the partial and complete N-protein-encoding sequences, respectively. Although these values are not very high, they are still in the significant range, since bootstrap values of $70% have been demonstrated to represent true clades in over 95% of cases (15). Based on these analyses, TUL/Kosice strains seem to be more closely related to geographically more distantly located Russian strains (distance of about 1,500 km) than to strains from Malacky/Moravia regions (distance of about 350 km). The 39-NCR sequences of all TUL strains are highly conserved: a consensus sequence could easily be generated by insertion or deletion of only a few nucleotides in the individual sequences (Fig. 4). The greater conservation of the S-segment 39-NCR (87 to 94%) than of the coding region (85%) is a remarkable feature that has not been reported for other hantavirus types studied. Within the PUU type, for example, the genetic diversity of the S-segment coding region is 20% (5, 45), while that of the 39-NCR is 30% (33). This feature of TUL enables the performance of phylogenetic analysis of high accuracy and reproducibility of this part of the genome. While this report was in the final stages of preparation, we learned of the presence of TUL strains in Austria. Bowen et al.



(4) reported two genetically distinct variants of TUL virus in Austrian rodents (M. arvalis) trapped at two locations, Korneuburg and Wels, 65 and 235 km west of the Malacky region (Slovakia). The sequences analyzed by these authors cover and extend (by approximately 100 nt on both sides) the partial S segment analyzed in our study. Like strains from western Slovakia and Moravia, the Austrian TUL strains display the 3-nt deletion resulting in a loss of alanine or serine at position 252 in the N protein of Russian TUL strains. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the Austrian Korneuburg strains are closely related to Malacky strains, while Wels strains represent a genetically distinct variant of TUL in Austria (4), presumably located on TUL branch II, according to our arrangement (Fig. 3). Recombination in TUL evolution. The apparent contradiction in phylogenies based on the 39-NCR and on the N-proteinencoding region (either partial or complete) could be explained by genetic recombination events during the evolution of the eastern Slovakian genetic lineage of TUL. This hypothesis was confirmed by bootscanning and by analyses of amino acid substitutions in the N protein as well as the pattern of deletions and insertions in the 39-NCR (Fig. 6). Intragenic recombination is one of the well-documented mechanisms of evolution of positive-strand RNA viruses (for a review, see reference 25). Double-stranded RNA viruses have been reported to undergo nonhomologous recombination (9). In addition, this mechanism has been described for a negativestrand segmented RNA virus, the influenza virus (3, 36). Our findings raise several questions, of which the most important are (i) the necessary prerequisites for recombination in hantaviruses and (ii) the impact of recombination for hantavirus evolution. The essential prerequisite of recombination is the coexistence of two distinct RNA molecules in the same infected cell. A classical example is human immunodeficiency virus, with its diploid genome highly capable of recombination (8). Hantaviruses cause persistent infection in their rodent hosts, creating the opportunity for coinfection with different virus strains. For segmented RNA viruses, the most likely result of such an event is genomic reassortment, as demonstrated for other members of the Bunyaviridae family (46). For wildtype hantaviruses, a few cases of reassortment have also been reported (14, 29). In addition, it was shown recently that during mixed infection of cells in culture with two distinct SN virus isolates, 20% of the virus plaques contained S or M segments originating from both parental viruses (i.e., diploidy) (49). Thus, two distinct types of hantavirus genome segments can coexist in infected cells enabling recombination. Another prerequisite for recombination is the presence of two different hantavirus lineages in the same geographical region. For Swedish PUU strains, a clustering of genetic variants was shown to be associated with two different mitochondrial DNA lineages of bank voles that have recolonized the territory postglacially from different directions (21). Rodents from northern and southern Sweden were associated with genetically distinct PUU lineages. Within a contact zone of only 50 km, both the northern and the southern vole populations coexisted. Similarly, coexistence in the same geographical area of rodents carrying different genetic subtypes of Sin Nombre virus has been demonstrated in Nevada and eastern California (50). A study of phylogenetic relationships within M. arvalis in Europe based on phenotypic classification into different M. arvalis sublineages postulated a postglacial remigration of M. arvalis from three directions into the region of former Czechoslovakia: M. arvalis arvalis from the west, M. arvalis levis from the south, and M. arvalis duplicatus from the east (24). To analyze whether the Kosice region represents a contact zone for dif-



ferent genetic Microtus subspecies, trapped voles will be genetically characterized. Moreover, since the prerequisites for recombination and reassortment are essentially the same, analyses of M- and L-segment sequences of the Kosice lineage may reveal a correlation between these two evolutionary processes. Whether the recombinant S segment of Kosice lineage is of recent evolutionary origin remains unclear. The first recombinant point located within a highly conserved part of the Nprotein-encoding region (nt 400 to 415) was unequivocally defined by bootscanning, whereas recombination point(s) in more variable parts of the coding region could not be conclusively mapped. Assuming that recombination is a rare event, one could argue that the low resolution of recombination points in the divergent region reflects further changes due to genetic drift and hence that recombination in Kosice S segment was not a recent event. This also leads us to the assumption that the third peak in the bootscanning (around nt 800), which corresponds to the Tula-like N-protein region (Q-250, A/S-252, G-254), might originate from either the Tula or Malacky/Moravia lineage or a yet unknown TUL lineage (Fig. 6b and c). The data obtained for the Kosice sublineage of TUL represent the first strong case of potential genetic recombination within the genus Hantavirus and, in fact, the first case of homologous recombination in segmented negative-strand viruses. Although this mechanism was proposed previously for PUU evolution (44), limited sequence data prevented clarification of the issue. The role of recombination in hantavirus evolution deserves further study. However, it seems safe to assume that this mechanism plays a minor role compared to the classical genetic drift, i.e., accumulation of point mutations and deletions/insertions. Genetic shift, the reassortment of genomic segments, seems to be another driving force. Nevertheless, since the basic prerequisites, coexistence of different virus variants in the same geographical area and coinfection of the same rodent, are the same for both reassortment and recombination, we expect the Kosice lineage to be a good model for further studies of hantavirus evolution. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The technical assistance of Elsa Nugel and Pia Reiser (Berlin, Germany) and the technical assistance of Yin Cheng (Helsinki, Finland) in sequencing are greatly appreciated. We are obliged to Mika Salminen for advice on the bootscan analysis. This project was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Kr 1293/2) and Volkswagen Foundation and Fonds der chemischen Industrie, Germany; Slovak grant agency (VEGA 95/5305/ 361), Slovakia; and grants from the Academy of Finland and The Sigrid Juse´lius Foundation, Helsinki, Finland. REFERENCES 1. Arikawa, J., H. F. Lapenotiere, L. Iacono-Connors, M. L. Wang, and C. S. Schmaljohn. 1990. Coding properties of the S and the M genome segments of Sapporo rat virus: comparison to other causative agents of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. Virology 176:114–125. 2. Avsic-Zupanc, T., A. Toney, K. Anderson, Y. K. Chu, and C. Schmaljohn. 1995. Genetic and antigenic properties of Dobrava virus: a unique member of the Hantavirus genus, family Bunyaviridae. J. Gen. Virol. 76:2801–2808. 3. Bergmann, M., A. Garcia-Sastre, and P. Palese. 1992. Transfection-mediated recombination of influenza A virus. J. Virol. 66:7576–7580. 4. Bowen, M. D., W. Gelbmann, T. G. Ksiazek, and S. T. Nichol. 1997. Puumala virus and two genetic variants of Tula virus are present in Austrian rodents. J. Med. Virol. 53:174–181. 5. Bowen, M. D., H. Kariwa, P. E. Rollin, C. J. Peters, and S. T. Nichol. 1995. Genetic characterization of a human isolate of Puumala hantavirus from France. Virus Res. 38:279–289. 6. Chomczynski, P., and N. Sacchi. 1987. Single-step method of RNA isolation by guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform extraction. Anal. Biochem. 162:156–159. 7. Cifire, F. Unpublished data.

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