Aug 18, 2017 - Page 1 of 2. tu: GOVERNMENT OF INDI^A'flKfl SSF'r{. MiNitfRY G RAtLwAYSttH ;irft-. ,. RAILWAY BOARDR:CTA
- J{o.?G=Vl2$17fAff'lPA/ 1- -*- ' - The General Managers & PUs All lndian RaiharaYs (As per mailing list)
Altowance (NPA)at revised rates to IRMS'Officers.
. -: dt 22'09'2008(RBE pteasereferto Board'sletterNo.PC-V/2008/A/O/I(N|.A), Ajloy3l|.:,l No.122l2008)regarding the existing rates;9f Non-Practisin.g -qn admissibleto lRtfrS Officersand as providedfor in para I oJthe scheduler9r IU ot revrslonoTrales the,,question (FFE No.9312016), dt. 02.08.2016 (RP)Rules,2016, of the of allowances(exceptDearnessAllowanceinasedon the recommendations Until separatelY. wereto be noiryec_subseq.uently.ang ;ir;;;;;iF"v'Co*mission ratesin the existingpay **i" iequiredto b.gpaid:attheiexisting then,a1 attowances
structure ttnepai?*i;;G;"Jon
is if the,plyhasnot!?"1 6'nP"yCommission)
NpR was,ialsoregtlledto be paid-{ revisedw.e.f. fdl"nu"w,ZOtO. Accordingty, (RBE .the existing r"t"r-rpe.1ii"A,;'1*q. atorciiO Board''6gttqr dt.22.A9.2008 " No.122l200s). on the revisedratesof variausallowances The decisionsof the Government, Z. and in the lightof basedon the rmor*"oCa1io"i of the 7thcentral Pay commission. o! the Finance of the Committeeunderthe Chairmanship the recomm"noations for this purpose,havesincebeennotified' constituted Secretary,
l[: ff.1'#:1;l,ilfi:T91":",'lT:1",.til:r 3;,*,"fli,*::litlff U" p"iO at tfre raie of 2}o/ool the basicpay in_lfe-revis"9luy 'in'-ub,{u"'Uu."O frfpn"*"n"ff'-** , .
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of the 7'n Central Pay on the recommendations - ;il;;;. in-thefis{RP}Rul€sr2916rsubje$ts the conditionthat commissio-R,.a5t}4pined {2,37,500{Rupeestwo takhthirty the sumof basicp+..,gjldNPAdoes'noiexceed the shallregulate conditions only). Thefollowing ,"u"n g,ousand-aio'tift..nundred grantof NPAunderthesdorders: paY" shallmean"basic. (i) The term"basicpat'' in_tferevisedpay_gtrycture ?s i.e',"basicpay"in revisedpay RS (RP1Rules,"201_6, definedin nui" itii ' "t levelin.thePavMatrix' in tn* prescribed ;;;;tr; ;;;;";ilJ pty;;til of (ii) The NPAshallcontinueto be treatedas payfor the purposecomputation exceptthose allowancesin DearnessAllowanceand other allowances, calculation including ordersprovideothenruise, of *ni"r"rthe applicable ;.;f; 'Dearness mean shall undertheseorders Allowance of ietiremenloenelts. D{MAtiOAGenlrat Otdrrs\ARomEdt{PAV$
CPC\sdqF do6\
from lime ts --- -dearnessallowan€e€s-sanetiened-by-1he-Ceniral-Government pay strqcture, -lelated time inthe 7thPay Commission to thosemedicalpestsfor whichmedical NPA shallcontinueto be restrieted underthe IndianMedicalCouncilAct, 1956or under recognised qualifications the DentistAct, rc+A havebeenprescribedas an essentialqualification-The ----{ol}owing-eonditions-shaltatsti-be-fu{fi}ted t as-hithefs-
(a) (b) (c) iO)
The Postis a clinicalone. The Postis a wholetimePost' Thereis amplescopefor privatepractice,and lt is necessaryto prohibitprivatepracticein publicinterest.
The revised rate of NPA in terms of these orders shall take effect from 4. 1"tJuly, 2017. This issubs with the concurrenceof Financeioi etomte of Ministryof 5. Railways. Hindiversionof theseorders'w;'lt' &!ts^t' 6' 'OM No.12-2/2016-Etlt.A, dt.7thJu$,2017)
D Dy.
r,,Pay R:lllffil::;x
: : t.r:
New Delhi,dateda+lo8t2o17
No. PC-V/2A17lNNFN1
and AuditorGeneralof lndia Copy(with40 s-iares)forwai*edto Depu$lieomptrotler (Railways), NewDelhi. for FinancialCom issioner,Railways
r,to.FHv/z Copvforwardedto:RailBhavan,NewDelhi(35spares). NFIR,RoomNo.256-A, 1) The GeneralSecretary, @ National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (N.F.LR) 3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi. No. I/S(g)/Part V
Copy is forwarded to the:General Secretqries of afJiliated [Jnions of NFIR for information and necessoryaction. .6,, t\ '/*g | ' yl C/: Media Centre/NFIR.' C/: File No. IV/NFIM7 CPC (mp)/2016/R.8.-purt I. C/: FiIe No, IVINFIMT cPC (Imp)/Altowance/2016/part I. (Dr. M. Raghavaiah) General Secretsrv