Louis Sachar Holes. Alex Shearer Bootleg. Family and Relationships. Terence
Blacker Boy2Girl. Alyssa Brugman Walking Naked. Meg Cabot All American Girl.
Recommended reading list: KS3 Action and Adventure Malorie Blackman Noughts and Crosses NM Browne Basilisk SE Hinton Outsiders Robert Muchamore CHERUB-series William Nicholson Wind on Fire Trilogy Louis Sachar Holes Alex Shearer Bootleg
Family and Relationships Terence Blacker Boy2Girl Alyssa Brugman Walking Naked Meg Cabot All American Girl Jenny Davis If Only I’d Known Lesley Howarth Carwash Mary Hopper Megan Trilogy Elizabeth Laird The Garbage King Hiliary McKay Indigo’s Star Meg Rosoff How I Live Now Alex Shearer The Crush Alex Shearer Great Blue Yonder Jerry Spinelli Stargirl
Classics Maya Angelou I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Louisa M Alcott Little Women Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre. Agatha Christie The Body in the Library Charles Dickens Oliver Twist Penelope Farmer Charlotte Sometimes George Orwell Animal Farm Nevil Shute A Town like Alice Dodie Smith I Capture the Castle R.L. Stevenson Treasure Island J. Vance Marshall Walkabout Jules Verne Journey to the Centre of the Earth HG Wells The Time Machine HG Wells War of the Worlds
Fantasy Frank Beddor Looking Glass Wars Trudi Canavan Black Magician Trilogy Trudi Canavan Age of the Five Series Katherine Langrish Troll Fell Cliff McNish Doomspell (trilogy) Garth Nix Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen Garth Nix Mister Monday, Grim Tuesday, Drowned Wednesday, Sir Thursday Chris Paolini Eragon & Eldest Michael Paver Wolf Brother & Spirit Walker Philip Pullman His Dark Materials
Philip Reeves Mortal Engines (series) Jonathan Stroud Amulet of Samarkend Chris Wooding Poison
Ghosts and Horror Kate Cann Leaving Poppy Ann Halam Don’t Open Your Eyes Carol Hedges Red Velvet Cliff McNish Breathe: A ghost Story Celia Rees Witch Child, Sorceress Celia Rees Soul Taker EE Richardson Devil’s Footsteps The Intruders Marcus Sedgwick My Swordhand is Singing Chris Wooding Haunting of Alaizabel Cray
Humour and Comedy Martin Chatterton Michigan Moorcroft RIP Cathy Hopkins Mates, Dates... (series) John Kirkbridge Thank you for your Application Louise Rennison Georgina Parks (series) Catherine Robinson Tin Grin Meg Rosoff Just in Case Louis Sacher There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom Dogs Don’t Tell Jokes Tui Sutherland This Must Be Love Sue Townsend Secret Diary of Adrian Mole
Mystery and Thrillers Terrance Blacker Angel Factory Tim Bowler Apocalypse Kevin Brooks Martyn Pig Kevin Brooks Road of the Dead Anne Cassidy Missing Judy Story of my Life F. Cottrell-Boyce Millions Julie Hearn . The Merrybegot Valerie Mendes Girl in the Attic Nicola Morgan FleshMarket Philip Pullman Butterfly Tattoo Ruby in the Smoke Ian Samson Case of the Missing Library Books Alex Shearer The Stolen Alex Shearer Tins Alex Shearer Speed of the Dark Nancy Werlin Killer’s Cousin Tim Wynne-Jones Boy in the Burning House Scott Westerfield Uglies
School Stories Robert Cormier The Chocolate War Catherine Forde Fat Boy Swim Graham Gardner Inventing Elliot
Roger Green Cuckoos Anthony Masters The Drop Louis Sachar The Boy who Lost his Face Small Steps Jerry Spinelli The Mighty
Science Fiction Ann Halam Taylor 5 Ben Jeapes Winged Chariot His Majesty’s Starship Nicola Morgan Sleepwalking Michael Lawrence The Aldous Lexicon William King Far Seer
Sport Theresa Breslin Divided City Trevor Colgan Stretford Enders Peter Hayden And Smith Must Score! Kelvin MacGregor Here we Go David McRoberts Fergus MacPhail: the Boy, the Legend Mal Peet Keeper Martin Waddell Shooting Star
War John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas E. Buchignani Tell No One Who You Are Michael Cronin Against the Day Through the Night Els De Groen No Roof in Bosnia Peter Dickinson AK Michael Morpurgo Private Peaceful Andy McNab Boy Soldier Matt Peet Tamar