Recommended Reading - Restricted Stock

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INVESTMENT GENERAL ... Discussion of investment philosophy centered on a series of common myths. ... Gerald Loeb — The Battle for Investment Survival.

Recommended Reading CROWD BEHAVIOUR •

Charles Mackay — Extraordinary Delusions and the Madness of Crowds Hugely influential book on the history of crowd behavior in markets

Gustav Le Bon — The Crowd Analysis of crowd behavior by one of the pioneers in that field

Teweles & Jones — The Futures Game Excellent explanation of futures markets and how they work and much more



Jack Calhoun JR — The 12 Investment Myths Discussion of investment philosophy centered on a series of common myths.

Niall Ferguson — The Ascent of Money A financial history of the world

Charles Ellis — The Losers Game Explains why active investment management fails and what to do about it

RF Bruner and SD Carr — The Panic of 1907 The story of the financial panic of 1907 and an analysis of the causes of panics.


Robert Rotella — The Elements of Successful Trading The second half of this book contains excellent discussion of trading psychology and money management

Van K Tharp — Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom Very sound book on money management and developing a trading system

Larry McMillan — McMillan on Options The Bible of the Industry (Also see other books by McMillian



Jacob Bernstein — Investor's Quotient Best selling book on managing your own psychology in trading

Roland Barach — Mindtraps This book explains common mind traps that limit traders and investors. Written by a psychologist with practical knowledge of trading www.R est r ic te dSt oc kInf o rm at ion. co m

Mark Douglas — The Disciplined Trader Ground breaking book on trading psychology


Edwin Le Fevre — Reminiscences of a Stock Operator The ideas of Jesse Livermore, one of the legendary traders. Easy to read and full of insights about trading

Gerald Loeb — The Battle for Investment Survival A Classic book on trading. Has been reprinted again and again for decades

Michael Lewis — The Big Short - Inside The Doomsday Machine This is a factual account of what led to the global financial crisis. It is a very clear explanation of the arcane derivatives at the heart of the subprime mortgage disaster.

Paul & Moynihan — What I Learned Losing a Million Dollars Story of how one man learned the most important lesson in trading the hard way


Jim Rogers — A Gift to My Children His thoughts on investing and life in general.

Stanley & Danko — The Millionaire Next Door Remarkable insights into how millionaires became wealthy

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