W. References haveU*Sffib""ivedfrom variousffiuy establishments seeking clarificationwhetherselaxationin prescribedqualificationpermissiblevide Board's letter of even nuder datedA9lV20ll (RtsE No. 166/2A11)is applicableor otherwiseto en$bgeffit of Srfut-ifuteBungaiowPeons/Telephone Attendantcum Dak Khalasi(TADK) on,&erailw6ys. xitu",, ::'.:., :: , ffi.... The matt€r has been exanrinedand it is clarified that relaxation of minimum educationalqualification stipuiate*5foq,,letter of even number 0glI2l20l1 does not cover substituteBungalow Peons/TADK.
(Harsha Dass) Director Estt. (i\r)-U Railway Board ..2t-
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (N.F.I.R) g,-ChelmsfordRoad, New Delhi. Dt:77-12-20!3 No.II/1/Pt. X {\ for informatiolf5^ Copy forwarded to the General Secretariesof affiliated Unions of NFIR } u | ' Ci: File No. IIl18 :I (M.Raghavaiah) C/: Media Centre/NFIR. General Secretarv