Red Crescent Movement Cooperation Programme -

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RED CROSS-RED CRESCENT MOVEMENT COOPERATION PROGRAMME Thousands of people have lost their lives and millions of people were affected by the crisis due to the conflicts between Syrian government and demonstrators, which has started in March 15th, 2011 and has spread nation-wise with the demonstrations in April 2011. More than 5 million people had to leave the country and approximately 12.2 million people were internally displaced or were in need of humanitarian aid. As of June,more than 3 million Syrians live in our country which is the largest host country of Syrian refugees. More than 2.8 million of them live in city centers. November, 2012, Turkish Red Crescent launched an International Appeal for the Syrian humanitarian crisis with the IFRC support. Since that day, within the scope of the Appeal, humanitarian aid operations are being carried out and many services ranging from food to psychosocial services are being given to Syrians under temporary protection status. Within this framework, as part of the Syrian Crisis Humanitarian Aid Activities, Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Cooperations Programme was established in March 25th, 2016 within Migration and Refugee Services Department to manage and to provide the collaborations provided by the National Societies, IFRC, and ICRC. Within Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Cooperations Programme, projects are being developed directed to the need of beneficiaries in coordination with partner institutions.


18 million 650

thousand Turkish Lira Community Center service amount

10 active

Community Centers have reached 140.510 people in their field of activity

170 Staff are providing services in 10 community centers

Livelihood Support activities has reached



Community centers are cooperating with local and national partners; organising trainings and workshops to enhance their capacities

Child, Youth and Volunteering Programme has reached 26.040 children and teens

Psychosocial and Health Services reached 42.302 people

Number of people reached with Protection Activities; 38.253

26.211 people benefited from Harmonization with Local Community and Social & Cultural Activities

BENEFICIARIES REACHED BY COMMUNITY CENTERS BURSA Protection Activities Livelihood Support Activities Child & Youth Activities Social, Cultural & Harmonization Activities

Health Services

9.045 2.108 69 1.368 4.133 1.367

İSTANBUL SULTANBEYLİ Protection Activities Livelihood Support Activities Child & Youth Activities Social, Cultural & Harmonization Activities

Health Services

50.958 9.981 1.404 7.223 3.278 29.072

İSTANBUL BAĞCILAR Protection Activities Livelihood Support Activities Child & Youth Activities Social, Cultural & Harmonization Activities

Health Services

12.546 4.883 478 2.064 2.528 2.593

ANKARA Protection Activities Livelihood Support Activities Child & Youth Activities Social, Cultural & Harmonization Activities

Health Services

11.260 2.969 1.277 3.775 2.251 988


İZMİR Protection Activities Livelihood Support Activities Child & Youth Activities Social, Cultural & Harmonization Activities

Health Services

KONYA Protection Activities Livelihood Support Activities Child & Youth Activities Social, Cultural & Harmonization Activities

Health Services

6.674 1.216 86 311 5.050 11

16.643 5.397 2.020 3.217 3.519 2.490




Protection Activities Livelihood Support Activities


Child & Youth Activities


Social, Cultural & Harmonization Activities


MERSİN Protection Activities Livelihood Support Activities Child & Youth Activities Social, Cultural & Harmonization Activities

Health Services


Health Services



101 69 32 -

ADANA Protection Activities Livelihood Support Activities Child & Youth Activities Social, Cultural & Harmonization Activities

Health Services

250 70 180 -

KİLİS Protection Activities Livelihood Support Activities Child & Youth Activities Social, Cultural & Harmonization Activities

Health Services

26.059 8.940 1.796 7.249 3.177 4.897

6.974 2.620 542 833 2.095 884

BABY HYGIENE KITS: 99.982 baby hygiene kits were distributed with the purpose of being transmitted to Syrian families HYGIENE KITS: Since January 2016 108.471 hygiene kits were distributed in order to meet FOOD: Since the start of the project, January 2016, 59.463 food parcels that are the most important support goods were distributed. KITCHEN KIT: 36.982 kitchen kits were transmitted to Syrian families

Within this project, support to Syrians living outside and inside of the camps continued to be given with the cooperation of IFRC.


people have been reached since January 2016 in Ankara, Mersin, İzmir, Konya, Ordu, Bursa, Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Şanlıurfa, Mardin, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Muğla, Manisa, Diyarbakır, Sivas, Samsun, İstanbul, Batman, Malatya ve Adana.


90.527 blankets were distributed to Syrians who are living in cold areas and have trouble at warming

Support To Urban Refugees Project

The project has been started to provide hot meals to Syrians living in Ankara since the number of Syrians living outside the camps are relatively higher than the number of Syrians living at camps and since their vulnerability has increased. The facility improvement is completed with the support of IFRC and now the Soup Kitchen is able to reach more people with improved conditions. The goal of this project is to provide two hot meals daily to Syrians and Iraqis living in Ankara. Turkish Red Crescent Ankara Branch has been providing hot meal to those in need (generally Syrians). Up to

5.000 people provided with food (hot meal) per day from the Ulucanlar Kitchen.

Ulucanlar Soup Kitchen

Şehit Serhat Önder Child Protection Center started to provide services in March 2017, in which activities, workshops, seminars and trainings are organized under various topics to provide psychosocial support to children in the Child Friendly Space and Youth Friendly Space for 6-18 age group. At the center, a need-based education method is followed. The center also monitors the psychological and developmental processes of the children and the related activities are carried out by the relevant professional experts. The meals from Turkish Red Crescent Ankara Branch Soup Kitchen are served to children who come to the center both in the morning and in the afternoon. There is also shuttle for children to come to the center. For the first time, transportation service in education started with this Project in Turkey. Until now,

655 children

benefitted from the Center’s activities.

Ankara Child Protection Center

Within the cash support applications offered by ESSN Project, Service Centers has encountered some complaints and problems requiring intervention based on protection, along with the cash transfer. To answer this need, ESSN Protection Programme has been initiated with the support of IFRC in March 2017. Within this context, complaints and problems has been taken and those are followed and referred by field teams.

TOTAL CASES Rejected Accepted Cases a-Ongoing b-Closed Cash Based Protection Protection

462 78

384 321 63 61 323

ESSN Protection Programme Component

Turkish Red Crescent and UNICEF created collective access teams to engage and evaluate a significant proportion of the families in the disadvantaged group who have the necessary conditions to benefit from CCTE (15 in the first stage). These teams ensure that problems in the field of child protection, including domestic violence, child labor and child marriage, are identified and referral to relevant services is provided. Until now; F 152 258 410

Listed Children Unlisted Children Grand Total

M 157 339 496

TOTAL 309 597


In addition, adults who are encountered in the household visits are taken as cases or redirected to relevant places if necessary. Adult Case Adult Referral Grand Total


9 17 26


2 17 19

TOTAL 11 34


CCTE Protection Programme Component

TRACING ORGANIZATION THAT THE APPLICATION COME FROM Germany Austria Belgium Bulgaria Denmark Finland France Netherland England Iran İreland Canada ICRC UNHCR Individual Swiss Luksemburg Italy Norway Ukraine Australia






224 32 53 2 1 1 4 5 12 13 4 1 6 10 4 12 2 2 1 1 30

224 32 53 2 1 4 4 1 11 13 4 1 6 9 3 11 2 2 1 1 1

1 1 1 -

3 1 1 1 1 -

221 Open 32 Open 52 Open 2 Open 1 Open 4 Open 4 Open 5 Open 11 Open 13 Open 3 Open 1 Open 6 Open 9 Open 3 Open 11 Open 2 Open 2 Open 1 Open 1 Open 30 Open

FAMILY REUNIFICATION Cases being followed Affirmative Result Negative Result Rejected case (outside of the scope of criteria)


RESULT (For closed cases) Affirmative Affirmative Affirmative Affirmative Affirmative -

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION (for forensic search)

2 1 5 4 3 3

*The cases which are outside the criteria determined within the scope of ”Restoring Family Links” in Turkey or cases which are covered by the security forces

Affirmative Affirmative Affirmative -




***A letter was sent to the Forensic Medicine Institute to ask for opinions. After the interviews, it will be clear whether the cases reaching us will be forwarded to them or not



45 3 6

Organisation that receive the message ICRC Lebanon Office ICRC Afghanistan Office Iran ICRC Iraq Office

Amount of Message

3 3 1 17

**Institutions that request tracing are awarded with the information that the file is closed when positive or negative results are definite from another

Budget Total Budget:

78.059.335 CHF

Operational Budget:

65.814.019 CHF

Contact Migration and Refugee Services Department Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Cooperation Programme Yasemin COŞKUN

[email protected]


[email protected]