Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnología Postcosecha ISSN: 1665-0204
[email protected] Asociación Iberoamericana de Tecnología Postcosecha, S.C. México Marques Costa, Sérgio; Rodrigues Uliana, Maíra; Almeida Monaco, Kamila; Wagner Simon, Juliana; Pace Pere Lima, Giuseppina SANITIZERS EFFECT IN MANGOES BIOACTIVES AMINES CONTENT Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnología Postcosecha, vol. 16, núm. 1, 2015, pp. 64-68 Asociación Iberoamericana de Tecnología Postcosecha, S.C. Hermosillo, México
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Sanitizers effect in mangoes…
Costa, Sérgio Marques y cols. (2015)
Costa, Sérgio Marques1; Uliana, Maíra Rodrigues 1; Monaco, Kamila Almeida1; Simon, Juliana Wagner1; Lima, Giuseppina Pace Pereira1*
São Paulo State University (UNESP), Botucatu Bioscience Institute (IBB), Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, Rubião Júnior, Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. CEP: 18618-‐970.
[email protected] Key words: organic and conventional crops; ozone; chlorine.
This study aimed to verify sanitizers influence (ozone and sodium hypochlorite) in polyamines content (putrescine, spermidine and spermine) during refrigerated storage and marketing simulation on organic and conventional mangoes. Mangoes "Palmer" organically and conventional cultivated, acquired from Borborema-‐ SP (21°37’11’’S, 49°04’25’’W and 429 m) and Taquaritinga-‐SP (21°24’21’’S, 48°30’18’’W and 565 m), respectively, both from Brazil, were used. Fruits were subjected to following treatments: control samples (fruits grown in organic and conventional system, washed with public water supply); chlorine sanitized samples (fruits -‐1 grown in organic and conventional system, submerged in chlorinated water, 100 mg L sodium hypochlorite per 10 minutes); ozonated samples (fruits grown in organic and conventional system, submerged in ozonated water, 1 ppm, per 10 and 20 minutes). Bioactive amines qualiquantification was performed on harvest day and seven days of cold storage followed by four and eight days of storage at room temperature to simulate marketing. In general, during storage, the characteristics were not influenced by sanitizers, suggesting that chlorine can be replaced by ozone without compromising quality characteristics.
Palabras clave: cultivos orgánicos y convencionales; ozono; cloro.
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar la influencia de los desinfectantes (ozono y hipoclorito de sodio) en el contenido de poliaminas (putrescina, espermidina y espermina) durante el almacenamiento refrigerado y la comercialización de mangos orgánicos y convencionales. Mangos "Palmer" cultivadas en sistemas orgánicos y convencionales, adquiridas en Borborema-‐SP (21°37’11’’S, 49°04’25’’W y 429 m) y Taquaritinga-‐SP (21°24’21’’S, 48°30’18’’W y 565 m), respectivamente, ambos de Brasil, fueron utilizados. Los frutos fueron sometidos a los siguientes tratamientos: muestras de control (frutos cultivados en sistema orgánico y convencional, se lava con agua del sistema público); muestras desinfectadas con cloro (frutos cultivados en sistema orgánico y -‐1 convencional, inmerso en agua clorada, 100 mg L de hipoclorito de sodio durante 10 minutos); muestras desinfectadas con ozono (frutos cultivados en sistema orgánico y convencional, inmerso en agua ozonizada, 1 ppm, durante 10 y 20 minutos). El cualicuantificación de aminas bioactivas se realizó en el día de la cosecha y de los siete días de almacenamiento en frío seguido de cuatro y ocho días de almacenamiento a temperatura ambiente para simular la comercialización. En general, durante el almacenamiento, las características no fueron influenciadas por los desinfectantes, en general, durante el almacenamiento, lo que sugiere que el cloro puede ser sustituido por el ozono sin comprometer las características de calidad.
INTRODUCTION Several authors describe sanitization as the most important step for maintaining fruits and vegetables quality after harvest, since it decreases pathogenic and damaging microorganism’s rate, with a resulting increase
in shelf life of these foods (Brackett, 1992; Nascimento et al., 2003; Reis et al., 2008). Chlorine as sodium hypochlorite form has been most used compound on giving quality assurance for water and food, as well increasing safety and shelf life of vegetable products. However, studies had shown that
Rev. Iber. Tecnología Postcosecha Vol 16(1):64-68
Sanitizers effect in mangoes…
this chemical form can produce other undesirable by-‐products such as some organochlorine compounds, trihalomethanes (THMs) and they are toxic and carcinogenic in water, food or direct surface contact (Akbas & Ozdemir, 2008). The concern about chemical reactions that lead to these byproducts formation during chlorine post-‐harvest treatment has been encouraging international interest on new effective techniques development, including aqueous and gaseous ozone (Allende et al., 2006). Ozonated water can be used for equipment and packages surface disinfection, water sanitation, post-‐harvest sanitization of vegetables and fruits, handling microorganisms (Smilanick et al., 2002; Mahapatra et al., 2005). In this case, aqueous O3 has been used as a chlorine alternative sanitizer, for fruits and vegetables washing or cooling water, upgrading microbiological quality by controlling the pathogenic agents over those products surfaces (Parish et al., 2003). In addition, due to its rapid decomposition to oxygen (O2) and the fact that ozone does not leave residues in treated products, its application on food processing is permitted by Organic Certification (Selma et al., 2008). Mango conventional system production has been important in Brazil considering price and quality competitiveness, being exported to European and North American consumers (Leite et al., 1998). Mango organic system production is also viable and was introduced in Brazil first inside small and medium farmer's orchards expecting the European costumer. Different from conventional system, mango produced on organic systems does not receive synthetic products, minimizing environmental and health risks (Pinto et al., 2008). Besides that, organic vegetables have high concentration of bioactive compounds, due their involvement in plants protection processes. Important class of these compounds, polyamines (PAs) are often found
Costa, Sérgio Marques y cols. (2015)
in foods, although PAs ingestion are known for years as an important factor for human's health, however PAs data in food are limited (Kalac & Krausova, 2005). The aim of this work was to verify sanitizing influence on polyamine content during storage of organic and conventional mango. MATERIAL E METHODS Plant material: "Palmer" Mangoes organically and conventional cultivated, acquired from Borborema–SP (21°37’11’’S, 49°04’25’’W and 429 m) and Taquaritinga–SP (21°24’21’’S, 48°30’18’’W and 565 m), respectively, were used. Sanitizations: Control samples: fruits grown in organic and conventional system, washed with public water supply; Chlorine sanitized samples: fruits grown in organic and conventional system, submerged in chlorinated water (100 mg L-‐1 sodium hypochlorite) for 10 minutes; Ozonated samples: fruits grown in organic and conventional system, submerged in ozonated water (1 ppm) for 10 and 20 minutes. Subsequently fruits were drained on towel paper and stored at 15±1°C and 85±5% RH, per seven days. After cold storage mangoes were left at room temperature per four to seven days to simulate marketing. Polyamines by thin-‐layer chromatography (TLC): Free PAs were analyzed according to method proposed by Flores e Galston (1982), with modifications (Lima et al., 2006). Free PAs contents were expressed as μg g−1 fresh weight. Experimental design and statistical analysis: Experimental design was factorial 8 X 3 (sanitizations X marketing simulation), with three replications, where 2 fruits represented each replication. The results were evaluated by Scott-‐Knott test (p≤0,05) via R software (R Development Core Team, 2011).
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RESULTS AND DISCUSSION PAs putrescine, spermidine and spermine contents are displayed on Table 1. Putrescine levels found in fruits grown on organic system were higher than conventional. Lima et al. (2008) reported PAs levels in a large number of vegetables acquired from organic and conventional farmers and they observe that organic system induces increasing putrescine levels in most vegetables analyzed. Sanitizers response in organic fruits with this diamine levels reduction were observed, suggesting ripening acceleration with shelf life consequent reduction, this effect was stronger in ozonated fruits which had the largest reductions of putrescine. It was also noted decrease of these contents in storage, remarkably in fruits refrigerated per seven days and subjected to marketing simulation per four days. Also it was possible to reduce these levels during storage markedly in fruit refrigerated for seven days and subjected to simulated marketing for 4 days. Pas and ethylene exhibit antagonistic performance during fruit ripening (Pandey et al., 2000), PAs low concentrations are correlated with ethylene high levels (Kusano et al., 2007), which is related to fruit senescence. Spermidine was higher in conventional and washed with water (control sample) fruits. Chlorine and ozone had major effect on this triamine, reducing their levels when compared to control, which, separately, would be a positive factor, whereas in ripe fruits (ethylene peak) PAs levels exhibit its minimum value (Harpaz-‐Saad et al., 2012). Lower spermidine levels were observed in conventional fruits, as occurred with putrescine. There is a relationship between PAs synthesis and ethylene biosynthesis inhibition, where high PAs levels might be responsible for quality but high levels may also be associated with senescence (Harpaz-‐Saad et al., 2012). Spermine highest concentrations found in conventional fruits may indicate larger 66
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juvenility of these fruits. Although fruits have the same physiological age, during the experiment, it was visible and clear that the conventional fruits were healthier. In this work, spermidine and spermine values were higher than putrescine at early stages of fruit development on both cropping systems, corroborating data found by Malik and Singh (2004). Studies with “Murcot” (Nathan et al., 1984) showed increased PAs concentrations during ripening, suggesting that PAs variation is not only between species, but also at different ripening stages, and it can also be observed in this study. Variations in the endogenous PAs levels can be observed during ripening although these changes are also due to cultivar type (Bouchereau et al., 1999; Zuzunaga et al., 2001). Generally, PAs levels decrease during normal fruit ripening followed by ethylene production, as noted in avocados (Winer & Apelbaum, 1986) and pears (Toumadje & Richardson, 1988). CONCLUSIONS Mangoes grown in organic system had lower shelf life, this fact can be attributed to worst harvest conditions observed in the organic farm studied. While mangoes cultivated in conventional system receive treatments to remove field heat, the organic was let on the sun after harvest. In general, during storage, characteristics were not influenced by sanitizers, suggesting that chlorine can be replaced by ozone without compromising quality characteristics. REFERENCES Akbas, M. Y.; Ozdemir, M. (2008) Application of gaseous ozone to control populations of Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus and Bacillus cereus spores in dried figs. Food microbiology, 25(2):386-‐391. Allende, A.; Marin, A.; Buendia, B.; Tomas-‐ Barberan, F.; Gil, M. I. (2007). Impact of combined postharvest treatments (UV-‐C light, gaseous O3, superatmospheric O2
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Table 1. Putrescine, Spermidine e Spermine (µg g ) in organic and conventional mangoes treated with different sanitizers and subjected to marketing simulation. Treatments Organic H2O Chlorine Ozone 10 Ozone 20 Conventional H2O Chlorine Ozone 10 Ozone 20 CV% Treatments Organic H2O Chlorine Ozone 10 Ozone 20 Conventional H2O Chlorine Ozone 10 Ozone 20 CV% Treatments Organic H2O Chlorine Ozone 10 Ozone 20 Conventional H2O Chlorine Ozone 10 Ozone 20 CV%
19,33 9,33 10,59
0 2,24±0,14 aA 1,48±0,24 bA 0,72±0,06 cA 0,91±0,07 cB 0,52±0,04 dA 0,58±0,06 dA 0,65±0,02 cA 0,29±0,09 eB 2,31±0,40bA 2,23±0,14bA 2,56±0,09bA 2,52±0,13bB 2,99±0,02aA 2,27±0,17bA 1,49±0,13cB 2,34±0,42bB 1,50±0,34dB 2,71±0,53cB 2,50±0,21cC 2,99±0,19cB 3,51±0,38bB 3,46±0,29bA 6,39±0,24aA 6,05±0,34aA
Putrescine (µg g ) Storage (days) 7+4 0,58± 0,19 aC 0,51±0,11 aB 0,38±0,00 aB 0,32±0,06 bC 0,24±0,02 bB 0,24±0,00 bB 0,39±0,07 aA 0,12±0,02 bB
7+8 1,53±0,27aB 1,53±0,13aA 0,71±0,05bA 1,55±0,11aA 0,52±0,00bA 0,57±0,03bA 0,45±0,02bA 0,51±0,03bA
1,08±0,06dB 1,08±0,34dB 2,67±0,27bA 3,07±0,24aA 2,07±0,06cC 2,39±0,12cA 3,34±0,26aA 2,30±0,16cB
1,05±0,09cB 1,05±0,20cC 3,49±0,43aB 3,34±0,27aB 1,72±0,02bC 1,86±0,09bC 3,37±0,04aB 3,00±0,38aB
Spermidine (µg g ) 2,37±0,16bA 2,59±0,12bA 2,43±0,09bA 2,60±0,01bB 2,49±0,07bB 1,74±0,09cB 1,38±0,15cB 4,76±0,09aA -‐1
Spermine (µg g ) 2,24±0,06eA 4,66±0,48cA 4,64±0,44cA 5,69±0,49bA 6,36±0,26aA 2,47±0,39eB 1,84±0,22eC 3,04±0,62dB
Means followed by the same capital letters (collumn) and the same low case letters (row) where not statistically significant to Scott-‐Knott´s Test (p≤0,05).
Rev. Iber. Tecnología Postcosecha Vol 16(1):64-68