Mr. Akihiko Tanaka, President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) ... Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Sustainable
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Regional Meeting and Stakeholder Consultation on the Post-2015 Development Agenda Bali, 13-14 December 2012 Background Since the Millennium Summit of 2000, the Millennium Development Goals has been utilized to gauge and enhance development efforts regionally and globally so as to ensure that development could be environmentally sustainable and socially responsible. With the milestone date of 2015 is coming closer, global leaders have to reinvigorate and expedite the attainment of the MDGs goals. In addition, the Rio+20 Summit outcomes "the Future We Want" reiterated the global leaders' commitment to achieving the objectives of sustainable development and the Millennium Development Goals. Both the MDGs and Sustainable Development Declarations are being implemented by the international communities. In achieving such goals and objectives, addressing cross-cutting issues that go beyond specific sectors is essential. Food security, for example, is not only related to the provision of the availability of food and nutrition but also the need to address such broad and overlapping issues as markets transparency, free and fair global trade, water resources management and environmental protection. Another global and regional priority is energy security that should be addressed by taking into account the need of ensuring food security, protecting the environment and promoting social justice. This also illustrates another inherent flaw of the MDGs: the main focus was put on achieving development in developing countries with the assistance of the developed world. Common but differentiated responsibilities, such as the need to address unsustainable consumption and production patterns in industrialized countries were not taken into account. At this critical point of time, the international community is facing significant challenges of fulfilling the timeline of attaining the MDGs, addressing new emerging challenges such as food and energy security, mitigating of and adapting to the impacts of climate change including the continuing economic crisis in many developed countries. The emerging challenges of climate change and unequal distribution of wealth highlight the need for a development vision and agenda that guides the way towards inclusive and sustainable human development. In this context, The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has named President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as co-chair (together with Liberian president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and the UK’s Prime Minister David Cameron) of a 24 member High Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (HLPEP) charged with the responsibility of consulting and consolidating global voices on a Post-2015 Development Framework. The HLPEP has met twice out of their five planned meetings. The first meeting was held in New York at the sideline of UN General Assembly on 25 September 2012. The meeting discussed the platform and work plan of the HLPEP that should have submitted their report to the UN Secretary General by 31 May 2013. The second meeting was held in London, 30 October – 2 November 2012. The London meeting discussed vision and framing questions of the HLPEP report and exchange views focusing on poverty and human 1
development. The third meeting will be held in Monrovia, Liberia in early February 2013 with the focus around national capabilities in the context of the Post-2015 development agenda. The fourth meeting will be held in Bali in March 2013, Indonesia with the focus on global partnership. The last meeting of the HLPEP will be in New York in May 2013, which is a wrap up meeting that will finalize the HLPEP report. The Rio+20 Summit Declaration "The Future We Want" also emphasized the need to develop Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), that is in line with the previous global agreements on sustainable development agenda, and to bring all nations—developed and developing alike – to launch a process of cooperative target setting across a range of interconnected and complex challenges from water and land to food and energy security around the globe. An “open working group” (OWG) of 30 nations nominated by the five regional UN groups will come up with a list by September 2013. The HLPEP and OWG will complement each other’s work on a similar timeframe to produce a list of global goals. The process for building post-2015 development agenda should uphold the principle of equality, be bottom up, open, and transparent. It must be pursued through active and inclusive participation, including of local communities, with the aim of achieving broad political consensus and public awareness. Strong leadership at all levels, local, national, regional and global, is imperative in the attainment of the goals and targets of the development agenda. Towards A Vision and Framework of the Post 2015 Development Agenda During the second meeting of the HLPEP in London, 30 October - 1 November 2012, early areas of consensus emerged. Panelists agreed to focus on the elimination of poverty in all its forms and to put in place the building blocks for sustained prosperity, while emphasizing the importance of addressing universal challenges, such as inclusive growth, promoting jobs, protecting the environment, and promoting equity, peace, security, freedom, and good governance. This should be a global agenda with global responsibility. Poverty can be eradicated through sustainable growth with equity. Through which economic growth, social equity and environmental sustainability can be mutually reinforcing and our global efforts for poverty reduction are likely to be more robust and sustained. The post-2015 development agenda shall be an agenda to foster strong, balanced, inclusive and sustainable growth. Achieving these collective goals, each country must have the opportunity to realize their development potential in ways that reflect their own culture, history, and the aspirations of its people. Each country should share common but differentiated responsibilities according to their respective capabilities. Post-2015 development agenda should ensure continuity and at the same time accommodate changes. Comprehensive coverage of development agenda should be guaranteed while being aware of current and emerging challenges. Furthermore, it should be applicable for all countries and balance global agenda setting with setting targeted at national level. As a starting point, it can continue efforts in advancing the development agenda at all levels by completing efforts under MDG framework and filling the gaps. The coverage of development agenda should be comprehensive yet focused on a core set of priorities. Development goals and targets should therefore be holistic and universal, clear and concise, quantifiable, and 2
time-bound. It should thus be backed by robust data and the design of the agenda should be confined to a specific timeframe, ranging from 15 to 20 years. Furthermore, the proposed development goals and targets ought to be supported by international collaboration and sufficient financing is secured. Wherever possible, realizing these goals and targets must use technological innovations. The Panelists also discussed main questions that will frame the development of the report. The questions are as follows. Lessons learned and context 1. What have the MDGs achieved? What lessons can be learned about designing goals to have maximum impact? 2. How has the world changed since the MDGs were drafted? Which global trends and uncertainties will influence the international development agenda over the next 10-30 years? 3. Which issues do poor and vulnerable people themselves prioritize? 4. What does a business-as-usual scenario look like? The shape of a post-2015 development framework 5. How should a new framework address the causes of poverty and resilience to shocks as well as the consequences? 6. How should a new framework address the dimensions of economic growth, social equality and environmental sustainability? Is an overall focus on poverty eradication sufficiently broad to capture the range of sustainable development issues? 7. What should be the architecture of the next framework? What is the role of the SDGs in a broader post2015 framework? How to account for qualitative progress? 8. Should drivers and enablers of poverty reduction, like components of inclusive growth, also be included as goals? 9. What time horizon should we set for the next phase in the global development agenda (eg. 10, 15, 25 years, or a combination)? 10. What principles and criteria should guide the choice of a new set of goals? Themes and content of a new framework 11. To what extent can we capitalize on MDGs achievement in developing our post-2015 development agenda? 12. Which elements of the existing MDGs should be retained in the next framework? Which elements should be revised in the light of lessons learned? 13. Which issues were missing from the MDGs and should now be included? How to address inequality, jobs, infrastructure, and planetary boundaries? 14. How should a new framework incorporate the building blocks of sustained prosperity, justice, peace and poverty reduction? 15. How should a new framework reflect the particular challenges of the poor living in conflict and postconflict situations? 3
16. How can we universalize goals and targets while being consistent with national priorities? Partnership and accountability for development 17. How will a new framework encourage partnerships and coordination between and within countries at all stages of development, and with non-state actors such as business, civil society and foundations? 18. How specific should the Panel be with recommendations on means of implementation, including finance, technology, capacity building, trade and other actions? 19. How can accountability mechanisms be strengthened? What kind of monitoring process should be established? How can transparency and more inclusive global governance be used to facilitate achievement of the development agenda? 20. How can we judge the affordability and feasibility of proposed goals, given current constraints? Shaping political consensus for the goals 21. How can we build and sustain political consensus for a new framework? 22. How can our work be integrated with the process to be established by the intergovernmental Open Working Group on the Sustainable Development Goals? Objectives This meeting aims to engage wider regional stakeholders from ASEAN Member States and its neighbors in Asia and Pacific: governments, civil society and private sectors, and to expose them with the work of the HLPEP on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. The objectives of the meeting are three-fold: 1. Sharing and providing update about the process and progress of the High Level Panel of Eminent Person on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (HLPEP) 2. Gaining inputs from stakeholders in the region especially from youth, civil society, and private sector. 3. Preparing key recommendations for vision, framework and issues/goals for the post-2015 development agenda General theme The theme of this consultation is promoting regional perspectives on national capabilities and global partnership for the Post-2015 development agenda with the objective of ending poverty through the promotion of economic growth, social equality, peace and security, and environment sustainability. This theme is in line with the current focus of HLPEP work.
Agenda Day 1, 13 November 2012 – Regional Meeting on the Post-2015 Development Agenda Time
08.00 – 09.00
09.00 – 09.15
Opening Remarks • Dr. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, Chair of the National Committee on the Post-2015 Development Agenda
09.15 – 09.45
Keynote Speech: Ending Poverty, Sustainable Growth with Equity and Strengthened Global Partnership: Towards A Vision and Agenda for the Post-2015 Development Agenda • President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (to be confirmed)
09.45 – 10.00 10.00 – 11.30
Break Session 1: Addressing Equity and Social Inclusion within, between and beyond Countries: What Scope for National and Global Measures Speakers: • Dr. Arsenio Balisacan, Director General of the National Economic Development Authority, The Philippines, Representative of ASEAN Member States • Mr. Akihiko Tanaka, President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) • Tan Sri Dr. Jemillah Mahmood, Former President of Mercy Malaysia • Mr. David Martin, Shell, Vice President of Safety and Sustainable Development • Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) – join via video link Moderator: Desi Anwar, Journalist and Senior Anchor
11.30 – 13.00
Session 2: Economic Development and Growth: National Capabilities and Global Partnership for Decent Job Creation and Poverty Alleviation Speakers: • Representative of ASEAN Member States • Representative of Government of China • Professor Abhijit Banerjee, India, (join via video link) • Ms. Karen Agustiawan, CEO of Pertamina • Ms. Maudy Ayunda, youth representative Moderator : Erna Witoelar, Former UN Ambassador of MDGs
13.00 – 14.00
Lunch Ending Poverty, Promoting Growth, Protecting the Environment: REDD+ Indonesia Video Presentation by: • REDD+ Indonesia 5
14.00 – 15.30
Session 3: Resilience, Equity and Environmental Sustainability: Framework for National and Global Initiatives Speakers: • Representative of Pacific Countries • Representative of Government of Republic of Korea • Ms. Felia Salim, Vice President Director, PT Bank Negara Indonesia • Ms. Shinta Kamdani, Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development • Mr. Peter Hazelwood, World Research Institute / Independent Research Forum (TBC) Moderator : Heru Prasetyo, Secretary of the National Committee of the Post-2015 Development Agenda
15.30 – 17.00
Session 4: Creating Enabling Conditions for National and Global Governance of Sustainable Development Speakers: • Representative of ASEAN Member States • Representative of Government of Australia • Representative of Government of East Timor • Ms. Ho Ching, CEO of Temasek Holdings • Ms. Claire Melamed, Overseas Development Institute Moderator : Hasan Kleib, President’s Special Envoy for the HLPEP Post-2015 Agenda
17.00 – 17.30
Day 2, 14 November 2012 – Regional Stakeholder Consultation on the Post-2015 Development Agenda Time
08.00 – 09.00
09.00 – 09.30
Perspectives from HLPEP Panelists (to be confirmed) • H.M. Queen Rania (Jordania) – join through video link • Ms. Maria Angela Holguin / Paula Cabalero (Colombia) – join through video link • Mr. Homi Kharas (HLPEP Secretariat)
09.30 – 12.30
Regional Stakeholder Forum on Post-2015 Development Agenda to discuss three main topics: • What should be the shape of the post-2015 development framework • What should be the themes and content of the Post-2015 development framework (what elements of MDGs should be retained and/or enhanced and what new elements should be included?) 6
How should the goals and indicators for the Post-2015 framework be defined and specified in the context of national capabilities and global partnership
There will be 5 Parallel Sessions: 1. Private Sector 2. Civil Society and Media 3. Youth 4. Academia and Research Centers 5. Government 12.30 – 14.00
Lunch Strategy for Regional Outreach
14.00 – 16.00
Plenary: Shape, Themes and Goals for the Post-2015 Development Agenda in the Context of National Capabilities and Global Partnership Private Sectors, Civil Society, Media, Youth, Academia, Research Centers, and Governments
16.00 – 16.30