Register-based Implementation of the Sparse General Matrix-Matrix ...

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Feb 28, 2018 - ‡Department of Computer Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology .... SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37, 1 (2015),.
Register-based Implementation of the Sparse General Matrix-Matrix Multiplication on GPUs Junhong Liu∗† , Xin He∗† , Weifeng Liu‡ , Guangming Tan∗† ∗ State

Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences † University of Chinese Academy of Sciences ‡ Department of Computer Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]


col=0 val=a+w+g

Intrathread min()

Inter-thread min()

Intrathread min()

Intrathread min()


col=1 Val=d+e+k

Figure 1. An example showing the proposed reg-spgemm and N -to-M design Based on this approach, we first propose the register-based SpGEMM algorithm (reg-spgemm) for the short rows of A so that the threads within a warp are sufficient to handle the corresponding intermediate products. Reg-spgemm relies on the warp shuffle instruction at the register level and the N -to-M product-thread binding scheme. Figure 1 shows an example of our method. It can be seen that the example needs to merge four rows of matrix B, which is implemented by two threads of one warp. In step 1, the intra − thread min() is the operation that gets the minimum column index of two rows of matrix B within each thread. While the inter − thread min() is the operation that gets the minimum column index of four rows of matrix B across threads, which is implemented by using the reduction of warp-level shuffle instructions. Then, by using the inter − thread add() operation that is also implemented by leveraging the warp-level shuffle instructions, the first output element of vector c, i.e., a + w + д is obtained. Also, with the same operations, in step 2, the second output element of vector c, i.e., d + e + k is obtained. Actually, the steps are in one f or loop until all four rows of matrix B are added up and the results of one row of the output matrix C are directly stored to global memory from registers. When the row number of matrix B is large, the reg-spgemm will be insufficient, because the warp size of current Nvidia GPU is 32. Then the shared memory-based SpGEMM algorithm (smem-spgemm) is implemented to handle the long rows of A via multiple warps performing the reg-spgemm algorithm. At this time, the results of Figure 1 are not stored to global memory, but shared memory for the next merge operations. Through these operations we guarantee the effective utilization of both registers and shared memory. The reg-spegemm and smem-spgemm algorithm is combined with our binning scheme for the rows of matrix A


The motivation of this paper is to fully utilize GPU registers and shared memory to implement an efficient and load balanced SpGEMM. This work chooses the vertical-merge approach proposed in the paper [3] as an early baseline and the N -to-M product-thread binding strategy [4] to achieve the goal. In Table 1, we list the memory use, nonzero-tothread mapping, and computing methods of the existing libraries and ours on GPUs. As Table 1 shows, our library is the first to use register and shared memory to implement SpGEMM. The other libraries are either shared memory and global memory or register and global memory.


val w e r t col 0 1 3 9 val g k m n



CCS Concepts • Computing methodologies → Parallel algorithms;

thread1 col 0 1 3 8

Intrathread min()

Inter-thread min()


val a b c d col 1 3 8 9 val d f r t

Inter-thread add()

thread0 col 0 3 8 9

a+w+g d+e+k b+f+r+m c+r+t d+t+n




Inter-thread add()


General sparse matrix-matrix multiplication (SpGEMM) is an essential building block in a number of applications. In our work, we fully utilize GPU registers and shared memory to implement an efficient and load balanced SpGEMM in comparison with the existing implementations.


Input Data



The Proposed SpGEMM Algorithms

The matrix-matrix product C = AB can be split into the basic computation work unit, i.e., the vector-matrix product c = aB that computes one output row, where c and a are the corresponding rows of C and A. Different with all the existing libraries, in this paper we devise an adaptive N -toM product-thread binding vertical merge method, where N represents the number of products and M means the number of threads, to compute the value of the output matrix, which leads to the sorted column indices of the output c and makes the most use of the register and shared memory resources. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for thirdparty components of this work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s). PPoPP ’18, February 24–28, 2018, Vienna, Austria © 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-4982-6/18/02.


Table 1. Comparison between different SpGEMM libraries

100 10-1 100




100 10-1 100


Compression rate, i.e.,nnzCt/nnzC





FastSparse vs. RMerge

101 100 10-1 100


Compression rate, i.e.,nnzCt/nnzC

(b) vs. cuSPARSE

memory use smem + gmem smem + gmem smem reg. + gmem reg. + smem

102 FastSparse vs. bhSPARSE


10-1 100


Compression rate, i.e.,nnzCt/nnzC

(a) vs. CUSP

nonzero compression seg. sum hash seg. sum + hori. merge vert. merge vert. merge

102 FastSparse vs. cuSPARSE



nonzero-to-thread mapping 1-to-1 1-to-1 1-to-1 1-to-1 N -to-M

102 FastSparse vs. CUSP





global load balancing row+all sort row row+bin/cta row row+bin/warp


CUSP [1] cuSPARSE bhSPARSE [5] RMerge [3] FastSparse (ours)

intermediate space allocation upper bound precise progressive precise precise



Compression rate, i.e.,nnzCt/nnzC

(c) vs. bhSPARSE

(d) vs. RMerge

Figure 2. Performance comparison for double data on an Nvidia K40m (Kepler).

100 10





Compression rate, i.e.,nnzCt/nnzC

(a) vs.CUSP



102 FastSparse vs. cuSPARSE

101 100 10




101 100 10


Compression rate, i.e.,nnzCt/nnzC

(b) vs. cuSPARSE

102 FastSparse vs. bhSPARSE





Compression rate, i.e.,nnzCt/nnzC

(c) vs. bhSPARSE


102 FastSparse vs. CUSP




FastSparse vs. RMerge

101 100 10-1 100



Compression rate, i.e.,nnzCt/nnzC

(d) vs. RMerge

Figure 3. Performance comparison for double data on an Nvidia Titan X (Pascal).


which are grouped into different categories. Then the rows in various bins adopt different parameters of reg-spgemm and smem-spgemm algorithms. We call the library of performing SpGEMM of ours as FastSparse.


We would like to express our gratitude to all reviewer’s constructive comments for helping us polish this paper. This work is supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFB0200300, 2016YFB0201305, 2016YFB0200504, 2016YFB0200803), National Natural Science Foundation of China, under grant no. (61521092, 91430218, 31327901, 61472395, 61432018) and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie project (752321).

Performance Evaluation and Conclusion

We use Nvidia K40m (Kepler) and Titan X (Pascal) GPUs for comparing the performance of our algorithm and several existing methods (CUSP [1], cuSPARSE, bhSPARSE [5] and RMerge [3]) that compute C = A2 in double precision. The CUDA versions are 7.0 and 8.0 on K40m and Titan X, respectively. The selected benchmark suite includes 956 square sparse matrices with 100k ≤ nnz ≤ 200M from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection [2]. The relative speedups are shown in Figures 2 and 3. It can be seen that the performance of our FastSparse is in general superior to the four existing libraries. Specifically, on K40m, our approach delivers a harmonic average speedup of 6.57x (up to 31.56x), 2.48x (up to 38.38x), 1.97x (up to 7.90x), and 1.12x (up to 2.82x) over CUSP, cuSPARSE, bhSPARSE and RMerge, respectively. On Titan X, the speedups are 3.75x (up to 25.76x), 1.16x (up to 56.48x), 1.07x (up to 3.82x), and 1.78x (up to 6.50x), respectively.

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