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Phones: (H). (C). E-mail: Lay Servant Status (Check one): o I am not currently a Lay Servant o I am not seeking Lay Serv
REGISTRATION for LAY SERVANT MINISTRIES COURSES CENTRAL DISTRICT – Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church Lay Servant Ministries are open to all laity and clergy Mar 11-12, 2016 at Mabelvale UMC, 10500 Woodman St, Mabelvale Times: Friday 6:30pm-9:30pm and Saturday 8:00am-5:00pm Registration fee: $15.00 – please mail a check with this registration form to Central District Office, 2 Country Club Cir, Box 1, Maumelle, AR 72113 Courses to be offered: (Order your own book through or 800-672-1789 or the or 800-972-0433) The Prices quoted below are from Cokesbury. Basic - Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course Participant's Book ISBN-13: 9780881776263 - $7.70 Advanced – Let the Whole Church Say Amen! ISBN 13: 9780687090778 - $15.40 (Lead Prayer) Advanced – Worshipping with United Methodists-revised ISBN 13: 9780687335268- $12.05 (Lead Worship) Advanced – Accountable Discipleship ISBN 13: 9780881773392- $10.50 (Heritage & Polity) Please eat dinner before arriving Fri, bring lunch Sat. Beverages and Snacks will be provided both days. What is a Lay Servant?  Ready and desirous to serve the church  An active, supportive member of the United Methodist Church  Eager to serve through the church  Well-informed on and committed to Scripture and the doctrine, heritage, organization and life of the United Methodist Church  Committed to witnessing through church and community leadership and willing to improve his or her skills for service  Inspires others to a deeper commitment to Christ and more effective discipleship

What is expected of a Lay Servant?  Support, serve and minister to the local church  Look for leadership opportunities in the local church  Must file a report with the church Charge Conference every year  Take a refresher course every three years if Local Church Lay Servant designation is desired  Take an Advanced Course every three years if Certified Lay Servant designation is desired

Personal Information (Please Print): Name: _______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City/State/Zip: ________________________________ Phones: (H)________________(C)___________________ E-mail: _______________________________________ Lay Servant Status (Check one): o I am not currently a Lay Servant o I am not seeking Lay Servant status o Local Church Lay Servant o Certified Lay Servant o I am a Certified Lay Servant, seeking Lay Speaker track

If you are a Lay Servant (Local or Certified), please give date and district of your most recent Lay Servant course: Date: ____________ District: _____________________ Church Information (please print): Home Church: _________________________________ City/State/Zip: ________________________________ Senior Pastor: _________________________________ Applicant Signature: __________________________________________

Which course are you registering for? Course: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Course Dates: Mar 11-12, 2016 Fee Enclosed: $15.00 FOR OFFICE USE: $_________ Date Paid___________ Cash Check Check # ___________