Rehabilitation and Intensive Care Unit - Acute and Critical Care

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Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Chonbuk National ... Intensive care unit (ICU)-acquired neuromuscular abnormality or ICU-acquired.
Acute and Critical Care

2018 February 33(1):43-45 / ISSN 2586-6052 (Print)ㆍISSN 2586-6060 (Online)

■ Editorial ■

Rehabilitation and Intensive Care Unit Deokkyu Kim Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Chonbuk National University Hospital, Jeonju, Korea

Critically ill patients frequently experience one or more life-threatening organ failures such as cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, hepatic failure, etc. Intensive care that focuses on the recovery of these important organs can lead to disregard for relatively less important problems. One of the problems that has been overlooked is the neuromuscular disorder in critically ill patients, and the prevalence of neuromuscular abnormalities and weakness is likely larger than generally considered [1]. Intensive care unit (ICU)-acquired neuromuscular abnormality or ICU-acquired weakness (ICUAW) is related to several factors including long duration of immobility, poor nutritional support, mechanical ventilation, and sepsis. Also, the use of sedative and neuromuscular blocking agent to prevent for fighting against mechanical ventilation cause the limitations of unexpected physical function, resulting in

Deokkyu Kim Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Chonbuk National University Hospital, 20 Geonji-ro, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju 54907, Korea Tel: +82-63-250-1241 Fax: +82-63-250-1240 E-mail: [email protected] ORCID Deokkyu Kim *No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.

muscle weakness. In the 1-year study for 109 survivors after acute respiratory distress syndrome, Herridge et al. [2] reported that most patients have extrapulmonary symptoms, which were caused by muscle weakness and fatigue. Only half of the patients in this study were employed at 1 year after the discharge from ICU, and the reasons for unemployment included persistent fatigue, weakness, poor ability to exercise, and functional limitations such as foot drop, immobility of joints, and decreases with the distance walked in the other half the patients. Clinical recovery from acute and critical illness requires several days to weeks, but physical recovery from weight loss, muscle weakness, and physical limitation may require months to years [2,3]. It is also an important point that ICUAW develops at an early phase in patients with mechanical ventilation. Leijten et al. [1] reported that more than half of patients who had mechanical ventilation for more than 7 days developed electrophysiologic abnormalities. Because of early occurrence of weakness and difficulty of recovery, the key of management for ICUAW is considered for prevention and treatment at the same time. The risk factor of ICUAW should be evaluated regularly and minimized as much as possible. The risk factors for ICUAW are as follows: unable to get cc This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Copyright ⓒ 2018 The Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine


44 Acute and Critical Care: Vol. 33, No. 1, February 2018

out of bed independently, anticipated long duration of

cation of the two interventions is more effective than the

critical care stay, obvious significant physical or neuro-

one performed alone. In the first study for the effect of

logical injury, lack of cognitive functioning to continue

bedside cycling alone and cycling with MES in Korea,

exercise independently, unable to self-ventilate on 35%

Woo et al. [7] showed that exercise rehabilitation inter-

of oxygen or less, presence of premorbid respiratory or

vention composed of bedside cycling leads to increase of

mobility problems, and unable to mobilize independently

lower limb muscle mass measured by ultrasound. And

over short distances [4]. Patients at risk of ICUAW

they discussed that Korean ICUs don’t have enough hu-

should be immediately identified for what rehabilitation

man resources for rehabilitation such as nursing, respira-

intervention is needed, and the application of interven-

tory, physical therapist, occupational therapist. Compared

tion start as early as clinically possible.

with ambulation, in-bed cycling is very easy to apply to

Application of an early rehabilitation intervention re-

the critically ill patients, and the expected adverse events

quires several considerations about potential barriers,

are few and rare. They expected synergies when addi-

feasibility, safety, and necessary resources [5]. Insuffi-

tional MES was applied; there are no additional benefits

cient human resource, deep sedation and a lack of knowl-

according to MES application. The authors mentioned that

edge regarding benefits to critically ill patients are among

the number of times MES is applied or the degree of

the most important potential barriers to successful appli-

electrical stimulation may not be sufficient to change the

cation of early exercise intervention. Because the system-

muscle mass. Also, the muscle mass was measured di-

ic cooperation among multidisciplinary medical staff and

rectly after the exercise and MES, therefore, temporary

collaborators needed to achieve early rehabilitation, the

increase of perfusion and muscle mass was reflected in

development of ICU-specific protocols and order sets is

ultrasound measurement. Future studies are needed to

required in the busy ICU environment. Traditionally, an

evaluate effectiveness of bedside cycle with muscle elec-

exercise intervention aimed at standing ambulation was

trical stimulation.

performed. For ambulation, especially with mechanically

Potential benefits for patients with early exercise in-

ventilated patients, many staff and equipment are re-

tervention in the ICU include improved muscle strength,

quired. Such equipment includes a portable cardiac mon-

physical function and quality of life. Such exercise re-

itor and pulse oximeter to allow continuous vital sign

habilitation intervention, bedside cycling and muscle

monitoring during ambulation, and a wheeled pole with

electrical stimulation, may also decrease duration of the

infusion pumps for intravenous medications that cannot

length of stay in ICU and hospital stay after discharge

be temporarily stopped during mobilization [6]. A walk-

from ICU, reduce the rate of hospital readmission, and

er, in addition to hands-on assistance from a physical staff,

decrease the use of primary care resources. Furthermore,

provides balance and support during ambulation. A wheel-

the systemic rehabilitation strategies could help patients

chair is generally pushed behind an ambulating ICU pa-

return to their daily life sooner.

tient to permit the patient to immediately sit and rest when necessary, and to transport patients to their room if they become physically incapable of walking due to weakness, fatigue, or medical complications. In recent years, mus-


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