Relays - Indian Railway

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No: STS/RE/S/SPN/Relay Lucknow, dt.19.5.1986 . ..... in Railway Signalling track circuits in 50 Hz electrified traction areas,with the same stipulation as had been.
RELAY No: 70/W3/SG/T/1

New Delhi, dated: 7.5.74. ..................................................................................... 3

No: 75/W3/SG/Relays/1 New Delhi, dt: 4.6.1979................................................................................... 4 No.70/W3/SG/T/1 dt.12.5.76 ..................................................................................................................... 5 No: 81/W3/SG/Relays/E/1 New Delhi, dt.3.6.1981. ................................................................................. 6 No: 81/W3/SGC/5202/1/647 New Delhi,dated: 28.11.1981. ..................................................................... 7 No: 85/W3/SGB/2.

New Delhi,dated: 23.1.1985. ................................................................................... 8

No: 84/W3/SGC/685 New Delhi,dt: 18.6.1985....................................................................................... 12 No.STS/RE/S/SPN(Relay)

dt. 13.8.85................................................................................................. 13

No: 84/W3/SGE/688 New Delhi,dated: 28.8.85...................................................................................... 14 No: STS/RE/S/SPN/Relay No:84/W3/SGC/688

Lucknow, dt.19.5.1986 .............................................................................. 15

New Delhi,dt.3.6.86............................................................................................ 16

No: 85/W3/SGC/698 New Delhi, dt: 9.3.87............................................................................................. 17 No:88/SIG/Relays/1 New Delhi, dated: 13.6.1988................................................................................... 18 No: 88/SIG/G/18 New Delhi,the 25th July’89 ......................................................................................... 20 No: 88/SIG/G/18 New Delhi,the 25th July’89 ......................................................................................... 21 No.STS/RE/S/DEV/TER(Pt) LUCKNOW 226011 dt. 12/17.8.88........................................................... 22 No:88/SIG/Relays/1 New Delhi, dated: 13.6.1988................................................................................... 23 No: 85/W3/SGC/698 New Delhi, dt: 9.3.87............................................................................................. 24 No:84/W3/SGC/688

New Delhi,dt.3.6.86............................................................................................ 25

No; STS/RE/S/SPN/Relay Lucknow, dt.19.5.1986.................................................................................. 26 No: 84/W3/SGE/688 New Delhi,dated: 28.8.85....................................................................................... 27 No.STS/RE/S/SPN(Relay) Lucknow-226011 dt. 13.8.85 ..................................................................... 28 No: 84/W3/SGC/685 New Delhi,dt: 18.6.1985........................................................................................ 29 No.STS/E/Relays/Specn.(British) Lucknow-226011 dtd: 31.5.85 ........................................................... 30 No: 85/W3/SGB/2.

New Delhi,dated: 23.1.1985. ................................................................................ 33

No: 81/W3/SGC/5202/1/647 4New Delhi,dated: 28.11.1981. ................................................................. 34 No: 81/W3/SG/Relays/E/1

C New Delhi, dt.3.6.1981. ......................................................................... 35

No: 75/W3/SG/Relays/1 New Delhi, dt: 4.6.1979.................................................................................... 36 No: 70/W3/SG/T/1 New Delhi, dated: 7.5.74. ......................................................................................... 38

Government of India Ministry of Railways (Railway Board)

No: 70/W3/SG/T/1

New Delhi, dated: 7.5.74.

To The General Managers(S&T) All Indian Railways. Sub:

Use of Miniature Plug-in-Type track relays(‘Q’ series) to BRS specification 939.

QTA1 type track relays,9 0hms,conforming to BRS specification No.939 can be used in AC electrified areas subject to the condition that the maximum length of the track circuit where this relay is to be used,should be limited to 270 metres only. The condition laid down in para 1.3 of BRS Specification 939 i.e. these relays ae to be used in conjunction with a slow pick-up repeat relay,should be invariably complied with. QT1 track relays(non-immunised),4 0hms coil resistance,may also be used as track relays. This also disposes S.E.Railway’s leter No.SG/190/PC dt.9.11.73 and Southern Railway’s letter No.SG/S.237/I/9 Vol.VIII dt.9.1.74.

Sd/( K.Viswanathan ) Joint Director(Signals) Railway Board.


No: 75/W3/SG/Relays/1

New Delhi, dt: 4.6.1979.

The General Manager(S&T) S.E.Railway/Madras. Sub: Ref:

Sealing of vital relays-proved and non-proved. Your Railway’s letter No.SG.190/F Vol.4 dt.22.3.79.

Sealing arrangement shall be provided as per para 3.2.2 of the IRS Specification No.S-46-74 in all cases of oplug-in-Type Relays. In case of non-proved Type Relays the sealing shall be done at the manufacture’s premises before despatch and if the seals have to be broken due to any defect noticed,the same may be sent to the Workshops for repair. In the case of approved type of Relays the sealing of the cover shall be provided by the Signal Inspector at site. If and when the seals have to be broken at site for maintenance purposes,the same should be done by an official of the level of Signal Inspector and above. The Relays should be properly re-sealed before the circuit is recommissioned/reconnected. Sd/-(R.Krishnaswamy) Dy.Director(Signals/Rly.Board) No: 75/W3/SG/Relays/1.

New Delhi, dt: 4.6.79

Copy forwarded for information to:1. The General Managers(S&T),All Indian Rlys.(Except S.Rly.) 2. The G.Ms.(S&T)/Const.,Central,Eastern,Northern,Southern,South Central,South Eastern and Western Railways. 3. The Director-General,R.D.S.O.,Lucknow. 4. The C.A.O.(R)/S&T,Motorpolitan Transport Project,Madras Poonamallee High Road,Madras-8. 5. The G.M.(S&T),M.T.P.(Rlys),14-Strand Road(5th floor),Cal-1. 6. The C.A.O.(R)/S&T,Metropolitan Transport Project,Rani Jhansi Road Motia Khan,New Delhi. 7. The C.A.O.(R)/S&T,M.T.P.(Rlys)C/o GM,C.Railway,Bombay. 8. The Addl.Commissioner of Rly.Safety,Western Circle,Bombay/Eastern Circle,Calcutta/Southern Circle,Calcutta. 9. The Commissioner of Railway Safety,Lucknow. 10. The Principal,Railway Staff College,Baroda. 11. The Principal,I.R.I.S.E.T.,Secunderabad. 12. A.D.A.I.(Railways),New Delhi(with 15 spare copies). Sd/-(R.Krishnaswamy) Dy.Director(Signals)/Railway Board.

Copy of Dy.Director Signals,Railway Board’s letter

No.70/W3/SG/T/1 dt.12.5.76 addressed to GM(S&T)S.E.Rly.,/CAL. Sub: Use of Miniature plug-in-type track relays(Q-series)to DRS Spech.939. Ref:

Your Railways D.O.No.4/1404/W/111/1950.

In view of the circumstances brought out in your above letter the Ministry of Railways hereby approve of a drop shunt value of 0.25 0hms for the D.C.Single rail track circuit using QTA1-9 0hms relay on the 3rd line between PKU and ULB of your railway.

Sd/Dy.Director(Signals) Rly.Board,New Delhi.


No: 81/W3/SG/Relays/E/1 New Delhi, dt.3.6.1981. The General managers, All Indian Railways. Sub:

A.C.immunisation of F-50 relays.


Board’s letter No.73/W3/SG/E/1 dated: 19.3.1977.

It had already been clarified vide letter under reference that K-50 relays which have been tested as per procedure laid down by RDSO in their letter No.STS/S/Relays/Siemens/PI dt. 15/14.5.74(copy enclosed)and found to be upto 150 V AC under a normal traction load of 600 A on double line sections could be used in external circuits which are less than 1.7 Km. long. It was also clarified that K-50 relays of contact combinations other than 5F/3B which have shown immunity to a lesser degree should be used as unders. Contact Combination 4 F/ 4 B 6 F/ 2 B

Maximum AC immunity. 130 V 120 V

Length of operallism in external circuits. 1.4 Kms. 1.3 Kms.

Railways were also instructed vide para 6 of the same letter that in case of such of those F-50 relays used in external circuits in these installations which may not have been tested for the degree of their AC immunity before they were used in these installations in AC electrified areas,action required to be taken to test the same and keep a proper record. RDSO had later raised the issue of AC immunity of K-50 as the manufactures of these relays had not agreed to specify even 150V AC test for non breaking of the back contact. The issue has been considered and M/s. Siemens(India) Ltd.,who are the manufactures of this equipment have developed a modified K-50 relay immune upto 175 V AC which is capable of being used upto 2 Km. parallism. The nomenclature of the relay is K-50 BI of 5F/3B contacts and this relay can be used in external circuits upto 2 Kms.of parallism upto a traction load of 600 A on a double line section. The Railwyas may,therefore,use this K-50 BI 5F/3Btype of relays in external circuits in future. These relays shall be tested as per test procedure outlined by RDSO vide their letter No.STS/E/Relay/Siemen/PI dt.13/14.5.74 for oan immunity uptoo 175V. The test should ensure that in lay which is deenergised,the back contacts shall do not break. 100% of these relays shall be subjected to immunity tests and shall be marked with a red dot(5mm dia) in a distinguished fashion. Railways may indent in future about 25% of theiro requirements for external circuits in RE areas to this specification. Receipt of the letter may be acknowledged. Sd/( R.Krishnaswamy) Jt.Director(S&T),Rly.Board.

No: 81/W3/SGC/5202/1/647 New Delhi,dated: 28.11.1981. The Chief Engineer, Railway Electrification,Allahabad. Sub: Ref:

Contract No.Rs(Sig.)/06/80/5202/1/647 dt.11.3.81, for omanufacture and supply of DC plug in type Relays. D.O.letter No.RE/S&T/BRC-RTM/5/9 dt.28.9.81.

M/s. Westinghouse Brake & Signal Co.Ltd. UK has furnished the following technical details about AC immunised Track Relay of type ‘QTA2’. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Nominal Coil Resistance. Maximum Operate Current Maximum Full Operate current Minimum operate current Minimum permitted power dissipation. Percentage Release Value A.C.Immunity

9 0hms. 140 ma d.c. 175 ma d.c. 120 ma d.c.

4W Not less than 60% of actual operate Current Complete with 750 a.c. rms. Test as detailed in BRS.939A. (viii) Minimum superimposed AC 75 V a.c.rms.test as detailed in BRS939A. (ix) Contact Arrangement 2F. (x) Contact Material. Silver Impregnated Graphite to Fine Silver. . (xi) Contact Rating. Continuous: 4A Switching: 12V,24W d.c. Lamp load or 3 BR Spec.930 Relays rated at 3W each. (xii) Approximate weight 1.63 Kg. (xiii) Specification Compliance 9 0hms. BR specs.966 Apendix F2. Relay QTA2 is a miniature,AC Immune,DC neutral,tractive armature,track relay designed for use in Railway Signalling track circuits in 50 Hz electrified traction areas,with the same stipulation as had been laid for QT1 and QTA1 style. QTA2 is interchangeable lwith the style QTA1 which it now supersedes. (vi) (vii)

Sd/- R.Krishnaswamy Jt.Director(S&T)I/Rly.Board. No: 81/W3/SGC/5202/1/647 Delhi,dt.28.11.1981. Copy to:(1) CSTE,Rly.Electrification,Allahabad (2) CSTEs(Con),All Indian Railways (3) Director General,RDSO,Lucknow. Sd/R.Krishnaswamy Jt.Director(S&T)-I Railway Board.


Government of India Ministry of Railways (Railway Board)

No: 85/W3/SGB/2. New Delhi,dated: 23.1.1985. The General Managers(S&T) All Indian Railways. Sub:

Use of Plug-in-type Track Relays Type QTA-2.


This office letter of even number dated: 8..1.1985.

The enclosure of the above referred letter which has been inadvertantly left behind is sent herewith. The date in the Board’s letter indicated under reference of the above mentioned letter may please be read as 28.11.1981 instead of 28.12.1981. Sd/( A.K.Kapoor ) Jt.Director(S&T)I Railway Board. No: 85/W3/SGB/2.

New Delhi, dtd: 23.1.1985.

Copy to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

C.S.T.Es(Const),All Indian Railways. Directoro General (S&T),RDSO,Lucknow. CSTE,Railway Electrification,Allahabad,Madras and Vijayawada. CSTE(MTP)/Railways,Bombay,Calcutta and Madras. Principal,IRISET,Secunderabad. Principal,Railway Staff College,Vadodara.

DA: As above. Sd/( A.K.Kapoor ) Joint Director(S&T)I Railway Board.



Lucknow-226011 dtd: 31.5.85

The Secretary(S&T) Railway Board Rail Bhavan New Delhi. Sub:

Board’s contract for the manufacture and supply of miniatures,plug-in-track relays with 2F IB configuration to BRS: 938A and BP5 939A,BRS:966 appendix H2.


Board’s letter No: 84/W3/SGC/685 dt: 15.3.85.

In reference to Board’s above said letter the difference in salient parameters of the 2 types of relays style QT2 and QTA2 are tabulated in the enclosed annexure. 2. The provision of block release and route relay circuits,the arrival and passage of a train is proved by open track circuit and close track circuit at the entrance of the station. Now a days with panel interlocking and route relay interlocking coming a big way,the release track circuits are sandwitched by close track circuits and it is not advisable to use open track circuit between two closed track circuits. Hence route sequential proving of two closed track circuit relay contacts in which dropping of the close track circuit proves the arrival and subsequent picking of the relay proves the passage of the train. Subsequent picking of th relay proves the passage of the train. In such circumstances the back contact of the relay assumes greater importance as it proves the arrival of the train. In the absence the back contact in the track relay the back contact required for the release circuit has to be derived from the dropping of the repeat relay(of the front contact or the track relay) which is not desirable,and also unsafe. DA: As above.

Sd/( L.R.Parthsarathy) for Director General/S&T.

The comparative statement showing the difference in salient perameters of the two types of relays QT2 end style QTA2 of M/s.Westinghouse Brake & Signal Co.U.K. Sl.No. 1.

Parameter Specification conforms.


No.of coils



Relay coil/s resistance(DC) at 20 C.


Magnetic circuit construction

4 0hms(QT1)(8 0hms x 2Parallel) 9 0hms(QT2)(18 0hmsx2-parallel)are also available (Non BRS:) Style QT1-Double coil iron circuit style QT2-single coil iron circuit.


Contact arrangement


Style QTA1/Style QTA2 (I) BRS:939A (ii) BRS:966(Appendix F2)Plug-in type,AC immunised,DC Track Relay. (I) 2 (ii) 1 (I) 20 0hms(QTA1)(10 0hms x 2 coils series)or 9 0hms 2 coils parallel(Non BRS:) (ii) 9 0hms x 1 coil(QTA2) (I) Style QTA1-Double coil iron circuit. (ii) Style QTA2 single coil iron circuit. 2F(specified)2F.1B(nonstandard).


Operative Values: (I) P.U./Operate voltage/current(DC)

Style QT1(4 0hms) Max.0.515V 117 mA

Style QTA1(20 0hms) Max.2.02V 92 mA

min.0.370V 103 mA

Min.1.46V 81 mA

Style QT2 (Firms’ value not known)

Style QTA2(9 0hms



Style QT1/Style QT2 BRS:938A(Plug-in type,DC Track relay)

Max.1.38V 140 mA


Full operate current.

Style QT1 Max.-146 mA Style QT2-Firm’s value not known.

Min.0.97V 120 mA. (I) Style QTA1 Max.146 QA


Release current

Shall not be less than 68% of the operate current.

(ii) Style QTA2-Max 1.25 x operate current. Shall not be less than 68% of the operate current.


Percentage Release Over energisation

Min.68% 3 times the oprate current

Min.68% 3 times the operate current.

Registration Code

Style QT1( 4 0hms) 2F Contact 101 (ACFGK) Style QT2(9 0hms) 2F Contact Not specified but firm has used Code EHJKX

Style QTA1, 2F Contact 105 (ACGJK) Style QTA1,2F,1B Contact 110 (ADEJK)

(v) 7.

Style QTA2,2F,1B Contact

Not specified,but firm has oused code FGHKX 8.

Not applicable


Not applicable.


Not applicable


Not applicable


Relays intended to be oused in conunction with a repeat relay.

(I) & (ii) Relay intended be used conjunct with a pick up repeat relay to BRS:933,(QSPA1). Fine silver SIG contact.

AC Immunity (I) Relay shall not over beat with upto 50 Volts,50 Hz AC continuously applied with the relay dissipating 4 watts DC (ii) Relay shall not break its fron contact when 75 volts 50 Hz AC is applied at any instant in the cycle for a period of one second when the relay is also energised at 1.5 times its operate voltage. (iii) Relay shall not make its front contact for longer than 250 milli-seconds with upto 750V 50 Hz AC applied at any instant in the Cycle. This voltage must be applied for a minimum fof 0.5 seconds.



(iv) A test to ensure that the relay does not operate owith the sudden application of 1230 volts,50Hz AC. Foreword.

Contact material front and back.

Fine silver to SIG contact.


No: 84/W3/SGC/685 New Delhi,dt: 18.6.1985. The General Managers(S&T) All Indian Railways. Sub:

Use of Plug-in-Type Track Relays Type QT2/QTA2.


(I) Board’s letter No.85/W3/SGB/2 dt. 23.1.85 (ii) RDSO’s letter No.STS/E/Relays/Specn. (British) dt.31.5.1985. In terms of Board’s above referred letter,the Railways were advised regarding the use of QT1/QTA1/QT2/QTA2 Relays. The salient features of the comparison between the above mentioned two type of relays as comunicated by R.D.S.O. vide their letter No.STS/E/Relay/Specn.(British) dt.31.5.1985 are enclosed for information and guidance of the Railways. Receipt of this letter may be acknowledged. DA: As above. Sd/( A.K.Kapoor) Joint Director(S&T)-I Railway Board. No: 84/W3/SGC/685

New Delhi,dt: 18 .6.85.

Copy to:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

CSTE/Const.,All lIndian Railways. CSTE,RE,Allahabad,Madras and Vijayawada. Director General(D&T),RDSO,Lucknow in reference to their letter quoted above. CSTEs,MTP,Rlys.,Bombay and Madras. CSTE,Metro Railway,33-A,Jawaharlal Nehru Road,Calcutta. Principal,IRISET/Secunderabad. Principal,Railway Staff College,Vadodara. Sd/( A.K.Kapoor) Joint Director(S&T)-I Railway Board.


No.STS/RE/S/SPN(Relay) dt. 13.8.85 The Secretary/RE(S&T) Railway Board New Delhi Sub: Manufacture & supply of QSPA1 Relays. Ref: Railway Board’s letter No.84/W-3/SGC/688 dt.5.7.1985. With reference to your above quoted letter the alternatives for the use of QSPA1 have beenconsidered and itt is recommended that two QNA1 relays may be used intendem as indicated in the sketch below till such time QSPA1 relays are procured. Interlocking proving contacts should be taken only for the second relay QNA1-B. 1. It is pointed out that the above recommendation is meant only for use in closed type of track circuits as enjoined in para 2.5.2 of IRS specification S-60. Railway Board may advise the Railways to ensure replacementof QNA1 relays are track repeat relays by QSPA1 relays positively on receipt of these relays. 2. Use of immunised shelf type line relay as repeat relay for QTA2 relay is not recommended as the drop away time to immunised shelf type relay is considerably high. Sd/-(L.R.parthasarathy) for Director General(S&T). Copy to: Secretary/S&T/Railway Board,Rail Bhavan,New Delhi. Sd/- for Director General(S&T)


No: 84/W3/SGE/688 New Delhi,dated: 28.8.85 The General Manager(S&T)/Cont., All Indian Railways. Sub:

Manufacture and supply f QSPAI Relays.

A copy of RDSO’s letter No: STS/RE/S/SPN(Relay) dated: 13.8.85 on the above noted subject is enclosed. In terms of Board’s letter No: 85/W3/SGB/2 dated: 23.1.1985 instructions were issued that QSPAI Relays must be used in conjection with QTA2 Plug-in-Type A.C. Immunised Track Relays. Till the QSPA1 Relays re made available the Railways may use two QNA1 Relays in tendem as indicated in the sketch in the RDSO’s above referred letter in lieu of oQSPAI Relays for the intervening period. The above recommendation is means only for use in closed type of track circuit. The Railways replace QNA1 Relays by QSPA1 Relays positively on receipt of QSPA1 Relays. DA: As above. Sd/-(A.K.Kapoor) Joint Director(S&T)I Railway Board. No: 84/W3/SGB/688

New Delhi,dt: 28.8.1985.

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The General Managers(S&T),All Indian Railways. CSTEs,Railway Electrification,Allahabad,Madras and Vijaywada. CSTEs,MTP,2nd Floot,Churchgate Station Building,Bombay. CSTEs,MTP,Poonamalle High Road,Madras. CSTE,Metro Rail,Metro Rail Bhavan,33-A J.L.Nehru Road,Calcutta. Principal,IRISET,Secunderabad. Principal,Railway Staff College,Vadodara. Director General(S&T),RDSO,Lucknow with reference to their letter referred to above.

DA: As above.

Sd/- (A.K.Kapoor) Joint Director(S&T)-I Railway Board.


No: STS/RE/S/SPN/Relay Lucknow, dt.19.5.1986 The Secretary(S&T) Railway Board, New Delhi. Sub:

Manufacture and supply of QSPA1 Relays.


This office letter of even number dt.2.4.1986.

With reference to Executive Director(S&T),Railway Board’s discussion with Director(S&T),RDSO in the Board’s office on 1.5.1986,the issue regarding use of QNA-1 Relay as a repeater Relay for QTA2 has been further examined and this office’s comments are as under:2. Use of QTA2 track relay in conjunction with a single QNA1,as a repeat relay,may be permitted for berthing track circuit in a 2-cabin scheme in AC electrified areas Purely as an interim measure till such time QSPA1 relays to become available,provided the contacts of TPR(QNA1 relay) are not utilised for releasing any interlocked circuit like approach locking on starter signals etc. RE organisation/Railways may kindly be instructed to ensure that this combination is not used for any other track circuits. 3. Further as mentioned in this office letter of even number dt.13.12.82, addressed to CSTE/RE/Allahabad,copy to Secretary(S&T),Railway Board,the length of such berthing track circuits shall be limited to 270 metres only. SD/( L.R.Parthasarathy ) for Director General/S&T Copy to: chief Signal & telecom:Engineer,Railway Electrification Allahabad for information. Sd/for Director General/S&T.


No:84/W3/SGC/688 New Delhi,dt.3.6.86. The General Manager(Constn.)/S&T, All Indian Railways. Sub: Manufacture and supply of QSPA1 Relays. Ref: Board’s letter of even number dt.28.5.1985. 1. In terms of Board’s above referred letter Railway were advised to use two QN1 relays alongwith QTA2 in lieu of QSPA1 relays. 2. A copy of RDSO’s leter No.STS/RE/5/SPN/Relay dt.19.5.86 indicating further guidelines in this regard is enclosed. 3. The Railway may use a single QNA1 relays as a repeat relay,alongwith QTA2 relays for berthing/advance staarter track circuits in a 2-cabin scheme in AC electrified area purely as an interim measure till such time QSPA1 relays. 4.

Receipt of this leter may be acknowledged.

DA: As above. Sd/-(A.K.Kappor) Joint Director(S&T)-I Railway Board. No: 84/W3/SGC/688

New Delhi,dt.3.6.86.

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:1.

The Generall Managers(S&T),Alll Indian Railways.


C.S.T.Es,RE,Allahabad,Madras and Vijayawada and all concerned. Sd/-(A.K.Kappor) Joint Director(S&T)-I Railway Board.


No: 85/W3/SGC/698 New Delhi, dt: 9.3.87. The G.M.s(S&T)/All Indian Railways. Sub:

Use of plug-in type,AC immunised,D.C.,Neutral line relays type PI-150, 24V,400 0hms,4F/B,4F,2B contacts(Improved batch)indigenously manufactured by M/s. Sundaram Clayton Ltd., Harita,Hosur against ly.Board’s contract No.RS(Sig.)/06/85/5202/2/7/698 dt. 2.8.1988 - Item 2 and Item 4.


RDSO’s letter No.STS/E/Relays/SC(PI) dt.15.1.87.

During AC immunity test of plug-in type PI-150A relays manufactured M/s.Sundaram Clayton it has been observed by RDSO that the back contacts have broken on 210V and 260V for the sample relays utilised for this purpose. With these values of AC immunity,Board have approved that the PI 150A relays may be used only in those circuits where length of parallolism using screened signalling cables does not execeed 2 Kms. and if unscreened cable has been used the length of parallellism should not be more than 800 metres. Receipt of this letter may be acknowledged. Sd/-(A.K.Kapoor) Jt.Director(S&T)-I, Railway Board. No: 85/W3/SGC/698

New Delhi,dt.9.3.87.

Copy for information and necessary action to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

CSTEs(Con),All Indian Railways DG/S&T,RDSO,Lucknow with reference to their letter referred to above,RDSO should also advise the firm for improvement of AC imunity as per specifications so that the above relaxation is not required in future. CSTE/RE,ALD,BZA. CSTE/MTP,Calcutta,Madras and Bombay. Director,IRISET,Secunderabad. Principal,Railway Staff College,Baroda. Sd/-(A.K.Kapoor) Jt.Director(S&T)-I, Railway Board.


No:88/SIG/Relays/1 New Delhi, dated: 13.6.1988. General Manager(S&T) Indian Railways. General Manager(S&T)/Constn., Indian Railways. Sub: Adoption of plug-in-type relays in lieu of shelf type line relays. Railways have been instructed to adopt plug-in-type relays in lieu of shelf type relays wehrever there is concentration of relays. Further 12V 1000 0hms plug-in relay which can be used in lieu of shelf type relays have also been developed. Therefore in order to stream-line the manufacture of relays it is necessary that plug-in type relays shall normally be used and shelf type relays used only in very exceptional circumstances. The requirement of the railways may be framed accordingly. Receipt of this letter may be acknowledged. Sd/- (O.P.Jain) Executive Director(S&T) Railway Board.


No.STS/RE/S/DEV/TER(Pt) LUCKNOW 226011 dt. 12/17.8.88 The General Manager(S&T) S.E.Railway & Others. Sub:

Time element relays-60V DC. M/s.Sirveen Control System,Hyderabad.


This office letter of even no.dt.16.1.87.

In view of not very high reliability of indigenously manufactured electronic time element relays,the Board have directed that two such relays with their contacts in series must be used in thepanel Inter Locking installations. 2. During testing of the prototype of 24V operated time element relyas,submitted by the above firm,it was noticed that in case one of the relays getting stuck up in the picked-up position,the input goes through to the output terminal and the present time delay is not operative at timers,approved earlier vide our above quoted letter,are also susceptible to such faults. The firm,has therefore,been asked to modify the design of their equipment to eliminate the above faults. 3. The position shall be advised to the Railways as and when above improvements in the design are effected. 4. In the meantime,the approval granted to the firm for 60V electronic time element relay is being withdrawn. No further orders should be placed on this firm and for accepting material against pending orders,the improvements in the design to overcome the above problem must e insisted upon. 5. Railways should also make sure that Board’s instructions regarding the use of a minimum of two electronic timers,working in parallel with their relay contacts in series,as covered under Clause 5.3 of IRS Specification S:36-37 are followed meticulously.

Sd/( S.Anantharaman) Copy to: 1. The Secy.(S&T),Rly.Board,New Delhi. 2. The Secy.(S&T),R.E.Rly.Board,New Delhi. 3. DDI(S&T)/Insp/Bangalore.


No: 88/SIG/G/18 New Delhi,the 25th July’89 The Chief Signal & Telecom Engineers, All Indian Railways. The Chief Signal & Telecom Engineers, ( Construction) All Indian Railways. Reg: Addition and alteration to works in the existing Relay Room by the Contractors. A number of S&T works are being taken up on contract on different Railways. Some of the works involve additions and alterations to existing installations not only in the field but also in the Relay Rooms. It has to be ensured that no contractor is allowed to make any alterations in any of the working installations/wiring except under the personal guidance and supervison of a responsible supervisory incharge of the installation. Whenever it becomes necessary to open relay rooms for such alterations,the concerned supervisory official must ensure that the relay rooms are relocked by them as required under the rules. Enclo: Nil. Sd/- S. Rajagopalan Advisor(S&T), Railway Board.


No: 88/SIG/G/18 New Delhi,the 25th July’89 The Chief Signal & Telecom Engineers, All Indian Railways. The Chief Signal & Telecom Engineers, ( Construction) All Indian Railways. Reg: Addition and alteration to works in the existing Relay Room by the Contractors. A number of S&T works are being taken up on contract on different Railways. Some of the works involve additions and alterations to existing installations not only in the field but also in the Relay Rooms. It has to be ensured that no contractor is allowed to make any alterations in any of the working installations/wiring except under the personal guidance and supervison of a responsible supervisory incharge of the installation. Whenever it becomes necessary to open relay rooms for such alterations,the concerned supervisory official must ensure that the relay rooms are relocked by them as required under the rules. Enclo: Nil. Sd/- S. Rajagopalan Advisor(S&T), Railway Board.


No.STS/RE/S/DEV/TER(Pt) LUCKNOW 226011 dt. 12/17.8.88 The General Manager(S&T) S.E.Railway & Others. Sub:

Time element relays-60V DC. M/s.Sirveen Control System,Hyderabad.


This office letter of even no.dt.16.1.87.

In view of not very high reliability of indigenously manufactured electronic time element relays,the Board have directed that two such relays with their contacts in series must be used in thepanel Inter Locking installations. 2. During testing of the prototype of 24V operated time element relyas,submitted by the above firm,it was noticed that in case one of the relays getting stuck up in the picked-up position,the input goes through to the output terminal and the present time delay is not operative at timers,approved earlier vide our above quoted letter,are also susceptible to such faults. The firm,has therefore,been asked to modify the design of their equipment to eliminate the above faults. 3. The position shall be advised to the Railways as and when above improvements in the design are effected. 4. In the meantime,the approval granted to the firm for 60V electronic time element relay is being withdrawn. No further orders should be placed on this firm and for accepting material against pending orders,the improvements in the design to overcome the above problem must e insisted upon. 5. Railways should also make sure that Board’s instructions regarding the use of a minimum of two electronic timers,working in parallel with their relay contacts in series,as covered under Clause 5.3 of IRS Specification S:36-37 are followed meticulously.

Sd/( S.Anantharaman) Copy to: 1. The Secy.(S&T),Rly.Board,New Delhi. 2. The Secy.(S&T),R.E.Rly.Board,New Delhi. 3. DDI(S&T)/Insp/Bangalore.


No:88/SIG/Relays/1 New Delhi, dated: 13.6.1988. General Manager(S&T) Indian Railways. General Manager(S&T)/Constn., Indian Railways. Sub: Adoption of plug-in-type relays in lieu of shelf type line relays. Railways have been instructed to adopt plug-in-type relays in lieu of shelf type relays wehrever there is concentration of relays. Further 12V 1000 0hms plug-in relay which can be used in lieu of shelf type relays have also been developed. Therefore in order to stream-line the manufacture of relays it is necessary that plug-in type relays shall normally be used and shelf type relays used only in very exceptional circumstances. The requirement of the railways may be framed accordingly. Receipt of this letter may be acknowledged. Sd/- (O.P.Jain) Executive Director(S&T) Railway Board.


No: 85/W3/SGC/698 New Delhi, dt: 9.3.87. The G.M.s(S&T)/All Indian Railways. Sub:

Use of plug-in type,AC immunised,D.C.,Neutral line relays type PI-150, 24V,400 0hms,4F/B,4F,2B contacts(Improved batch)indigenously manufactured by M/s. Sundaram Clayton Ltd., Harita,Hosur against ly.Board’s contract No.RS(Sig.)/06/85/5202/2/7/698 dt. 2.8.1988 - Item 2 and Item 4.


RDSO’s letter No.STS/E/Relays/SC(PI) dt.15.1.87.

During AC immunity test of plug-in type PI-150A relays manufactured M/s.Sundaram Clayton it has been observed by RDSO that the back contacts have broken on 210V and 260V for the sample relays utilised for this purpose. With these values of AC immunity,Board have approved that the PI 150A relays may be used only in those circuits where length of parallolism using screened signalling cables does not execeed 2 Kms. and if unscreened cable has been used the length of parallellism should not be more than 800 metres. Receipt of this letter may be acknowledged. Sd/-(A.K.Kapoor) Jt.Director(S&T)-I, Railway Board. No: 85/W3/SGC/698

New Delhi,dt.9.3.87.

Copy for information and necessary action to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

CSTEs(Con),All Indian Railways DG/S&T,RDSO,Lucknow with reference to their letter referred to above,RDSO should also advise the firm for improvement of AC imunity as per specifications so that the above relaxation is not required in future. CSTE/RE,ALD,BZA. CSTE/MTP,Calcutta,Madras and Bombay. Director,IRISET,Secunderabad. Principal,Railway Staff College,Baroda. Sd/-(A.K.Kapoor) Jt.Director(S&T)-I, Railway Board.


No:84/W3/SGC/688 New Delhi,dt.3.6.86. The General Manager(Constn.)/S&T, All Indian Railways. Sub: Manufacture and supply of QSPA1 Relays. Ref: Board’s letter of even number dt.28.5.1985. 1. In terms of Board’s above referred letter Railway were advised to use two QN1 relays alongwith QTA2 in lieu of QSPA1 relays. 2. A copy of RDSO’s leter No.STS/RE/5/SPN/Relay dt.19.5.86 indicating further guidelines in this regard is enclosed. 3. The Railway may use a single QNA1 relays as a repeat relay,alongwith QTA2 relays for berthing/advance staarter track circuits in a 2-cabin scheme in AC electrified area purely as an interim measure till such time QSPA1 relays. 4.

Receipt of this leter may be acknowledged.

DA: As above. Sd/-(A.K.Kappor) Joint Director(S&T)-I Railway Board. No: 84/W3/SGC/688

New Delhi,dt.3.6.86.

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:1.

The Generall Managers(S&T),Alll Indian Railways.


C.S.T.Es,RE,Allahabad,Madras and Vijayawada and all concerned. Sd/-(A.K.Kappor) Joint Director(S&T)-I Railway Board.


No; STS/RE/S/SPN/Relay Lucknow, dt.19.5.1986 The Secretary(S&T) Railway Board, New Delhi. Sub:

Manufacture and supply of QSPA1 Relays.


This office letter of even number dt.2.4.1986.

With reference to Executive Director(S&T),Railway Board’s discussion with Director(S&T),RDSO in the Board’s office on 1.5.1986,the issue regarding use of QNA-1 Relay as a repeater Relay for QTA2 has been further examined and this office’s comments are as under:2. Use of QTA2 track relay in conjunction with a single QNA1,as a repeat relay,may be permitted for berthing track circuit in a 2-cabin scheme in AC electrified areas Purely as an interim measure till such time QSPA1 relays to become available,provided the contacts of TPR(QNA1 relay) are not utilised for releasing any interlocked circuit like approach locking on starter signals etc. RE organisation/Railways may kindly be instructed to ensure that this combination is not used for any other track circuits. 3. Further as mentioned in this office letter of even number dt.13.12.82, addressed to CSTE/RE/Allahabad,copy to Secretary(S&T),Railway Board,the length of such berthing track circuits shall be limited to 270 metres only. SD/( L.R.Parthasarathy ) for Director General/S&T Copy to: chief Signal & telecom:Engineer,Railway Electrification Allahabad for information. Sd/for Director General/S&T.


No: 84/W3/SGE/688 New Delhi,dated: 28.8.85 The General Manager(S&T)/Cont., All Indian Railways. Sub:

Manufacture and supply f QSPAI Relays.

A copy of RDSO’s letter No: STS/RE/S/SPN(Relay) dated: 13.8.85 on the above noted subject is enclosed. In terms of Board’s letter No: 85/W3/SGB/2 dated: 23.1.1985 instructions were issued that QSPAI Relays must be used in conjection with QTA2 Plug-in-Type A.C. Immunised Track Relays. Till the QSPA1 Relays re made available the Railways may use two QNA1 Relays in tendem as indicated in the sketch in the RDSO’s above referred letter in lieu of oQSPAI Relays for the intervening period. The above recommendation is means only for use in closed type of track circuit. The Railways replace QNA1 Relays by QSPA1 Relays positively on receipt of QSPA1 Relays. DA: As above. Sd/-(A.K.Kapoor) Joint Director(S&T)I Railway Board. No: 84/W3/SGB/688

New Delhi,dt: 28.8.1985.

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The General Managers(S&T),All Indian Railways. CSTEs,Railway Electrification,Allahabad,Madras and Vijaywada. CSTEs,MTP,2nd Floot,Churchgate Station Building,Bombay. CSTEs,MTP,Poonamalle High Road,Madras. CSTE,Metro Rail,Metro Rail Bhavan,33-A J.L.Nehru Road,Calcutta. Principal,IRISET,Secunderabad. Principal,Railway Staff College,Vadodara. Director General(S&T),RDSO,Lucknow with reference to their letter referred to above.

DA: As above.

Sd/- (A.K.Kapoor) Joint Director(S&T)-I Railway Board.


No.STS/RE/S/SPN(Relay) Lucknow-226011 dt. 13.8.85 The Secretary/RE(S&T) Railway Board New Delhi Sub: Manufacture & supply of QSPA1 Relays. Ref: Railway Board’s letter No.84/W-3/SGC/688 dt.5.7.1985. With reference to your above quoted letter the alternatives for the use of QSPA1 have beenconsidered and itt is recommended that two QNA1 relays may be used intendem as indicated in the sketch below till such time QSPA1 relays are procured. Interlocking proving contacts should be taken only for the second relay QNA1-B. 1. It is pointed out that the above recommendation is meant only for use in closed type of track circuits as enjoined in para 2.5.2 of IRS specification S-60. Railway Board may advise the Railways to ensure replacementof QNA1 relays are track repeat relays by QSPA1 relays positively on receipt of these relays. 2. Use of immunised shelf type line relay as repeat relay for QTA2 relay is not recommended as the drop away time to immunised shelf type relay is considerably high. Sd/-(L.R.parthasarathy) for Director General(S&T). Copy to: Secretary/S&T/Railway Board,Rail Bhavan,New Delhi. Sd/- for Director General(S&T)


No: 84/W3/SGC/685 New Delhi,dt: 18.6.1985. The General Managers(S&T) All Indian Railways. Sub:

Use of Plug-in-Type Track Relays Type QT2/QTA2.


(I) Board’s letter No.85/W3/SGB/2 dt. 23.1.85 (ii) RDSO’s letter No.STS/E/Relays/Specn. (British) dt.31.5.1985. In terms of Board’s above referred letter,the Railways were advised regarding the use of QT1/QTA1/QT2/QTA2 Relays. The salient features of the comparison between the above mentioned two type of relays as comunicated by R.D.S.O. vide their letter No.STS/E/Relay/Specn.(British) dt.31.5.1985 are enclosed for information and guidance of the Railways. Receipt of this letter may be acknowledged. DA: As above. Sd/( A.K.Kapoor) Joint Director(S&T)-I Railway Board. No: 84/W3/SGC/685

New Delhi,dt: 18 .6.85.

Copy to:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

CSTE/Const.,All lIndian Railways. CSTE,RE,Allahabad,Madras and Vijayawada. Director General(D&T),RDSO,Lucknow in reference to their letter quoted above. CSTEs,MTP,Rlys.,Bombay and Madras. CSTE,Metro Railway,33-A,Jawaharlal Nehru Road,Calcutta. Principal,IRISET/Secunderabad. Principal,Railway Staff College,Vadodara. Sd/( A.K.Kapoor) Joint Director(S&T)-I Railway Board.


No.STS/E/Relays/Specn.(British) Lucknow-226011 dtd: 31.5.85 The Secretary(S&T) Railway Board Rail Bhavan New Delhi. Sub:

Board’s contract for the manufacture and supply of miniatures,plug-in-track relays with 2F IB configuration to BRS: 938A and BP5 939A,BRS:966 appendix H2.


Board’s letter No: 84/W3/SGC/685 dt: 15.3.85.

In reference to Board’s above said letter the difference in salient parameters of the 2 types of relays style QT2 and QTA2 are tabulated in the enclosed annexure. 2. The provision of block release and route relay circuits,the arrival and passage of a train is proved by open track circuit and close track circuit at the entrance of the station. Now a days with panel interlocking and route relay interlocking coming a big way,the release track circuits are sandwitched by close track circuits and it is not advisable to use open track circuit between two closed track circuits. Hence route sequential proving of two closed track circuit relay contacts in which dropping of the close track circuit proves the arrival and subsequent picking of the relay proves the passage of the train. Subsequent picking of th relay proves the passage of the train. In such circumstances the back contact of the relay assumes greater importance as it proves the arrival of the train. In the absence the back contact in the track relay the back contact required for the release circuit has to be derived from the dropping of the repeat relay(of the front contact or the track relay) which is not desirable,and also unsafe. DA: As above.

Sd/( L.R.Parthsarathy) for Director General/S&T.

The comparative statement showing the difference in salient perameters of the two types of relays QT2 end style QTA2 of M/s.Westinghouse Brake & Signal Co.U.K. Sl.No. 1.

Parameter Specification conforms.


No.of coils



Relay coil/s resistance(DC) at 20 C.


Magnetic circuit construction

4 0hms(QT1)(8 0hms x 2Parallel) 9 0hms(QT2)(18 0hmsx2-parallel)are also available (Non BRS:) Style QT1-Double coil iron circuit style QT2-single coil iron circuit.


Contact arrangement


Style QTA1/Style QTA2 (I) BRS:939A (ii) BRS:966(Appendix F2)Plug-in type,AC immunised,DC Track Relay. (I) 2 (ii) 1 (I) 20 0hms(QTA1)(10 0hms x 2 coils series)or 9 0hms 2 coils parallel(Non BRS:) (ii) 9 0hms x 1 coil(QTA2) (I) Style QTA1-Double coil iron circuit. (ii) Style QTA2 single coil iron circuit. 2F(specified)2F.1B(nonstandard).


Operative Values: (I) P.U./Operate voltage/current(DC)

Style QT1(4 0hms) Max.0.515V 117 mA

Style QTA1(20 0hms) Max.2.02V 92 mA

min.0.370V 103 mA

Min.1.46V 81 mA

Style QT2 (Firms’ value not known)

Style QTA2(9 0hms



Style QT1/Style QT2 BRS:938A(Plug-in type,DC Track relay)

Max.1.38V 140 mA


Full operate current.

Style QT1 Max.-146 mA Style QT2-Firm’s value not known.


Release current

Shall not be less than 68% of the operate current.

(iv) (v) 7.

Percentage Release Over energisation Registration Code

Min.68% 3 times the oprate current Style QT1( 4 0hms) 2F Contact 101 (ACFGK) Style QT2(9 0hms) 2F Contact Not specified but firm has used

Min.0.97V 120 mA. (I) Style QTA1 Max.146 QA (ii) Style QTA2-Max 1.25 x operate current. Shall not be less than 68% of the operate current. Min.68% 3 times the operate current. Style QTA1, 2F Contact 105 (ACGJK) Style QTA1,2F,1B Contact 110 (ADEJK)


AC Immunity (I) Relay shall not over beat with upto 50 Volts,50 Hz AC continuously applied with the relay dissipating 4 watts DC (ii) Relay shall not break its fron contact when 75 volts 50 Hz AC is applied at any instant in the cycle for a period of one second when the relay is also energised at 1.5 times its operate voltage. (iii) Relay shall not make its front contact for longer than 250 milli-seconds with upto 750V 50 Hz AC applied at any instant in the Cycle. This voltage must be applied for a minimum fof 0.5 seconds.



(iv) A test to ensure that the relay does not operate owith the sudden application of 1230 volts,50Hz AC. Foreword.

Contact material front and back.


Style QTA2,2F,1B Contact Not specified,but firm has oused code FGHKX

Not applicable


Not applicable.


Not applicable


Not applicable Relays intended to be oused in conunction with a repeat relay.

Applicable. (I) & (ii) Relay intended be used conjunct with a pick up repeat relay to BRS:933,(QSPA1). Fine silver SIG contact.

Fine silver to SIG contact.

Government of India Ministry of Railways (Railway Board)

No: 85/W3/SGB/2. New Delhi,dated: 23.1.1985. The General Managers(S&T) All Indian Railways. Sub:

Use of Plug-in-type Track Relays Type QTA-2.


This office letter of even number dated: 8..1.1985.

The enclosure of the above referred letter which has been inadvertantly left behind is sent herewith. The date in the Board’s letter indicated under reference of the above mentioned letter may please be read as 28.11.1981 instead of 28.12.1981. Sd/( A.K.Kapoor ) Jt.Director(S&T)I Railway Board. No: 85/W3/SGB/2.

New Delhi, dtd: 23.1.1985.

Copy to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

C.S.T.Es(Const),All Indian Railways. Directoro General (S&T),RDSO,Lucknow. CSTE,Railway Electrification,Allahabad,Madras and Vijayawada. CSTE(MTP)/Railways,Bombay,Calcutta and Madras. Principal,IRISET,Secunderabad. Principal,Railway Staff College,Vadodara.

DA: As above. Sd/( A.K.Kapoor ) Joint Director(S&T)I Railway Board.

No: 81/W3/SGC/5202/1/647 4New Delhi,dated: 28.11.1981. The Chief Engineer, Railway Electrification,Allahabad. Sub:

Contract No.Rs(Sig.)/06/80/5202/1/647 dt.11.3.81, for omanufacture and supply of DC plug in type Relays.


D.O.letter No.RE/S&T/BRC-RTM/5/9 dt.28.9.81.

M/s. Westinghouse Brake & Signal Co.Ltd. UK has furnished the following technical details about AC immunised Track Relay of type ‘QTA2’. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Nominal Coil Resistance. Maximum Operate Current Maximum Full Operate current Minimum operate current Minimum permitted power dissipation. Percentage Release Value A.C.Immunity

9 0hms. 140 ma d.c. 175 ma d.c. 120 ma d.c.

4W Not less than 60% of actual operate Current Complete with 750 a.c. rms. Test as detailed in BRS.939A. (viii) Minimum superimposed AC 75 V a.c.rms.test as detailed in BRS939A. (ix) Contact Arrangement 2F. (x) Contact Material. Silver Impregnated Graphite to Fine Silver. . (xi) Contact Rating. Continuous: 4A Switching: 12V,24W d.c. Lamp load or 3 BR Spec.930 Relays rated at 3W each. (xii) Approximate weight 1.63 Kg. (xiii) Specification Compliance 9 0hms. BR specs.966 Apendix F2. Relay QTA2 is a miniature,AC Immune,DC neutral,tractive armature,track relay designed for use in Railway Signalling track circuits in 50 Hz electrified traction areas,with the same stipulation as had been laid for QT1 and QTA1 style. QTA2 is interchangeable lwith the style QTA1 which it now supersedes. (vi) (vii)

Sd/- R.Krishnaswamy Jt.Director(S&T)I/Rly.Board. No: 81/W3/SGC/5202/1/647 Delhi,dt.28.11.1981. Copy to:(1) CSTE,Rly.Electrification,Allahabad (2) CSTEs(Con),All Indian Railways (3) Director General,RDSO,Lucknow. Sd/R.Krishnaswamy Jt.Director(S&T)-I Railway Board. INSTITUE OF RAILWAYS ( RAILWAY BOARD )


No: 81/W3/SG/Relays/E/1 C New Delhi, dt.3.6.1981. The General managers, All Indian Railways. Sub:

A.C.immunisation of F-50 relays.


Board’s letter No.73/W3/SG/E/1 dated: 19.3.1977.

It had already been clarified vide letter under reference that K-50 relays which have been tested as per procedure laid down by RDSO in their letter No.STS/S/Relays/Siemens/PI dt. 15/14.5.74(copy enclosed)and found to be upto 150 V AC under a normal traction load of 600 A on double line sections could be used in external circuits which are less than 1.7 Km. long. It was also clarified that K-50 relays of contact combinations other than 5F/3B which have shown immunity to a lesser degree should be used as unders. Contact Combination 4 F/ 4 B 6 F/ 2 B

Maximum AC immunity. 130 V 120 V

Length of operallism in external circuits. 1.4 Kms. 1.3 Kms.

Railways were also instructed vide para 6 of the same letter that in case of such of those F-50 relays used in external circuits in these installations which may not have been tested for the degree of their AC immunity before they were used in these installations in AC electrified areas,action required to be taken to test the same and keep a proper record. RDSO had later raised the issue of AC immunity of K-50 as the manufactures of these relays had not agreed to specify even 150V AC test for non breaking of the back contact. The issue has been considered and M/s. Siemens(India) Ltd.,who are the manufactures of this equipment have developed a modified K-50 relay immune upto 175 V AC which is capable of being used upto 2 Km. parallism. The nomenclature of the relay is K-50 BI of 5F/3B contacts and this relay can be used in external circuits upto 2 Kms.of parallism upto a traction load of 600 A on a double line section. The Railwyas may,therefore,use this K-50 BI 5F/3Btype of relays in external circuits in future. These relays shall be tested as per test procedure outlined by RDSO vide their letter No.STS/E/Relay/Siemen/PI dt.13/14.5.74 for oan immunity uptoo 175V. The test should ensure that in lay which is deenergised,the back contacts shall do not break. 100% of these relays shall be subjected to immunity tests and shall be marked with a red dot(5mm dia) in a distinguished fashion. Railways may indent in future about 25% of theiro requirements for external circuits in RE areas to this specification. Receipt of the letter may be acknowledged. Sd/( R.Krishnaswamy) Jt.Director(S&T),Rly.Board.


No: 75/W3/SG/Relays/1 New Delhi, dt: 4.6.1979. The General Manager(S&T) S.E.Railway/Madras. Sub: Ref:

Sealing of vital relays-proved and non-proved. Your Railway’s letter No.SG.190/F Vol.4 dt.22.3.79.

Sealing arrangement shall be provided as per para 3.2.2 of the IRS Specification No.S-46-74 in all cases of oplug-in-Type Relays. In case of non-proved Type Relays the sealing shall be done at the manufacture’s premises before despatch and if the seals have to be broken due to any defect noticed,the same may be sent to the Workshops for repair. In the case of approved type of Relays the sealing of the cover shall be provided by the Signal Inspector at site. If and when the seals have to be broken at site for maintenance purposes,the same should be done by an official of the level of Signal Inspector and above. The Relays should be properly re-sealed before the circuit is recommissioned/reconnected. Sd/-(R.Krishnaswamy) Dy.Director(Signals/Rly.Board) No: 75/W3/SG/Relays/1.

New Delhi, dt: 4.6.79

Copy forwarded for information to:1. The General Managers(S&T),All Indian Rlys.(Except S.Rly.) 2. The G.Ms.(S&T)/Const.,Central,Eastern,Northern,Southern,South Central,South Eastern and Western Railways. 3. The Director-General,R.D.S.O.,Lucknow. 4. The C.A.O.(R)/S&T,Motorpolitan Transport Project,Madras Poonamallee High Road,Madras-8. 5. The G.M.(S&T),M.T.P.(Rlys),14-Strand Road(5th floor),Cal-1. 6. The C.A.O.(R)/S&T,Metropolitan Transport Project,Rani Jhansi Road Motia Khan,New Delhi. 7. The C.A.O.(R)/S&T,M.T.P.(Rlys)C/o GM,C.Railway,Bombay. 8. The Addl.Commissioner of Rly.Safety,Western Circle,Bombay/Eastern Circle,Calcutta/Southern Circle,Calcutta. 9. The Commissioner of Railway Safety,Lucknow. 10. The Principal,Railway Staff College,Baroda. 11. The Principal,I.R.I.S.E.T.,Secunderabad. 12. A.D.A.I.(Railways),New Delhi(with 15 spare copies). Sd/-(R.Krishnaswamy) Dy.Director(Signals)/Railway Board.

Copy of Dy.Director Signals,Railway Board’s letter No.70/W3/SG/T/1 dt.12.5.76 addressed to GM(S&T)S.E.Rly.,/CAL. Sub: Use of Miniature plug-in-type track relays(Q-series)to DRS Spech.939. Ref:

Your Railways D.O.No.4/1404/W/111/1950.

In view of the circumstances brought out in your above letter the Ministry of Railways hereby approve of a drop shunt value of 0.25 0hms for the D.C.Single rail track circuit using QTA1-9 0hms relay on the 3rd line between PKU and ULB of your railway.

Sd/Dy.Director(Signals) Rly.Board,New Delhi.

Government of India Ministry of Railways (Railway Board)

No: 70/W3/SG/T/1 New Delhi, dated: 7.5.74. To The General Managers(S&T) All Indian Railways. Sub:

Use of Miniature Plug-in-Type track relays(‘Q’ series) to BRS specification 939.

QTA1 type track relays,9 0hms,conforming to BRS specification No.939 can be used in AC electrified areas subject to the condition that the maximum length of the track circuit where this relay is to be used,should be limited to 270 metres only. The condition laid down in para 1.3 of BRS Specification 939 i.e. these relays ae to be used in conjunction with a slow pick-up repeat relay,should be invariably complied with. QT1 track relays(non-immunised),4 0hms coil resistance,may also be used as track relays. This also disposes S.E.Railway’s leter No.SG/190/PC dt.9.11.73 and Southern Railway’s letter No.SG/S.237/I/9 Vol.VIII dt.9.1.74.

Sd/( K.Viswanathan ) Joint Director(Signals) Railway Board.