The Italian Renaissance. EQ: What were the causes of the Renaissance? Key
Terms and People: Renaissance. Humanism. Secular. Baldassare Castiglione.
EQ: What were the causes of the Renaissance?
Key Terms and People: Renaissance Humanism Secular Baldassare Castiglione Niccolo Machiavelli Lorenzo de Medici Leonardo da Vinci Michelangelo Buonarroti Raphael
The Beginning of the Renaissance
Changes in Society
The Rise of CityStates
The Italian Renaissance
Renaissance Ideas
Secular Writers
Title: Oct 307:48 AM (1 of 3)
Styles and Techniques
Renaissance Arts
How did Renaissance ideas spread northward and how did they influence northern Europe?
Chapter 15 Section 2
Northern Renaissance
Using this graphic organizer, list key facts about philosophers, writers and artist
The Renaissance Spreads North
Philosophers and Writers Define the following Key Terms and People: Johannes Gutenberg Desiderius Erasmus Sir Thomas More William Shakespeare Christine de Pisan Albrecht Durer Jan van Eyck
Title: Feb 187:24 AM (2 of 3)
Answer the following questions using your notes from the graphic organizer: 1. How did the Renaissance spread to northern Europe? 2. What contributions did writers and philosophers make to the northern Renaissance? 3. How did the works of northern artists differ from those of the Italian Renaissance?
Essential Question: What were the causes and effects of the Protestant Reformation? Key Terms and People Protestant Reformation Indulgences Theocracy Predestination Annulled Excommunication
Reformers Jan Hus
John Wycliffe
Martin Luther
Ulrich Zwingli
John Calvin
John Knox 1. What was the state of Catholicism in the 1400's? 2. How did Martin Luther challenge the Catholic church? 3. How did Protestantism spread to other areas? 4. What were the effects of the Reformation in England?