Renfrewshire Services - Alzheimer Scotland

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Services. Diary of Events for. June - July 2016. Our Community Groups are there to be enjoyed by anyone ... held at The
Locations Singing Memories

held at The Wallneuk North Church, Abercorn Street, Paisley.

Monday Drop-In Café

held at The Brewers Fayre, Phoenix Park, Linwood.

Forget-Me-Not Café

Held at Renfrew North Parish Church, 14b Renfield Street, Renfrew PA4 8RG

St Mirren FC Football Memories

Held at St Mirren Park, Greenhill Road, Paisley PA3 1RU

All other events

held at The Memory Lane Club, 32 Riccartsbar Avenue, Paisley. For any further information on any of the events please contact Wendy or Iain on 0141 887 1289

Please book in advance for the Social Evening for catering purposes Our Community Groups are there to be enjoyed by anyone living with dementia or experiencing difficulties with their memory, including their families and friends.   All are welcome; people who can attend independently and/or for those unable to do so should come with a companion who can take responsibility for them and share the experiences of the group.   We are unable to provide transport, therefore it is your responsibility to get to and from this community activity, safely. Alzheimer Scotland – Action on Dementia is a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland 149069. Registered office: 22 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 7RN. It is recognised as a charity by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator, no, SC022315

Renfrewshire Services Diary of Events for June - July 2016



1st June

2.00pm till 4.00pm

Forget-Me-Not Cafe

1st June

6.30pm till 8.00pm

Peer Support Groups

4th July 12.30pm till 2.00pm

Drop-In Café (Phoenix Park)

3rd June 10.00am till 7.00pm

Memory Bus and Bucket Collection at Braehead (volunteers wanted)**

6th July

2.00pm till 4.00pm

Forget-Me-Not Café

6th July

6.30pm till 8.00pm

Peer Support Groups

4th June 10.30am till 1.30pm

Salvation Army Tea and Blether

13th July

2.00pm till 4.00pm

Forget-Me-Not Café

19th July

1pm till 2.30pm

Football Memories

6th June 12.30pm till 2.00pm

Drop-In Café (Phoenix Park)

20th July

2.00pm till 4.00pm

Forget-Me-Not Café

20th July

6.30pm till 9.00pm

Social Evening

7th June

6.30pm till 8.00pm

Singing Memories

8th June

2.00pm till 4.00pm

Forget-Me-Not Cafe

13th June 10am till 11.30am Dementia Friends Session & Info Stand @ Freeland Church of Scotland, 69 Main Street, Bridge of Weir, Renfrewshire PA11 14th June

6.30pm till 8.00pm

Singing Memories

15th June

2.00pm till 4.00pm

Forget-Me-Not Cafe

21st June 6.30pm till 8.00pm

Singing Memories (last for Summer)

21st June

1pm till 2.30pm

Football Memories

22nd June

2.00pm till 4.00pm

Forget-Me-Not Café

22nd June

6.30pm till 9.00pm

Social Evening

27th June 2.00pm till 3.30pm

St Mirren FC Football Memories

29th June

2.00pm till 4.00pm

Forget-Me-Not Cafe

30th June

10.30am till 12 noon

Drop-In Cafe

** Please contact the office if you are able to help out at our bucket collection for an hour or two at Braehead as we will be making a rota.

25th July 2.00pm till 3.30pm

St Mirren FC Football Memories

27th July

2.00pm till 4.00pm

Forget-Me-Not Café

28th July

10.30am till 12 noon

Drop-In Café