Report of the event, I Biotechnology Mee5ng of Mexican Society of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Oaxaca Delega5on (I Biotech Mee5ng SMBBO) Jacqueline Capataz-Tafur1,3, Mónica Marcela Galicia Jimenez2,3, Andrés Aguirre Cruz1,3, Susana Lozano Muñiz 1, 3, 4 1Universidad del Papaloapan, 2Universidad del Mar, 3Sociedad Mexicana de Biotecnología y Bioingeniería, Delegación Oaxaca, 4InternaOonal FoundaOon for Biotechnology Research & Early SOmulaOon in the Culture of Health, NutriOon, Sport, Art, Science, Technology & Society.A.C. – InternaiOonal Biotechnology FoundaOon. e-mail:
[email protected]
INTRODUCTION: The Oaxaca DelegaOon (SMBBO) of the Mexican Society of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (SMBB), was officially established at the Universidad del Papaloapan on July 4, 2014. This significant event for the Biotechnology society and for the Oaxaca Biotechnology community was possible thanks to the generous support from the members of SMBB from different UniversiOes and OrganizaOons from the Papaloapan Region. One of the first duOes SMBBO was the organizaOon of the I General MeeOng on Biotechnology known as “I Biotechnology MeeOng organized by SMBBO” (I Biotech MeeOng SMBBO), at Universidad del Papaloapan, in Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. The event was organized for the vast community of professors, scienOfic leaders, businessmen and entrepreneurs, graduated and post graduated students. Tuxtepec is a town located in the north part of the state of Oaxaca. Universidad del Papaloapan comprises two campus: Tuxtepec and Loma Bonita. Tuxtepec is the second most populous city of the Mexican state of Oaxaca and it is well connected with several regions in Oaxaca, Veracruz and Puebla states, which turns Tuxtepec into a strategic locaOon for the reunion of scienOst, student and businesspersons from both states.
II Development of biotechnological processes (1)
III Environmental biotechnology (7) IV Medical biotechnology and pharmaceuOcal (3) 7
V Aquaculture and livestock Biotechnology (4) VI Animal biotechnology (0) VII Plant biotechnology (8)
VIII Biobusinesses (0)
Figure 2. Areas and number of works submiied for oral session (34)
18 1 5
I Food Biotechnology (28) 28
II Development of biotechnological processes (16) III Environmental biotechnology (35)
It was published a call to sign the Oaxaca DelegaOon of Mexican Society of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (SMBBO) and/or the invitaOon to organize the I MeeOng on Biotechnology of SMBBO in the official web page of Mexican S o c i e t y o f B i o t e c h n o l o g y a n d B i o e n g i n e e r i n g hip:// Diverse electronic media available, as Tab UNAM and social networks as Facebook, Twiier, Instagram, Linked In were also used in order to publish the naOonal call. The SMBBO submiied a request for economical support to CONACYT & ASM. Gender Parity Index
I Food Biotechnology (5)
IV Medical biotechnology and pharmaceuOcal (15) V Aquaculture and livestock Biotechnology (7)
VI Animal biotechnology (0) 15
VII Plant biotechnology (23)
3. Areas and number of works submiied for oral/poster session (148)
51 UPIBI-IPN (2) 49 Universidad Veracruzana (5)
In México, the biotechnology researches have had a major improvement, but it is needed to develop new biotechnology approaches and spread knowledge, specialty among students from rural and indigenous communiOes. As in the previous events organized by part of the members of the society, Biotechnology summit 2012 (BS12), 2014 (BS14) and 2016 (BS16), the I Biotechnology MeeOng of SMBBO was focused in the design, creaOon and sharing of novel Biotechnology ideas with the use of the resources available in order to increase the human quality of life. The number of aiendees (150) and research abstracts for oral/poster session (148) was more than expected. This is a true image of the importance of Biotechnology for the society, research and student community. This evidence is confirming the need of more meeOngs and acOviOes where Biotechnology is discussed and new ideas are created, and this is the driving force of our conformaOon as SMBBO.
47 Universidad Politécnica de Pachuca (7) 45 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (11) 43 Universidad Juárez Aútonoma de Tabasco (2) 41 Universidad Estatal de Sonora (1) 39 Universidad del Papalopan, Tuxtepec (10) 37 Universidad de la Sierra Sur (3) 35 Universidad de Colima (2) 33 Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (7) 31 Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (2) 29 Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas (1) 27 Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (9) 25 Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero (1) 23 Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (1) 21InsOtuto Tecnológico Superior Tena (1) 19 InsOtuto Tecnologico Superior de Las Choapas (1)
17 InsOtuto Tecnológico de Úrsulo Galván (1)
We would like to give special thanks to all parOcipants, research insOtuOons, sponsors, researchers and students. SMBBO would also like to thank SMBB and Tab UNAM for the trust, confidence and promoOon
15 InsOtuto Tecnológico de Orizaba (7) 13 InsOtuto Tecnológico de Boca del Río (1) 11 ESIME IPN (4) 9 ENCB-IPN (1) 7 CIIDIR IPN Unidad Oaxaca (2) 5 CIBA IPN (3) 3 Centro de InvesOgación en Alimentación y Desarrollo, A.C. 1 InsOtuto Tecnologico Superior de Las Choapas (1) 0
Figure 1. List of parOcipant insOtuOons