request for quotation (rfq) - UNDP | Procurement Notices

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May 26, 2016 - Quotations may be submitted on or before Close of Business 05:00 PM, June 11, .... Links which has the sa

  REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ)        To All Bidders     

  DATE: May 26, 2016    REFERENCE: RFQ076/16 

    Dear Sir / Madam:      We kindly request you to submit your quotation for Provision of Internet Service for UNDP Iraq,  Baghdad office, as detailed in Annex 1 of this RFQ.  When preparing your quotation, please be guided by  the form attached hereto as Annex 2.      Quotations may be submitted on or before Close of Business 05:00 PM, June 11, 2016 and via e‐ mail to: [email protected] , Referencing: RFQ‐076/16      Quotations  submitted  by  email  must  be  limited  to  a  maximum  of  7  MB,  virus‐free  and  no  more than 5 email transmissions.  They must be free from any form of virus or corrupted contents, or  the quotations shall be rejected.      It shall remain your responsibility to ensure that your quotation will reach the address above on  or before the deadline.  Quotations that are received by UNDP after the deadline indicated above, for  whatever reason, shall not be considered for evaluation.  If you are submitting your quotation by email,  kindly ensure that they are signed and in the .pdf format, and free from any virus or corrupted files.      Please  take note of the  following requirements  and conditions pertaining to the supply of the  abovementioned good/s:     Delivery Terms ☒ DAP – UNDP Iraq – Baghdad office [INCOTERMS 2010] UN Compound, International Zone, Baghdad, Iraq Customs clearance, if needed, ☒Supplier/Offeror shall be done by: Delivery Address UNDP Iraq – Baghdad office UN Compound, International Zone, Baghdad, Iraq UNDP Preferred Freight N/A Forwarder, if any Distribution of shipping N/A documents (if using freight forwarder)


Latest Expected Delivery Date and Time (if delivery time exceeds this, quote may be rejected by UNDP) Delivery Schedule Packing Requirements Mode of Transport Currency of Quotation1 Value Added Tax on Price Quotation2 After-sales services Deadline for the Submission of Quotation All documentations, including catalogs, instructions and operating manuals, shall be in this language Documents to be submitted3

Period of Validity of Quotes starting the Submission Date

Partial Quotes Payment Terms

☒ 14 days from the issuance of the Purchase Order (PO)

☒ Required ☒Not Required ☐ AIR ☒LAND ☐SEA ☐OTHER [pls. specify] ☒United States Dollars ☒ Must be inclusive of VAT and other applicable indirect taxes ☒ Provision of Technical Support and Help Design 24 hours/day for 365 days/year. Saturday, June 11, 2016, Close of Business 05:00PM-Baghdad Time (+03:00 GMT) ☒ English

☒ Duly Accomplished Form as provided in Annex 2, and in accordance with the list of requirements in Annex l; ☒ Company profile, which should not exceed fifteen (15) pages, including printed brochures and product catalogues relevant to the goods/services being procured. ☒ Permit to operate and locate in Baghdad. ☒ Duly Accomplished Form with the company background information as provided in Annex 3; ☒ Statement of satisfactory performance from the top 3 clients in the past 3 years. ☒ Written Self-Declaration of not being included in the UN Security Council 1267/1989 list, UN Procurement Division List or other UN Ineligibility List; Available at: ☒ 120 days In exceptional circumstances, UNDP may request the Vendor to extend the validity of the Quotation beyond what has been initially indicated in this RFQ. The Offeror shall confirm such extension in writing, without any modification whatsoever to the Quotation. ☒ Not permitted ☒ Payment will be made through Bank Transfer at the end of each month upon receipt of original signed invoices and services.


Local vendors must comply with any applicable laws regarding doing business in other currencies. Conversion of currency into the UNDP preferred currency, if the offer is quoted differently from what is required, shall be based only on UN Operational Exchange Rate prevailing at the time of UNDP’s issuance of Purchase Order. 2 This must be reconciled with the INCO Terms required by the RFQ. Furthermore, VAT exemption status varies from one country to another. Pls. tick whatever is applicable to the UNDP CO/BU requiring the goods. 3 First 2 items in this list are mandatory for the supply of imported goods 2

Liquidated Damages

Evaluation Criteria [check as many as applicable]

UNDP will award to: Type of Contract to be Signed Special conditions of Contract Qualification of supplier, licenses and permits

Conditions for Release of Payment Annexes to this RFQ4

Contact Person for Inquiries (Written inquiries only)5

If the Supplier fails to supply the specified goods/services within the time period(s) stipulated by the purchase order, the UNDP shall, without prejudice to its other remedies under the contract, deduct from the Purchase Order price. As liquidated damages, a sum equivalent to 2 (2) percent of the delivered price of the delayed goods/services for each week of delay until actual delivery, up to a maximum deduction of 10 percent of the delayed goods/services purchase order price. Once the maximum is reached, the UNDP may consider termination of the Purchase Order. ☒ Technical responsiveness/Full compliance to specifications and requirements, and lowest price ☒ Comprehensiveness of after-sales services ☒ Full acceptance of the PO/Contract General Terms and Conditions Non-acceptance of the terms of the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) shall be grounds for disqualification from this procurement process. ☒ One supplier ☒ Purchase Order ☒ Contract for Professional Service ☒ Cancellation of PO/Contract if the delivery/completion is delayed by 15 days 1. The ISP must be a Telecom license holder (Provide Documents). 2. The ISP network should be optic fiber based with Microwave backup Links which has the same covering area and the same efficient function 3. The ISP must have solid experience in the provision of services in the same nature, scale and complexity commensurate with the TOR. 4. The lSP must have at least three (3) similar contracts (similar by scope, nature and amount), preferably with international or intergovernmental organizations. Evidences of contracts and references from other clients are required). ☒ Written Acceptance of Goods based on full compliance with RFQ requirements ☒ Technical Specifications of the items (Annex 1) ☒ Form for Submission of Quotation (Annex 2) - Offer to Supply Goods/Services compliant with technical specifications/ Requirements (Table 1) - Offer to Comply with Other Conditions and Related Requirements Form (Table 2) ☒ Company Background Information Form (Annex 3) ☒ General Terms and Conditions / Special Conditions (Annex 4). Ali Salam Procurement Analyst [email protected] Any delay in UNDP’s response shall be not used as a reason for extending the deadline for submission, unless UNDP determines that such an extension is necessary and communicates a new deadline to the Proposers.

  Goods  offered  shall  be  reviewed  based  on  completeness  and  compliance  of  the  quotation  with  the  minimum  specifications  described  above  and  any  other  annexes  providing  details  of  UNDP  requirements.   4

Where the information is available in the web, a URL for the information may simply be provided.


This contact person and address is officially designated by UNDP. If inquiries are sent to other person/s or address/es, even if they are UNDP staff, UNDP shall have no obligation to respond nor can UNDP confirm that the query was received. 3

Annex 1   

RFQ: Provision of Internet Service via Optical Fiber for UNDP Baghdad – D2 office in UNAMI  Compound to cover a period of one year.      A. Objective:  1. UNDP  Iraq  requires  contractual  services  for  the  installation  and  provision  of  highly  stable  and  reliable internet service.  2. Connection should be fiber‐optic and wireless solutions as backup system.  3. The  link  should  be  able  to  support  applications  and  services  such  as  data  communication  and  internet between the endpoints.  4. Offerors shall provide Two options for bandwidth requirements.  Option 1: 12Mbps/12Mbps  Option 2: 15Mbps/15Mbps  Duplex  with  no additional payment or limitation by traffic amount [unlimited  traffic  ‐no  download quota] and time.  5. 16 Public IP Addresses.    B. Requirements:  I. Description of the Services/ Technical Requirements:  1. The circuit should provide at all times dedicated connection of [Option 1: 12Mbps/12Mbps]  OR  [Option  2:  15Mbps/15Mbps]  full  duplex  bandwidth/month,  unlimited  traffic  (no  download quota) providing 16 public IP addresses.  2. Technical Support and/or Help desk: The Internet Service Provider (ISP) must have the ability  to provide 24 hours/day for 365 days/year technical support and/or help desk availability for  monitoring and troubleshooting purpose, resolving incidents relating  to  the Internet  access  service on the Explore platform, the network should be monitored end to end so as to ensure  quality of service and a high availability level.  Detailed description of the helpdesk support must be included in the Proposal.  3. The ISP should be able to provide usage report to the end user when requested and provide  UNDP with a Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) online account to monitor the usage of the  network. UNDP authorized representative should also be given access to the system by the  Service Provider.  4. The  Service  Provider  should  have  a  physical  presence,  including  availability  of  technical  support in Baghdad, Iraq.  5. Data  confidentiality  guarantee;  Provider  may  not  scan  traffic  (if  this  should  be  done  for  finding problems in the network a prior UNDP agreement must be obtained);    II. Link Commissioning  1. The  lSP  is  responsible  to  provide  all  hardware  equipment  required  to  carry  out  the  full  implementation  of  the  project  site  that  achieve  a  consistent,  reliable  and  secure  channel  connection.  2. Any  civil  work  related  to  installing  the  connection  and  the  outdoor  antenna  (e.g.  laying  of  cables) must be the responsibility of the ISP.  3. The provider shall submit a list with all relevant points of contact: (a) Project Management  "focal point". (b) Provider’s Technical Support or help Desk, (c) National Technical Support or  Help  Desk,  (d)  if  the  provider  will  do  use  of  sub‐contractors  or  sub‐contracted  services  for  portions of the link, the list of them with contact numbers.  4. When the installation is done (meaning the link is considered "Up") the provider shall submit  5

a detailed information of the link setup, including the link unique identity number or name  (ID) to which UNDP Iraq will do reference when technical support may be required.   

III. Service Level Agreement (Deliverables‐ Technical Requirements)   

1. Must be not less than 99.5% (99.7 or 99.9 is preferred) averaged over a calendar month.      Two  levels  should  been  defined  to  indicate  the  impact  on  Internet  access  availability,  for  every incident detected, a severity level is allocated.  - Severity Level 1:   The main functions of the Internet access service are disrupted.  - Severity Level 2:  The main functions of the Internet access service are available, but a  nonessential function is defective or out of service.  2. The Provider should have a Network & Security Operations Centre to detect an incident; a  ticket  should  be  created  and  handled  proactively  within  2  hours  of  the  incident  being  detected.  And  if  UNDP  Office  detects  an  incident  and  notifies  the  helpdesk  the  ensuing  tickets should be handled reactively.  - Severity Level 1:   in less than 2 hours  - Severity Level 2:   within the next 24 hours  3. The service availability level is expressed as a percentage (%), and is calculated on a monthly  basis.  Availability level (Service Uptime) = 99.5% (99.7% or 99.9% is preferred)  Mean  Time  to  Recovery  (MTTR)  should  be  a  maximum  of  2  hours  including  the  last  mile  connectivity medium.  4. The ISP should guarantee to have a maximum average packet loss of 10% or less during any  calendar month.  5. The ISP should have a reliable backup source for the internet as a Backbone to guarantees a  better  services  and  a  secure  connection  to  help  forwarding  the  internet  service  directly  without  any  defects  of  the  browsing.  This  system  also  should  provide  a  smooth  and  seamless connection from down time to a network with the same recommended data rates.  6. The  average  monthly  delay  between  the  Explore  network  and  our  main  international  Internet service partners does not exceed 220 ms.  7. No limitations on traffic/ports, no mandatory proxy servers and firewalls.   

C. Penalties:  1. If  the  availability  of  the  link  falls  at  or  below  80.0%  on  any  given  month  period  UNDP  shall  be  exempted  of  payment  for  the  affected  month  and  UNDP  reserves  the  right  to  terminate  the  contract.  2. If it desires due to ''The failure of the provider to deliver the contracted service''.  3. If the availability of the link falls between 99.8% and 51.0% on any given month the provider shall  extent a Credit Note to UNDP upon its request, this as a penalty for the poor performance of the  service, the Credit Note shall be calculated as follow: