Request for Video Submissions - Chicago Foundation for Women

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$1,000 will also be donated to the organizations receiving the second and third highest vote totals. All finalists will
Request for Video Submissions Chicago Foundation for Women #GivingTuesday Grant Opportunity Funds to focus on supporting immigrant and refugee women and girls in the Chicago region Background: #GivingTuesday is a movement to create a national day of giving to kick off the giving season added to the calendar on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The sixth annual GivingTuesday is on November 28, 2017. Leading up to and during this #GivingTuesday, Chicago Foundation for Women will ask its expansive community to come together and directly participate in a community-led, online grant selection. Specifically, participants who make a gift leading up to and on #GivingTuesday will have an opportunity to vote for an impactful program that is improving the lives of Chicago-area immigrant and refugee women and girls to receive a special, one-time $10,000 #GivingTuesday award. In addition, two runner-up awards of $2,500 or $1,000 will also be donated to the organizations receiving the second and third highest vote totals. All finalists will also be eligible to access a curriculum of free leadership development and capacity building offerings through CFW’s Women’s Leadership Development Initiative throughout the next three years. Guidelines: We encourage organizations to apply to be one of the three Chicago Foundation for Women #GivingTuesday finalists if: ● Your organization and/or program’s primary impact is advancing the health, economic security and/or safety of immigrant and/or refugee women and girls. ● Your organization and/or program is located within and primarily impacts individuals living in Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will counties. ● Your organization and/or program has not received a grant from CFW’s general cycle or Catalyst Fund for Reproductive Justice within the last three years.* 1 ● Your organization and/or program supports a woman’s right to reproductive justice. ● Your board and staff members reflect the diversity of the communities served. ● The organization is accessible to persons with disabilities. ● The organization provides a respectful environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) people. ● You are a registered 501(c)3 or have a dedicated fiscal agent. To learn more about Chicago Foundation for Women’s guiding principles, visit here. Application Requirements: Interested applicants should record a 1-2 minute video that showcases how your organization and/or program is improving the lives of Chicago-area immigrant and/or refugee women and girls. In your video, you only need to answer one question: 1

This rule does not apply to CFW Giving Council, Giving Circle or Polk Bros. Fund Emerging Grantees. These groups are eligible to apply for this opportunity.

What, specifically, would a special $10,000 grant from CFW this #GivingTuesday help you and your program achieve to improve the lives of immigrant or refugee women and girls in Chicago? How should you answer the question? Who should answer it? How should you film it? Well, all of that is completely up to you. Choose a spokesperson, a program participant, a staff member, whoever captures your impact best. The more specific and tangible you can be about how the grant will impact women and girls, the more successful your message will be. Also, we don’t expect to receive high-quality video, in fact, most mobile phones now have the technology to record a decent video. Please just be sure to hold your phone horizontally so that videos played back on other screens will still look great. If you would like to learn more tips on how to record a donor-centered video, check out this resource, as well as this one, with some helpful “how-to’s.” Deadline: All videos should be submitted via email to by no later than November 7, 2017. Along with the video, please submit 501(c)3 tax identification number, your name and contact information, as well as your organization’s website and social media handles. Review Process and Support from CFW: A committee consisting of CFW staff, board members, donors and community members will review all videos and determine three finalists based on the videos provided and the organization or program’s accordance with the guidelines outlined above. Once selected, CFW will showcase the video of each finalist to the CFW donor community via email and social media in the weeks leading up to #GivingTuesday. Donors will have the opportunity to vote for which organization they want to win the $10,000 grant when they make a donation to support the #GivingTuesday campaign. Finalists will also be provided with additional tools and resources to drive their networks to vote for them leading up to and on #GivingTuesday. Past successful campaigns prove that high volume and frequency of personal outreach is essential, while broad institutional communications are less effective. To support your personal outreach, Chicago Foundation for Women will share email and social media templates to help you along the way. Questions? Please contact Shannon Buckley at or (312) 577-2835