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... and adult training methodologies which include two way communication,. group work, brainstorming, roll play, present
REQUIRED CONSULTANCY FOR ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT TRAINING UNDER LEP PPR PROJECT Sarhad Rural Support Program (SRSP) is the largest non-governmental organization operational in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa and Federally Administered Tribal Areas. It is one of the 11 Rural Support Programmes established to reduce rural poverty and ensure sustainable means of livelihoods in urban and, especially, rural areas of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa province of Pakistan. The investment of SRSP in shape of programmatic, financial, technical, strategic and capacity building initiatives, on one hand, has led to development of three tiers (community, village and union councils) level local institutions, while on the other hand it has significantly contributed to social, economic and political development of rural areas and communities through various development packages. SRSP, with the funding support of PPAF, is implementing Program for Poverty Reduction-PPR project in four districts/agency of KPK namely Lower Dir, Upper Dir, Chitral and Bajur Agency. Under LEP component of PPR, SRSP intends to train 921 community members (asset transfer beneficiaries) of above mentioned targeted districts on Enterprise Development in order to enhance their skills for greater income generation. By receiving the Enterprise Development training these Participants will be able to Know about the basic modes of Marketing and how to generate their income from the productive assets.

Required TORs of individual consultant/firm: Required Qualification/skills:      

Master Degree in relevant Field Have designed and conducted community & staff trainings Past experience of training with reputable institute/organization The institute/firm is registered under the law of the country The institute/firm has at least five year experience and have track record of the trainings events conducted The institute/firm has proper physical setup and has relevant equipment & tool, workshops, trained and experience staff.

Scope of Work/deliverable 

Coordination of training event (facilitation, registration, attendance, etc.)

Preparation of training contents/manuals/resource material/handouts.

Provision of training schedule, training contents/manuals to SRSP for further submission to donor-PPAF for getting prior approvals.

Conduction of pre and post-test for evaluation of capacity building of training participants.

Use participatory and adult training methodologies which include two way communication, group work, brainstorming, roll play, presentations etc.)

Development of livelihood investment plan-LIP for the participants

Development of Business plan for the participants

Compile and submit training report on the completion of training highlighting the training objectives, contents, methodology, expected outcome, registration forms, complete and signed attendance sheets, presentation and pictures, pre and post evaluation, main conclusions and recommendations. Atleast 3 hard copies along with soft copy of each training sessions.

Payment Schedule: Payment will be made in the name of resource person through cross cheque after successful completion of training/deliverables. All government taxes would be applicable Selection Method: Through Comparative analysis based on Experience, related experience and qualification. Application Requirement: Institutions / firms are to apply for it by submitting;     

Covering letter referencing the source of advertisement Technical & Financial training& audit proposal duly signed Profile of the institute/firm; Registration/affiliation letter Past relevant experience providing services to professional organization of similar nature

For Individual consultant: Individual Resource persons are to apply for it by submitting;   

Covering letter referencing the source of advertisement Detailed CV Have minimum 5 years’ experience providing services to professional organization of similar nature

Closing date Closing date for the submission of EOI is March 12, 2016. Interested Candidates (individual consultant/firm) should send their CVs/profile by submitting Covering Letter referencing the source of advertisement to below mentioned address. Incomplete and late Applications will not be entertained. Only shortlisted individuals will be contacted.

Admin Officer Project Support Unit SRSP/PPAF Street No 12, Saddique Colony, Eidgah Road, Faqeer Abad Peshawar Contact: 091-5243237-728, 0301-8802511 [email protected]