Research Article Functions Induced by Iterated

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)−1. 1. 3.13. Furthermore, let us introduce a multiplicative operator. Xhf x. {x}hf x . 3.14. Lemma 3.4. For n ∈ N0, the following holds: Dx,hXn h − XnDx,h. nXn−1 h.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2012, Article ID 190726, 17 pages doi:10.1155/2012/190726

Research Article Functions Induced by Iterated Deformed Laguerre Derivative: Analytical and Operational Approach ´ 1 Miomir S. Stankovic, ´2 Sladjana D. Marinkovic, 3 and Predrag M. Rajkovic´ 1

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niˇs, 18000 Niˇs, Serbia Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Occupational Safety, University of Niˇs, 18000 Niˇs, Serbia 3 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niˇs, 18000 Niˇs, Serbia 2

Correspondence should be addressed to Predrag M. Rajkovi´c, [email protected] Received 27 December 2011; Accepted 23 January 2012 Academic Editor: Muhammad Aslam Noor Copyright q 2012 Sladjana D. Marinkovi´c et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The one-parameter deformed exponential function was introduced as a frame that enchases a few known functions of this type. Such deformation requires the corresponding deformed operations addition and subtraction and deformed operators derivative and antiderivative. In this paper, we will demonstrate this theory in researching of some functions defined by iterated deformed Laguerre operator. We study their properties, such as representation, orthogonality, generating function, differential and difference equation, and addition and summation formulas. Also, we consider these functions by the operational method.

1. Introduction The several parametric generalizations and deformations of the exponential function have been proposed recently in different contexts such as nonextensive statistical mechanics 1, 2, relativistic statistical mechanics 3, 4, and quantum group theory 5–7. The areas of deformations of the exponential functions have been treated basically along three complementary directions: formal mathematical developments, observation of consistent concordance with experimental or natural behavior, and theoretical physical developments. In paper 8, a deformed exponential function of two variables depending on a real parameter is introduced to express discrete and continual behavior by the same. In this function, well-known generalizations and deformations can be viewed as the special cases 1, 5. Also, its usage can be seen in 9.


Abstract and Applied Analysis

In continuation of our previous considerations of the deformed exponential function, we will use its convenience to introduce and research a class of functions of two variables that can be viewed as one-parameter analog of Laguerre polynomials. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the deformed exponential function and the related deformation of variable, addition and subtraction. In Section 3, we consider some known and new difference and differential operators, convenient for the work with deformed variables and exponentials. In this environment, in Section 4, we define a class of two-variable functions, called the deformed Laguerre polynomials, by an iterated generalized differential operator. Section 5 is devoted to various properties of these functions, such as orthogonality, summation and addition formulas, differential equations, generating function. Finally, in Section 6 we prove a few operational identities involving the introduced deformed Laguerre polynomials. Because of the presence of “logarithmic scale,” deformed Laguerre operator and deformed Laguerre polynomials could be suitable for use in control engineering, population dynamics, mathematical modeling of viscous fluids, and oscillating problems in mechanics, like the usual Laguerre operator and Laguerre polynomials that are already used see 10–12.

2. The Deformed Exponential Functions In this section we will present a deformation of an exponential function of two variables depending on parameter h ∈ R \ {0}, which is introduced in 8. Let us define function x, y → eh x, y by   eh x, y  1  hxy/h

    1 x ∈C\ − , y∈R . h


Since   lim eh x, y  exy ,



this function can be viewed as a one-parameter deformation of the exponential function of two variables. If h  1 − q q /  1 and y  1, function 2.1 becomes    1/1−q , e1−q x, 1  1  1 − q x


that is, e1−q x, 1  eqx , where eqx is Tsallis q-exponential function 1 defined by


⎧    ⎨ 1  1 − q x 1/1−q ,

  1 1−q x >0



x ∈ R.


If h  p − 1 p  / 1 and x  1, function 2.1 becomes   ep−1 1, y  py/p−1 ,


Abstract and Applied Analysis


that is, a function considered for a generalization of the standard exponential function in the context of quantum group formalism 13. Notice that function 2.1 can be written in the form     y ln1  hx . eh x, y  exp h


Hence, similar to what in 14, we can use cylinder transformation as deformation function x → {x}h by 1 {x}h  ln1  hx  ln 1  hx1/h h

1 x ∈C\ − h



Thus, the following holds:   eh x, y  e{x}h y .


We can show that function 2.1 holds on some basic properties of the exponential function. Proposition 2.1. For x ∈ C \ {−1/h} and y, y1 , y2 ∈ R, the following holds:  1 1 for h < 0 or x > − for h > 0 , h h   eh 0, y  eh x, 0  1,       1 , e−h x, y  eh −x, −y x / h       eh x, y1  y2  eh x, y1 eh x, y2 .

  eh x, y > 0

x 0. In this way, the h -subtraction can be defined by x1 − x2 x1 h x2  x1 ⊕h h x2   1  hx2

 1 x2  . /− h


With respect to 2.7, we can prove the next equality for x1 , x2 ∈ I: {x1 }h  {x2 }h  {x1 ⊕h x2 }h .


Proposition 2.2. For x1 , x2 ∈ C \ {−1/h} and y ∈ R, the following is valid:       eh x1 ⊕h x2 , y  eh x1 , y eh x2 , y ,       eh x1 h x2 , y  eh x1 , y eh x2 , −y .


In order to find the expansions of the introduced deformed exponential function, we introduce the generalized backward integer power given by z0,h  1,



z − kh

n ∈ N, h ∈ R \ {0}.



Proposition 2.3. For function x, y → eh x, y, the following representation holds: ∞   {x}nh yn , eh x, y  n! n0

∞ n n,h   x y eh x, y  n! n0

|hx| < 1.


Remark 2.4. Notice that in expressions 2.8 and the first expansion in 2.17 the deformation of variable x appears, but, contrary to that in the second expansion in 2.17, the deformation of powers of y is present.

3. The Deformed Operators Let us recall that the h-difference operator is Δz,h fz 

fz  h − fz . h


Proposition 3.1 see 8. The function y → eh x, y is the eigenfunction of difference operator Δy,h with eigenvalue x, that is, the following holds:     Δy,h eh x, y  x eh x, y .


Abstract and Applied Analysis


Also, there are a few differential operators that have deformed the exponential function as eigenfunction. Let us define the deformed h-differential and h-derivative accordingly with operation 2.11 see 15: fz − fu dfz  lim . u→z dh z zh u


dfz fz − fu dfz  lim .  1  hz u → z dh z dz z − u/1  hu


dh z  lim zh u,

Dz,h fz 


With respect to 2.13, we have Dz,h fz 

The h-derivative holds on the property of linearity and the product rule:   Dz,h αfz  βgz  αDz,h fz  βDz,h gz,   Dz,h fzgz  fzDz,h gz  gzDz,h fz.


Let I  −∞, −1/h for h < 0 or I  −1/h, ∞ for h > 0. For x ∈ I, we define the inverse operator to operator Dx,h inverse up to a constant by −1 Dx,h fx 

x 0

ft dt. 1  ht


It is easy to prove that n  −n −1 Dx,h fx  Dx,h fx 

1 n − 1!

x 0

{x}h − {t}h n−1 ftdt. 1  ht


Proposition 3.2. The function eh x, y is the eigenfunction of the operators Dx,h and ∂/∂y with eigenvalues y and {x}h , respectively, that is,     Dx,h eh x, y  yeh x, y ,

   ∂  eh x, y  {x}h eh x, y . ∂y


Moreover, for y /  0, the following is valid:   1   1 −1 Dx,h eh x, y  eh x, y − . y y


Lemma 3.3. For x ∈ I, y ∈ R, and k, n ∈ N0 , the following holds: k Dx,h



  n k

{x}n−k h ,



Abstract and Applied Analysis {x}kh , k!  −1   −1 1 − yDx,h 1  eh x, y . −k Dx,h 1 

3.11 3.12

Proof. Equalities 3.10 and 3.11 follow from definition 2.7, 3.4, and 3.6. For 3.12, we recall the expansion 2.17 and the formal geometric series: ∞ ∞ ∞  n   {x}nh yn −n −1  yDx,h yn Dx,h eh x, y  1  1 n! n0 n0 n0


−1 yDx,h




Furthermore, let us introduce a multiplicative operator Xh fx  {x}h fx.


Lemma 3.4. For n ∈ N0 , the following holds: Dx,h Xhn − X n Dx,h  nXhn−1 ,

n n n−1 Dx,h Xh − Xh Dx,h  nDx,h ,

n1 n n Xh  Dx,h Xhn1 Dx,h . Xh Dx,h

3.15 3.16

Proof. Using the product rule for Dx,h , we get equalities 3.15 for n  1:   Dx,h Xh fx  Dx,h {x}h fx  fx  {x}h Dx,h fx  1  Xh Dx,h fx.


Hence, 2 Xh − Dx,h Xh2 Dx,h  Xh Dx,h Xh Dx,h  1 − Xh Dx,h  1Xh Dx,h  0, Xh Dx,h


which proves equality 3.16 for n  1. The cases for n > 1 can be proved by induction or by repeated procedure:     n n1 n n n Xh − Dx,h Xhn1 Dx,h  Xh Dx,h Xh Xhn Dx,h Xh Dx,h Dx,h Xhn − Dx,h     n n n−1 Xhn Dx,h  nXhn−1 − Xh Dx,h Xhn Dx,h  Xh Dx,h  nDx,h


  n n−1 n  n Xh Dx,h Xhn−1 − Dx,h Xh Dx,h  · · ·  0. Theorem 3.5. For n ∈ N0 , the following is valid:   n n . Xhn Dx,h Dx,h Xh Dx,h n  Dx,h


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Proof. The statement is obviously true for n  1. Suppose that formula is true for n. According to Lemma 3.4, we have n1 n1 n1 n1 n1 n1 Xh Dx,h  Dx,h Xh Dx,h Dx,h Xh Dx,h n − Dx,h Xh Dx,h Dx,h Xh Dx,h n1 − Dx,h   n n n1 n1 n1 − Dx,h  Dx,h Xh Dx,h  Dx,h Xhn Dx,h Xh Dx,h


n1 n n n  Dx,h Xh Dx,h Xh − Dx,h Xhn1 Dx,h Dx,h  0.

Now, we are able to generalize the special differential operator d/dxxd/dx, stated as the Laguerre derivative in 11, 12, which appears in mathematical modelling of phenomena in viscous fluids and the oscillating chain in mechanics. Substituting the ordinary derivative and variable with the deformed one, we get the deformed Laguerre derivative  d d fx {x}h dh x dh x   dfx d  1  hx ln 1  hx1/h 1  hx . dx dx 

Dx,h Xh Dx,h fx 


Lemma 3.6. For x ∈ I, y ∈ R, and k, n ∈ N0 , the following is valid:       Dx,h Xh Dx,h eh x, y  y 1  yXh eh x, y ,  Dx,h Xh Dx,h 


{x}nh n!

  n {x}n−k h  k! . k n − k!

3.23 3.24

Proof. With respect to Proposition 3.2, equality 3.10, and the product rule for Dx,h , we have          Dx,h Xh Dx,h eh x, y  Dx,h {x}h yeh x, y  y 1  y{x}h eh x, y ,


wherefrom we get the operational inscription. The second equality follows from the repeated application of 3.10. At last, we refer to the M and P operators as the descending or lowering and ascending or raising operators associated with the polynomial set {qn }n∈N0 if   M qn  nqn−1 ,

  P qn  qn1 .


Then, the polynomial set {qn }n∈N0 is called quasimonomial with respect to the operators M and P see 16. It is easy to see that Dx,h and Xh are the descending and ascending operators as−1 are sociated with the set of generalized monomial {x}nh n ∈ N0 . Also, Dx,h Xh Dx,h and Dx,h the descending and ascending operators associated with the set of generalized monomial {x}nh /n! n ∈ N0 .


Abstract and Applied Analysis

4. The Functional Sequence Induced by Iterated Deformed Laguerre Derivative Let h /  0, I  −∞, −1/h for h < 0 or I  −1/h, ∞ for h > 0 and G  I × R . We define functions x, y → Ln,h x, y for x, y ∈ G n ∈ N0  by the relation   −1n      Ln,h x, y  eh x, y Dx,h Xh Dx,h n eh x, −y . yn


The first members of the functional sequence {Ln,h x, y}n∈N0 are   L0,h x, y  1,     L1,h x, y  1 − y ln 1  hx1/h  1 − {x}h y,


  L2,h x, y  2 − 4y{x}h  y2 {x}2h . Lemma 4.1. The function Ln,h x, y n ∈ N0  is the polynomial of degree n in the deformed variable y{x}h  ln1  hxy/h   ln eh x, y. Proof. Using equality 3.23, we have       Dx,h Xh Dx,h eh x, −y  y y{x}h − 1 eh x, −y .


With respect to 3.24, repeating the previous step, we get        Dx,h Xh Dx,h n eh x, −y  yn Qn y{x}h eh x, −y ,


where Qn is a monic polynomial of degree n. According to Proposition 2.1, we have     Ln,h x, y  −1n Qn y{x}h .


Theorem 4.2. The functions Ln,h x, y satisfy the next relation of orthogonality: Jn,k 

A 0

    −1n n!2 Ln,h x, y {x}kh eh x, −y − h dx  δkn , yn1


where k, n ∈ N0 , k ≤ n, and


⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨∞, h > 0, ⎪ 1 ⎪ ⎩− , h

h < 0.


Abstract and Applied Analysis


Proof. Substituting Ln,h x, y in integral Jn,k , according to Proposition 2.1, we get Jn,k 

−1n yn

−1n  yn

A 0

A 0

       eh x, y Dx,h Xh Dx,h n eh x, −y {x}kh eh x, −y − h dx    Dx,h Xh Dx,h n eh x, −y {x}kh eh x, −h dx.


Since Dx,h Xh Dx,h n  Dx,h Xh Dx,h Dx,h Xh Dx,h n−1  1  hx

d d {x}h dx dh x

d d {x}h dh x dh x



and eh x, −h  1  hx−1 , the integral becomes


−1n  yn

A 0

d dx

d {x}h dh x

d d {x}h dh x dh x


    eh x, −y {x}kh dx.


Applying integration by parts twice and using relation 3.10, we get   xA Jn,k  {x}k1 h q{x}h eh x, −y −1n2 2  k yn

A  0


d d {x}h dh x dh x


   eh x, −y {x}k−1 h eh x, −hdx,


where q is a polynomial. Because of   lim {x}m h eh x, −y  lim

x A

x A

  m ln 1  hx1/h 1  hxy/h

 0 m ∈ N0 ,


we have Jn,k 

−1n 2 k yn

A 0

   Dx,h Xh Dx,h n−1 eh x, −y {x}k−1 h eh x, −hdx.


Repeating the procedure k times, we get


−1n  k!2 yn

A 0

   Dx,h Xh Dx,h n−k eh x, −y eh x, −hdx.



Abstract and Applied Analysis

If n > k, then the following holds: Jn,k

−1n  k!2 yn


A 0

d dx

d {x}h dh x

d −1 k!2 {x}h yn dh x

d d {x}h dh x dh x

d d {x}h dh x dh x



   eh x, −y dx 4.15


   eh x, −y

 0. x0

If n  k, then Jn,n 

−1n n!2 yn

−1n  n!2 yn


  eh x, −y eh x, −hdx


A 0

 −1n eh x, −y − h dx  n1 n!2 . y


Notice that the orthogonality relation can be also written in the form


  Ln,h x, y lnk 1  hx


dx 1  hxy/h1

−1n n!2 hn δkn yn1

k, n ∈ N0 , k ≤ n.


This orthogonality relation and other properties that will be proven indicate that the functions Ln,h x, y are in close connection with the Laguerre polynomials. That is why we will call them the deformed Laguerre polynomials.

5. Properties of the Deformed Laguerre Polynomials Let us recall that the Laguerre polynomials defined by 17   n n xk dn  n −x  k Ln x  e x e  n! −1 n dx k k! k0 x

n ∈ N0 


satisfy the orthogonality relation

Ln xLm xe−x dx  n!2 δmn

m, n ∈ N0 ,



the three-term recurrence relations Ln1 x  x − 2n − 1Ln x  n2 Ln−1 x  0

n ∈ N,


and the differential equations of second order xL

n x  1 − xL n x  nLn x  0

n ∈ N.


Abstract and Applied Analysis


Theorem 5.1. The functions Ln,h x, yn ∈ N0  can be represented by     Ln,h x, y  Ln y{x}h .


Proof. Having in mind that Ln,h x, y  −1n Qn y{x}h , where Qn is a monic polynomial of degree n, and changing variable x by t  y{x}h in integrals Jn,k for k ≤ n, we have 2

n n1

n! δkn  −1 y



Qn ttk e−t dt.



It is a well-known orthogonality relation for the Laguerre polynomials. That is why Qn t  cn Ln t, where cn  const. Since Qn is monic and


Ln ttn e−t dt  −1n n!,



it must be that cn  −1n and therefore Ln,h x, y  Ln t  Ln y{x}h . The next corollaries express two concepts of orthogonality of these functions. Corollary 5.2. For m, n ∈ N0 , the following is valid:

A 0

      n!2 δmn Lm,h x, y Ln,h x, y eh x, −y − h dx  y

 y>0 ,




∞ 0

⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨∞, h > 0, ⎪ 1 ⎪ ⎩− , h

h < 0,

      n!2 Lm,h x, y Ln,h x, y eh x, −y dy  δmn {x}h

5.9 x ∈ I \ {0}.

From this close connection of functions Ln,h x, y with the Laguerre polynomials, their properties, as the summation formula, recurrence relation, or differential equation, follow immediately. Corollary 5.3. The functions Ln,h x, y n ∈ N0  have the next hypergeometric representation: 

Ln,h x, y  n! 1 F1

    n −n  n yk {x}kh k .  y{x}h  n! −1 k! 1  k k0



Abstract and Applied Analysis

Corollary 5.4. The function x → Ln,h x, yy > 0 is a solution of the differential equation 1  hx2 ln1  hx

    d d2 Zx  1  hx h − y − h ln1  hx Zx  yhnZx  0, 2 dx dx 5.11

or, in the other form,   d d2 Zx  1 − y{x}h Zx  ynZx  0. dh x dh x 2


Proof. The first form of equation is obtained from the differential equation of the Laguerre polynomials and Theorem 5.1. For the second one, it is enough to notice that d2 Zx  dh x 2

  d 2 1  hx Zx  1  hx2 Z

x  h1  hxZ x. dx


Corollary 5.5. The function y → Ln,h x, yx ∈ I is a solution of the differential equation    d2     d    Z y  1 − y{x}h {x}h Z y  n{x}2h Z y  0. 2 dy dy


Theorem 5.6. The sequence {Ln,h x, y}n∈N0 has the following generating function:   ∞   tn yt 1 eh x, −  Ln,h x, y 1−t 1−t n! n0

x ∈ I, |t| < 1.


Proof. Let ∞     tn . Ln,h x, y Gh x, y, t  n! n0


Notice that t

∞    tn ∂  . nLn,h x, y Gh x, y, t  ∂t n! n0


According to Theorem 5.1 and recurrence relation 5.3, by summation we get ∞  n0

         tn Ln1,h x, y  y{x}h − 2n − 1 Ln,h x, y  n2 Ln−1,h x, y  0, n!

∞ ∞    tn    tn  y{x}h − 1 Ln1,h x, y Ln,h x, y n! n! n0 n0 ∞ ∞   tn   tn  t n  1Ln,h x, y  0. − 2 nLn,h x, y n! n! n0 n0


Abstract and Applied Analysis


According to 5.17, we have 1 − t2

     ∂  Gh x, y, t  y{x}h − 1  t Gh x, y, t  0. ∂t


Solving the obtained differential equation with respect to the initial condition Gh x, y, 0  L0,h x, y  1, we get   Gh x, y, t 

  yt 1 1 e−yt{x}h /1−t  eh x, − . 1−t 1−t 1−t


Theorem 5.7. The functions {Ln,h x, y} have the following differential properties:       d  d  nyLn−1,h x, y  n Ln−1,h x, y − Ln,h x, y , dh x dh x   n L   d  k,h x, y , Ln1,h x, y  −n  1!y dh x k! k0     ∂    ∂  n{x}h Ln,h x, y  n Ln−1,h x, y − Ln,h x, y , ∂y ∂y   n L   ∂  k,h x, y . Ln1,h x, y  −n  1!{x}h ∂y k! k0

5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24

Proof. Applying operator Dx,h  d/dh x to equality 5.15, according to Proposition 3.2, we get −yt 1 − t2


yt x, − 1−t


∞   tn d  , Ln,h x, y d x n! n0 h


that is, ∞ ∞   tn   tn −yt d   . Ln,h x, y Ln,h x, y 1 − t n0 n! n0 dh x n!


Multiplying by 1−t and comparing coefficients, we get equality 5.21. In a similar way, using operator ∂/∂y, we get equality 5.23. Equalities 5.22 and 5.24 can be obtained comparing coefficients of powers of t, but using expansion ∞ t  tk1 . 1 − t k0



Abstract and Applied Analysis

Theorem 5.8. For functions {Ln,h x, y}, the next addition formulas are valid: 

  n n

k   n n

Ln,h x1 ⊕h x2 , y 

    Lk,h x1 , y Ln−k,h x2 , y ,


Ln,h x, y1  y2 




     x, y1 Lk,h x; y2 − kLk−1,h x; y2 .


Proof. We get the first addition formula from Theorem 5.1, equalities 2.11–2.14, and the addition formula for the Laguerre polynomials 18:

Ln x1  x2  

  n n k0



Lk x1 Ln−k x2 .

For the second formula, we consider generating function. According to 5.15 and Proposition 2.1, we have       Gh x, y1  y2 , t  1 − tGh x, y1 , t Gh x, y2 , t ,


      ∞ L ∞ n L n,h x, y1  y2 n n−k,h x, y1 Lk,h x, y2 n t  1 − t t . n! n − k!k! n0 n0 k0


that is,

Comparing coefficients of tn , we get the required equality.

6. The Deformed Laguerre Polynomials in the Context of Operational Calculus In this section, we consider the deformed Laguerre polynomials from the operational aspect see 16, 19. Let us denote      n,h x, y  1 Ln,h x, y . L n!


 n,h x, y have the following operational representations: Theorem 6.1. The polynomials L n     n,h x, y  1 − yD−1 1, L x,h

     n,h x, y  Dx,h − y n L

{x}nh n!



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Proof. According to Corollary 5.3 and Lemma 3.3, we have  n,h L

    n n n yk {x}kh n k k −k yk Dx,h  x, y  −1 −1 1 k! k k k0 k0



  n n k0


 k  n −1 −1 − 1 1 1  −1n yDx,h −1n−k yDx,h


n  −1  1 − yDx,h 1. In a similar way, 

Dx,h − y


{x}nh n!


  n n k0



n−k n−k


k Dx,h

{x}nh n!

  n n 1 n! n−k n−k y k!  −1 {x}n−k h n! k0 k!n − k! k n  −1n−k k0

n n−k


  yn−k {x}n−k h  n,h x, y . L n − k!

 n,h x, y} Theorem 6.2. The polynomial set {L n∈N0 is quasimonomial associated to the descending and ascending operators Mx and Px , respectively: −1 Mx  1 − yDx,h ,

1 Px  − Dx,h Xh Dx,h . y


Proof. Using the previous theorem, we show that Mx is the descending operator for  n,h x, y}: {L   n n1        n1,h x, y .  n,h x, y  1 − yD−1 1 − yD−1 1  1 − yD−1 Mx L 1  L x,h x,h x,h


Also, Px is the ascending operator because of


   n,h x, y  L

1 − Dx,h Xh Dx,h y

     n n yk {x}kh k −1 k! k k0

    n n n yk {x}kh kyk−1 {x}k−1 1 n! h k  − Dx,h  6.7 −1 −1k−1 y k!n − k! − 1! − 1! k k k k1 k1   n−1 n − 1 yk {x}kh   k  n−1,h x, y .  nL  n −1 k! k k0


Abstract and Applied Analysis

 n,h x, y, the following is valid: Theorem 6.3. For L n     −y{x}h   1  . Ln,h x, y  exp − Dx,h Xh Dx,h y n!


Proof. Using the formal expansion of the exponential function and Lemma 3.6, we have n     −y{x}h 1 exp − Dx,h Xh Dx,h y n!  k ∞ 1 1 − Dx,h Xh Dx,h  k! y k0

−1n yn {x}nh n!

∞ yn−k  −1n−k Dx,h Xh Dx,h k k! k0

{x}nh n!


    n n n−k n {x}kh n {x}n−k h n−k y k k k! ,   −1 −1 y k! k! k k n − k! k0 k0 which, according to Corollary 5.3, proves the statement. Remark 6.4. When h → 0 and y  1, all properties of functions Ln,h x, y give corresponding ones for the Laguerre polynomials see, e.g., 12, 19, 20.

Acknowledgment This paper is supported by the Ministry of Sciences and Technology of Republic Serbia, projects no. 174011 and no. 44006.

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