Research on Digital Content Copyright Protection ...

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systems and software-only DRM systems; according to the .... Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), for Digital Signature. Standard [3]. ... MAC is the best way to avoid.

Research on Digital Content Copyright Protection System WANG Yun-Cai Chinese People's Public Security University, Beijing 100038, China Corresponding author: +86 010 13261923909 E-mail address: [email protected]

NIU Ju-Fen Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China E-mail address: [email protected]

Abstract: This article studies copyright protection system, and generalize system framework, Firstly, it introduces the technological base of digital copyright protection systems, outlined several digital content encrypting algorithms and one-way hash function; Secondly, it introduces system design, security requirements and working principle. Finally, it introduces digital copyright protection system framework, and designs a secure transaction system for digital content. Keywords: digital resources management (DRM), copyright protection system, encryption, decryption, secure transaction system

1. Introduction

safety technology in use, was divided into cryptographic

With the rapid development of the Internet and digital

techniques oriented DRM systems and digital watermarking

technology, the digital content which trade and diffuse

technology oriented DRM systems, as well as the DRM

online, such as e-books, music, movies, pictures, games and

systems combined both above. Although there existed

software, becoming more and more. Web publishing and

difference in the protected objects, supported business

traditional works digitization are inevitable. Nevertheless,

models and adopted techniques, the DRM system hold the

the easiness of copy, modification and dissemination lead to

same core idea, that is to protect the digital content through

a lot of piracy and infringement, Users, copy and paste the

the use of digital content permission. [2]


2. The technology base of digital content copyright





especially the unaccounted secondary spread, such as disk


replication, network sharing, etc., which just waste potential

2.1 Cryptography theory

consumer resources with the geometric speed and cause

Modern cryptography includes four parts:

great loss, frustrate the enthusiasm of using Internet, and

Clear text: the original information can be read may be

holdback the information dissertation, Traditional copyright

a bit sequence, a text file, bitmap, digital voice sequence or

protection of digital content can no longer satisfy the needs

digital video images sequence.

of digital content copyright protection.


So that, it is

Cipher text: after encrypted, the clear texts become

necessary to manage and protect various digital content,

unable-read text.

integrate digital content copyright protection technology,

Encryption Algorithm: mathematical formulas which

business models and the existing legal system according to

used for the clear text to cipher text and cipher text to clear

the characteristics of digital content, and construct the


Digital Rights Management System structure.

Secret key: the key used for encryption and

Currently, there are a lot of DRM systems in the


market, which, according to the protected object, was

Modern encrypting techniques can be divided into

divided into DRM systems correspond to software and

three categories: the private key cryptography, public key

DRM systems correspond to e-books, streaming media and

cryptography and one-way hash function.

other digital content; according to the special hardware

2.2 Private key encrypting technology

weather in use, was divided into hardware-based DRM

Private key encrypting technology, also known as a

systems and software-only DRM systems; according to the

symmetric single key cipher system which indicates that the

___________________________________ 978-1-4244-4900-2/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE    



encrypting key is the same with decrypting key or one can

system is often used to encrypt the core of confidential data,

be derived from the other known key. Symmetric key

while the symmetric cipher system is often used to encrypt

algorithm can be encrypted faster for the key being short, it

large amounts of data.

suits the encryption for a large number of data. But it also

2.4 One-way hash function

revealed the inherent disadvantage of the code mechanism:

(1) One-way hash function [3]

it is difficult to keep secrecy; the key is in too large number

One-way hash function H (M), acting on message M

to manage, for example, N users may generate N * (N-1) / 2

with arbitrary length, return a fixed-length hash value h0. h

key; user authentication issues is unresolved. The general

= H (M)> h,the length is ma, there are many functions

[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

which input arbitrary-length value and output fixed-length

symmetric encryption algorithms are as following: Key

Data block-


value. However, one-way hash function has the following









Triple DES





Given M, it is easy to calculate h0 Given h, it is hard to calculate M according to H (M) = h. Given M, it is hard to find another message M 'and meet





the demand H (M) = H (M').

Table 1 general symmetric encryption algorithms

At present, the commonly used hash functions are MD5

2.3 Public key encrypting technology

and SHA. (2) MD5 [10]

Public key encrypting technology, also known as public key asymmetric cipher system, which indicates that

MD5 algorithm is a kind of message-decomposed

the encrypting key is different from the decrypting key, and

function and one-way mathematical function, which can

the mutual calculation is not practicable. Each user of

extract any information for a large number. It has a high

Public key cipher system has a pair of key: private key and

safety, and any information can be expressed as a 128-bit

public key. Public-key cipher system can make up for the

digital. Meanwhile MD5 is a one-way mapping function.

shortcomings of symmetric key system, simplify key

Some information can be generated the corresponding MD5

management, and make digital signature. However,

code, but it is difficult to resume the same information from

Public-key cipher system has disadvantages, such as low

MD5 code. The outstanding nature of MD5 code has been

operation speed, impacts network performance. The general

widely used in a variety of data protection occasions.

asymmetric encryption algorithms are as following

[8, 9]


(3) American National Institute of Standards and



Applications examples

Technology and the National Security Agency designed




Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), for Digital Signature [3]

. SHA generates a 160-bit hash value, longer




than the MD5.


digital signature



Key Exchange


(4) Message authentication code MAC MAC is a certificating mark, also known as the checksum, which is a hash function with private secret key.

key exchange

It is the result that certain algorithm and key act on specified

Table 2 general asymmetric encryption algorithms

information. Information reception calculates the MAC with

In practical applications, it is important to make

the same algorithm and key, if the result is sameness with

advantage of both above respects, take symmetric cipher

the reception, it reveals that information is not tampered in

system to encrypt files, take asymmetric cryptosystem to

the process of transmission, contrarily, the information is

encrypt systems, which is hybrid encryption system. It

regarded tampered. MAC is the best way to avoid

solves the problem of computing the speed of key

encrypting bit stream modified maliciously.

distribution and management. Therefore, public-key cipher    



(5) HMAC

to B. Conversely, if B forged M to M', then B can't present

HMAC is authentication method based on message

DSKA (M), it proves that B forges message. 2. 6 DRM Right Description Language

integrity, the security on the base of the hash algorithm, requires the two sides share communication the key and the

DRM rights description language is a kind of method

agreement algorithm, carry out the hash computing on

to describe the author or digital publications, through which,

message, such as MD5, SHA, RIPEMD etc. So it forms a

DRM systems can describe a particular number of

fixed-length authentication code. Both the communicating

publications or documents flexibly, include: licenses, rights,

sides determine the legality of message through the check

restrictions, obligations, employing agreement etc. So,

authentication code to. This agreement can be used for

Right description language should have the character of

encryption, digital signatures, message authentication and

flexibility, general purpose, scalability and so on. At present,

so on.

there are many organizations and research institutions are

2.5 Digital signature technology

working in this area, and developed some language with

Digital Signature Technology is data that attached to the data unit or the password change of data units.



It has


Language Competence

certification: [12]



, Open Digital Rights Language,

three functions: information receiver can confirm the

Extensible Access Control Markup Language [13], Extensible

identity of the information sender: Information sender

Media Commerce Language, MPEG Rights Expression

should not deny have sent message; information receiver or

Language and so on.  

the illegal should not be forged or distort information.

2. 7 DRM meta-data DRM meta-data is data on data, which can identify and

(1) Digital Signature Technology

describe the actual content-related information except the

First of all, signers employ one-way hash function to


. The metadata attached to digital products

digest the messages. Secondly, the signer encrypts the

content itself

digest message with public key encrypting system, to

enable us to understand digital products better.

generate the so-called "digital signature". After received the

At present, the best digital product identifying system

document, receiver identify digital signature, disengage

is the DOI(Digital Object Identifier)which is developed by

"digital signature" message with the signatory's public key,

IDF(International DOI Foundation). IDF was founded in

get hold of the message digest, then use the same one-way

1998, is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to

hash function calculate message digest, compare the results.

develop and promote the digital object identifier system as a

If the results match entirely, then the integrity and

common basis. The DOI system is such system for the

correctness of the document contents and the authenticity of

intellectual property rights markup and exchange, the latest

signatures have been guaranteed.

version 2.3.0 released in August 2002.

(2) The basic process of digital signature    

Standardized meta-data format is a most promising

A sender use the key SKA to decrypt the message M, get

technology for the solution of DRM mutual operation. So

DSKA (M), then use public key PKB to carry out encryption,

that, the study of digital products definition and

get EPKB (DSKA (M)), then send it to the recipient B, B take

identification based on the DOI identification system is one

decrypt operations with private SKA, get DSKA (M), then

researching hotspot.

take public key PKA take encrypting operation, restore a

3. Design Idea of Digital Rights Management System

clear text EPKA (DSKA (M)) = M0. During this process, no

A integrate DRM system should have the following functions [15], as is shown in Figure 3-1:

other people except A has decrypting key SKA, so no other people except A can generate cipher-text DSKA (M), thus

(1) Intellectual Property Initialization

message M has been a signature. If A deny sending

How to manage knowledge content, how to enable

messages to B, B can present M and DSKA (M) to public

asset product become the assets and carry out the

notary, to identify with PKA that A does send a message M

transaction secure and easy, it is as the following respects:





competence recognizing:





The common function achieved by general DRM

intellectual content have gained from the knowledge content

system attribute to the above-mentioned system, but it is not

with legitimate competence.

perfect due to the technical limitations and other conditions. 4.

* competence creation: Allow rights assigned to new



requirements of



Management System

content, for example, to designate rights holder and permit

Authentication: it includes the mutual authentications

utilization license. competence workflow: is the series of

between service-provider and client.

work processes of knowledge content become assets. (2) IP asset management  

Safe transfer of contents: it aims to prevent the theft of

How to manage content and carry out knowledge

attacker. Content authentication: it aims to authenticate digital

transaction,the following includes: * The repository functions: store knowledge and allow

works from tampering through forgery.

the access of database. Changing meta-data include the

Controlled use of the content: that is, users only carry

copartner, the powers of the authors and works description

out authorized action. For example, prevent illegal copying


and printing etc. * The transaction functions: complete the assets trading

Different security levels: adopt different requirements

process of the intellectual content, pay the cost to

and different levels of security environment.

knowledge-holder. The concrete process is to encrypt the

Privacy: as far as possible to ensure that the privacy of

package, and decrypt after finishing payment, to protect the

information and user purchasing behavior. [16]

intellectual property rights.

5. The Working Principle of Digital Rights Management System

(3) IP assets employment  How to manage the content trading, it includes the

The typical digital rights management system is the

following respects:

combination of the following technologies: encryption,

* License Management: take the environment relevant

public key / private key, digital certificates, digital

to the permission and knowledge content. For example, only


permit users to view, not to print.

communication protocols, secure content storage, right





specification language etc. [17]

* Tracking management: monitor and control the use of

Employing DRM technology, digital content producers

knowledge content, for example, issue a permitting card for

can control access to digital content by encrypting

ten times to users.

technology. Distributors provide private key to end-users, enable them to look at or listen to digital content, meanwhile, limit copy, printing and re-distribution of an end-users. When a user downloads a set of documents, DRM software checks the user's identity, calculate the cost and assign the private key. Publishers can take various measures to restrict the accessing rights. For example, whether or not allow printing, copying and utilization during the period etc. DRM not only provides users with legitimate accessing rights effectively, but also ensures that everyone can get

Fig. 1 DRM system function

paid from the creation, production and distribution process.




(5)the users decrypt the media data using decrypting

End-to-end solution will trace the payment process all the time.

key, access and use the media data.

6. The Framework of Digital Rights Management

6.4 The system analysis


The core of digital copyright protection is the

6.1 the construction of system

authorizing center, it takes cryptography technology,

The general digital right protection system includes four

through the encryption, authorization and authentication to

major sections: the digital content owner, media authorizing

protect the digital content. The success of copyright

center, the media distribution server and the authorized

protection depends on the key safety, the key was delivered


to authorized users to decrypt the media content. It can be seen from the above, the general digital copyright protection system takes into account the security of storage and transmission for the prevention of network eavesdropping and invaders, but does not take into account a number of adverse authorized users can easily decrypt the digital content, and engages in illegal dissemination. At present, there are different DRM systems for various applications, mainly include: e-book



Fig.2 the general application framework of digital



, streaming

, electronic documents. In the respect of copyright

protection of these systems, they generally use the above

copyright management system

6.2 The working principle of system

framework, includes: Microsoft Windows Media DRM,

On the server side, the digital content was encrypted by

Microsoft DAS, Adobe Content Server, MPEG4, IPMP, etc.,

symmetric key encryption algorithm, then it was set in the

can effectively prevent the destruction from unauthorized

content licenses through XML description, and encrypt


content licenses after get users public key. Finally, transfer

7. The general shortcomings of the copyright protection

the encrypted digital content and content license to the



(1) Weak prevention measure of illegal acts

On the client side, after authorized user access to

From above, the general copyright protection system

encrypted digital content and contents licenses encrypted by

framework described the end-to-end secure communications.

their own public key, they decrypt the contents with their

As long as the encryption algorithm accords the strength

own private key to get content key, once they get the

and security requirements, it can achieve the secure content

content key, users factually get the content.  

delivery. It is no doubt that encrypting technology in the

6.3 The process of system operation

framework of the protection plays an important role in

(1)the system establishes media authorizing access,

anti-piracy. For example, the transmission of music and

the purpose is to preserve the decrypting key and identify

video content through internet probably leads to copy and

users and make authorization.

tamper. So these data transmission needs encrypted

(2)the media owners make and encrypt media data.


(3)the media owners send encrypted data to media

(2) Take public key recognizing system

distribution server. At the same time, send the decrypting

From general framework description of the copyright

key to digital media centers for secure storage.

protection system, we know that the system general take

(4)the users were authorized decrypting key from

public key recognizing model to identify users and control

media center, and gain the requested data from media

rights. Especially, in the stage of right control, it is

distribution server.

important to take public key encrypt and private key decrypt,




private key sign and public key certificate, so to ensure the

technology for various domains, not deal with and protect

license safe transmission and data integrity .

copyright of e-book, multimedia, electronic documents etc.,

The use of public key recognizing system exist

thus it causes the lack of versatility. 8. Conclusion

shortcomings. First, it is difficult to eliminate the

 At present, there are different DRM systems for various

anonymous purchase behavior. Second, the mechanism only suit to the large users. To many small users, they do not like







to register for one digital product.

electronic documents etc. But these copyright protection

(3) The digital content lack versatility

systems aim to specific applications, not integrate all the

Currently, there are different DRM systems for various

applying technology to deal with and protect the copyright

applications, main include: e-book, streaming media,

of e-book, multimedia, electronic documents, so it leads to

electronic documents etc. But these copyright protection

the lack of versatility.

systems are only for specific applications, not integrate References [11] Zhang Yan, On digital signature technology [J]. The

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