Resolving differences in observed impacts of invasive lionfish and ...

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Dec 9, 2017 - Kurt E. Ingeman1, Mark A. Albins2*, Cassandra E. Benkwitt3*, Stephanie ..... lionfish density” in patchy habitats (Benkwitt, 2016; Dahl & Patterson, 2014). ... 1400 m2, Tuttle, 2017: 12 to 35 m2) and in karst solution holes (Ellis.
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Resolving differences in observed impacts of invasive lionfish and clarifying advice to managers Kurt E. Ingeman1, Mark A. Albins2*, Cassandra E. Benkwitt3*, Stephanie J. Green4*, Tye L. Kindinger5*, Lillian J. Tuttle6*, Mark A. Hixon7

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Corresponding author: Kurt E. Ingeman1


Email address:


*These authors contributed equally and are listed in alphabetical order

Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Department of Marine Science, University of South Alabama, Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Dauphin Island, AL, USA

Department of Biology, California State University, Northridge, Northridge, CA, USA Center for Ocean Solutions, Stanford University, Monterey, California, USA


Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, USA Pacific Biosciences Research Center, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI, USA Department of Biology, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI, USA

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Hackerott et al. (2017) report that Indo-Pacific lionfish “had no apparent effect on native prey communities” (p. 9) on continuous reef-sites of the Belizean Barrier Reef (BBR). Based on a lack of observational evidence, they challenge existing evidence for the effects of predation by lionfish on native prey community structure and assert that previous experimentally measured effects are inflated by “unnaturally high lionfish densities” (p. 10). Managers may mistakenly interpret these conclusions as evidence that invasive lionfish are of little concern and that active management of lionfish should not be a conservation priority. We find the arguments presented in Hackerott et al. (2017) unconvincing and potentially misleading. Here, we seek to re-evaluate their conclusions in the context of the body of work on the lionfish invasion, and clarify advice to marine resource managers in the invaded range. Specifically, we argue that (1) the low lionfish densities observed in Hackerott et al. (2017) are not predicted to cause observable lionfish effects—so the results offer no countervailing evidence; (2) the study design is ill-suited to identify lionfish-induced changes in prey abundance, were they to occur; (3) the analytical methods employed (correlation between lionfish and prey densities) do not represent a BACI design nor offer a reliable test of predatory effects; and (4) the authors minimize potentially important regional management activities that could affect lionfish population densities and mischaracterize the body of lionfish research that has come before. Scientists should rigorously challenge popular scientific narratives. However, the foundation of such challenges must be carefully designed experiments, sound methodology, and conservative interpretation of one’s findings.



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Hackerott et al. sought to evaluate the effects of invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois spp.) on fish communities at continuous reef sites in the Belizean Barrier Reef by conducting repeated, yearly censuses before and after the arrival of lionfish. They report changes in fish density, species richness, and community composition over five field-seasons and conclude “fish communities appear unaffected by lionfish” (p. 13) based on marginal p-values. They contrast these findings with the results of prior field experiments throughout the invaded range that have demonstrated strong and significant effects of lionfish predation on native prey communities, and speculate on the mechanisms that may have produced such disparate results. Finally, they suggest a course correction in lionfish research, calling for a re-evaluation of the importance of lionfish effects relative to other coral-reef conservation issues. While we agree that the context-dependency of lionfish effects is an important area of ongoing research, and that other threats to reef ecosystems should not be ignored, we fear that the broad conclusions from Hackerott et al. (2017) may lead managers to dismiss active lionfish management as a conservation priority. We believe that it is important to place Hackerott et al.’s

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analysis and conclusions in context, and seek to clarify the message to managers in the invaded range. Specifically, we argue that (1) the low lionfish densities observed in Hackerott et al. (2017) are not predicted to cause observable lionfish effects—so the results offer no countervailing evidence; (2) the study design is ill-suited to identify lionfish-induced changes in prey abundance, were they to occur; (3) the analytical methods employed (correlation between lionfish and prey densities) do not represent a BACI design nor offer a reliable test of predatory effects; and (4) the authors minimize potentially important regional management activities that could affect lionfish population densities and mischaracterize the body of lionfish research that has come before. We therefore recommend that managers not suspend efforts to remove lionfish on the basis of the results of Hackerott et al. (2017) but rather employ existing and field-tested decision-support tools (Green et al., 2014) to determine the appropriate level of mitigation effort.



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Low lionfish densities are not predicted to affect prey biomass Assessing predatory effects of lionfish requires knowledge of the relationship between invaderinduced predation mortality and the composition and productivity of the prey community. Green et al. (2014) introduced a tool for managers to assess the density of lionfish at which prey populations will experience declines, given local prey productivity. This mass-balanced model estimates the relationship between invasive lionfish prey consumption (incorporating lionfish body size, density, and temperature-specific predation rates on mass-specific consumption) and the biomass productivity of native reef fishes they consume (incorporating the effect of body size and temperature on biomass production over time). The model predicts that predation effects are nonlinear (i.e., lionfish effects begin to occur beyond a particular threshold of predation mortality). Application of the model to estimating the densities at which lionfish consumption outstrips prey production on both continuous (Green, 2013) and patch reefs (Green et al., 2014) reveals that the magnitude of change in prey-sized fishes is well predicted by properties of both resident lionfish and their prey community. Taken together, this work highlights contexts in which invasive lionfish are not likely to cause measurable changes in the density or biomass of prey species. In particular, effects are unlikely in fish communities with high standing biomass and/or larger size classes and low densities/small size classes of invasive lionfish. Therefore, given that density alone does not dictate the magnitude of expected predation effects (as Hackerott et al. acknowledge), it is not appropriate to compare densities between experiments and among regions without also accounting for predator body size distribution, the composition/standing biomass of prey, and environmental temperature. Studies applying this framework for lionfish in northern Belize (Valderrama & Fields, 2015) and across multiple regions in the archipelago (Chapman et al., 2016) found that lionfish densities are currently below levels predicted to affect the standing biomass of available prey species. As such, the results presented by Hackerott et al. (2017) do not provide evidence

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countervailing results observed from other locations within the invaded range, as the authors suggest. Rather, they pose a different question:

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Why are lionfish densities too low to cause observable predation effects along the BBR? There are several possible explanations for the lack of an effect of lionfish on prey fishes in this region. On one hand, substantial culling across the BBR since the start of the invasion may have served to limit population increases (and thus predatory effects) on continuous fore-reef environments. Culling by the dive industry, through lionfish ‘derbies’, and by lobster and fin-fish fishers occurs regularly across many parts of this region (Chapman et al. 2016). As a single example, from 2009 to 2012, volunteer divers with the Reef Environmental Education Foundation surveyed for and removed 960 lionfish from 20 sites along BBR, with annual removal increasing from zero lionfish in 2009 (when none were sighted) to 63 lionfish in 2010, peaking at 505 in 2011, and dropping to 392 lionfish in 2012. A recent evaluation of culling efficacy from Florida and the Bahamas has demonstrated that even a single-day culling event can reduce lionfish densities below the threshold at which they are predicted to overconsume native prey (Green, Underwood & Akins, 2017). Rather than challenge existing evidence of lionfish effects, the results of Hackerott et al. (2017) may therefore highlight a case of successful regional management of lionfish along the BBR. On the other hand, the standing biomass of prey-sized reef fish at the fore-reef sites examined by Hackerott et al. may also be at a level that exceeds what resident lionfish in the region can overconsume. Given that Hackerott et al. do not present data on the density and standing biomass of prey fishes, it is difficult to compare the fish communities on the reefs they studied with others in the region, or to assess the extent to which this study represents a departure from previously observed lionfish effects.

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Hackerott et al. employed a repeated-measures, observational approach in which transects on continuous reefs were censused for native prey before and during the invasion of lionfish. To quantify lionfish effects, native prey abundance was modeled as a function of lionfish density (among other predictors). However, the study design makes the detection of lionfish effects unlikely by inappropriately restricting “potential lionfish prey” in terms of both species and size, and by employing annual surveys that fail to capture the peak period of prey-fish recruitment.

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Lionfish have the strongest effects on 1-5cm TL prey Hackerott et al. focus their analyses on fish species that have been previously documented as lionfish prey and that are in the 6-10cm TL size range. First, it is unclear why they exclude other potential prey fish species rather than examining all species within the known size range of lionfish prey, especially given the generalist diet of lionfish (Layman & Allgeier, 2012; Valdez-

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Moreno et al., 2012; Côté, Green & Hixon, 2013; Green & Côté, 2014; Rocha et al., 2015; Harms-Tuohy, Schizas & Appeldoorn, 2016). This is problematic given that Hackerott et al. analyze the densities of documented lionfish prey from only ten studies, of which only one was conducted in Belize (seven were from The Bahamas). Furthermore, their rationale for focusing on the 6-10cm TL size range is based on the argument that lionfish can consume prey up to half of their body length (Albins & Hixon, 2008; Morris & Akins, 2009). While lionfish can consume prey that large, there is abundant evidence that lionfish predation disproportionately affects smaller prey (Albins & Hixon, 2008; Morris & Akins, 2009; Muñoz, Currin & Whitfield, 2011; Albins, 2013; Green et al., 2014; Green & Côté, 2014; Albins, 2015; Benkwitt, 2016). For example, Morris and Akins (2009) found that the mean size of teleost prey for all lionfish in their study, including lionfish up to 40cm TL, was between 1.5 and 2.5cm TL. Many of the fish families that suffer the greatest reductions (Albins & Hixon, 2008; Albins, 2013; Benkwitt, 2015; Ingeman & Webster, 2015; Benkwitt, 2016; Palmer et al., 2016; Kindinger & Albins, 2017; Tuttle, 2017) and comprise the largest proportion of lionfish gut contents (Layman & Allgeier, 2012; Valdez-Moreno et al., 2012; Côté, Green & Hixon, 2013; Green & Côté, 2014; Rocha et al., 2015; Harms-Tuohy, Schizas & Appeldoorn, 2016) either seldom achieve 6cm TL (many apogonids, blenniids, gobiids, etc.) or are far more vulnerable to lionfish predation as 0-5 cm TL juveniles (labrids, pomacentrids, grammatids, etc.). Especially given the modest size (mostly less than 20cm TL) of lionfish observed at the study sites of Hackerott et al., removing these small prey species and families from the focal analyses severely limits the ability to detect lionfish-caused changes in prey abundance and species richness. Hackerott et al. report that individuals of the 0-5cm TL range were “potentially too variable at the scale of our study for meaningful conclusions” (p. 5). We argue that if the study design precludes inference on precisely the segment of the fish community most likely to show an effect of the treatment, it may not be appropriate for addressing the research question. Monitoring programs are emerging across the invaded region that focus specifically on recruit and small-bodied size classes (e.g. standardized protocols in Green 2012) because of the body of evidence showing the vulnerability of these size classes to lionfish predation.

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Annual late-spring surveys miss primary window of prey vulnerability Hackerott et al. conducted their reef fish censuses annually in late spring, potentially missing the peak recruitment season for many of the prey-sized fishes that inhabit the region (Shulman & Ogden, 1987; Robertson, Green & Victor, 1988; Caselle & Warner, 1996; Robertson et al., 1999). Immediate post-settlement predation accounts for the vast majority of overall reef-fish mortality (Almany & Webster, 2006) and previous research has demonstrated the strongest lionfish effects on small prey immediately after this window of post-settlement vulnerability (Albins, 2015). The timing of surveys, set after a long winter of mortality and prior to substantial new settlement, essentially reflects a measure of the survivors of the annual predation gauntlet and is thus poorly timed to detect lionfish effects. Although it is important to examine the extent to which reduction in summer recruitment alters long-term patterns in the adult reef-fish

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community, this is not a stated goal of Hackerott et al.’s study. In any case, it is important to acknowledge the role of seasonality in potentially masking lionfish predation effects.

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Several statistical issues limit the reliability of the conclusions drawn by Hackerott et al. (2017). These issues include (1) mischaracterization of the observational approach as a “modified BACI design,” (2) the fact that lionfish density and year are confounded in the statistical model, (3) inconsistent survey locations among years that introduce variability and could potentially bias estimates of lionfish effects, and (4) the absence of power analysis to support the conclusion that lionfish have no effect on prey communities.

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BACI design requires evaluation of the interaction between treatment and time Hackerott et al. mischaracterize their study as a “modified BACI design” (p 1) and make an unsupportable distinction between their study and previous large-scale correlational work, which they characterize as “uncontrolled observational studies” (p 1). The Before-After, ControlImpact (BACI) design (Green, 1979; Stewart-Oaten, Murdoch & Parker, 1986; Underwood, 1994) represents the gold-standard for measuring the effects of an event or management action on a biological community. The central question for BACI experiments involves the interaction between treatment and time: How does the variable of interest change from before to after the event at a control site compared to an impact site? The power of a BACI design is that it controls for site differences and therefore provides strong inferential power. While Hackerott et al. report that they employed a “modified BACI design” (p 1), in fact, their approach cannot address the key prediction of a BACI experiment: a significant interaction between lionfish density (“treatment”) and year (“time”). The authors report that, over the five years of observations, lionfish came to occupy all sites, having been completely absent at the outset of the study (p. 6). Thus, unlike a BACI design, this study has no lionfish-free control sites with which to compare responses through time to reefs subject to lionfish effects. In essence, each of the 16 reef locations is both a “control” and a “treatment” site and lionfish density is entirely confounded with year, precluding any quantification of their interaction. This lack of true controls makes it possible for some unknown variable to have an effect on both the treatment (lionfish density) and the response (native prey-fish density) confounding any attempt to draw conclusions about how one affects the other. Although the design employed by Hackerott et al. allows for the possible detection of a simple correlation between site-averaged lionfish density and prey abundance, it remains unclear exactly what such a correlation would signify mechanistically. For example, a positive correlation between lionfish density and prey density might result when sites (or time periods) that support high prey fish abundance also support high lionfish abundance, whereas a negative correlation might result when lionfish have a negative effect on prey. Of course, if both of these

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hypothesized mechanisms are in play, they could offset one another, and we may not see any relationship between the two variables. In any case, we stress emphatically that Hackerott et al. did not employ BACI design, or even a modified BACI design. Labeling it as such is inaccurate and misleadingly suggests that their approach provides stronger inference than other “uncontrolled observational studies.”

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Statistical model produces spurious parameter estimates and confidence intervals Rather than accounting for the covariance between time and lionfish density, the statistical model employed treats these two variables as independent predictors of prey-fish density. In essence, this approach requires the model to determine the magnitude of contributions caused by both invader density and time on prey responses without any means to separate the effects of each. Further, their model treats year as a continuous predictor: an examination of the model residuals plotted against time illustrates the inappropriateness of this statistical choice. The clear annual pattern in model residuals is an indication of model mis-specification. In essence, treating time as continuous imposes a monotonic relationship between the response and time, when there is no reason to assume such. It seems likely from both their boxplots (Hackerott et al., 2017, Fig 2) and their model residuals that prey densities in 2009 were influenced by either very low recruitment or very high mortality, yet the model, as specified, is unable to adequately fit processes that cause substantial inter-annual variability.

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Inconsistent annual survey locations produce unreliable statistical inference Although not reported in manuscript, the site-level data is averaged from a variable number of transects year-to-year, with some transects censused only in 2009. This design introduces unnecessary year-to-year, within-site variability. More importantly, because lionfish density is strongly correlated with year, any difference in response variables that results from changing the survey locations could spuriously be attributed to lionfish. To illustrate this, imagine a transect with a low density of prey that is only surveyed in 2009, when lionfish densities are reportedly zero. In subsequent years, the omission of this depauperate transect would artificially inflate siteaveraged fish densities contemporaneously with increasing lionfish density, leading to an underestimate of invader effects. We acknowledge the converse situation is equally possible and use this scenario only to illustrate the unreliability parameter estimates derived from an inconsistent set of survey locations.

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Marginal p-values do not provide evidence that lionfish effects are absent Given the limitations of their study, we disagree with several of the conclusions presented in Hackerott et al. (2017), in particular the inference that fish communities “appear unaffected by lionfish” (p. 13) on their study sites. Despite the fact that the lionfish densities they report are an order of magnitude lower than those commonly reported in other locations in the invaded region, the results of Hackerott et al. nonetheless suggest negative relationship between lionfish and

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native prey density. For example, their Figure 3 shows a significant negative correlation between lionfish and damselfish densities, which the authors dismiss as “marginally significant” (p. 7) despite a p-value of 0.03. Further, while not statistically significant given a p < 0.05 cutoff, the direction and magnitude of their observed effects on all species (Fig. 3A) and on Labridae (Fig. 3B) are consistent with the hypothesis that lionfish predation causes reductions in these groups. It is also instructive that as they increase the arbitrary cutoff between “low” and “high” lionfish reefs from 10/ha to 25/ha—still far lower than natural densities observed in most other studies—the resultant p-values approach significance. This is a clear illustration of the statistical relationship between effect size, noise, and sample size. Increasing the cutoff value for density of lionfish in the “high” category increased the effect size to a point that approaches significance, despite the concomitant loss of replication in the “high” category itself. The authors mistakenly cite lack of evidence of a lionfish effect as evidence that effects are absent, citing marginal p-values as evidence that native prey communities are unaffected by lionfish. The hypothesis testing approach employed here sets a relatively high bar (p < 0.05) for avoiding Type I error—mistakenly identifying a difference among treatments that is, in fact, due to chance. However, the probability of not finding a difference that actually exists (a Type II error) is not addressed by p-values but by calculating the power of the test. As the authors do not report the probability of such a “false negative,” the assertion that prey communities are unaffected by lionfish is unsubstantiated.

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Hackerott et al. suggest that previous experimental studies, which have documented severe declines in native reef-fish communities, (1) employ unnaturally high lionfish densities, (2) do not apply to larger or continuous reef habitats, and (3) should not be extended to managementrelevant scales. We disagree and counter each claim in turn. First, they argue that a single lionfish on a 1 m3 artificial reef or a 4 m2 natural patch-reef is an unnaturally high experimental density, equivalent to 10,000 or 2,500 lionfish per hectare (p. 10). In fact, observations of multiple individuals on similar structures are common in many parts of the invaded range, including The Bahamas (Benkwitt, 2013; Benkwitt et al., 2017), and the Gulf of Mexico (Dahl & Patterson, 2014). Thus, a single lionfish on a small patch reef accurately and conservatively reflects naturally occurring densities and is justifiable given typical reef configurations in a variety of locales across the invaded region. Further, we are unaware of any researchers claiming that typically high patch-reef densities are directly comparable to densities on continuous reef habitats. Clearly, in patchy habitats, lionfish (like most reef fishes) aggregate disproportionately to high relief structures relative to the surrounding low relief sand and seagrass. Experimental work integrating the timing and magnitude of lionfish effects on focal patches and surrounding habitats has provided the first steps toward integrating an “effective lionfish density” in patchy habitats (Benkwitt, 2016; Dahl & Patterson, 2014). Resolving

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differences in both lionfish density measurements and the magnitude of prey effects between patch and continuous reefs are both important steps for lionfish research. However, neither goal is served by mischaracterizing the design and interpretation of previous work. Second, while a growing list of experimental studies on small (< 10 m2) coral patch reefs have indeed resulted in some of the strongest measured effects of invasive lionfish (Albins & Hixon, 2008, Albins, 2013, Benkwitt, 2015), evidence for strong, negative lionfish effects is not, as claimed by Hackerott et al., limited to studies conducted on small reefs. Studies in a variety of habitats and at a variety of spatial scales have also demonstrated strong negative effects (experimental studies) or strong negative relationships (observational studies). In a controlled experiment, Albins (2015) demonstrated that lionfish caused declines in prey density, biomass, and species richness on large, isolated coral reefs ranging in area from 1400 to 4000 m2. Palmer et al. (2016) report the results of a non-replicated manipulative BACI experiment, also conducted on large, isolated coral reefs (> 1200 m2), which demonstrated a strong, negative effect of lionfish on two-of-three native prey species examined. Other experimental manipulations on medium-to-large coral patch reefs (Benkwitt, 2016: 8 to 33 m2, Green et al., 2014: 100 to 150 m2, Ingeman, 2016: 140 to 1400 m2, Tuttle, 2017: 12 to 35 m2) and in karst solution holes (Ellis & Faletti, 2016: 1.7 to 7 m2) have demonstrated strong negative effects of lionfish on native fishes. Two separate observational studies conducted on continuous reefs have shown reductions in native prey biomass (65% decline: Green et al., 2012), native predator and prey abundance (including herbivores), and shifts in the benthic community (Lesser & Slattery, 2011) concomitant with the lionfish invasion. An observational study using small reef ledges (within continuous reef habitat) as observational units (Ingeman & Webster 2015) found a large (52%) reduction in the abundance of a coral-reef fish after lionfish invaded the area. Finally, a regionalscale observational BACI study demonstrated a strong negative relationship between invasive lionfish and the change in abundance of tomtate (Haemulon aurolineatum) over a 17-year time period (Ballew et al., 2016). Conversely, there has been a single observational study in addition to Hackerott et al. (2017) that has failed to find evidence of a negative relationship between lionfish and native fish on continuous reefs (Elise et al., 2015). While all studies have limitations, the preponderance of evidence suggests that lionfish have negative effects on native reef fishes across a broad range of scales and habitat types. Finally, the idea that lionfish effects documented from patch reefs do not extend to management-relevant scales ignores the fact that a significant proportion of the habitat in the invaded range is composed of small to medium-sized patch reefs. Coral reefs are inherently patchy habitats at multiple spatial scales. Unless one believes that continuous reef habitats are of greater conservation value than patch reefs, there is no basis for claiming that Hackerott et al. (2017) is any more relevant to management than those that occur in patchier habitats. It is clear that lionfish densities and effects will vary across different spatial scales and reef configurations. Rather than dismissing experiments from patch reefs, we argue that researchers should strive to understand the ecological mechanisms underlying these potential differences, and provide

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managers with evidence-based estimates of lionfish effects across a range of scales and habitat configurations.



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From abstract to conclusion, Hackerott et al. (2017) cast their findings as an iconoclastic response to previous studies that have found strong negative effects of invasive lionfish on native prey fish communities. In particular, the tone of their discussion suggests that the authors perceive a false, or at least over-hyped, narrative regarding how the threats of invasive lionfish have been characterized, especially in relation to other stressors that face coral reefs in the Anthropocene. We agree that some of the popular coverage of the invasion has been sensationalized and that lionfish effects should be evaluated in the context of other threats to reef-fish community structure and function. With limited conservation funding available to address overfishing, increased frequency and severity of bleaching events, ocean acidification and warming, coastal pollution and sedimentation, managers should not be myopic in their response to invasive species. However, these issues are surely not best addressed by overinterpreting negative results nor by mischaracterizing previous research. The preponderance of evidence from observational and experiment studies has demonstrated significant predatory effects of lionfish at unmanipulated densities. Thus, despite preliminary evidence that lionfish densities may have peaked in the core locations within the invaded range (Benkwitt et al., 2017), we recommend that managers continue their efforts to remove lionfish via derbies and targeted fisheries. We further concur with the assertion of Hackerott et al. that the magnitude of lionfish effects may be context-dependent, varying with factors such as reef configuration and complexity, seasonality, recruitment dynamics, prey community richness, and especially lionfish density itself (p. 10). Further, high densities of the lionfish following the invasion front may be transient (Benkwitt, et al., 2017), and thus predatory effects may wane with increasing time of lionfish occupancy at a given location. To evaluate management actions across the invaded range, we must better understand the ecological mechanisms responsible for the patterns we see in different contexts, and better integrate ecological theory into our evaluation of lionfish effects. One productive area of future research concerns the scale of lionfish foraging in various habitat configurations, and how their movement interacts with the distribution of prey in patchy versus more continuous reef habitats. We suggest that valuable contributions could be made by investigating the following questions:

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(1) How is the magnitude of predatory effects mediated by spatial arrangement of habitat (patchy versus continuous) and by the foraging scale of the predator? (2) How well do the predation effects of lionfish documented by small-scale experiments estimate the magnitude of region-wide, metapopulation-scale effects of lionfish on prey dynamics?

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(3) To what extent can uncontrolled, observational studies estimate the magnitude of predator effects despite positive correlations between predator and prey due to common responses to habitat (spatial correlation) and environmental conditions (temporal correlation)? (4) Given differences in stakeholder perspectives (local fishers, dive operators, marine resource managers, conservation NGOs, etc.), at what spatial scale(s) should we evaluate lionfish effects to determine whether and to what extent they represent a conservation concern? While contrasting one’s findings with previous research can be illuminating, we believe that Hackerott et al. set up an unnecessary dichotomy between studies that have observed strong vs. weak effects of invasive lionfish. We argue that science is best served by integrating the work of researchers who employ different approaches. Scientists should absolutely question the dominant paradigms that could affect the allocation of limited conservation resources, yet they should do so with carefully designed experiments, sound methodology, and conservative interpretation of their findings. Failure to do so represents a disservice to managers who must make conservation decisions based on the best available science.



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Benkwitt CE., Albins MA., Buch KL., Ingeman KE., Kindinger TL., Pusack TJ., Stallings CD., Hixon MA. 2017. Is the lionfish invasion waning? Evidence from The Bahamas. Coral Reefs 36:1255–1261. DOI: 10.1007/s00338-017-1620-7.

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