1988 – 1992 BS. in Mech. Eng., Cumlaude, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang,
Indonesia. ............. Basis School up to High School at Kupang, West Timor,
Gembong Baskoro
Home address :
Pondok Jati CR-1 Sidoarjo – 61251 Indonesia
+62 (0)31 896 8032
081 332 506 670
E-mail (life time):
[email protected]
Personal Data Born: Country of Citizenship: U.S. Social Security Number Marital Status: Children: Living abroad Frequent visit Hobby
May 16, 1966 in Palembang, Indonesia Indonesia 603-64-2276 Married to Endang Purwantini 1. Indah Purnamaningtyas (Surabaya, 19/Oct./94) 2. Jayanti Aarnee Kusumadewi (Surabaya, 31/Aug./00) 3. Europa Herfani Baskoro (Eindhoven, 17/Sept./03) Nederland (5 years), USA (3 years), Singapore, Germany, Belgium, France, Austria, England, Norway, Switzerland, India, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia. Adventure and Outdoor activities
Experiences 2006 – Now Non Permanent Lectureship (Dosen Luar Biasa) at Grad. School of Industrial Management and Engineering, ITN, ITATS, Unibraw. 2005 – 2006 Short term lecture contract, Petra University, Surabaya, Indonesia 2001 – 2005 Research Assistant, TU/e (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven), Nederland 1998 – 2001 Management position, PHILIPS 1995 – 1998 Various Engineering Position, ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) 1992 – 1993 Engineering position, Schlumberger-Industries
Education 2001 – 2006 1993 – 1995 1993 (6 mnts) 1988 – 1992 .............
Dr. in Tech. Mgmt., Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands. MS. in Mech. Eng., The University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA. LCP international institute at University of Redlands, California, USA. BS. in Mech. Eng., Cumlaude, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia. Basis School up to High School at Kupang, West Timor, Indonesia
Training/Courses/Conferences/Research 2007 2006 2006 2005
International Conference on Risk Technology and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology Seminar on Research and Application Technology, Gadjahmada University The Indonesian-Netherlands Interfaith Dialogue, Embassy of Indonesia in Den Haag, The Netherlands Sem. Nasional Produk Design dan Development 2005, UGM, Yogyakarta 1 - The qualification stated herein reflects solely the truth -
2005 Int. conf. on Operation and Supply Chain Management, Bali, Indonesia 2005 Seminar sistem produksi VII'2005, ITB, Indonesia 2005 Seminar Nasional Pasca Sarjana V 2005, ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia 2005 Int. conference on toward Indonesia 2020, Universitat Hamburg, Germany 2004 Indonesian Scientific Meeting, RWTH-Aachen, Germany 2004 Executive Leadership Training, TIIMI-2004, London, United Kingdom 2004 TIIMI-2004, London, United Kingdom 2004 Int. Sem. PPI-Netherlands, Erasmus Univ., Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2003 Indonesian Scientific Meeting, Tech. Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands 2003 13th Doctrl School in Tech. Mgmt, WHU Bus. School, Vallendar, Germany 2003 ESREL (European Safety and Reli. Conf.), Maastricht, The Netherlands 2002-2003 Research at Philips Audio, Vienna, Austria 2002 Pacific Manufacturing Management Conference, Bangkok, Thailand 2002 Indonesian Scientific Meeting, Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany 2002 European Doctoral Seminar on Operation Management, Brussels, Belgium 2002 Design For Six-Sigma, National University of Singapore, Singapore 2002 Research at Design Technology Institute, National University of Singapore 2001-2002 Research at Philips Optical Unit, Hasselt, Belgium 2001 Quality Control & Reliability, TU/e, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 2001 Product Development, TU/e, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 2001 European Industrial Statistics Conference, Oslo, Norway 2001 Operation research, TU/e, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 2000 Company benchmarking, Punjab-Anand-Lamp-Factory, Philips India 2000 ISO Awareness training, Philips Surabaya, Indonesia 1999 Spare part Management Workshop, Philips Singapore, Singapore 1999 Statistical Engineering (DOE, FMEA, QFD, etc.), Philips Singapore 1999 Equipment Management, Philips Weert, The Netherlands 1999 SPC (Statistical Process Control), Philips Surabaya, Indonesia 1999 International Glass Course, Philips Eindhoven, The Netherlands 1997 Balancing Technology, Carl Schenk AG, Singapore 1997 Vibration Analysis, Schenk Vibro GmbH, Singapore 1997 ET Level II (Certified), Zetec Co. 1996 Super alloys for Gas Turbine, BWD Turbine Ltd. 1996 Air Pollution Control, ABB Flakt AB, Chiang mai, Thailand 1996 ISO Implementation Training, ABB-ESI, Surabaya 1996 Turbine Control System, ABB-ESI, Surabaya 1996 FSSS (Furnace Safeguard Supervisory Systems), paiton unit 1 & 2 1995 400 MW CC+RR steam power plant, ABB-CE, Paiton, East Java 1995 Boiler Training, ABB-ESI, Surabaya 1995 Package Boiler, ABB-ESI, Surabaya 1993-1995 Various Msc. activities in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA 1993 American Culture, The University of Redlands, California, USA
Award/Scholarships 2002 2001-2005 1998 1993-1994 1992 1990-1991 1991 1991
Awarded Best Paper at 7th-ISSM Berlin, Germany Awarded Assistant in Opleiding pos., Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Awarded 1 year Research in Nuclear Eng. at ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland (Unattended due to problem of financial support) Msc Scholarship fr. Production Sharing Com. at Tulsa University, USA Honor student, graduate with distinction (Cumlaude) Scholarship from Toyota Astra Motor 3rd LKIP award winner by Dirjen DIKTI at Universitas Lampung Tuition waive, by Rector Universitas Brawijaya 2 - The qualification stated herein reflects solely the truth -
Professional Certification • • • •
Certified Eddy Current Test, level 1 and level 2 Expertise but not certified (Rotor Balancing both static & dynamic by Schenk) Expertise but not certified (Material analysis by Metorex) Expertise but not certified (Metallizing by HOBART TAFA)
Language Proficiency English, Dutch, and Indonesian (mother tongue)
List of Publications 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006
2005 2005
Baskoro, G., “SMED Principle”, Visiting Lecture, LEMJIANTEK (Lembaga Pengkajian Teknologi) TNI-Angkatan Darat, Karang Ploso, Malang. Baskoro, G., “LEAN and AGILE Manufacturing”, Keynote speech, Magister Management Technology, Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITN), Malang. Baskoro, G., “LEAN Manufacturing”, Studium Generale, Magister Management Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (ITS). Baskoro, G., “Technologi dan Budaya”, Visiting Lecture, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya (ITATS). Baskoro G., “Management Information System”, Regional Certification Indonesian Engineer Association Chapter Malang. (PII Cabang Malang) Baskoro, G.; Sudjito Soeparman, “Strategy for Implementing TPM as an Enabler to Lean Manufacturing”, International Conference on Risk Technology 2007, Bandung Institute of Technology G. Baskoro, “Competitive Manufacturing Strategy”, Keynote speech at National Seminar 2006, Peranan Riset dan Teknologi pada Industri Manufaktur dalam Rangka Penyediaan Energi Alternatif, ISBN 979-97230-3-5, Unibraw Malang. G. Baskoro, “Innovation”, Keynote speech at National Conference on Innovation, Productivity, and Time to Market for Competitive Advantage, ISBN 979-97301-1-2, Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya, 2006. G. Baskoro, “Strategy of Shortening Time-to-Market for High-Volume, Low-End consumer product: a Local Case Study”, National Seminar on Design and Application of Technology, Universitas Widya Mandala, Surabaya. G. Baskoro, “Shifting Paradigm from Quality Management Orientation to Reliability Management Orientation”, Natnl Sem. on Application and Research in Industrial Technology (SMART) 2006, ISBN 979-97986-3-9, Universitas Gajah Mada. G. Baskoro, ”Betere testmethode voor elektronica”, Cursor/21, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, http://www.tue.nl/cursor/bastiaan/jaargang48/cursor21/ achtergrond/oz_2.html, Nederland, 2006, University Magazine. G. Baskoro, “Testconcept voorkomt betrouwbaarheidsproblemen in vroeg stadium”, Bits&Chips, http://www.bits-chips.nl/artikel/art_view.asp?ac=view&art_ id=7104, Eindhoven, Nederland, 2006, International Magazine. G. Baskoro, “The Design of an Accelerated Test Method to Indentify Reliability Problems During Early Phases of Product Development”, PhD Thesis, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, ISBN 90-386-0635-4, ISBN 978-90-386-0635-4, http://alexandria.tue.nl/extra2/200610143.pdf, Eindhoven, Nederland, 2006 G. Baskoro,“A zero-sum game situation in New Product Development”, National Seminar Product Design and Development, ISBN 979-99818-2-4, UGM, Yogyakarta, 2005. G. Baskoro, “Preventing Product Reliability Problems through Proactive Testing”, International Conference on Operation and Supply Chain Management, ISBN 979-545-039-5, Bali, 2005. 3 - The qualification stated herein reflects solely the truth -
2005 2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 2002 2001 1997 1996 1996 1996 1995 1995
G. Baskoro, “Managing Product Reliability Improvement Project”, Journal Teknik Industri, Universitas Kristen Petra, ISSN 1411-2485, Th. 2005 / Vol 7 / No 1. G. Baskoro, "The necessity to shift focus to early failure reliability problems", National Seminar Sistim Produksi VII'2005, ISSN 0854-431X, ITB, 2005 G. Baskoro, "A sustain research opportunity in quality and reliability management toward achieving industrial competitiveness", Proceeding National Seminar Pasca Sarjana V , ISBN 979-545-027-1, ITS, 2005 G. Baskoro, “The road toward Industrial competitiveness 2020”, ISBN 3-89342022-3, Proc. International conference on toward Indonesia 2020, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 2005 G. Baskoro, “Revisiting industrial strategy to strengthen the competitiveness”, ISSM 2004, ISSN 0885-8692, International Con., RWTH-Aachen Germany, 2004 G. Baskoro, A. Daryanto, “Industrial strategy toward competitiveness: a persistence of implementation”, The TIIMI2004 International Conference ISBN 09548738-0-7, London, UK, 2004 G. Baskoro, Jan L. Rouvroye, A.C. Brombacher, ”Developing A New Product Test Strategy For High Volume Consumer Products”, The 6th BETA PhD Symposium Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, 2004. G. Baskoro, A. Purnowidodo, “A concern in (mechanical engineering) education in order to bridge the future”, International collaborative symposium between Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia and Keio University, Japan, 2004 G. Baskoro, Industrial Sustainability and Competitiveness in Indonesia: From Concept to Practice, Proceeding ISSM 2003, ISSN 0885-8692, Delft, Netherlands 2003, p. 260-266, International Conference. G. Baskoro, Jan L. Rouvroye, A.C. Brombacher, ” New Product Test Strategy For High Volume Consumer Products”, The 13th Technology Management Symposium, WHU-Business School, Vallendar, Germany, 2003. G. Baskoro, Jan L. Rouvroye, A.C. Brombacher, N. Radford, High Contrast Consumer Test: a case study, International Proc. European Safety & Rel. Conference, ISBN 90 5809 5517, Maastricht 2003, p. 107-111 G. Baskoro, J. L. Rouvroye, A. C. Brombacher, “Developing High Contrast Consumer Test (HCCT)”, TU/e Colloquium, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2003 G. Baskoro, J. L. Rouvroye, Willibald Bacher, A.C. Brombacher, Developing MESA: an accelerated reliability test, International Proc. Ann. Reliability & Maintainability Symp., ISBN 0-7803-7717-6, Florida 2003, p. 303-307. G. Baskoro, J. L. Rouvroye, A. C. Brombacher, “Developing MESA”, TU/e PPK Colloquium, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 23.9.2002 G. Baskoro, Industrial Sustainability and Competitiveness in Indonesia: a conceptual approach, Proc. 7th ISSM 2002, ISSN 0855-8692, International Conference, Berlin 2002 (Awarded Best Paper) G. Baskoro, Jan L. Rouvroye, A.C. Brombacher, A Method for Product reliability Improvement, Proc. of the 7th International Pac. Con. on Manufacturing & Management, ISBN 974-620-494-7, Bangkok 2002, p.124-129 G. Baskoro, Alesandro Buccianico, Aarnout C. Brombacher, “Product Reliability Improvement”, TU/e PPK Colloquium, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2001. G. Baskoro, Fatique Life Prediction of a Component, Natnl. Sem. of Energy 1997 G. Baskoro, Steam Generator, Visiting lecture, Univ. Muhammadiyah Malang G. Baskoro & J. Budiarto, The Method of Increasing Performance after 20 years in Service of SCODA Cekoslovakia Boilers at PG Bone, Watampone, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, White Paper. G. Baskoro, The overview of a Power Plant, visiting lecture, ITS G. Baskoro & H. Kurniawan, Preliminary Report of the Corrosion Problem on The Cold End A/H Basket at PT PLN Muara Karang UNIT #3., White Paper. G. Baskoro, Fracture Mechanic in Application, visiting lecture at Teknik Mesin, Universitas Brawijaya 4 - The qualification stated herein reflects solely the truth -