Reusable Gestures for Interactive Web Agents

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Reusable Gestures for Interactive Web Agents ... Abstract. In this paper we present an approach to define reusable gestures for ..... Below the compound ges-.
Reusable Gestures for Interactive Web Agents Zsòfia Ruttkay1, Zhisheng Huang2, Anton Eliens2 1

Center for Mathematics and Computer Sciences Amsterdam, The Netherlands [email protected] 2 Intelligent Multimedia Group, Division of Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands {huang,eliens}{~huang,~eliens}

Abstract. In this paper we present an approach to define reusable gestures for embodied web agents, given according to the H-anim standard for VRML. We identify the dimensions to compare gestures and criteria to circumscribe a set of gestures an avatar should be endowed with. Based on these dimensions and criteria, we propose a uniform way to define a wide range of gestures that may be adapted to particular circumstances and personal style. We have implemented our gesture library in STEP, which is a scripting language for humanoids based on dynamic logic. We will discuss the example of conducting music, to explain our approach to the parameterized definition and control of gestures. We conclude by briefly discussing issues for future research.

1 Introduction Nonverbal signals, also hand gestures and postures, are important to increase efficiency and naturalness of communication [2] of embodied conversational agents (ECAs) [1]. While the Web is a straightforward forum for many applications with ECAs for a broad public, relatively few projects have used this medium [4]. The major cause for this is probably that it is rather cumbersome to animate models in the Virtual reality Markup Language (VRML). Also performance limitations of virtual reality (VR) viewers have discouraged researchers of ECAs to use VRML to define and animate their ECAs. This factor, though, should not be taken too seriously, with a view on the acceleration of performance of PCs. Another current topic is the desire for diverse, individual and adaptable ECAs. One would like to have an environment where a systematic collection of animations as nonverbal communicational repertoire can be defined, its elements re-used, adapted to different models and modified to introduce new variants. Such a framework would allow the easy design of, e.g. a jovial information provider on zoos for kids, a serious one to report on international financial news, and even a variant for Japanese and one for American public, or an avatar which can act as a fitness-trainer. These characters should have different and in some cases even user-extensible gesture repertoires.

In this paper we discuss the framework we have developed for reusable gestures for avatars in a virtual environment, accessible by standard web browsers. For in-depth technical discussion, as well as comparison to related works (which we do not repeat here due to space limitations) see [8]. Here we concentrate on the classification, parameterization and re-usability of gestures (not dealt with in [8]). First in Section 2 we explore the diversity in gestures and gesturing to be dealt with. Then is Section 3 we outline how humanoids are modeled in VRML, and how they can be animated in the Scripting Language for Embodied Agents (STEP). In Section 4 we discuss the gesturing framework built on top of STEP. In Section 5 we demonstrate the power of reusability of gestures by examples. Finally in Section 6 we discuss further issues.


Diversity in Hand Gestures

2. 1 Dimensions of Diversity We classify gestures from different points of view: the function they fulfill, the context they are used in, their formational structure and their motion characteristics. These dimensions correspond to the types of parameterizations we will provide for gestures. Considering function, a hand gesture may fulfill biological necessities (e.g. scratching an itching body part, rubbing hands to warm them up), to structure speech (indicate new topic, emphasis, enumeration,…), to regulate flow of conversation (turn taking/giving, listening), to indicate cognitive (thinking, remembering, (not) understanding) and emotional (pleased, worried, sorry) state of the speaker, to express, some characteristic of an object (size, location, shape), motion (direction, speed, repetitiveness, …) or abstract concept, usually also referred to in speech. A gesture may perform an action (grasp an object, turn switch, greet somebody by hand-wave). Gestures can be categories with respect to the context of usage. Free gestures do not interact with any object, object-related ones orient at a physical object of the environment, either by getting in touch with the object or pointing at it. Partner-related (e.g. hand shake, hug) and self-related (e.g. pointing finger at temple when thinking) gestures involve touching a part of the partner’s or one’s body. From the point of view of their formational structure, the following categories can be differentiated. Static gestures are produced by showing a specific hand shape for some time at a location, e.g. showing victory (next to the head, two fingers in V form, palm facing front or back), or indicating a number. Wrist gestures are ones where the arm does not move, only the wrist rotates, while the hand shape does not change (indicating warning with pointing hand shape and rotating fist). Hand gestures are performed by changing wrist and hand shape (e.g. drumming with arm on a table, fingers and wrist flapping). Arm gestures are performed with fixed hand shapes, moving arms and may be moving wrist. Full gestures are ones which involve both the motion of the arm, wrist and the change of the hand shape. Structurally identical gestures may differ in the way of performance: with subtle changes in the motion, considering timing, intensity (amount), smoothness and precision of the movement of the hand.

2. 2 Decisive Factors to Design Gestures When designing the gestures to be used by an avatar, a number of factors are decisive (for more details and psychological background, see [7, 9]). The application domain determines what type of content should be expressed, in principle, by gestures. Gestures should be defined with respect to the measures of the body and level of detail and possibly also given biomechanical characteristics of the joints of the avatar model. Switching between variants of a gesture with different details should be taken care of, according to changes in view of the avatar. Static characteristics, like the assumed culture, personality and its social position, as well its (may be dynamically changing) physical and emotional state may not only need specific gestures to express the specific characteristics and state, but influence the performance of all the gestures to be done. (E.g. an ‘introvert Italian ECA’ should use specific ‘Italian’ gestures, but in a limited way both in amount and motion characteristics, to reflect its personality.)


Animating Humanoids with STEP


H-anim Arm and Hand Model

The avatars of 3D web agents are built in the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) or X3D, the next generation of VRML. The H-anim specification1 has been used as a de-facto standard for the creation of reusable humanoids in Web-based applications. A H-anim humanoid is composed of a set of Joint nodes that are arranged to form a hierarchy. A Segment node associated with a joint describes the geometry of the body part, like the upper and lower arm, palm, etc. Specific points of a body part may be identified as Site nodes, which can be referred to, and used in our case as targets for self- and partner-related gestures. Figure 1 shows the major joints for H-anim arm with the total degree of freedom 27. The H-anim specification suggests several Levels of Articulation (LOA) for humanoids (with finger joints on the highest level). 3.2

Animation by STEP

STEP is a scripting language for H-anim based embodied agents [5]2. STEP introduces a Prolog-like syntax, and is implemented by the Distributed Logic Programming Language (DLP)[3]. It is a convenient tool with declarative semantics for gestures and postures. The joints and other components of a H-anim model can be accessed from STEP. Turn and move are the two main primitive actions for body movements: turn(Agent,BodyPart,Direction,Duration) move(Agent,BodyPart,Position,Duration)

1 2

In the above expressions BodyPart refers to a body joint in the H-anim specification, like l_shoulder, r_elbow, etc., Direction can be given numerically, as rotation(1,0,0,1.57), or by referring to some directions predefined in the STEP ontology, like ‘front_down’. Position can be an item like position(1,0,0), or a reference to some predefined position. Duration can be a direct time specification, like time(2,second), or given in terms of beats, which is a unit time interval in STEP, or by referring to predefined qualitative terms, like 'fast', or 'slow'.

Fig. 1. H-anim body, with the arm and finger joints indicated.

Scripting actions can be composed by the ‘seq’ and ‘par’ operators, for sequential and parallel execution of the components. Control operators for repetition, conditional or random choice are also part of the language. The STEP animation engine uses the standard slerp rotation interpolation to create the turning animation. The rotation interpolations are considered to be linear by default. STEP also supports non-linear interpolation by using the enumerating type of the interpolation operator. If the wrist is to be moved to a given location, the appropriate rotation of the arm joints can be computed by a fast inverse kinematics algorithm [5]. A free degree of freedom for the shoulder is set by some heuristic based on natural human arm configurations.


The Hand Gesturing System

The hand gesturing system is implemented in STEP, accessing the VRML layer, particularly the joints of the avatar, via STEP’s primitives.


The Body Space, Reference Points and Directions

The space of gesturing, in front of and next to the body, is divided into reference regions by a predefined set of reference planes. The space reference points and body reference points are defined in terms of the reference planes and relative to or on the human body. These points and regions are identified by labels, and are used to specify the start and end locations for the hand in different gestures. For setting arm and finger joints, some reference directions can be used. The labeled reference planes, regions and points, as well as the directions are to be defined once, in terms of the geometry of the humanoid in question. They can be extended either for a single application/avatar, or saved for re-use. Location of application-specific and may be moving objects in the environment are also identified by reference points. The consistently used names allow the abstract definition of gestures, independent of the geometry of the model. 4.2 Compositional Definition of Hand Gestures Our definition of the structure of gestures is based on [6], identifying the following 5 components, to be performed sequentially in time: preparation, pre-stroke hold, stroke, post-stroke hold and retraction. During the stroke stage, which is typical for the gesture (other stages may be even missing), the hand is moved between a start and an end configuration, following a more or less restricted 3D trajectory and acceleration profile. A simple stroke is defined by the pose (that is, a still snapshot) of the hand at the beginning and end of the motion. A pose is given in terms of hand shape (may be a list of possible ones, the first one taken as default), wrist orientation and wrist position. The latter can be given in terms of the rotations of the shoulder and elbow, or as a reference point in the body space. In the latter case, the appropriate rotations for the joints, including the unspecified degree of freedom for the shoulder are computed by STEP’s inverse kinematics. Moreover, the defining variables possible start and end position for the wrist may be given as (labels of) independent body regions, or related locations where the relationship is expressed by a predicate. E.g. it is possible to define a vertical beat where the end location is exactly below the start location, or a horizontal movement of the hand. For the definition of a stroke the performing hand is to be specified too. The intensity of the stroke is to indicate the ‘amount of motion’. We allow, for the time being, 3 qualitative categories, p (piano, minor arm motion), m (mezzo, normal arm motion) and f (forte, extra arm motion). A variant of the same stroke for each intensity may be declared. The variants are usually of different type, as of their structure (like wrist, arm, full), and may involve different hand shapes too. The above data specifies how the arm and hands look like at the beginning and at the end of the stroke. The trajectory covered during the stroke is not given, as it is computed automatically by STEP by interpolation of the joint rotations corresponding to the start and end configurations. The joints are to be rotated in parallel, that is, the hand shape changes from the start to the end shape, meanwhile the wrist rotates and moves.

Composite strokes and gestures are defined by the ’seq’ and ’par’ operators of STEP, prescribing sequential and parallel performance of simple strokes, with possible hold intervals between them. By using nested parallel and sequential constructs, singlehanded and two-handed hand gestures with complex motion patterns and timing can be defined. 4.3 Parameters to Perform a Gesture When a gesture, declared in the above way, is to be performed, some parameters are to be given to specify the motion characteristics of the stroke. The start and end location and hand shape overwrite the default values. They should be given within the allowed region or set of hand shapes. The duration tells how long the stoke is to be performed, in terms of absolute time, in msecs, or a (real) number of beats. Note that no variable is used to set the start time of a gesture. This is because it is assumed that gestures are performed in the order specified. The dynamism specifies the acceleration/deceleration profile of the stroke. We assume that for some time the motion is accelerating, then for some time a steady speed is kept, then decelerating to reach 0 velocity again for each joint. Though any dynamical scheme can be defined, it is handy and sufficient to use a few predefined possibilities, such as: slow_start, slow_end and symmetrical. A specific case is the constant speed case (resulting in undesired, robot-like motion). The precision numerical parameter defines the amount of noise used to modify the start and end location of the arm joints and/or the dynamism. For most of the above parameters default values associated with the character’s body or gesturing style (e.g. default hand used to gesture, default motion profile characteristic for the gesturing of the character) or location of dynamically changing objects (e.g. location of a moving object to point at) can be used. This has the advantage that a sequence of gesturing may be easily tuned to a new agent’s body or gesturing habits, and a gesture repertoire can be modified and extended systematically.

5 An Example: Conducting In this section we use conducting as an example suitable to demonstrate and test our framework for declaring and performing hand gestures3. The strokes for conducting gestures are the ‘beat_down’, ‘beat_down_in’, ‘beat_out’ and ‘beat_up_in’ to be used with 5 hand shapes. Below the compound gesture of conducting in 2/2 is given. To conduct in 4/4 or 3/3 would be a similarly compact definition, by using more of the mentioned beat types.


On-line demos (requiring Blaxxun viewer) can be seen at

script(conduct_half(Intensity,BeatDuration, DownHold, UpHold, DownDynamism, UpDynamism, Hand),Action):Action=seq([ get_parameters(beat_down, Intensity, StartHand, EndHand, StartWrist, EndWrist, Hand), perform_beat(EndHand, EndWand, StrokeDuration, Dynamism, Hand), wait(DownHold), perform_beat(StartHand, StartWrist, StrokeDuration, Dynamism, Hand), wait(UpHold)]),!.

Parameters of the above code allow a big temporal variation in performing the conduct_half gesture. Intensity and BeatDuration allow adapting the amplitude and speed of motion to those of the music. If the speed of the entire piece is to be slowed down, this is to be achieved by adjusting the single STEP ontology parameter for unit time. By setting the DownHold and UpHold durations, a more or less continuous motion can be assured. The two parameters specifying the dynamism of the down and up beats may be set to the single default dynamism value, characteristic of the way of conducting of the person, or overwritten, according to Intensity. Note that the change in Intensity may result in an entirely different way of doing a conducting beat, may be influencing also hand shape. This is due to the fact that the necessary parameters are looked up by the get_parameters(…)clause, by scanning the definition of beat_down given for the specified intensity. By changing the default values in the beat_down gesture, the very same conducting sequence (script), with the specified timing, will be performed with different hand shapes. This facility can be used to ‘change the conducting style’, as well as to accommodate to resource limitations, namely using arm gestures which involve much less joints and thus computing resources than hand or full gestures. If the body model of the conductor is changed to a short one, any conducting sequence can be applied, due to the fact that in the definition of the strokes space reference points were used. However, if the short conductor has the habit to conduct ‘above his head’ to make his gestures more visible, then this can be achieved by giving different body reference points as defaults in the definition of beats.

Fig. 2. Conducting beats, p (piano) and f (forte) amplitude variants.

The arrangement of the instruments in the orchestra should be given as extra, domain-specific space reference points. In this way pointing at different instruments can be achieved just by adjusting the location of instruments in the declaration for the layout of the orchestra.

6 Discussion Our framework provides high-level and compositional definition and control of gestures for avatars in VRML worlds, and allows designing and selecting the right gestures to be used with respect to application domain, avatar model, usage context, etc. In the future we will develop, incrementally and in a modular way, gesture repertoires along the indicated dimensions (e.g. variants for humanoids with different LOA, personality, view, application domain), and to experiment with reasoning-based selection of gestures for a current application and situation. Naturally we also wish to endow our avatars with further nonverbal modalities (head movement, eye-gaze, facial expressions) and improve the current elementary solution to synchronize gestures to speech, preferably generated also on the fly. References

1. 2.

3. 4.


6. 7. 8.


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