Nov 30, 2017 - 2) the government's partiality in the management and development of Vocatio ... Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Dirjen Pendidikan.
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INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH International Journal of Current Research Vol. 9, Issue, 11, pp.61745-61750, November, 2017
ISSN: 0975-833X
REVIEW ARTICLE CONTRIBUTION OF VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF HUMAN RESOURCES AND THE PARTIALITY OF GOVERNMENT Umar Said, Hary Yuswadi, Sasongko, Akhmad Toha and *Zarah Puspitaningtyas Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Jember, Indonesia ARTICLE INFO
Article History:
Background: The change of policy direction of vocational education development needs to be directed toward the transformation of human resource quality, so as to increase the competitiveness in the labor sector. Aim: This study aims to find out how the contribution of Vocational High School in improving the quality of human resources and the partiality of the government in Situbondo District, East Java Province, Indonesia. Indonesia Methods: The analysis was done by using qualitative descriptive method. Results: The results of the analysis show that: 1) the high enthusiasm of students to attend school in Vocational High School, not accompanied by the readiness of most Vocational High School in Situbondo District in preparing facilities and infrastructure as well as competent educators, thus impacting the achievement of the objective of increasing the resources students are less than optimal, 2) the government's partiality in the management and nd development of Vocational High School is not optimal, it is reflected in the unavailability of macro policy in the form of “Peraturan Daerah” in the management and development of Vocational High School. The micro policy undertaken by the relevant agencies agencies is also not optimal and professional in implementation, it is reflected from the inability of the education office to innovate in the guidance of Vocational High School.
Received 15th August, 2017 Received in revised form 15th September, 2017 Accepted 29th October, 2017 Published online 30th November, 2017
Key words: Vocational high school, The government’s partiality.
Copyright © 2017, Umar Said et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Citation: Umar Said, Hary Yuswadi, Sasongko,, Akhmad Toha and Zarah Puspitaningtyas, 2017. “Contribution Contribution of vocational high school in improving the quality of human resources and the partiality of government”, government International Journal of Current Research, 9, (11), 61745 61745-61750.
INTRODUCTION The development policy of vocational education in Indonesia should be directed to the development and improvement of human resource quality and the improvement of competitiveness in the labor sector. A study by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP, 2014) shows that the quality of human resources in Indonesia is ranked 110 out of 170 countries studied. The study provides results that the quality of human resources in Indonesia is a human resource with the lowest competitiveness quality in the Association of South East Asia Region (ASEAN). Furthermore, the study also shows that Malaysia, which in the past, made Indonesia a benchmark, but at present is able to reach rank 76. It shows that in general the motivation to develop education in Indonesia is low. Therefore, a change in the direction of development policy of vocational education needs to be directed toward the transformation of human resource quality, which includes the development of knowledge, knowledg ability and skills. The change is shown by the policy change in the percentage comparison between Vocational High School and *Corresponding author: Zarah Puspitaningtyas, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Jember, Indonesia. Indonesia
Senior High School, which is 70 and 30. The basis of the policy change is that Vocational High School is one of the secondary educational institutions that became the government's priority in human resource development. The policy change raises an euphoria that Vocational High School is expected to provide qualified and applicative education to the people of Indonesia. The policy of developing education in Vocational High School is based on “Peraturan Pemerintah” No. o. 66 of 2010 concerning Amendment of “Peraturan Pemerintah” No. 17 of 2010 on Management and Implementation of Education. The regulation provides for the provision of education at Vocational High School that meets national standards of education based on local excellence. Management of Vocational High School and Senior High School which previously was the authority of the Regional Government, but the management is now taken over by the Provincial Government. The areas of expertise studies of vocational high schools that can be developed based on llocal excellence include: 1) technology and engineering, 2) health, 3) arts, crafts and tourism, 4) information and communication technology, 5) agribusiness ibusiness and agrotechnology, 66) business and management, and 7) other areas of study that society needs. The direction of Vocational High School development in Indonesia in 2016 is based on the Outline of Vocational
Umar Said et al. Contribution of vocational high school in improving the quality of human resources and the partiality of government
High School Development Program of 2012 (Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Dirjen Pendidikan Menengah, 2012). The Government of Indonesia has priority in development programs in the field of education by improving access to quality education, affordable, relevant and efficient towards improving people's welfare, independence, noble character and strong national character. The development of the education sector is directed towards achieving economic growth that is supported by the alignment between the availability of educated personnel and the ability to create employment or entrepreneurship, as well as addressing the challenges of labor needs. Furthermore, in the development of Vocational High School has 5 important elements, namely access to elementary-high education, methodology, management, curriculum and quality (Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Dirjen Pendidikan Menengah, 2012). In terms of access to education, the Government of Indonesia has achieved a median rate of partial education from 69 percent in 2009 to 85 percent by 2014, a 3050 percent reduction in standard book prices and provision of internet facilities for Vocational High Schools. Meanwhile, substantially, the application of the occupation methodology focused on education that takes into account social skills, character, love of culture and Indonesian through the adjustment of the national final examination system in 2012 and the completion of the primary-secondary curriculum implemented in 25 percent of schools in the year 2012 and 100 percent by 2014. Management elements include empowering the principal's role as an excellent manager of the education system, revitalizing the role of school supervisors as a quality assurance entity, encouraging the role of school committees to ensure stakeholder engagement in the learning process, and education boards at the District. The curriculum element is directed to the development of school curriculum which is divided into national, regional and school curriculum. The development of the curriculum is expected to encourage the creation of graduates who are capable of addressing human resource needs and supporting national and regional growth by incorporating entrepreneurship education through the development of link and match models. Furthermore, quality is directed to quality assurance through ISO 9001: 2015 certification, the achievement of “Standar Nasional Pendidikan”, Professional Certification, as well as increased graduate competence in order to compete in the world of work. Development policy of the Vocational High School is set forth in the Strategic Plan of the “Kementerian Pendidikan & Kebudayaan”, which has the objectives of providing and achieving qualified, relevant and equal vocational secondary education services in all provinces (Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Dirjen Pendidikan Menengah, 2012). In the domain of the region, the implementation of policies on education can be reviewed from the potential development of Vocational High School, one of which has been implemented in Vocational High School in Situbondo District. Situbondo District is one of the potential areas in the effort of developing vocational education through transformation of human resources.
Schools, while the number of students is 11,303. This amount is higher than the number of Senior High Schools. The number of Senior High Schools is 17 schools, consisting of 9 State Senior High Schools and 8 Private High Schools, while the number of students is 9,799. This reflects that the response in the development of education at Vocational High School in Situbondo District has increased. This increase is expected to be an input in the labor market in the future. However, the development of vocational education in Situbondo District is still constrained by the unavailability of legal regulation such as the “Peraturan Daerah”, so the management of Vocational High School tends to be stagnant, because the principal tends not to dare to innovate the education policy on the development of Vocational High School managed. Based on this introduction, this study formulates the problem as follows: how is the contribution of Vocational High School in improving the quality of human resources and the partiality of the government in Situbondo District, East Java Province, Indonesia?. Thus, the purpose of this study is to know the contribution of Vocational High School in improving the quality of human resources and the partiality of the government in Situbondo District, East Java Province, Indonesia.
In relation to the provision of vocational education facilities and infrastructure, Situbondo District has 27 Vocational High Schools in 2012. The composition of Vocational High School is dominated by Private Vocational High School, which is 21 schools, while State Vocational High School is 6 schools. By 2017 there are 39 Vocational Schools, consisting of 6 State Vocational High Schools and 33 Private Vocational Secondary
a. Market Model. The education system is the industry's responsibility and is carried out by the industry. In the market model, the government is not involved in the vocational qualification process. This model is often also called the Liberal Model and directed directly to the production and the labor market.
Literature Review Vocational Education Evan (1978) argues that rural education is an educational system that creates individuals to be better able to work in one occupational group or one field of work than in other occupational fields. Diane and Mattuci (2006) argue that vocational schools provide a different education than those in public secondary schools that provide science theories to be developed purely. Referring to Good (1959) statement that vocational education is a program that is under higher education organized to prepare learners to enter a specific workplace or to increase employment in the world of work. The vocational school is the whole process of education that aims to: 1) the development of competence, 2) the development of competencies according to market needs, 3) competencies that function effectively, and 4) competencies related to certain business sectors in the market (Wenrich and Wenrich, 1976). Vocational education is an education that aims to master the knowledge and skills that have economic value, in accordance with market needs with high education coefficient (Nurhadi, 2008). United States Congress (1976) suggests that vocational education is an educational program that is directly linked to the preparation of a person for a particular job or for the preparation of an additional career. Wagiran (2010) mentions that Vocational High School is a means of vocational education at high education level. Vocational Education Model The model of vocational education system has several forms (Djojonegoro, 1998) among others:
International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 9, Issue, 11, pp.61745-61750, November, 2017
b. School Model. The educational system in which the government plays a role in planning, organizing and monitoring the implementation of vocational education. This model is often also called the Bureaucratic Model. c. Dual System. Educational system between market model and school model. The government acts as the watchdog of the market model. d. Cooperative Education. Vocational education held jointly between schools and companies. This education consists of School and Enterprise and Training Center and Enterprise. School and Enterprise is a vocational education that is a shared responsibility between school and industry. e. Informal Vocational Education. A self-incumbent education system, on personal or group initiatives to fulfill skills that can not be met through formal education.
transfer of knowledge and acquisition of knowledge, through theoretical education; 2) digestion of knowledge, through duties, books and other academic sources; 3) validation of knowledge, through practice and experiments in empirically conducted laboratories and virtual reality simulations; and 4) skills development, through working practices in the business sector in accordance with the field of competence. Education in Vocational High Schools in Germany is organized effectively with a partnership of education with various productive sectors, including trade, services and industry. This has an impact on the development of a sustainable Vocational High School in the future. Vocational High School in Germany is a collaboration between government programs and certain industry sectors. The German government and industry sectors provide financing to Vocational Schools with a larger ratio of government than industry parties (eduBENCHMARKING, 2008).
This study uses a model of the bureaucratic school or school model. This education system is dominated by the government that plays a role in planning, organizing, and monitoring the implementation of vocational education.
Based on the realm of human resource transformation, vocational education can experience a paradigm shift by building a mind-set that is oriented in terms of market demand rather than supply. Meanwhile, based on the historical aspect, the United States has a change in the fulfillment of community needs for the process of vocational education and quality of human resources (Finlay et al., 1998). The United States Government provides support and encouragement to the productivity of the agricultural sector by processing from upstream to downstream sectors. This is done by formulating education development policies through the establishment of educational institutions directed toward processing activities from upstream to downstream in the agricultural sector. The policy has implications for the contribution of vocational education in the fabric of cooperation to the technical aspects of the agricultural sector from upstream to downstream. The role of vocational education institutions is to create and develop human resources from various levels of education to synergize with government policies in the United States. Furthermore, Finlay et al. (1998) showed the same phenomenon also in Taiwan. The Taiwanese government has a boost in the development of the informal sector synergized with the development of applied technology in its economy. It encourages the formulation of government policies in developing vocational education in implementing the development of applied technology implemented from the output of vocational education. Vocational education in Taiwan creates human resources from various levels of education to support the development of government applied technology. Maslow (1994) states that the drive for work is due to psychology, security, belonging, and love, self-respect and freedom, wanting information, understanding, love and the beauty of personal activity.
Function of Vocational Education According to Finch and McGough (1982), education in Vocational High School can not be separated from three dimensions of human, task and environment. First, the human dimension. These dimensions include relationships between humans, creativity, responsibility, flexibility and future goals. Second, the task dimension. These dimensions include planning, development, management and evaluation. Third, the environmental dimension. These dimensions include aspects of school infrastructure, community and employment. The purpose of vocational education (Djojonegoro, 1998) includes: 1) preparing students to be productive, 2) meeting the needs of the workforce of the business world and industry, 3) creating employment for themselves and for others; 4) changing the student's status from dependence become an income-earning society, and 5) prepare students who master technology. Miller et al. (1986) suggests that there are 8 principles in the method of vocational education, namely: 1) awareness of career, an important part in vocational education, especially in the initial process of education; 2) vocational education, is a comprehensive education and is a part of society; 3) curriculum in vocational education based on labor market demand, 4) work is one of the development of teaching curriculum, 5) innovation is an important part in vocational education, 6) individuals are prepared to compete in the labor market through vocational education, 7) safety is an important element in vocational education, and 8) monitoring and enhancing experience will be provided in the educational process. The benefits of vocational education (Slamet, 1994) include: 1) preparing work readiness, 2) building self-concept, 3) developing leadership, 4) preparing for further education, 5) providing revenue base, 6) providing career preparation, 7) adjusting changes in the economy, 8) creating skilled labor, 9) reducing unemployment, creating manpower with high work ethic, 10) improving labor quality and productivity, 11) creating qualified human resources, and 12) enhancing development. Vocational Education Process Barlow (1974) states that the provision of vocational education through several educational processes, among others: 1)
Inee (2011) discloses that in improving the quality and access to vocational education as follows: 1) improving the standard of vocational education curriculum to levels comparable to international standards, 2) increasing incentives for enhancement of educators' capacity and performance, 3) improving laboratory equipment, 4) enhancing the academic scholarship program to increase students' learning interests, 5) ensuring vocational education widely accessible, 6) establishing innovative cooperation between public and private sectors in the development of education and providing insight to learners, and 7) monitoring of national competency standards reflecting the demand for care and labor.
Umar Said et al. Contribution of vocational high school in improving the quality of human resources and the partiality of government
Human Resources The dimensions of human resources include quantity, composition, characteristics (quality), and population dispersion (Effendi, 1991). Ulrich (1998) states that the key to success in facing a change is in the improvement of human resources. Human resources that have world competence are human resources that can follow the qualification changes determined by the global community (Sugestiyadi, 2009). The competitive advantage of an organization in the global era relates to the management of human resources (Mendonca and Kanungo, 1996). Bryant and White (1987) stated that in the effort to improve the quality of human resources in the process of economic development can be achieved through the following ways: 1) emphasis on development by prioritizing the capacity of education, 2) development should emphasize equity efforts, 3) an increase in authority to weak or underprivileged groups, and 4) sustained development among nations in the development of education. Greer (2001) argues that policy in human resource development is an important factor in creating a competitive advantage. Qualified human resources will encourage an organization to compete based on market responsiveness, product quality, service innovation and technology. However, in the traditional view it emphasizes the mobilization of mobile human resources and the control and efficiency of human resources. Therefore, the implementation of policies in human resource development will encourage a change in technical and performance that is more innovative, progressive and high productivity. Methodology The analysis of this study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive type, which aims to provide an overview or explanation of how the contribution of Vocational High Schools in improving the quality of human resources and the partiality of government. Informants in this study, namely: a. b. c. d.
Principal of SMK Negeri in Situbondo District, School Committee of SMK Negeri 1 Situbondo, Head of “Dinas Pendidikan” of Situbondo District, Commission 4 of “Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah” (DPRD) of Situbondo District, e. “Dewan Pendidikan” of Situbondo District, and f. Chairman of “Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat Peduli Pendidikan” of Situbondo District.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Vocational High School Conditions: Between Readiness and Challenges Crucial issues in vocational education from time to time are efforts to achieve the goals of vocational education. Vocational education is expected to always be symbiosis aligned with the needs of the world of work and capable of entrepreneurship. However, in reality it is not always the case, because both have a dynamics of interest that is not always the same and both also have systems that are not always compatible with each other, and both also have a culture that is not easy to put together. Therefore, to develop Vocational School based on the needs of the world of work and able to entrepreneurship required a study and a strong commitment. Because, the facts on the
ground, currently vocational education tends to focus on a single function of preparing students to work in certain areas as workers/employees. This goal is not wrong, but the diversity of the needs of the community demands that Vocational High School run a compound function. If a compound function is chosen, then the efforts that need to be pursued to achieve it must also be plural. The Model School is a new breakthrough designed for this in the midst of the weaknesses of educational pattern at the level of Vocational High School education. In general, the current Vocational High School condition shows the following: First, Vocational High School located in Situbondo District mostly only holds a single function, which is preparing its graduates to work. Other functions that are equally important are still not implemented by most Vocational High Schools, such as training, production unit development (teaching factory), teaching industry, “Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi”, “Tempat Uji Kompetensi”, and development training materials. As a result, Vocational High School resources, especially teachers and school facilities have not been maximally utilized resulting in idle capacity/under utilization. The next question that arises is why Vocational High School only performs a single function, forgetting other functions. Based on the results of the analysis, shows that it happens because of two factors, namely: a. The existence of less productive actions of schools in developing the mechanism of "service and empowerment" in the community. The impression comes because the implementation for that matter, requires a large budget. Schools are not able to cover it. On the other hand, it seems that teachers as teachers and organizers are too focused on teaching and learning. This is because the number of students in Vocational High School too much, as a result of the high interest of students to study at Vocational High School. Even if there is a skill activity, it applies to internal (students) such as the development of production unit/teaching factory. b. Absence of adequate policy and funding encouragement to Vocational High School by “Dinas Pendidikan” to organize training for company employees, development of production unit (teaching factory), industry entry to vocational school (teaching industry), professional certification body, competency test and development site training materials for policy and funding issues are classic for Situbondo District, the related parties seem "ignorant". Secondly, in general, Vocational High School in Situbondo District prepares its students only to work in certain areas of expertise, for example to become workers/employees. Very few Vocational High Schools are preparing their students to become entrepreneurs. In fact, according to the "Kementerian Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi" (2010), the graduates of Vocational High School who are accepted as employees in the formal sector are only 30 percent, while the other 70 percent work in the informal sector (micro/small enterprises) that have never been well prepared by Vocational High Schools. Therefore, Vocational High School must prepare its students to become employees and entrepreneurs. Facts that do not side with the preparation of the school, of course, should make schools think and change the action. If the school still does not reorientation the action, then the school only prepares educated unemployed.
International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 9, Issue, 11, pp.61745-61750, November, 2017
Reorientation of learning pattern in vocational education is done by “SMK Negeri 1 Situbondo”, by changing the pattern of education from just preparing graduates who are experts in certain skill field as worker/employee, becoming entrepreneurship based. Entrepreneurship developed by “SMK Negeri 1 Situbondo”, combines conventional entrepreneurship with the development of Information Technology (IT), where students are expected to be able to produce technology products and be able to market them, not only conventionally, but also through IT systems. The act of change made by “SMK Negeri 1 Situbondo” is an important embryo for the development of Vocational High School and entrepreneurship, which later expected to be followed by other schools, and also able to become a rule model by the government to be applied to other Vocational High Schools in Situbondo District. Third, Vocational High School in Situbondo District is less responsive to the demands of local, national, regional and international economic development. The demand for economic development can be achieved through the utilization of local economic potential, natural and cultural resources, and regional and global competition that has not been responded to quickly and accurately. If so, the role of Vocational High School towards economic development will not be optimal. The delay of Vocational High School in Situbondo District in responding, through local economic potential, natural and cultural resources, can be seen from the many local potentials in Situbondo District that have not been explored. The inability of Vocational High School in optimizing the existing potential causes maritime potential expansions by people or entrepreneurs from outside Situbondo District. Furthermore, it reflects the available human resources unable to compete with human resources from outside Situbondo District. Fourth, in general there is no harmony between the world of work with the pattern of learning Vocational High School. In the dimensions of quantity, quality, location and time have not been formally organized. Despite "Keputusan Presiden" No. 8 of 2012 on the Indonesian National Qualification Framework, but a formal forum that bridges the world of Vocational High School and the world of work is not yet available. Therefore, the role of local government becomes important to engage in mediating between Vocational High School and the world of work. Moreover, each city/district has a “Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah” ("SKPD") field of energy, which is expected to be technically closer partnerships between Vocational High School and the world of work. In addition, the “Dinas Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi” ("Disnakertrans") also has data related to the work needs of existing companies in Situbondo District. In reality, however, the "Disnakertrans" was unable to be a good mediator and facilitation.
vocational guidance and counseling programs designed well. On the other hand, the high interest of students to study in Vocational High School is not in line with the number of existing State Vocational High School. Based on the data collected, the number of State Vocational High School in Situbondo District only amounted to 6 schools, namely: “SMK Negeri 1 Situbondo”, “SMK Negeri 2 Situbondo”, “SMK Negeri 1 Kendit”, “SMK Negeri 1 Panji”, “SMK Negeri 1 Banyuputih”, and “SMK Negeri 1 Suboh”. The condition is in stark contrast to the number of State Senior High Schools, amounting to 9 schools. The limited number of Vocational High Schools in Situbondo District is suspected due to lack of response related to the development of vocational high school and the enthusiasm of students to study in Vocational High School, consequently many students who choose go through education in Private Vocational High School as an alternative choice, with quality which is still under the State Vocational High School. The Partiality of District Government Situbondo in Development of Vocational High School The existence of regional autonomy, making the role of city/district government is vital in the amount of education budget in the “Anggaran Pendapatan & Belanja Daerah” ("APBD") allocated for education, although according to “Undang-Undang Pendidikan Nasional”, the central government and local governments must allocate the “Anggaran Pendapatan & Belanja Negara” ("APBN") and "APBD" for education by 20 percent. But in practice, in Situbondo District it has not been implemented. That, the budget of Situbondo District for education is less than 20 percent. As a result, the Government of Situbondo District has not been able to provide educational services equally to all levels of society. In order to change these conditions, it is necessary to have systemic and comprehensive, systematic and continuous stages, as well as the political will of the local government in realizing this. Related to political will from local government (Situbondo District). Based on the results of the analysis, shows that the local government's partiality in improving the quality of Vocational High School is still not visible. This is reflected in the lack of local policy products related to the development and management of Vocational High School, such as “Peraturan Daerah” ("Perda") in the management and development of Vocational High School. However, after the authority and management of “SMA”, “SMK”, and “PK/LK” taken over by Provincial Government as per January 2017 based on “Undang-Undang” No. 23 of 2014, the hope will be improving the quality of Vocational High School education to a better and optimal direction. Conclusion
Fifth, the reversal of the students proportion of Senior High School (SMA) : Vocational High School (SMK) in Situbondo District based on data from the “Dinas Pendidikan” from 70 percent : 30 percent to 30 percent : 70 percent. The high interest of students to study in Vocational High School requires the implementation of Vocational High School which is able to guarantee their students to get a decent job later. Guaranteeing the students to obtain decent work is an easy task, as it involves many parties. Nevertheless, efforts to ensure that graduate Vocational High Schools are immediately employed and entrepreneurial are important tasks for Vocational High Schools, both through high-quality learning and relevant to the needs of the world of work and through
Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded as follows: a. The high enthusiasm of students to pursue education in Vocational High School is not accompanied by the readiness of most Vocational High School in Situbondo District to prepare facilities and infrastructure and educators and educational competent, so that it affects the not achievement of quality improvement of learners which are expected. b. The government's partiality in the management and development of Vocational High School is still not
Umar Said et al. Contribution of vocational high school in improving the quality of human resources and the partiality of government
optimal. This is reflected in the absence of macro policy in the form of “Peraturan Daerah” ("Perda") in the management and development of Vocational High School. The micro policy undertaken by the relevant agencies, is also still not optimal and professional in its implementation. This is reflected from the not yet capable of the education office to innovate in the guidance of Vocational High School.
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