MPMI Vol. 15, No. 4, 2002, pp. 388–397. Publication no. M-2002-0305-01R. © 2002 The American Phytopathological Society
Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii PssP Protein Is Required for Exopolysaccharide Biosynthesis and Polymerization Andrzej Mazur, Jaros aw E. Król, Jerzy Wielbo, Teresa Urbanik-Sypniewska, and Anna Skorupska Department of General Microbiology, M. Curie-Sk odowska University, Akademicka 19, 20-033 Lublin, Poland Submitted 1 August 2001. Accepted 8 December 2001.
Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii produces an acidic exopolysaccharide (EPS) that is important for the induction of nitrogen-fixing nodules on clover. Recently, three genes, pssN, pssO, and pssP, possibly involved in EPS biosynthesis and polymerization were identified. The predicted protein product of the pssP gene shows a significant sequence similarity to other proteins belonging to the PCP2a family that are involved in the synthesis of highmolecular-weight EPS. An R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1 mutant with the entire coding region of pssP deleted did not produce the EPS. A pssP mutant with the 5′ end of the gene disrupted produced exclusively low-molecular-weight EPS. A mutant that synthesized a functional N-terminal periplasmic domain but lacked the C-terminal part of PssP produced significantly reduced amounts of EPS with a slightly changed low to high molecular form ratio. Mutants affected in the PssP protein carrying a stable plasmid with a constitutively expressed gusA gene induced nodules on red clover that were not fully occupied by bacteria. A mutant with the entire pssP gene deleted infected only a few plant cells in the nodule. The pssP promoter–gusA reporter fusion was active in bacteroids during nodule development. Additional keywords: exopolysaccharide-deficient mutant, nitrogen fixation.
Bacterial exopolysaccharide (EPS) has been shown to be a critical factor in symbiotic interactions of rhizobia with leguminous plants that form indeterminate type of nodules, for example, Leucaena, Medicago, Pisum, Trifolium, and Vicia spp. (Becker and Pühler 1998b). Mutants that are defective in EPS production usually induce non-nitrogen-fixing nodules that are not invaded by bacteria, such as nodules induced by Sinorhizobium meliloti mutants on alfalfa (Becker and Pühler 1998b; Leigh and Walker 1994), or are only partially infected, such as the ones induced by Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii mutants on clover (Bia|ek et al. 1995; Chakravorty et al. 1982; Chen et al. 1985; Rolfe et al. 1996; Skorupska et al. 1995; van Workum et al. 1997). EPS-deficient mutants of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae fail to nodulate pea (Borthakur et al. 1986) and induce small, ineffective nodules on vetch (Ivashina et al. 1994; van Workum et al. 1995). The EPS of R. leguminosarum is a polymer of octasaccharide subunits, each composed of one galactose (Gal), five glucose (Glc), and two glucuronic acid (GlcA) residues, with acetyl, pyruvyl, and hydroxy-butanoyl Corresponding author: Anna Skorupska; E-mail:
[email protected] 388 / Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
modifications (Fig. 1) (Canter Cremers et al. 1991; Hollingsworth et al. 1988). Similar to S. meliloti succinoglycan, high-molecular-weight (HMW) and low-molecular-weight (LMW) fractions of EPS were identified in culture supernatants of R. leguminosarum (Djordjevic et al. 1987). LMW polysaccharides are proposed to act as signaling molecules that trigger developmental responses in the host plant or regulate host defense responses. Purified LMW succinoglycan or galactoglucan (EPSII) can partially suppress the nodule invasion defect of EPS-deficient mutants (Gonzales et al. 1996; Wang et al. 1999). The addition of homologous EPS to clover seedlings also restored the nitrogen fixation capability of the R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii exo mutants (Djordjevic et al. 1987). The polysaccharides are composed of oligosaccharide repeat units that are assembled on a polyisoprenyl-pyrophosphate lipid carrier at the cytoplasmic face of the inner membrane by a sequential transfer of monosaccharides from their nucleotide sugars by the action of specific glycosyltransferases. The oligosaccharides are subsequently translocated, polymerized, and secreted outside the cell (Whitfield et al. 1997). The assembly of the repeating units of EPS of R. leguminosarum is initiated by the transfer of glucose 1-phosphate from UDP-glucose to a C55-isoprenylphosphate (IP) carrier (Bossio et al. 1996). The pssA gene encoding a glucosyl-IP transferase was identified in R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii (Janczarek et al. 1999; van Workum et al. 1997) and bv. viciae (Borthakur et al. 1988; Ivashina et al. 1994). The pssC, pssD, and pssE genes encoding glycosyltransferases were identified in R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii (Król et al. 1998; van Workum et al. 1997) and bv. viciae (Sadykov et al. 1998). The pssD and pssE genes encode a glucuronosyl-(β1→4)-glucosyl transferase that catalyzes the second step in biosynthesis of the repeat unit (Pollock et al. 1998). The pssC gene product was characterized as the glucuronosyl-(β1→4)-glucuronosyl transferase involved in the third step of repeating subunit assembly (Pollock et al. 1998) (Fig. 1). The pssG, pssH, and pssI genes encoding other glycosyltransferases were also identified (Sadykov et al. 1998). The exoB gene encoding a UDP-glucose 4′epimerase was identified in R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii (Sanchez-Andujar et al. 1997). The pssB gene closely linked to pssA has been identified as encoding a protein with an inositol monophosphatase activity, and a regulatory function of PssB in the EPS biosynthesis in R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii was proposed (Janczarek and Skorupska 2001). Previously, the psi and psr genes, located on the pSym plasmid of R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli, engaged in the regulation of EPS biosynthesis have been described (Borthakur and Johnston 1987; Borthakur et al. 1985). Recently, the sequence of the three closely linked genes pssN, pssO, and pssP of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1 has
been reported (Mazur et al. 2001). The predicted protein product of the pssP gene displays a significant structural similarity to members of the membrane-periplasmic auxiliary (MPA1) (Paulsen et al. 1997) or the copolymerase (PCP2a) family (Morona et al. 2000b) that are involved in the synthesis of HMW polysaccharide capsular polysaccharide (CPS) and EPS. They are distinguished on the basis of their sequence similarity, location of transmembrane regions, a characteristic carboxyterminal ATP-binding domain, and high probability to form coiled-coil regions (Morona et al. 2000b). Recently, several members of the PCP2a family (AmsA of Erwinia amylovora, CpsD of Streptococcus pneumoniae, ExoP of S. meliloti, Wzc of Escherichia coli, and Ptk of Acinetobacter johnsonii) have been shown to function as autophosphorylating protein tyrosine kinases (Doublet et al. 1999; Ilan et al. 1999; Morona et al. 2000a; Niemeyer and Becker 2001; Vincent et al. 2000). In the cases of Ptk of A. johnsonii, CpsD of Streptococcus pneumoniae, and ExoP of S. meliloti, the ATP-binding motif is required for the autophosphorylating activity of the proteins. The protein tyrosine phosphorylation negatively regulates CPS production in Streptococcus pneumoniae (Morona et al. 2000a) and colanic acid synthesis in E. coli (Vincent et al. 2000), as well as influences the composition of succinoglycan in S. meliloti (Niemeyer and Becker 2001). The putative PssN protein is highly homologous to the outer membrane auxiliary (OMA) protein family members engaged in the translocation of polysaccharides (Paulsen et al. 1997). PssO amino acid sequence did not reveal any homology with the known bacterial proteins, but it showed characteristic features of the outer membrane proteins, and with PssN and PssP, might constitute a protein complex involved in the polymerization and translocation of EPS across the bacterial membranes (Mazur et al. 2001). Structural similarity of PssP of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii and ExoP of S. meliloti suggested a functional similarity of these proteins. Becker and colleagues (1995a) have proposed that ExoP regulates the extent of EPS polymerization and thus can influence the ratio of HMW to LMW succinoglycan. There is a suggestion that ExoP regulates the degree of succinoglycan polymerization by controlling the polymerization activities of other proteins, most likely ExoQ and ExoT (Gonzales et al. 1998; Niemeyer and Becker 2001). To study the possible function of PssP in the EPS biosynthesis of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1, we isolated a series of integration mutants disrupted in the pssP gene and a mutant with the entire gene deleted. We report here that the deletion of the entire pssP gene drastically affected the EPS production and led to a nonmucoid, non-nitrogen-fixing mutant. The pssP mutant with a functional N-terminal part but lacking the C-terminal cytoplasmic PssP domain produced a reduced amount of EPS, but the size distribution was only slightly changed. The mutant with the PssP protein disrupted in the periplasmic Nterminal domain produced exclusively an LMW form of EPS. We have also determined that the pssP plasmid integration mutants carrying a reporter gusA gene on a stable plasmid invaded the nodules, contrary to the mutant with the pssP gene deleted. The pssP promoter (PpssP) cloned in front of a promoterless lacZ and gusA was functional in free-living cells and in the nodules elicited on red clover by R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1.
other proteins belonging to the PCP2a (MPA1-C) family engaged in the synthesis of highly polymerized polysaccharides (Becker et al. 1995a; Morona et al. 2000b; Paulsen et al. 1997). Similar to S. meliloti ExoP (Becker et al. 1995a), the PssP protein of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1 can be divided into an N-terminal hydrophilic domain (amino acid positions 60 to 449) located probably in the periplasm, with two potential transmembrane helices at the ends that anchor this domain to the inner membrane, and a C-terminal hydrophilic domain (amino acid positions 497 to 746) (Mazur et al. 2001). The 32amino-acid, proline-rich motif conserved in the ExoP family (RX4AX2RX4APKX11GX3G) was found to partially overlap the second transmembrane helix (amino acid positions 433 to 464). The hydrophilic, probably cytoplasmic, C-terminal domain of PssP contains the conserved Walker motif A (SSLPGEGKS) (Walker et al. 1982) for ATP-binding, amino acid positions 561 to 569 (Mazur et al. 2001) and the Walker motif B (DYIIVDLPP) at amino acid positions 668 to 676. In the Nterminal domain, four regions (amino acid positions 205 to 234, 259 to 290, 354 to 381, and 394 to 424) with a very high probability (P ≈ 1.0, 28-amino acid [aa] window) to form coiled-coils were identified. Coiled-coil regions, both in periplasmic and cytoplasmic carboxy-terminal domains of PCP2a proteins, were found (Morona et al. 2000b) that could be involved in interactions with other components of CPS/EPS synthesis or export machinery (Morona et al. 2000b). Besides a significant amino acid sequence identity (38.8%) and structural similarity between PssP and ExoP, we observed an essential difference between both proteins, namely, the lack of the tyrosine-rich region at the carboxy-terminal part of PssP that could influence the function of the protein. To investigate the function of the pssP gene in EPS production, three genomic mutants were generated by gene replacement or plasmid integration strategies (Fig. 2). The pssP deletion mutant RtP22∆ was constructed with a suicide plasmid pKP∆ carrying a Gmr cassette in place of the entire pssP gene. The construct with a deletion comprising the complete pssP coding region (starting at 36 base pairs [bp] upstream of the promoter region to 385 bp downstream of the pssP gene) was transferred to wild-type strain RtTA1, resulting in replacement
RESULTS Mutagenesis of the pssP gene of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1. Features of the R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii PssP protein (Mazur et al. 2001) bear similarity to a topological model that has been experimentally established for ExoP of S. meliloti and
Fig. 1. Structure of the repeating unit of exopolysaccharide of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii strain LPR5 (Pollock et al. 1998; van Workum et al. 1997). Glc = glucose, Gal = galactose, GlcA = glucuronic acid, Pyr = pyruvate, and Ac = acetate. Vol. 15, No. 4, 2002 / 389
of the wild-type pssP gene by the Gmr cassette in the homogenote RtP22∆ (Fig. 2C). This mutant was completely deficient in EPS production, and no detectable material could be obtained either by ethanol precipitation (Table 1) or by lyophilization of cell-free culture supernatant. The pssP mutant designated RtP20 was constructed by integration of plasmid pH51 carrying the intergenic region pssOpssP and the 5′ end of pssP encoding the N-terminal part of the PssP protein with a Kmr cassette in the BamHI site (Fig. 2C). Integration of the hybrid plasmid into the RtTA1 genome by a single crossover resulted in disruption of the pssP coding region, and the merodiploid strain RtP20 was created (Fig. 2C). This mutant harboring the functional N-terminal periplasmic domain of PssP (1 to 478 aa) showed a significant decrease in EPS production in 79CA medium (Table 1). The next pssP mutant, designated RtP23, was created by integration of plasmid pKP23Gm that carried the intergenic region pssO-pssP and the 5′ end of pssP encoding the N-terminal part of PssP with an Ω-Gm cassette in the BamHI site of the
coding region (Fig. 2C). Plasmid pKP23Gm was transferred to wild-type strain RtTA1, giving rise to the merodiploid strain RtP23. Disruption of the pssP gene was further analyzed by Southern hybridizations and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses, which showed that the 5′ end of pssP was indeed interrupted by Ω-Gm, with a plasmid vector integrated upstream of the pssP gene (Fig. 2C). Because of the disruption, only a short N-terminal PssP domain (1 to 253 aa) was active. The RtP23 mutant also synthesized a reduced amount of EPS on 79CA medium in comparison to wild-type strain RtTA1 (Table 1). EPS production in pssP mutants. Mutant RtP22∆ with the entire pssP coding region deleted did not produce any detectable amount of EPS, which indicated that the PssP protein was indispensable for EPS production. The RtP20 and RtP23 mutants, characterized as partial merodiploids disrupted in the pssP gene, produced a reduced amount of EPS in comparison to wild-type strain RtTA1 (Table 1).
Fig. 2. A, Physical and genetic maps of cosmid pARF136 carrying the pssN, pssO, and pssP genes of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1 encoding the putative proteins involved in exopolysaccharide polymerization and export. B, Constructs containing a putative pssP promoter cloned upstream of the promoterless lacZ gene into vector pMP220. The predicted promoter sequences upstream of the pssP gene are shown by solid rectangles. C, Constructs of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii pssP mutants used for integration and replacement mutagenesis are shown on the left. On the right, the resulting genomic structures of RtP20, RtP23, and RtP22∆ mutants are indicated. The inactive parts of the pssP gene are in parentheses. The heavy lines indicate the vector part of the integrated plasmid. B = BamHI, Bg =BglII, E = EcoRI, K* = KpnI, P = PstI, S = SalI, and X* = XbaI. Restriction sites derived from multiple cloning sites of the vector due to intermediate cloning steps are indicated by asterisks. 390 / Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
EPS isolated from culture supernatants of wild-type strain RtTA1 and mutants RtP20 and RtP23 were fractionated by Bio-Gel A5m gel filtration chromatography (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, U.S.A.) and the ratios of two EPS fractions that significantly differed in molecular weights were calculated (Fig. 3; Table 1). An insignificant change in the HMW to LMW EPS ratio, in favor of LMW, was observed in the RtP20 mutant, producing a functional N-terminal but lacking the C-terminal PssP domain when compared with the EPS isolated from wildtype strain RtTA1 (Fig. 3B; Table 1). EPS isolated from the RtP23 mutant with a disrupted N-terminal PssP domain produced almost exclusively an LMW form of EPS (Fig. 3C). In conclusion, the phenotypes of these two mutants indicated the importance of the functional N-terminal domain in the extent of EPS polymerization, i.e., in determining the ratio of HMW to LMW EPS. To confirm that both the HMW and LMW fractions represented EPS, peak samples from Bio-Gel A5m chromatography (Fig. 3) were analyzed for monosaccharide composition. The glucose/glucuronic acid/galactose ratio was found to be approximately 5:2:1, characteristic for the acidic EPS of R. leguminosarum. Symbiotic phenotype of pssP mutants. The wild-type strain RtTA1 mutated in the pssP gene induced nodules on red clover (Table 2). The nonmucoid RtP22∆ mutant induced white nodules with a 7-day delay when compared with wild-type strain RtTA1. Similar to other nonmucoid mutants of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii (Skorupska et al. 1995), the RtP22∆ mutant was not able to fix nitrogen (Table 2). Plasmid integration mutants RtP20 and RtP23 induced pink, elongated nodules on T. pratense without delay and the plants appeared green, indicating nitrogen fixation (Table 2). Mutant RtP23 induced a significantly decreased number of nodules on red clover. We did not observe any apparent effects of pssP disruption in these merodiploid strains on the level of nitrogenase activity (data not shown). With the use of a stable plasmid pJBA21Tc harboring a constitutively expressed gusA gene (Wielbo and Skorupska 2001), the invasion behavior of the wild-type and mutant strains was studied (Fig. 4A to D). The plasmid pJBA21Tc was introduced by triparental conjugation into RtTA1, RtP22∆, RtP20, and RtP23, and the nodules elicited by exconjugants were examined for GUS activity. Only a few plant cells were invaded by the RtP22∆ mutant in the 4-week-old nodules, in contrast to the fully infected nodules elicited by wild-type strain RtTA1 (Fig. 4A and D). Mutants RtP20 and RtP23 invaded the nodule plant cells, but GUS activity was more pronounced in the younger part of nodules exhibiting a premature senescence of the bacteroids (Fig. 4B and C). For these mutants, GUS activity was observed in the infection and nitrogen-fixing zones of nodules, but the extent of nodule occupation was diminished when compared with RtTA1-elicited nodules. The disappearance of GUS activity could indicate a loss of bacterial viability caused by a defense response directed toward bacteroids in the senescence zone. Transcriptional activity of PpssP. Computer searches identified the presence of two putative promoters upstream of the pssP gene located –86 to –41 and –13 to +32 bp from the putative transcriptional start site (Fig. 2B). The first putative promoter sequence partially overlapped the 3′ end of the pssO gene. To investigate the transcriptional activity of PpssP, the region upstream of pssP was cloned in front of a promoterless lacZ gene into a mobilizable vector pMP220. Inserts in the pMP2P and pMP3P plasmids essentially differed only in the 5′ end and overlapped either both pu-
tative promoters of pssP (the pMP2P construct) or one of them (the pMP3P construct) (Fig. 2B). The PpssP-lacZ gene fusions were introduced into E. coli DH5α and wild-type strain RtTA1, and the level of β-galactosidase activity was measured (Table 3). Both constructs were active in E. coli DH5α and R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii genetic backgrounds, but the transcription level was very low in E. coli. In this strain, a twofold-higher activity was observed with pMP3P, harboring the shorter insert. Contrary to that, in the RtTA1 background, the level of βgalactosidase expression was higher with the longer construct pMP2P, indicating the importance of upstream sequences in the initiation of transcription. In the presence of clover root exudate as a coinducer, an about 1.55- to 2-fold induction of the PpssP activity was observed with pMP2P and pMP3P plasmids (Table 3), indicating a possibility of symbiotic regulation of the pssP gene. To investigate the transcriptional activity of PpssP in nodules, a stable reporter plasmid was constructed containing the PpssP region fused to the promoterless gusA gene. The obtained pPT12 plasmid was introduced into wild-type strain RtTA1 and the selected Tcr exconjugants were used for inoculation of clover seedlings. Nodules were harvested from 10 days up to 3- and 5-weeks after inoculation, hand-sectioned, and stained for the presence of GUS activity. Expression of the PpssP–gusA fusion was observed throughout the nodules examined at different stages of development, as shown in Figure 4E to G. These observations also indicated that the constructed reporter plasmid might be useful in monitoring the transcriptional activity of rhizobial promoters in developing and mature nodules. DISCUSSION Recently, we identified three new genes in an R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1 pARF136 cosmid insert, pssP, pssO, and pssN (Mazur et al. 2001). On the basis of computer analysis and sequence similarity to the known proteins, the deduced gene products PssP and PssN have been proposed to function in the polymerization and export of EPS. The PssP and PssN proteins may be a part of the type 1 secretion system found in gram-negative bacteria that employs the cytoplasmic-MPA1 and OMA proteins to export EPS (Paulsen et al. 1997). Additionally, we have identified a putative PssO gene product that has no homologues among any known bacterial proteins but whose hydropathy plot indicates outer membrane localization. We speculate that this protein might be a constituent of the type 1 system involved in the polymerization and export of EPS in R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1. The PssP protein could be included in the PCP2a or MPA1 family that consists of both gram-negative and gram-positive Table 1. Exopolysaccharide (EPS) production by Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1 and the pssP mutants Strain RtTA1 RtP20 RtP23 RtP22∆
Total EPSa mg liter–1 (% of control) 1,635.7 (100) 696.6 (42.8) 1,133.6 (69.7) 0
HMW/LMW EPSb (%) 49.8:50.2 42:58 15:85 0
Amount of ethanol-precipitable EPS from the culture growing on 79CA medium supplemented with 0.5% glycerol is expressed as glucose equivalents (Loewus 1952). b High-molecular-weight/low-molecular-weight (HMW/LMW) proportions were calculated as ratio of peak areas of EPS chromatographed on a Bio-Gel A5m column (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, U.S.A.). Values are means of four independent measurements. Standard deviations were equal to or less than 10%. Vol. 15, No. 4, 2002 / 391
bacterial members involved in the synthesis of HMW polysaccharides (CPS and EPS) (Becker et al. 1995a; Morona et al. 2000b; Paulsen et al. 1997). PssP amino acid sequence and its secondary structure resemble ExoP from S. meliloti, which functions in the polymerization and export of succinoglycan. Recently, similar to other members of the PCP2a family, the autophosphorylating protein tyrosine kinase activity of ExoP was shown (Niemeyer and Becker 2001). Periplasmic localization of a 481-residue loop and cytoplasmic localization of an
about 280-aa C-terminal domain of S. meliloti ExoP have been supported experimentally (Becker et al. 1995a). The prolinerich motif in the N-terminal domain and the Walker A ATPbinding motif at the carboxy-terminal domain are involved in ExoP activity (Becker and Pühler 1998a; Niemeyer and Becker 2001). Some substitutions within the proline-rich motif resulted in enhanced production of LMW EPSI at the expense of HMW EPSI in S. meliloti mutants (Becker and Pühler 1998a). Mutations in the Walker A ATP-binding motif prevented the ATPase activity and phosphorylation of tyrosine residues of ExoP. The ATP-binding motif mutants synthesized only the octasaccharide subunit of succinoglycan and were completely unable to polymerize it (Niemeyer and Becker 2001). Also, Gonzales and colleagues (1998) showed that the S. meliloti exoP mutant with a Tn5 insertion within the N-terminal periplasmic domain blocked any polymerization of the succinoglycan octasaccharide subunits. On the basis of these results, the authors suggested not a regulatory but rather a critical role of ExoP in succinoglycan biosynthesis, e.g., enzymatic, by catalyzing the formation of dimers of the octasaccharide subunits, or structural, by forming a complex with ExoQ and ExoT proteins, necessary for their function (Gonzales et al. 1998). The exoQ and exoT genes participate in the synthesis or secretion of succinoglycan. ExoQ is required for the production of HMW succinoglycan, and ExoT is involved in the synthesis or secretion of the LMW dimers and trimers but not the monomers (Gonzales et al. 1998). In our study, the RtP22∆ mutant with the entire pssP gene deleted was completely deficient in EPS synthesis, which indicated the importance of this gene in EPS production in R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1. The RtP20 mutant with an active N-terminal domain of PssP and an inactive carboxy-terminal part of the protein produced a significantly reduced amount of EPS (42.8%) that was not essentially altered in the ratio of HMW to LMW in comparison to wild-type strain RtTA1 (Fig. 3; Table 1). On the basis of mutant phenotype, it was concluded that the C-terminal part of the PssP protein influences the total level of EPS produced. Mutant RtP23, in which only a short N-terminal part of PssP was active, exhibited a severe defect in the production of HMW EPS (Fig. 3C). The total extracellular polysaccharide produced by this mutant was made up of LMW forms, indicating the importance of the N-terminal domain of PssP in the EPS subunit polymerization. Both mutants, RtP20 and RtP23, were able to fix nitrogen but differed in the extent of nodule occupation and bacteroid viability when compared with wild-type strain RtTA1. These data suggested that the LMW EPS may act as a biologically active signal in the symbiotic interaction of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii with clover. In S. meliloti strain 1021, a trimer fraction of succinoglycan was proposed to be the symbiotic signal during host plant infection (Gonzales et al. 1998; Wang et al. Table 2. Symbiotic properties of the pssP mutants of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1a Mutant strain
Fig. 3. Gel filtration chromatography of exopolysaccharides (EPS) produced by A, Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii wild-type strain RtTA1 and the plasmid integration mutants B, RtP20 and C, RtP23. EPS was fractionated on a Bio-Gel A5m column (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, U.S.A.) as described in text. The retention times of dextran blue (2 MDa), dextran T250 (250 kDa), and dextran T10 (10 kDa) molecular mass markers are indicated by arrows. 392 / Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
RtTA1 (wild type) RtP20 RtP23 RtP22∆ Uninoculated control a
Nodules Green wet wt per plant (no.) per plant (mg) 22.6 ± 3.3 18.6 ± 2.4 15.4 ± 1.4b 10.3 ± 4.5b 0
68.6 ± 8.8 56.9 ± 4.4 63.2 ± 10.6 20.7 ± 5.6b 22.1 ± 4.4b
Symbiotic phenotype Nod+ Fix+ Nod+ Fix+ Nod+ Fix+ Nod+ Fix– NAc
Symbiotic properties of rhizobia were measured 28 days after inoculation. The given values (± standard deviation) are averages of at least four independent experiments with 20 plants for each treatment. b Mean values differ significantly (P = 0.05) from control values according to Student’s t test. c NA = not applicable.
Fig. 4. Sections of nodules formed by A, wild-type strain RtTA1; plasmid integration mutants B, RtP20 and C, RtP23; and D, mutant RtP22∆ with the entire pssP gene deleted. These strains carried the stable plasmid pJBA21Tc with a constitutively expressed gusA gene. Nodules were harvested 28 days after clover inoculation, hand-sectioned, and stained with 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-β-D-glucuronide (X-gluc) for GUS activity. E to G, Sections of nodules elicited by wild-type strain RtTA1 carrying plasmid pPT1par carrying the pssP gene promoter cloned in front of a promoterless gusA-Spr cassette (Sp = spectinomycin). Nodules were harvested E, 10; F, 21; and G, 35 days after inoculation, hand-sectioned, and stained for GUS activity. Vol. 15, No. 4, 2002 / 393
1999). Addition of succinoglycan trimer in trans rescued the nodule invasion defect of the exoY mutant (Wang et al. 1999). Alfalfa nodule invasion can be also mediated by other symbiotically important polysaccharides, such as EPSII or K antigen produced by S. meliloti strains under specific environmental conditions (Gonzales et al. 1996; Pellock et al. 2000; Reuhs et al. 1995). Promoter of the pssP gene was active both in free-living cells and in nodules elicited by wild-type strain RtTA1. A substantially elevated level of transcription, additionally enhanced in the presence of root exudates, was observed when the construct with a long 5′ sequence preceding the pssP gene was used (Table 3). This indicated the possibility of formation of a protein complex specific for Rhizobium spp. that influenced the level of transcription. Enhanced expression of the exoP gene was also observed in S. meliloti in the presence of luteolin (Dusha et al. 1999). The presence of respective flavonoids in the growth media increased the production of EPS in S. meliloti (Dusha et al. 1999) and in R. fredii (Dunn et al. 1992). There is a possibility that the flavonoids directly affect the EPS synthesis by accumulating in the inner membrane and changing the conformation of membrane-localized enzymes involved in the biosynthesis and polymerization of EPS (Recourt et al. 1989). This also suggests a possibility of coregulation of Nod factors and EPS biosynthesis (Dusha et al. 1999). When clover plants were infected with wild-type strain RtTA1 harboring the PpssP–gusA fusion, we observed GUS activity in young and mature nodules, indicating the activity of PpssP during all stages of the symbiosis. Such may suggest that, in clover nodules, some level of EPS synthesis is necessary in both the early and late stages of nodulation. There are notions that at least some exo genes are down-regulated in planta (Latchford et al. 1991; Reuber et al. 1991). TnphoA fusions with exoF, exoP, and exoA genes were active only in the early symbiotic zone of the nodule (Reuber et al. 1991). This suggested that EPSI synthesis might not be necessary in later stages of nodulation. Latchford and colleagues (1991) found that, in Phaseolus spp., nodules of the pssA–gusA fusion was not expressed in bacteroids of R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli, whereas this fusion was transcribed in free-living cells. The psi gene product of R. leguminosarum (Borthakur et al. 1985) and the exoR gene product of S. meliloti (Doherty et al. 1988; Reuber et al. 1991) were described as negative regulators of EPS biosynthesis in free-living cells and were thought to be involved in repressing EPS production in the nodule. Our results indicate that transcription of the pssP–gusA gene fusion was not repressed by the psi or other gene products in clover nodules. Further experiments are needed to explain the regulation of EPS biosynthesis in nodules.
Table 3. The pssP promoter activity measured by the level of β-galactosidase in Escherichia coli DH5α and Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1 backgrounds β-galactosidase activitya in:
Fold E. coli R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1 induction DH5α – Root exudate + Root exudateb in RtTA1
pMP2P 7.92 pMP3P 14.63 pMP220 vector 0.92 None (background) 0.12 a b
273.82 164.78 85.52 53.65
588.85 255.52 91.08 49.42
2.15 1.55 1.06 0.92
β-Galactosidase activity values are given in Miller units. Clover root exudate (10 µmol/liter) prepared according to Zaat and colleagues (1988) was used as a coinducer. Values are means of at least four independent experiments with a standard error less than 15%.
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MATERIALS AND METHODS Bacterial strains, plasmids, and media. Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this work are listed in Table 4. R. leguminosarum strains were grown at 28°C in 79CA complete medium (Vincent 1970) with 1% mannitol or 0.5% glycerol as carbon sources. E. coli strains were grown at 37°C in Luria-Bertani medium (Sambrook et al. 1989). Antibiotics for E. coli and R. leguminosarum cultures were added to the following final concentrations: tetracycline (Tc), 10 µg ml–1; rifampicin (Rif), 40 µg ml–1; kanamycin (Km), 30 to 40 µg ml–1; gentamicin (Gm), 5 to 10 µg ml–1; spectinomycin (Sp), 40 µg ml–1; and ampicillin (Ap), 100 µg ml–1. DNA manipulation. Standard techniques were used for plasmid isolation, restriction enzyme digestion, agarose gel electrophoresis, cloning, labeling of DNA, and Southern hybridization (Sambrook et al. 1989). DNA probes for Southern hybridization were labeled with nonradioactive digoxigenin DNA Labeling and Detection Kit (Boehringer Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany). Nucleotide sequence of the 6.0-kb fragment carrying the pssN, pssO, and pssP genes is available in the EMBL database under the accession number AF067140. The putative promoter sequences were predicted by using Neural Network Promoter prediction at BDGP (Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.). Mutagenesis of the pssP gene. Construction of the RtP20 and RtP23 integration mutants. Integration mutagenesis of the pssP gene was accomplished by the use of pBUC1 and pK18/19mobGII suicide integrative vectors. DNA fragments used for plasmid integration mutagenesis were subcloned in several steps into mobilizable vectors by using appropriate restriction sites. First, plasmid pH5 was constructed by subcloning the 1.45-kb BglII-EcoRI fragment of cosmid pARF136 carrying the intergenic region pssO-pssP and the 5′ end of the pssP gene into the pBUC1 vector. The 3-kb Ω-Km cassette derived from the pSUP2021 plasmid was then inserted into the BamHI site of the pssP coding region, which resulted in plasmid pH51. The orientation of the Ω-Km cassette in the construct was confirmed by restriction analysis. The hybrid plasmid pKP23Gm was constructed by subcloning the 1.45-kb XbaI*-EcoRI (restriction sites derived from multiple cloning sites of the vector because of intermediate cloning steps are indicated by asterisks) fragment of pH5 carrying the intergenic region pssO-pssP and the 5′ end of pssP into the pK18mobGII vector. The Ω-Gm cassette derived from pMS272 (Becker et al. 1995b) was then cloned into the BamHI site of the pssP coding region, resulting in pKP23Gm. Thus constructed, plasmids pH51 and pKP23Gm were transferred from E. coli S17-1 (Simon et al. 1983) to R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1. Integration of hybrid plasmids into the R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii genome by single-crossover events was selected for by the vector-encoded antibiotic resistance. The Rhizobium mutant obtained by the integration of pH51 was designated RtP20. In this mutant, the lac vector promoter is oriented in the direction of transcription, but the promoter of Ω-Km is in an opposite orientation to the 3′ part of the pssP gene. Thus, we expected no functional C part of the PssP protein. In the mutant RtP23, obtained by integration of pKP23Gm, the lac vector promoter is in an opposite orientation to the transcription of the entire pssP gene (Fig. 2C). Recombination between the hybrid plasmids and the pssP gene of the R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1 genome was verified by Southern hybridizations by using the total DNA of mutants digested with different restriction enzymes and several probes,
as described below. Genomic recombination in the RtP20 mutant was tested by using the 1.45-kb BglII-EcoRI fragment of pARF136 and the 3-kb BamHI fragment carrying Ω-Km as probes. The RtP23 mutant was tested by using the 1-kb BamHI fragment carrying Ω-Gm, the 1.45-kb BglII-EcoRI fragment of pARF136, and the 2.6-kb BamHI-BglII fragment partially overlapping the pssP gene as probes. Construction of the RtP22∆ mutant. To create a deletion of pssP by marker replacement, a pKP∆ plasmid was constructed in which the gene encoding gentamicin resistance was flanked by the upstream and downstream DNA regions of the pssP gene. First, the 651-bp EcoRI-PstI* fragment carrying the pssO gene adjacent to the 5′ end of pssP from cosmid pARF136 was cloned into the pK19mobGII vector. The 1-kb PstI-SphI Ω-Gm cassette obtained by PCR amplification of the gene responsible for gentamicin resistance from pBBR1MCS-5 (Kovach et al. 1995) was then added to the construct. In the next step, the 648-kb SphI-HindIII* fragment from cosmid pARF136 neighboring with the 3′ end of pssP was subcloned into the construct, resulting in the pKP∆ plasmid. This plasmid was transferred from E. coli S17-1 to R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1 and a double-crossover event was induced by selecting for the cassette-encoded gentamicin resistance. This resulted in strain RtP22∆. The recombination event was verified by Southern hybridization by using the 2.6-kb BamHI-BglII fragment of pARF136 partially overlapping the pssP gene and the 1.45-kb BglII-EcoRI fragment of pARF136, also partially overlapping pssP, as probes. Construction of plasmids with a putative PpssP. By using appropriate restriction sites, the DNA fragments containing the putative PpssP were cloned in front of a promoterless lacZ gene
into the pMP220 vector (Spaink et al. 1987). Plasmid pMP2P contained the longer, 1.1-kb BamHI-PstI fragment (–429 to +671 bp) and plasmid pMP3P contained the shorter, 707-bp BglII-PstI fragment (–36 to +671 bp). The resulting hybrid plasmids were transferred by triparental mating into R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1. To study the expression of the PpssP in planta, the stable plasmid named pPT1par was constructed. The 1.1-kb BamHIPstI fragment (–429 to +671 bp) containing the putative PpssP was cloned into vector pRK7813 in an opposite orientation to the lac vector promoter. Immediately downstream of the putative PpssP, the promoterless gusA-Spr cassette from mTn5gusA40 (Wilson et al. 1995) was inserted into the EcoRIHindIII site of pRK7813. The HindIII fragment containing the parDE-Gmr genes (Becker et al. 1995b; Weinstein et al. 1992) was then incorporated into the construct, giving rise to the pPT1par plasmid. This plasmid was transferred by triparental mating into R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1, and transconjugants were selected on 79CA medium with tetracycline (10 µg ml–1) and X-Glc (50 µg ml–1). A stable plasmid vector pJBA21Tc carrying a constitutively expressed gusA gene for studying nodule invasion was described earlier (Wielbo and Skorupska 2001). This plasmid was transferred to wild-type strain RtTA1 and the pssP mutants RtP20, RtP23, and RtP22 by triparental mating, followed by selection for tetracycline resistance and the ability to express gusA. β-Galactosidase assay. R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii cells were grown to an optical density at 600 nm of 0.6 to 0.8 and the levels of β-galactosi-
Table 4. Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study Strain
Relevant characteristicsa
Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1 RtP20 RtP23 RtP22∆
Wild type, Strr, Rifr TA1 with pssP interrupted by integration of plasmid pH51, Gmr, Kmr TA1 with pssP interrupted by integration of pKP23Gm, Gmr, Kmr TA1 with the entire pssP gene deleted, Gmr
Chakravorty et al. 1982 This work This work This work
Escherichia coli DH5α S17-1
supE44 ∆lacU169 (φ80lacZ∆M15) hsdR17 recA1 endA1 gyrA96 thi-1 relA1 294 derivative RP4-2-Tc::Mu-Km::Tn7 chromosomally integrated
Sambrook et al. 1989 Simon et al. 1983
mob, Gmr cloning vector pUC18/19 derivatives, lacZα, mob, gusA IncP, mob, promoterless lacZ, Tcr Promoterless lacZ-Gm interposon IncP, mob, Tra– cosmid vector, Tcr RK2par derivative pBR325 derivative, Cmr, Kmr, Apr, mob pLAFR3 with 19-kb insert of TA1 carrying pss genes pJB321 derivative carrying constitutively expressed gusA and Tcr cassette pUC19 and pBBR1 MCS-5 derivative: oriC, mob, MCS-5, Apr, Gmr pBUC1 with 1.45-kb BglII-EcoRI fragment of pARF136 carrying 5′ end of pssP pH5 derivative carrying 1.45-kb BglII-EcoRI fragment of pARF136 with 3-kb Ω-Km in BamHI site of pssP pK19mobGII with EcoRI-HindIII* fragment of pARF136 with Gmr cassette in place of the entire pssP pK18mobGII derivative carrying 1.45-kb XbaI*-EcoRI fragment of pH5 with 1-kb Ω-Gm in BamHI site of pssP pMP220 with 1.1-kb BamHI-PstI fragment of pARF136 carrying the pssP promoter pMP220 with 707-bp BglII-PstI pARF136 carrying the pssP promoter pRK7813 carrying promoter of pssP, promoterless gusA-Spr cassette, and parDE-Gmr genes from pTR101 and pMS272
Kovach et al. 1995 Katzen et al. 1999 Spaink et al. 1987 Becker et al. 1995b Stanley et al. 1987 Weinstein et al. 1992 Simon et al. 1983 Król et al. 1998 Wielbo and Skorupska 2001 This work This work This work
Plasmids pBBR1MCS-5 pK18/19mobGII pMP220 pMS272 pRK7813 pTR101 pSUP2021 pARF136 pJBA21Tc pBUC1 pH5 pH51 pKP∆ pKP23Gm pMP2P pMP3P pPT1par a
This work This work This work This work This work
Ap = ampicillin, Cm = chloramphenicol, Gm = gentamicin, kb = kilobases, Km = kanamycin, IncP = P group of plasmid incompatibility, mob = mobility site, Rif = rifampicin, Sp = spectinomycin, Str = streptomycin, Tc = tetracycline, and Tra– = defect in transfer. Restriction sites derived from multiple cloning sites of the vector because of intermediate cloning steps are indicated by asterisks. Vol. 15, No. 4, 2002 / 395
dase were determined according to Rosas and colleagues (1998). β-Galactosidase activity values are given in Miller units. GUS histochemistry. For histochemical analysis, the handmade sections of clover root nodules were stained in 50 µg of 5-bromo-4-chloro-3indolyl-β-D-glucuronide (X-gluc) solution per ml in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) with 0.1 mM EDTA, 0.38 mM K3Fe(CN)6, and 0.38 mM K4Fe(CN)6 for about 1 h at room temperature (Wilson et al. 1995). Stained nodule sections were observed with a Nikon light microscope (OPTIPHOT2; Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) using Nomarsky optics. EPS analysis. For the EPS isolation, 120-ml cultures of TA1, RtP20, and RtP23 strains were grown in 79CA medium with 0.5% glycerol for 5 days at 28°C in a rotary shaker. After a centrifugation step, the cell-free supernatant was subjected to protein coagulation by heating for 5 min in boiling water. The denaturated proteins were pelleted by centrifugation (14,000 × g at 4°C for 30 min) and the supernatant was desalted by Sephadex G10 chromatography (Becker et al. 1998). Finally, the EPS solution was lyophilized. The dried EPS was dissolved in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, containing 0.1 M NaCl to a final concentration of 5 mg/ml and separated by column chromatography on Bio-Gel A5m. Two milliliters of this solution was loaded onto the column and 2-ml fractions were collected. Fractions were assayed for carbohydrates according to Loewus (1952), and total sugar content was calculated in glucose equivalents. For EPS quantification in culture supernatants, EPS was precipitated with 10 volumes of ethanol, lyophilized, resolved in water, and analyzed for carbohydrate content. Monosaccharide composition of the LMW and HMW EPS fractions was determined by combined gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry analyses of their corresponding alditol acetate derivatives obtained following methanolysis, carboxyl reduction, and hydrolysis as previously described (Russa et al. 1996). Plant tests. R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii strains were assayed for their symbiotic phenotypes on Trifolium pratense (cv. Ulka). Seeds were surface-sterilized, germinated, and grown as described previously (Bia|ek et al. 1995). The clover plants were inspected for root nodule formation after 4 to 5 weeks. Nitrogen fixation was evaluated indirectly, by designating the plants Fix+ and Fix– on the basis of color and green matter production, which was estimated by weighing the shoots. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank M. Ma|ek and J. Dolecka for excellent technical assistance. We thank L. Ielpi (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) for providing the vectors pKmobGII used in this study. This work was supported by a grant from the Polish Committee for Scientific Research, no. 6P04A 05818.
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