Feb 16, 2013 ... Two Amazing Psychic Mediums in One Three-Hour ... Just as a note that I do
private in your home or business audience readings with groups ...
Hello & Welcome! Hello, everyone. It’s good to be here after the busy whirlwind of all the holidays! In fact, now is the perfect time for my main topic in this newsletter as I will talk about Mother Earth and the power of grounding; something we could all use after a time of high energy exertion. I will share a few of my spiritual experiences that taught me that Mother Earth is a live being. I will also highlight some of the scientific discoveries that prove we are connected to Mother Earth through magnetic resonance fields. As always I have Mehta's corner with information on herbs. This month I am especially excited about upcoming events, including our now sold-out “Desserts and Discarnates” evening, plus an upcoming gallery to be held the first Sunday of each month (this will be ongoing) and my presentation at the Nashville Expo! I have also highlighted other Memphis area healers in this newsletter as a resource for all my subscribers. Have fun reading! Click the links below to jump to each section of the newsletter: Upcoming Events Mother Earth & The Power of Grounding Mehta's Medicine Corner Support to Local Healers
Upcoming Events An Evening of Desserts and Discarnates Communicate with the Ones You Love in Heaven Two Amazing Psychic Mediums in One Three-Hour Evening! Saturday, February 16th 2013 from 7pm-10 pm EVENT IS SOLD OUT For more information, [CLICK HERE]
First Sunday Monthly Galleries One CommUnity Center (Map) 2924 Walnut Grove, Suite One, Memphis, TN. 38111 Please note this center is behind Republic Coffee Shop www.1communitycenter.org Please join me on Sunday, March 3, for my very first Sunday Gallery at the Oneness Center. I will be conducting a gallery at 7:00 pm on the first Sunday of each month. The fee will be $25 (cash only, please, to be paid at the door). The event will end no later than 9:00 pm, depending on size of the group. I will begin by connecting people with loved ones in Heaven and will answer written life path questions for the audience as the attendance for this group grows. When there is time, and depending on the size of each group, I will also entertain questions of a metaphysical and spiritual nature from the audience in an informal group format. A percentage of all proceeds will go to the Oneness Center.
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Nashville - Galactic Expo Featured Gallery Presenter May 18-19, 2013 10am-7pm Saturday 10am-6pm Sunday at the Nashville Expo Center www.galacticexpo.com I just wanted to let all of my friends in Nashville know that I am coming your way in May. I have been selected to present at the Nashville Galactic Expo. I will have a booth and will also be presenting a gallery of speaking to crossed over loved ones in Heaven. (Please make sure to schedule your readings with me in advance through my office to assure that you get a reading time.) I am very excited at being selected for this event! Seating is limited and tickets must be purchased through the Galactic Expo. Gallery Presentation - Sunday, May 19th at 1:45 pm To set up an appointment in Nashville, please call 901-324-2586 or email.
Memphis Beginners Medium and Psychic Group - Wednesdays This small and intimate beginner’s medium and psychic group every other Wednesday from 7 pm to 9 pm in the Memphis area. The cost is $25 per person and you must make a commitment for continued participation. If you cannot be consistent with attendance please do not participate, as consistent participation is required for the energy work. PLEASE NOTE: THIS CLASS IS FULL. You can contact the office to get on the waiting list or to find out when new classes start. Please call 901-324-2586 or email.
Memphis Advanced Medium/Channeling Spiritual Group - Thursdays This advanced spiritual medium group every other Thursday for $25 per person with limited participants. This class is only for those who have had training and workshop experience in mediumship, channeling, or other intuitive training. I will personally interview you for participation in this class. PLEASE NOTE: THIS CLASS IS FULL. You can contact the office to get on the waiting list or to find out when new classes start. Please call 901-324-2586 or email.
Individual One-on-One Spiritual Mentoring I do have individual student hours available on a VERY limited basis (due to my full-time psychotherapy practice). This is for in-person in the Memphis area or outside of the Memphis area via Skype. You must have already had a reading with me. Your first session will be accessing your abilities and working out a personalized outline for learning. Individual students can select their areas of interests as I am trained in many modalities and areas. Please contact my office for more information at 901-324-2586 or email or visit my website.
Private In-Home Readings and Energy Clearings Just as a note that I do private in your home or business audience readings with groups of 10 or more as well as private readings individually in my office. I can also read and teach you how to clear your home or land. I can read any type of energy from anywhere in the world so do not let distance stop you! Please contact my office at 901-324-2586 for more information.
Gift Certificates Don’t forget Gift Certificates are available! I also do home party medium readings. Gift certificates for a private reading with Rhonda make excellent gifts for friends and loved ones. Click here to purchase a gift certificate.
Facebook Don't forget to like Rhonda's NEW Facebook fan page to stay up to date with new events, workshops, and radio shows. Click here to visit Rhonda's new fan page! Visit Rhonda's website for more information about Rhonda and the work that she does. www.PsychicMediumRhonda.com
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Mother Earth & The Power of Grounding Scientists discovered in 1899 what the indigenous people had long known; there is a heartbeat from Mother Earth. The Earth's magnetic pulse, or resonance, is very much like a "heartbeat", cycling at the rate of 7.83 HZ. The Earth has natural frequencies for electromagnetic radiation called Schumann resonances that resonate just like a tuning fork with its natural frequencies. Likewise, our bodies resonate with our chakra system. We are all magnetic beings. Scientists have connected this electromagnetic resonance, or pulse, to human behavior, sleep cycles, brain waves, immune systems, and much more. Not only did this become a known fact, it was further determined that we MUST be connected to it. The Schumann Wave and its sound is replicated on all space craft because without it, astronauts would become disoriented. We are now further expanding our knowledge about this connection and the energy that is coming from Mother Earth. I highly recommend a book called Earthing by Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D., and Martin Zucker; they have done amazing research looking at this energy connection with Mother Earth. We also know that Mother Earth’s heartbeat is accelerating. Since we are connected to this heartbeat, one of the ways this impacts us is through our perception of time. Have you noticed how time is speeding up? The changes in Mother Earth’s magnetic field present another fascinating topic as well. For further information on this topic I refer to Greg Bradden, author of Fractal Time. He has an abundance of information out on You-Tube as well. I myself learned about connecting to the energy of Mother Earth as a part of my indoctrination into my calling as a psychic and intuitive healer. As many of you know, I came into my abilities instantaneously through a profound spiritual experience in which I literally felt like I was speaking with God. Prior to this I was highly skeptical of metaphysics, although I was certainly always curious. I was, however, totally unprepared for the energy shift that took place in my body after this "energetic download". Being unfamiliar and untrained in metaphysics and also having a psychotherapy background, I thought I was delusional! My body experienced a huge surge of what I now know as higher frequency energy. At the time I felt hijacked. I was overly sensitive to any and all energy around me. This resulted in my avoiding people, particularly large crowds. I even had sensitivity to certain colors on my skin. I wore blue and white for several months, which did nothing to keep me from thinking I was going crazy. I now know even colors carry vibration and I was sensitive to this, too. I was so charged and ungrounded in my electrical body – a body that I did not even know existed - that I literally blew out my computers and practically anything electronic that I touched for quite some time because I was essentially ungrounded. I went into a place of fear and went down on my knees and asked for guidance from God. I was given a vision showing me that I was to meet a Native American elder who would help me. The coincidences around this meeting were profound and laced with synchronicity. I spent two and half years working with the elder. I learned that Mother Earth was a live being, with chakras and a heart beat. I learned also that everything in nature has spirit. Who knew? I came to understand that we are all connected to Mother Earth energetically and that we must ground to her energy and be respectful in reciprocity during all of our interactions with everything in the natural world. This grounding in Earth energy is imperative to doing spiritual work. One must be balanced in the lower chakras that are connected to the ground and not just the higher chakras (heart and above) used to communicate with the subtle energy. I learned to ground while learning Native American Medicine and studying the Q'ero medicine of Peru. Incidentally, I give much gratitude to my teachers. I did not accept these teachings easily. Being hard-headed as well as scientific, I heard the elders’ words and wanted to believe, but I needed proof that what they
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were saying was real. The two experiences I will describe next did just this. The first one took place after I participated in a five-hour sweat lodge. The events in a sweat lodge themselves are amazing; just being able to sit in such a high degree of heat with no water, where time seems to dissolve, is an experience in and of itself that defies science as we know it. After the sweat lodge I lay on the ground and rested. I immediately began to feel a heartbeat reverberate throughout my body and mind; everything in me became one with it. Mother Earth gave me the gift of hearing and feeling her. It was so profound that I wept with joy. On another occasion I was on a personal retreat to Sedona, having been told I needed to go there by my guides. I went off trail early one morning by myself to look for a sacred Indian ceremonial site that I had envisioned. I wanted to prove to myself that it was there. I found it and when I did, I was taken back to a time I knew I had been before; a time when I had taken part in sacred ceremonies. It was unbelievably moving to me. When I tried to leave I became trapped amid heavy thickets and thorny bramble bushes that acted like barriers and created a maze. I could see where I needed to go but could not get there! The temperature was rising quickly and I was almost out of water. I realized for the first time I could actually die. In a panic, I wept to Mother Earth and asked her to please help me. Instantly I felt her heartbeat in the ground underneath my feet; upon following these heartbeats, I was led back to the trailhead. Mother Earth had saved my life! So yes, she is real, she is our Mother, and we are all connected to her. We must ground to her through being in nature as much as possible to balance the lower chakras and ground our energies. This is imperative to our health. It is critical to anyone working with energy. Please get outside, place your feet on the ground, and give gratitude to Mother Earth! You will feel better, sleep better, and feel more grounded. Remember, we are electrically magnetic and thus connected to Mother Earth in profound ways and through an unseen energy matrix - we are all connected! ♥
Blessings in Love, Gratitude, and Compassion Rhonda Manning www.PsychicMediumRhonda.com Rhonda@PsychicMediumRhonda.com
Mehta's Medicine Corner Borage Oil for Depression & OCD Mehta is my primary guide. She is a Native American medicine woman who scans people's bodies during readings to understand what may be off balance. She then contributes her herbal knowledge as part of the remedy. I had a reading client who came to see me and was told she had depression with anxiety as well as OCD (obsessive-compulsive) tendencies. I was not performing counseling; this information came directly from Mehta for the client. Mehta instructed her to take Borage Oil. In all my years of being a psychotherapist, I had not heard this; it was something new to me. Later in my research on Borage Oil I confirmed her recommendation and found it to be accurate. As always, information given in Mehta’s Corner is for entertainment purposes only. I cannot prescribe or diagnose and any suggestions require a follow up with a trained physician. Blessings.
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Support to a Few of Our Local Memphis Healers The Circle Please note that we have a wonderful metaphysical store that sells many things such as spiritual art and jewelry as well as sage and stones. They have other services listed as well. Norma De Jesus is a gifted healer who I highly respect. She has brought in some sacred white sage - very hard to find in Memphis! Sage is a must for everyone as it clears heavy energy. Below is the link. The Circle
Ervin Hypnosis Center The Ervin Hypnosis Center has wonderful speakers who come in periodically. Madra Little's moon meditation is not to be missed! If you work with stones, she is an avid collector and I would highly encourage you to visit. Below is the link. Ervin Hypnosis Center
♥ Much gratitude for your support and for reading my newsletters! If you have been forwarded this copy of my newsletter, please take the time to sign up for yourself on my website. Newsletter patrons get first notice to register for events and workshops. Sign up here!
©2013 Rhonda Manning | P.O. Box 382976 | Germantown, TN | 38138 | www.psychicmediumrhonda.com
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