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company can earn cooperation credit. Exactly what would ... the DOJ from a company perspective and leave the ... angles.

The Yates Memo and D&O insurance Globally there is an increased focus on individuals being held responsible for what was historically seen as corporate wrongdoing. This bulletin examines the Yates Memo and the trend generally, and the possible impact on director and officer (D&O) insurance.

WHAT IS THE YATES MEMO? In September 2015, Deputy US Attorney General Sally Quillian Yates issued

following criticism that individuals were able to hide behind the corporate veil following the global financial crisis.

CRITICISM OF THE YATES MEMO There has been public criticism of the

a memorandum to all attorneys at

The crux of the Yates Memo is that in the

memo. In May 2016, the US Chamber of

the US Department of Justice (DOJ)

course of an investigation by providing

Commerce’s Institute for Legal Reform

entitled “individual accountability for

the DOJ with all the relevant facts about

published a report criticising the Memo’s

corporate wrongdoing”, known as the

individuals involved in the misconduct, the

“all or nothing approach” to cooperation

Yates Memo. The Memo encourages

company can earn cooperation credit.

credit and for seeking to “leverage a

federal prosecutors to hold individuals

Exactly what would satisfy the test of all the

corporate entity’s knowledge and access

personally liable for what may have

relevant facts is not clear. It is anticipated

to information to bring cases against their

been historically viewed as corporate

that by cooperating with the DOJ the

own employees.”

misconduct. The Memo starts with

company could resolve the matter with

the assumption that “one of the most

the DOJ from a company perspective and

effective ways to combat corporate

leave the individuals to be pursued.

misconduct is by seeking accountability from the individuals who perpetrated the wrongdoing”. It has no doubt come

The report warned that employees may find their own interests to be at odds with their company’s interests, which could result in employees seeking separate legal representation, increasing the cost,



JLT Specialty Limited provides insurance broking, risk management and claims consulting services to large and international companies. Our success comes from focusing on sectors where we know we can make the greatest difference – using insight, intelligence and imagination

complexity and length of investigations.

Companies and their D&O’s should also be

Further concerns raised are the operation

focused on the scope of the cover they have

of data protection legislation restricting

under their D&O policies for investigations

the transfer of employees’ data and

and pre-investigations to ensure the policies

uncertainty in relation to legal privilege,

respond at the earliest possible opportunity

and how it will interact with self-reporting

to legal costs being incurred.

regimes. All issues for thought.

Perhaps most important however, is the conflicts that could emerge between

partner teams to work side-by-


side with you, our network and the

The Yates Memo however is only one

policy directly without the company’s

marketto deliver responses which

part of the developing global trend of

involvement and notice provisions will

are carefully considered from all

individuals being held accountable for

need to allow for this. One could also see


corporate wrongdoing. In the UK this

a scenario where the company makes an

year, we have seen the introduction of

admission and the policy wording should

both the Senior Managers Regime (SMR)

ensure that such admission is not also

in the financial sector, and the Senior

able to be attributed to an individual.

to provide expert advice and robust -often unique - solutions. We build

Our London based Financial Lines Group consists of over 120 financial lines specialists. The team has a strong technical focus with an integrated client servicing, broking and claims service.

Insurance Managers Regime (SIMR) in the insurance sector. The FCA has made no secret of the fact that individuals need to be held accountable and these regimes are tools by which they will do this. We have previously released notes on each of these regimes.

CONTACTS Carey Lynn Partner +44 20 7558 3521 [email protected] Kurt Rothmann Partner +44 20 7528 4961 [email protected]

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR D&O INSURANCE? In terms of D&O insurance, this likely means that there will be more individuals being targeted and in turn an increase in individuals seeking cover for legal costs as a result of investigations against them. Companies and their D&O’s will need to check their policy limits are sufficient to cover the worst case scenario of multiple individuals

the company and the individuals being prosecuted. This will likely result in individuals seeking to access the

Further, such conflicts are likely to impact the company’s ability to indemnify pursuant to a contractual indemnity, articles of association or otherwise, and further the DOJ will no doubt take a dim view of companies providing indemnity while at the same time seeking to put them forward as individuals responsible for misconduct. If there is no company indemnity available then the D&O policy will be the only protection available to the individuals. The structure of a company’s D&O programme in terms of the limit available for loss and costs which is not indemnified by the company itself (i.e. Side A) will be increasingly relevant, including the purchase of Side A difference in conditions cover which is solely there to protect individuals.

being implicated in global investigations, JLT Specialty Limited The St Botolph Building 138 Houndsditch London EC3A 7AW

increasingly by multiple regulators as we see greater global cooperation between regulators across jurisdictions.


Lloyd’s Broker. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. A member of the Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group. Registered Office: The St Botolph Building, 138 Houndsditch, London EC3A 7AW. Registered in England No. 01536540. VAT No. 244 2321 96. © August 2016 272560

This publication is for the benefit of clients and prospective clients of JLT Specialty Limited. It is not legal advice and is intended only to highlight general issues relating to its subject matter but does not necessarily deal with every aspect of the topic. If you intend to take any action or make any decision on the basis of the content of this bulletin, you should first seek specific professional advice.