Robust Control of Immune Systems Under Noises

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series researches about dynamic optimization method which find a control law for immune system such that a .... Pxr .t/ D Arxr .t/ C r.t/. (27.4) where xr .t/ 2 R n1.
Chapter 27

Robust Control of Immune Systems Under Noises: Stochastic Game Approach Bor-Sen Chen, Chia-Hung Chang, and Yung-Jen Chuang

Abstract A robust control of immune response is proposed for therapeutic enhancement to match a prescribed immune response under uncertain initial states and environmental noises, including continuous intrusion of exogenous pathogens. The worst-case effect of all possible noises and uncertain initial states on the matching for a desired immune response is minimized for the enhanced immune system, i.e., a robust control is designed to track a prescribed immune model response from the stochastic minimax matching perspective. This minimax matching problem could herein be transformed to an equivalent stochastic game problem. The exogenous pathogens and environmental noises (external noises) and stochastic uncertain internal noises are considered as a player to maximize (worsen) the matching error when the therapeutic control agents are considered as another player to minimize the matching error. Since the innate immune system is highly nonlinear, it is not easy to solve the robust control problem by the nonlinear stochastic game method directly. A fuzzy model is proposed to interpolate several linearized immune systems at different operating points to approximate the innate immune system via smooth fuzzy membership functions. With the help of fuzzy approximation method, the stochastic minimax matching control problem of immune systems could be easily solved by the proposed fuzzy stochastic game method via the linear matrix inequality (LMI)

B.-S. Chenc (B) Department of Electrical Engineering,National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan e-mail: [email protected] C.-H. Chang Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan e-mail: [email protected] Y.-J. Chuang Institute of Bioinformatics and Structural Biology, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan e-mail: [email protected]

H. Horng-Shing Lu et al. (eds.), Handbook of Statistical Bioinformatics, Springer Handbooks of Computational Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-16345-6 27, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 



B.-S. Chen et al.

technique with the help of Robust Control Toolbox in Matlab. Finally, in silico examples are given to illustrate the design procedure and to confirm the efficiency and efficacy of the proposed method.

27.1 Introduction A dynamic response of the immune system, which includes innate immune system and adaptive immune system, is induced by infectious microbes or noises. The innate immune system provides a tactical response, signaling the presence of ‘nonself’ organisms and activating B cells to produce antibodies to bind to the intruders’ epitopic sites. The antibodies identify targets for scavenging cells that engulf and consume the microbes, reducing them to non-functioning units [42]. The antibodies can also stimulate the production of cytokines, complement factors and acute-phase response proteins that either damage an intruder’s plasma membrane directly or trigger the second phase of immune response. The innate immune system protects against many extracellular bacteria or free viruses found in blood plasma, lymph, tissue fluid, or interstitial space between cells, but it cannot clean out microbes that burrow into cells, such as viruses, intracellular bacteria, and protozoa [17, 23, 42]. The innate immune system is a complex system and the obscure relationships between the immune system and the environment in which several modulatory stimuli are embedded (e.g., antigens, molecules of various origin, physical stimuli, stress stimuli).This environment is noisy because of the great amount of such signals. The immune noise has therefore at least two components: (a) the internal noise, due to the exchange of a network of molecular and cellular signals belonging to the immune system during an immune response or in the homeostasis of the immune system. The concept of the internal noise might be viewed in biological terms as a status of sub-inflammation required by the immune response to occur; (b) the external noise, the set of external signals that target the immune system (and hence that add noise to the internal one) during the whole life of an organism. Activated by the innate immune response, the adaptive immune system could provide strategic response to invading microbe and yield protective cells. These protective cells could remember specific antigens and produce antibodies to counter the antigens, and seek for epitopes of antigens on the surfaces of infected cells. It is found that adaptive immune mechanisms depend on the actions of B- and T-lymphocytes that become dedicated to a single antibody type through clonal selection. Meanwhile, killer T-cells (or cytotoxic T-lymphocytes) bind to infected cells and kill them by initiating programmed cell death (apoptosis). In addition, helper T-cells assist naive B-cells in maturing into plasma cells that produce the needed antibody type. Finally, immune cells with narrowly focused memory are generated, ready to respond rapidly if invading microbes with the same antigen epitopes are encountered again. Elements of the innate and adaptive immune systems are shared, and response mechanisms are coupled, even though distinctive modes of operation can be identified [17, 23, 42].


Robust Control of Immune Systems Under Noises: Stochastic Game Approach


Recently, there are many models of immune response to infection [3, 25, 30, 33] with special emphasis on the human-immunodeficiency virus [26, 28, 29, 39]. Some papers have discussed immune defense models with moving target strategy [1]. Norbert Wiener [48] and Richard Bellman [7] appreciated and anticipated the application of mathematical analysis to treatment in a broad sense, and Swan surveys early optimal control applications to biomedical problems [43]. Notably, Kirschner [19] offers an optimal control approach to HIV treatment, and intuitive control approaches are presented [8, 15, 47, 49, 50]. The dynamics of drug response (pharmacokinetics) have been modeled in several works [32, 45] and control theory is applied to drug delivery in other studies [6, 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 27, 31, 34]. Recently, Stengel [42] presented a simple model for the response of the innate immune system to infection and therapeutic intervention by applying the quadratic optimal control design which finds a control agent such that the immune response is stable and the quadratic performance index (cost function) is minimized. Their results show not only the progression from an initially life-threatening state to a controlled or cured condition but also the optimal history of therapeutic agents that produces that condition. In their study, the performance index (cost function) of quadratic optimal control for immune systems may be decayed by the continuous exogenous pathogens input, which is considered as noises of the immune system. Furthermore, some overshoots may occur in the optimal control process and may lead to organ failure because the quadratic optimal control only minimizes a quadratic performance index (cost function) that is only the integration of squares of states and allows the existence of overshoot [51]. A series researches about dynamic optimization method which find a control law for immune system such that a certain optimality criterion is achieved is proposed to design the optimal schedule for host defense, immune memory and post-infection pathogen levels in mammals [35–38]. Recently, a minimax robust tracking control for immune to match the desired immune response systems under environmental disturbances has been studied [11]. In this study, a robust control of immune response is proposed for therapeutic enhancement to match a desired immune response under uncertain exogenous pathogens input, noises and uncertain initial states. Because of the uncertainties of these factors mentioned above, in order to attenuate their detrimental effects, their worst-case effects should be considered in the matching control procedure from the robust design perspective. The worst-case effect of all possible uncertain factors on the matching error to a desired immune response is minimized for the enhanced immune systems, i.e., the proposed robust control is designed from the stochastic minimax matching perspective. This minimax matching could be transformed to an equivalent dynamic game problem [5]. The exogenous pathogen input is considered as a player to maximize (worsen) the matching error, while the therapeutic control agent is considered as another player to minimize the matching error. Since the innate immune system is highly nonlinear, it is not easy to solve the robust control problem by the nonlinear stochastic game method directly. Recently, fuzzy systems have been employed to efficiently approximate nonlinear dynamic systems to solve the nonlinear control problem [12, 13, 21, 22]. A fuzzy model is proposed


B.-S. Chen et al.

Fig. 27.1 Scheme of the robust control design for innate immune systems

T-S fuzzy model approximates nonlinear immune system

Obtain several linearized immune systems

Derive the minimax matching control agents for fuzzy stochastic game problem

Solve the constrained optimization problem via LMI technique

to interpolate several linearized immune systems at different operating points to approximate the innate immune system via smooth fuzzy membership functions. Then, with the help of fuzzy approximation method, a fuzzy dynamic game scheme is developed so that the stochastic minimax matching control of immune systems could be easily solved by the linear stochastic game method, which can be subsequently solved by a constrained optimization scheme via the linear matrix inequality (LMI) technique [9] with the help of Robust Control Toolbox in Matlab. Because the fuzzy dynamic model can approximate any nonlinear dynamic system, the proposed model matching method via fuzzy game theory can be applied to the robust control design of any model of immune system that can be Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy interpolated. Finally, the computational simulation examples are given to illustrate the design procedure and to confirm the efficiency and efficacy of the proposed minimax match control method for immune systems. The design scheme is shown in Fig. 27.1.

27.2 Model of Innate Immune System For the principal goals to study the general course of a disease and to clarify some observational results, a simple four-nonlinear, ordinary differential equation for the dynamic model of infectious disease is introduced as the following equations to describe rates of change of pathogen, immune cell and antibody concentrations and of an indicator of organic health [3, 41]. A more general dynamic model will be given next in sequel. xP 1 D .a11  a12 x3 /x1 C b1 u1 C d1 w1 xP 2 D a21 .x4 /a22 x1 x3  a23 .x2  x2 / C b2 u2 C d2 w2 xP 3 D a31 x2  .a32 C a33 x1 /x3 C b3 u3 C d3 w3 xP 4 D a41 x1  a42 x4 C b4 u4 C d4 w4  cos. x4 /; 0  x4  1=2 a21 .x4 / D 0; 1=2  x4



Robust Control of Immune Systems Under Noises: Stochastic Game Approach


where x1 denotes the concentration of a pathogen that expresses a specific foreign antigen; x2 denotes the concentration of immune cells that are specific to the foreign antigen; x3 denotes the concentration of antibodies that bind to the foreign antigen; x4 denotes the characteristic of a damaged organ [x4 =0:healthy, x4 1:dead]. The combined therapeutic control agents and the exogenous inputs are described as follows: u1 denotes the pathogen killer’s agent; u2 denotes the immune cell enhancer; u3 denotes the antibody enhancer; u4 denotes the organ healing factor (or health enhancer); and w1 denotes the rate of continuing introduction of exogenous pathogens (external noises). w2  w4 denote the stochastic noises or unmodeled errors and residues (internal noises). a21 .x4 / is a nonlinear function that describes the mediation of immune cell generation by the damaged cell organ. And if there is no antigen, then the immune cell maintains the steady equilibrium value of x2 . The parameters have been chosen to produce a system that recovers naturally from the pathogen infections (without treatment) as a function of initial conditions during a period of times. For the benchmark example in (27.1), both parameters and time units are abstractions, as no specific disease is addressed. The state and control are always positive because concentrations cannot go below zero, and organ death is indicated when x4  1. The structural relationship of system variables in (27.1) is illustrated in Fig. 27.2. Organ health mediates immune cell production, inferring a relationship between immune response and fitness of the individual. Antibodies bind to the attacking antigens, thereby killing pathogenic microbes directly, activating complement proteins, or triggering an attack by phagocytic cells, e.g., macrophages

Environmental disturbance w3

Antibody Enhancer u3

Antibodies x3

Pathogen Killer’s Agent u1 Immune Cell Enhancer u2 Exogenous pathogens w1

Immune Cells x2

Pathogens x1

Environmental disturbance w4

Environmental disturbance w2 Organ x4 Organ Health Enhancer u4

Fig. 27.2 Innate and enhanced immune response to a pathogenic attack under exogenous pathogens and environmental noises

B.-S. Chen et al. sub−clinical

4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

x1 Pathogens x2 Immune cells x3 Antibodies x4 Organ












Time unit chronic









4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1


















Time unit lethal





4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0




4 3 2 1 0



Time unit






Time unit

Fig. 27.3 Native immune responses to pathogens which are under sub-clinical, clinical, chronic, and lethal conditions [41]

and neutrophils. Each element of the state is subject to independent control, and new microbes may continue to enter the system. Several typical uncontrolled responses to increasing levels of initial pathogen concentration under sub-clinical, clinical, chronic, and lethal conditions are shown in Fig. 27.3 [41]. In general, the sub-clinical response would not require medical examination, while the clinical case warrants medical consultation but is selfhealing without intervention. Pathogen concentration stabilizes at non-zero values in the chronic case, which is characterized by permanently degraded organ health, and it diverges in the lethal case and expire the organ. The ‘lethal’ simulation of Fig. 27.3 is allowed to continue to past the point at which x4 exceeds one [42]. Finally, a more general disease dynamic model could be represented as x.t/ P D f .x.t// C Bu.t/ C Dw.t/;

x.0/ D x0


where x.t/ 2 Rn1 is the state vector, u.t/ 2 Rm1 is the control agents input; w.t/ 2 Rn1 includes exogenous pathogens and environmental noises or uncertainty vector. f .x.t// denotes all possible nonlinear interactions in the immune system. B denotes the matrix of control agents input coefficients (i.e., B D diag.Œ b1 b2 b3 b4 //. D denotes the matrix of the internal or external noises coefficients (i.e., D D diag.Œ d1 d2 d3 d4 //.


Robust Control of Immune Systems Under Noises: Stochastic Game Approach


27.3 Robust Therapeutic Control of Immune Response The optimal control is to specify u.t/ such that the following cost function is minimized within the time interval [0, tf ]. tf is the final time. [41]. J D

  Z tf 1 E x T .tf /P / C Œx T .t/Qx.t/ C uT .t/Ru.t/dt 2 0


where P , Q and R are weighting matrices to be specified by designer. EŒY  denotes the expectation of Y . Because the average quadratic control is only to minimize J in (27.3), i.e., the average integration of x T .t/Qx.t/ C uT .t/Ru.t/ to be minimized, a control leading to large overshoot of x.t/ but with small integration of x T .t/Qx.t/ may be specified in the quadratic optimal control design [51]. This therapeutic control will lead to organ failure because x4 .t/  1. Furthermore, the cost function does not include exogenous pathogens and environmental noises w.t/, which may degrade the performance of the stochastic quadratic optimal control. Therefore, it is more appealing to prescribe a desired time response of the disease dynamic in (27.2) beforehand. Next, we design therapeutic control agents u.t/ to optimally track the desired time response and at the same time the influence of exogenous pathogens and environmental noises w.t/ on the tracking should be eliminated as much as possible. Consider a reference model of immune system with a desired time response prescribed as follows (27.4) xP r .t/ D Ar xr .t/ C r.t/ where xr .t/ 2 Rn1 is the reference state vector; Ar 2 Rnn is a specific asymptotically stable matrix and r.t/ is a desired reference signal. It is assumed that xr .t/, 8t > 0 represents a desired immune response for Eq. 27.2 to follow, i.e., the therapeutic control is to specify u.t/ such that the tracking error x.t/ Q D x.t/  xr .t/ must be as small as possible under the influence of uncertain exogenous pathogens and environmental noises w.t/. Since the exogenous pathogens and environmental noises w.t/ and the initial state x.0/ are uncertain and reference signal r.t/ could be arbitrarily assigned, the robust control design should be specified so that the worstcase effect of three uncertainties w.t/, x.0/ and r.t/ on the tracking error could be minimized and set below a prescribed value 2 , i.e., both the stochastic minimax matching and robustness against uncertainties w.t/, x.0/ and r.t/ should be achieved simultaneously [5, 9].

min max

u.t / w.t /;r.t /




tf 0


tf 0

.xQ T .t/Qx.t/ Q C uT .t/Ru.t//dt

.wT .t/w.t/


r T .t/r.t//dt



xQ T .0/x.0/ Q

i  2

where the weighting matrices Q and R are assumed diagonal as follows Q D diag.Œ q11 q22 q33 q44 /;

  R D diag. r11 r22 r33 r44 /:



B.-S. Chen et al.

The diagonal element qi i of Q denotes the punishment on the corresponding tracking error and the diagonal element ri i of R denotes the relative therapeutic cost. Since the worst-case effect of w.t/, r.t/ and uncertain initial state x.0/ on tracking error x.t/ Q and control u.t/ is minimized from the energy point of view, the minimax problem of Eq. 27.5 is suitable for the stochastic minimax matching problem under unknown initial x.0/, uncertain environmental noises w.t/ and changeable reference r.t/, which are always met in practical design cases. Because it is not easy to solve the Nash stochastic game problem in (27.5) subject to (27.2) and (27.4) directly, we provide an upper bound 2 of the minimax problem. Remark 27.1. Actually, the design idea is the same as the model adaptive control (MRAC) [4]. The desired time response in (27.4) is the model reference in Astrom and Wittenmark. The difficulty of the model reference control design of immune system is that all the immune systems are nonlinear and external disturbances are uncertain. Therefore, the minimax game theory in (27.5) and fuzzy interpolation method are employed to simplify the design procedure of the nonlinear MRAC design problem of immune systems in the next approach. We will first solve the above sub-minimax problem and then decrease the upper bound 2 as small as possible to get the real minimax problem. Since the denominator in (27.5) is independent of u.t/ and is not zero, Eq. 27.5 is equivalent to [5, 9] Z min max E u.t / w.t /;r.t /


.xQ .t /Qx.t Q / C u .t /Ru.t /   w .t /w.t /   r .t /r.t //dt    2 E xQ T .0/x.0/ Q (27.6) T




2 T


Let us denote Z


.xQ T .t/Qx.t/ Q C uT .t/Ru.t/  2 wT .t/w.t/  2 r T .t/r.t//dt

min max J.u.t/; w.t/; r.t// D min max E u.t / w.t /;r.t /

u.t / w.t /;r.t /


From the above analysis, the dynamic game problem in (27.5) or (27.6) is equivalent to finding the worst-case disturbance w .t/and reference signal r  .t/ which maximize J.u.t/; w.t/; r.t// and then a minimax control u .t/ which minimizes J.u.t/; w .t/; r  .t// such that the minimax value J.u .t/; w .t/; r  .t// is less than 2 x.0/ Q T x.0/, Q i.e., J.u .t/; w .t/; r  .t// D min J.u.t/; w .t/; r  .t// u.t /

h i D min max J.u.t/; w.t/; r.t//  2 E xQ T .0/x.0/ Q u.t / w.t /;r.t /



Robust Control of Immune Systems Under Noises: Stochastic Game Approach


Hence, if there exist u .t/, w .t/, and r  .t/ such that stochastic minimax matching problem in (27.7) is solved, then they can satisfy the robust performance in (27.5) as well. Therefore, the first step of robust matching control design of therapeutic agents for immune systems is to solve the following stochastic game problem. min max J.u.t/; w.t/; r.t// u.t / w.t /;r.t /


subject to the disease dynamic model in (27.2) and the desired reference model in (27.4). After that, the next step is to check whether the condition J.u .t/; w .t/; r  .t//  2 xQ T .0/x.0/ Q is satisfied or not for any x.0/. Q In general, it is not easy to solve the stochastic minimax matching problem directly; it should be transformed to minimax regulation problem.  an equivalent    x.t/ f .x.t// , x.t/ N D 2 R2n1 , u.t/ 2 Rm1 and Let us denote F .x.t// N D xr .t/ Ar xr .t/   w.t/ v.t/ D 2 R2n1 . Then we can rewrite the stochastic minimax matching r.t/ problem as min max J.u.t/; v.t// u.t / v.t / Z tf  D min max E .xN T .t/Qx.t/ N C uT .t/Ru.t/  2 vT .t/v.t//dt u.t / v.t /


(27.9) subject to the following augmented system of (27.2) and (27.4) PN x.t/ D F .x.t// N C Bu.t/ C C v.t/


       Q Q B D0 I I where Q D ;BD ; C D ;ID in which I Q Q 0 0 I I I denotes the 4-by-4 identity matrix. Then the stochastic minimax matching problem in (27.8) is equivalent to the following minimax regulation problem of the augmented system in (27.10). min max J.u.t/; v.t// u.t / v.t / Z tf  .xN T .t/Qx.t/ N C uT .t/Ru.t/  2 vT .t/v.t//dt D min max E u.t / v.t / 0 h i 2 T   E xN .0/Ix.0/ N (27.11) subject to (27.10). Theorem 27.1. The dynamic game problem for robust matching control of immune response in (27.11) could be solved by the following stochastic minimax matching control u .t/ and the worst-case disturbance v .t/


B.-S. Chen et al.

@V .x.t// N 1 u .t/ D  R1 BT 2 @x.t/ N v .t/ D


N 1 T @V .x.t// C 2 2 @x.t/ N


where V .x.t// N > 0 is the positive solution of the following Hamilton-Jacobi inequality (HJI) 

@V .x.t// N @x.t/ N 1 C 2 4


1 F .x.t// N C xN .t/Qx.t/ N  4

@V .x.t// N @x.t/ N





@V .x.t// N @x.t/ N



@V .x.t// N @x.t/ N

@V .x.t// N 0



subject to (27.14) and (27.15). After solving a V .x.t// N and 02 from the constrained optimization in (27.16), we substitute this solution V .x.t// N to obtain the stochastic minimax matching control u .t/ in (27.12).

27.4 Robust Control of Innate Immune System via Fuzzy Interpolation Method Because it is very difficult to solve the nonlinear HJI in (27.14), no simple approach is available to solve the constrained optimization problem in (27.16) for robust control of innate immune system. Recently [12, 13, 44], the fuzzy T-S model has been widely applied to approximate the nonlinear system via interpolating several linearized systems at different operating points so that the nonlinear dynamic game problem could be transformed to a fuzzy dynamic game problem. Using such approach, the HJI in (27.14) can be replaced by a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMI). In this situation, the nonlinear dynamic game problem in (27.5) could be easily solved by fuzzy dynamic game method for the design of robust control for innate immune response systems.


Robust Control of Immune Systems Under Noises: Stochastic Game Approach


Suppose the augmented system in (27.10) can be represented by the TakagiSugeno (T-S) fuzzy model [44]. The T-S fuzzy model is a piecewise interpolation of several linearized models through membership functions. The fuzzy model is described by fuzzy If-Then rules and will be employed to deal with the nonlinear dynamic game problem for robust control to achieve a desired immune response under exogenous pathogens input and environmental noises. The i -th rule of fuzzy model for nonlinear system in (27.10) is of the following form [12, 13]. Rule i: If x1 .t/ is Fi1 and : : : and xg .t/ is Fig , then PN x.t/ D Ai x.t/ N C Bu.t/ C C v.t/;

i D 1; 2; 3;    ; L


     B D0 Ai 0 ,BD ; C D , and Fij is the fuzzy set; Ai , 0 0 I 0 Ar B, and C are known constant matrices; L is the number of If-Then rules, g is the number of premise variables and x1 .t/; x2 .t/; : : : ; xg .t/ are the premise variables. The fuzzy system is inferred as follows [12, 13, 44]. 

in which Ai D

PN x.t/ D D


i D1


i .x.t//ŒAi x.t/ N C Bu.t/ C C v.t/ PL i D1 i .x.t//

hi .x.t//ŒAi x.t/ N C Bu.t/ C C v.t/


i D1

where i .x.t// D

g Q j D1

Fij .xj .t//;hi .x.t// D

 .x.t // ; PL i i D1 i .x.t //

x.t/ D Œx1 .t/;

x2 .t/; : : : ; xg .t/, and Fij .xj .t// is the grade of membership of xj .t/ in Fij . We assume L X i .x.t// > 0 (27.19) i .x.t//  0 and i D1

Therefore, we get hi .x.t//  0 and


hi .x.t// D 1


i D1

The T-S fuzzy model in (27.18) is to interpolate L linear systems to approximate the nonlinear system in (27.10) via the fuzzy basis function hi .x.t//. We specify the L P hi .x.t//Ai x.t/ N in (27.18) can approximate F .x.t// N parameter Ai easily so that i D1

in (27.10) by the fuzzy identification method [44]. After the nonlinear system in (27.10) is approximated as the T-S fuzzy system in (27.18), the nonlinear stochastic game problem in (27.10) and (27.11) is replaced by solving the fuzzy dynamic game problem in (27.18) and (27.11).


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Theorem 27.2. The minimax control and the worst-case disturbance for the fuzzy stochastic game problem in (27.11) subject to (27.18) are solved respectively as follows. 1 N and v .t/ D 2 C T P x.t/ N (27.21) u .t/ D R1 BT P x.t/  where P is the positive definite symmetric matrix solution of the following Riccatilike inequality P Ai C ATi P C Q  P T BR1 BT P C P  2 I

1 PT CCT P 2


i D 1; : : : ; L (27.22)

Proof. see Appendix B. By fuzzy approximation, obviously, the HJI in (27.14) can be approximated by a set of algebraic inequalities in (27.22). Since 2 is the upper bound of minimax Nash stochastic game problem in (27.5), the minimax stochastic game problem still needs to minimize 2 as follows 02 D min 2


P >0

subject to (27.22). In order to solve the above constrained optimization in (27.23) by the conventional LMI method, we let W D P 1 > 0. Then the equation (27.22) can be equivalent to Ai W C W ATi C W QW  BR1 BT C

1 C C T  0; i D 1; : : : ; L 2

 Q Q or Ai W C W CW W  BR1 BT C 12 C C T  0; i D 1; : : : ; L Q Q  1=2   1=2  Q or Ai W C W ATi C W Q1=2 W  BR1 BT C 12 C C T  0 1=2 I Q Q By the Schur complements [9], the constrained optimization in (27.22) and (27.23) is equivalent to the following LMI-constrained optimization: ATi

02 D min 2


W >0

subject to 2

T 1 T 4 Ai W C W Ai  BR B C   1=2 Q1=2 W Q 2 W  I

1 CCT 2


3 Q1=2 Q1=2 5  0; I

i D 1; : : : ; L



Robust Control of Immune Systems Under Noises: Stochastic Game Approach


Remark 27.2. 1. By applying fuzzy interpolation method, the nonlinear system can be approximated to several linearized systems via fuzzy basis function hi .x.t// L P hi .x.t//Ai x.t/. N Then, in (27.18) and specify the constant parameter Ai , i.e., i D1

the HJI in (27.14) of nonlinear stochastic game problem is replaced by a set of inequalities in (27.22), which can be easily solved by LMI-constrained optimization in (27.25). 2. The constrained optimization to solve 0 and W D P 1 in (27.24) and (27.25) can be easily solved by decreasing 2 until there exists no W > 0 solution in (27.25). After solving W and then P D W 1 from the constrained optimization problem in (27.24) and (27.25), the minimax control can be obtained from (27.21). 3. The solution W > 0 in LMI-constrained optimization (27.25) can be solved by Robust Control Toolbox in Matlab efficiently. 4. If the conventional stochastic quadratic optimal control in (27.3) is considered [42], i.e., the effect of noises is not considered in the design procedure, the optimal tracking control problem is equivalent to letting 2 D 1 in (27.5) [51]. Then the optimal control design u .t/ D R1 BP x.t/ N can be solved by a common positive definite symmetric matrix P from the equation (27.22) with 2 D 1, i.e., solving a common positive definite symmetric matrix P > 0 from the following constrained inequalities P Ai C ATi P C Q  P T BR1 BT P  0; i D 1    L [9]. In order to solve the optimal tracking control by LMI technique, the stochastic optimal tracking control is equivalent to solving a common W D P 1 from the following constrained inequalities



   Q1=2 I Q1=2 Q1=2 W BR1 BT  0; Q1=2

i D 1; : : : ; L (27.26)

or equivalently, 2




 BR B W 4 Ai W C W   1=2 Q1=2 W Q

3 Q1=2 Q1=2 5  0; I

i D 1; : : : ; L


which is equivalent to (27.25) with 2 D 1. According to the analysis above, the robust control of innate immune system via fuzzy interpolation method is summarized as follows. Design Procedure: 1. Give a desired reference model in (27.4) of immune system. 2. Select membership functions and construct fuzzy plant rules in (27.17). 3. Give weighting matrices Q and R in (27.5).


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4. Solve the LMI-constrained optimization in (27.25) to obtain W (thus P D W 1 can also be obtained) and 02 . 5. Construct the controller under the worst-case noises in (27.21).

27.5 Computational Simulation We consider the innate immune system in (27.1) and in Fig. 27.2. The values of the parameters are in the Table 27.1. The immune noises w1  w4 are assumed white Gaussian noises. One is the external noises which are under infectious situation; the microbes infect the organ not only by an initial concentration at the beginning but also by the continuous pathogens input. For the convenience of computer simulation, suppose the continuous pathogens input to the immune system is viewed as an environmental disturbance w1 . The other is internal noises w2  w4 are assumed zero mean white noises with standard deviations all equal to 2. The dynamic model of innate immune system under exogenous pathogens input and environmental noises are controlled by a combined therapeutic control shown in (27.1) [41] with the set of the initial condition x.0/ D Œx1 .0/x2 .0/x3 .0/x4 .0/T D Œ33:110:98T . In this example, therapeutic controls u1  u4 are combined to enhance the immune system. Our reference model design objective is that system matrix Ar and r.t/ should be specified beforehand so that its transient responses and steady state of reference system for innate immune response system are desired. If the real parts of eigenvalues of Ar are more negative (i.e., more robust stable), the tracking system will be more robust to environmental noises. After some numerical simulations for clinical treatment, the desired reference signals are obtained by the following

Table 27.1 Model parameters of dynamic innate immune system [24, 42] Parameter Value Description a11 a12 a22 a23 x2 a31 a32 a33 a41 a42 b1 b2 b3 b4 d1  d4

1 1 3 1 2 1 1.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 3

Pathogens reproduction rate coefficient The suppression by pathogens coefficient Immune reactivity coefficient The mean immune cell production rate coefficient The steady-state concentration of immune cells Antibodies production rate coefficient The antibody mortality coefficient The rate of antibodies suppress pathogens The organ damage depends on the pathogens damage possibilities coefficient Organ recovery rate Pathogen killer’s agent coefficient Immune cell enhancer coefficient Antibody enhancer coefficient Organ health enhancer coefficient Noises coefficient


Robust Control of Immune Systems Under Noises: Stochastic Game Approach


Time Responses of Reference Model 3.5 xr1 Pathogens xr2 Immune cells


xr3 Antibodies xr4 Organ







0 0




Time unit Fig. 27.4 The desired reference model with four desired states in (27.28): pathogens (xr1 , blue, dashed square line), immune cells (xr2 , green, dashed triangle line), antibodies (xr3 , red, dashed diamond line) and organ (xr4 , magenta, dashed circle line)

reference model (see Fig. 27.4). xP r .t/ D Ar  xr .t/ C Br  ustep .t/


   T where Ar D d i ag. 12 2:3 10 3 / Br D 0 4:6 13:3333 0 and ustep .t/ is the unit step function. From the investigation of the uncontrolled innate immune response (lethal case) in Fig. 27.5, the pathogen concentration is increasing rapidly and causes organ failure. We try to administrate a treatment after a period of pathogens infection to enhance the immune system. The cutting line (black solid line) in Fig. 27.5 is a proper time to take drugs. Suppose the set of the initial condition of the desired  T reference model is about xr .0/ D 2:9 3:2 1:1 0:9 . The time response of the desired reference model in (27.28) is shown in Fig.27.4. To minimize the design effort and complexity for this nonlinear innate immune system in (27.1), we employ the T-S fuzzy model to construct fuzzy rules to approximate the nonlinear innate immune system with the innate immune system’s state variables as premise variables in the following.


B.-S. Chen et al.

The lethal case 5 x1 Pathogens


x2 Immune cells x3 Antibodies

Take drugs


x4 Organ


3.5 3 2.5 2 Organ failure

Organ healthy threshold

1.5 1 0.5

Organ survival

0 0











Time unit Fig. 27.5 The uncontrolled immune responses (lethal case) in (27.1) are shown to increase the level of pathogen concentration at the beginning of the time period. In this case, we try to administrate a treatment after a short period of pathogens infection. The cutting line (black solid line) is an optimal time point to give drugs. The organ will survive or fail based on the organ health threshold (horizontal dashed line) [x4 0. Then (27.9) is equivalent to the following minimax problem


B.-S. Chen et al.

 Z tf xN T .t/Qx.t/ min max J D min max E V .x.0// N  V .x.t N f // C N C uT .t/Ru.t/ u.t / v.t / u.t / v.t / 0   dV .x.t// N 2 T  v .t/v.t/ C dt (A1) dt By the chain rule, we get dV .x.t// N D dt

@V .x.t// N @x.t/ N


d x.t/ N D dt

@V .x.t// N @x.t/ N

T  .F .x.t// N C Bu.t/ C C v.t// (A2)

Substituting (A2) into (A1), we get  Z min max J D min max E V .x.0// N  V .x.t N f // C u.t / v.t /

u.t / v.t /


.xN T .t/Qx.t/ N

T @V .x.t// N F .x.t// N C u .t/Ru.t/   v .t/v.t/ C @x.t/ N # T T   @V .x.t// N @V .x.t// N C Bu.t/ C C v.t//dt @x.t/ N @x.t/ N T

N  V .x.t N f // C min max J D min max E V .x.0// u.t / v.t /

2 T

" u.t / v.t /


Z 0


@V .x.t// N @x.t/ N

T F .x.t// N

 T N @V .x.t// N 1 @V .x.t// C x.t/ N Qx.t/ N  BR1 BT 4 @x.t/ N @x.t/ N T  1 @V .x.t// N @V .x.t// N C 2 CCT 4 @x.t/ N @x.t/ N T    N N 1 1 T @V .x.t// 1 1 T @V .x.t// T C u .t/ C R B R u.t/ C R B 2 @x.t/ N 2 @x.t/ N T  ! #  1 T @V .x.t// 1 T @V .x.t// N N C C dt v.t/   v.t/  2 @x.t/ N 2 @x.t/ N T

Therefore, the minimax solution is given as follows " T Z tf (  @V .x.t// N   J.u .t/; v .t// D E V .x.0// N  V .x.t N f // C F .x.t// N @x.t/ N 0  T N @V .x.t// N 1 @V .x.t// T C x.t/ N Qx.t/ N  BR1 BT 4 @x.t/ N @x.t/ N ) # T  1 N @V .x.t// N T @V .x.t// C 2 CC dt 4 @x.t/ N @x.t/ N


Robust Control of Immune Systems Under Noises: Stochastic Game Approach


with @V .x.t// N 1 u .t/ D  R1 BT 2 @x.t/ N @V .x.t// N 1 v .t/ D 2 C T 2 @x.t/ N if the equation (27.14) holds, then   N  E V .x.t N f // J.u .t/; v .t//  E ŒV .x.0// From the inequality in (27.11), this minimax solution should be less than N and then we get the inequality in (27.15). 2 xN T .0/Ix.0/, h i   min max J  E ŒV .x.0// N  E V .x.t N f //  E ŒV .x.0// N  2 E xN T .0/Ix.0/ N u.t / v.t /

Appendix B Proof of Theorem 2. Let us denote a Lyapunov energy function V .x.t// N D xN T .t/P x.t/ N > 0. Then (27.9) is equivalent to the following min max J u.t / v.t /

h D min max E xN T .0/P x.0/ N  xN T .tf /P x.t N f/ u.t / v.t /   Z tf  dV .x.t// N dt xN T .t/Qx.t/ N C uT .t/Ru.t/  2 vT .t/v.t/ C C dt 0 h D min max E xN T .0/P x.0/ N  xN T .tf /P x.t N f/ u.t / v.t /

 T T 2 T T P xN .t/Qx.t/ C N C u .t/Ru.t/   v .t/v.t/ C 2xN .t/P x.t/ N dt 0 h D min max E xN T .0/P x.0/ N  xN T .tf /P x.t N f/ Z


u.t / v.t /


xN T .t/Qx.t/ N C uT .t/Ru.t/  2 vT .t/v.t/ 0 ! ! # L X T T T hi .x.t//Ai x.t/ N C 2xN .t/P Bu.t/ C 2xN .t/P C v.t/ dt C 2xN .t/P



i D1


B.-S. Chen et al.


D min max E xN T .0/P x.0/ N  xN T .tf /P x.t N f/ u.t / v.t /




0 L X

xN T .t/Qx.t/ N C uT .t/Ru.t/  2 vT .t/v.t/

! #

hi .x.t// 2xN .t/P Ai x.t/ N C 2xN .t/P Bu.t/ C 2xN .t/PCv.t/ dt




i D1

 Z N  xN T .tf /P x.t N f/C D min max E xN T .0/P x.0/ u.t / v.t /

tf 0


xN T .t/Qx.t/ N

  1 hi .x.t//xN T .t/ P Ai C ATi P  P T BR1 BT P C 2 P T CCT P x.t/ N  i D1


N R u.t/ C R1 BT P x.t/ N C u.t/ C R1 BT P x.t/ T  ) #  1 T 1 T v.t/  C P x.t/ N N dt  v.t/  C P x.t/  



The minimax solution is given as follows  Z J.u .t/; v .t// D E xN T .0/P x.0/ N  xN T .tf /P x.t N f/C 





n xN T .t/Qx.t/ N


hi .x.t//xN T .t/ P Ai C ATi P  P T BR1 BT P

i D1

  1 T T N dt C 2 P C C P x.t/  N and v .t/ D 12 C T P x.t/. N with u .t/ D R1 BT P x.t/ In order to simplify the above equation, suppose the inequality in (27.22) holds, then N x(0) N min max J  E Œx.0/P u.t / v.t /

  From the inequality in (27.11), this minimax should be less than 2 E xN T .0/Ix.0/ N , and then h i N x(0) N  2 E xN T .0/Ix.0/ N ; i:e:; P  2 I min max J  E Œx.0/P u.t / v.t /

Since we assume 2 is the upper bound in (27.5), the minimax control becomes how to design u .t/ in (27.21) by solving the constrained optimization problem in (27.22) and (27.23).


Robust Control of Immune Systems Under Noises: Stochastic Game Approach


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